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04/10/2005, 6:50 PM
Be honest whats everyones gut feeling on the next week?

I think we will get into the playoff after 2 1-0 victories

Whether we qualify....that depends on who we get

04/10/2005, 6:56 PM
i think we will beat cyprus.

but if switzerland beat france we might only come away with a draw.

ive lost a lot of confidence with Ireland to be honest, there is none of the self belief or hunger that we had back in the late 80's or even in the last WC. (not that im critisising anyone)

04/10/2005, 6:57 PM
To be honest I am more worried about Cyprus than Switzerland. I feel we will struggle on Saturday and might etch out a 2-1 win. I also think we will beat the Swiss a little more comfortably 2-0.

04/10/2005, 7:00 PM
true about the swiss result but in your heart of hearts can you see the swiss beating the french....for me its not in a million years

the swiss are without key players and the french are missing henry and trezuguet but stil have makele thuram and zidane conpared to the team that faced them in paris.......I think it will be be a french win but yes we have to concentrate on cyprus first or we are well and truly f*cked

it will be gutting ----- unbearable if we dont beat cyprus but you would have to then say that we dont deserve to be there

04/10/2005, 7:01 PM
i have a lot of time for duff but he needs to stand up and be counted on saturday - he, robbie and shay are key....if they perform and are defense is solid - then we win .....simple

04/10/2005, 7:09 PM
ive lost a lot of confidence with Ireland to be honest, there is none of the self belief or hunger that we had back in the late 80's or even in the last WC. (not that im critisising anyone)

I agree. I'm clinging on to the belief as much as anyone, but I think my gut feeling has changed since the loss to France. I hadn't a doubt in my mind before then.

As it stands, I think we could make the playoffs and not qualify.
But last night, I had a horribly lucid dream about drawing with the Swiss at Lansdowne... :( :mad:

On the other hand, it feels like we've had such bad luck through the campaign, we're due something to go our way

04/10/2005, 7:20 PM
i have absolutly no confidence about saturday. considering how bad cyorus where at lansdowne, we really should have no problems, but after israel and french matches, i honestly think we will have big problems in this game.

how we do on saturday will (obviously) have a big bearing on wednesday. a win and suddenly we are 1 game from the playoffs, and a bit of atmosphere returns to lansdowne and ye never know.

to be honest though, after next wednesday i expect to looking for holidays away from germany next summer :(

04/10/2005, 8:12 PM
Well you asked for gut feeling - we won't do it. Won't stop me hoping and praying but the way this campaign has gone I see past anything else but:( disappointment.

04/10/2005, 8:15 PM
Looking at everyone else's post, I'm beginning to think I'm being naive but I can't see us not beating cyprus, were going to have great support there, barring the suspensions, everyone is fit. I think the whole media thing with Brian Kerr may actually consolidate the team. Once we've beaten cyprus, I think were going to be OK, we will do it.

Just in case I've hexed anything there.. I'd like to say we will probably lose both games really...

04/10/2005, 8:18 PM
We win the group.

We beat Cyprus 2-0 , the Swiss turn over the injury hit French 1-0 and then we beat the Swiss.

The Swiss really fancy their chances against France (I cant blame them). They didnt see anything in the game against us for them to be worried about and now Henry and Trezeguest are missing and ZZ is not 100% they are convinced they will be coming to Lansdowne only needing a draw.

04/10/2005, 8:22 PM
thats the worst thing for me, the choclate makers coming to dublin only needing a draw. They will just set the team up to score 1 or 2 and then defend for the rest of it. It will be incredibly hard for us to break them down :S

04/10/2005, 8:27 PM
I'd take a playoff place now, not hopeful about the Cyprus game at all.

pineapple stu
04/10/2005, 8:32 PM
We'll beat Cyprus. They're a very poor team, even for Cyprus. They're not the team who beat Spain or who drew with Russia (I think) in recent years.

However, the Swiss game is a different story. We're due a win against them, but the bottom line is we haven't beaten them in the last three games, and I don't see why this should be any different...

04/10/2005, 8:43 PM
I think the key to Cyprus is hoping that their players havent got a bet on ! They are notorious for backing themselves in international matches when they fancy their chances and the odds are right. Their UEFA cup sides are the same.

04/10/2005, 8:46 PM
Why are so many people worried about the Cyprus game?:confused:. They're walkovers, easy 3-0 win in my opinion;)

Conor H
04/10/2005, 8:50 PM
Why are so many people worried about the Cyprus game?:confused:. They're walkovers, easy 3-0 win in my opinion;)
Agreed.It's cyprus for God sakes.:rolleyes:

04/10/2005, 9:15 PM
im brickin it over these 2 games

normally before games I feel we can beat the best of teams. There just seems to be a feeling of doom and gloom about the whole thing!

Im hoping that the players feel that they havnt done themselves justice yet and put in big performances to answer all the critics.

I think this team more than others owe us a big performance or 2! and I dont mean draws or moral victories.

04/10/2005, 9:17 PM
Im going to go for a win on Saturday ,Cant see Ireland losing ...........

04/10/2005, 9:28 PM
I don't understand where any of this is coming from at all at all. All this talk of us not beating the Cypriots is all poppycock. Bare in mind that a lot of this worry has been roused by the fcuking wankres that we call Irish journalists. The same poxy cnuts that want Kerr out of a job.
We have never had (much) trouble dispatching minnows, with admirable exceptions to Macedonia and more recently Albania away. Sure enough we've never banged 5 or 6 past any of these teams, but then again that has never been our way.
I've no doubt that we'll win against Cyprus. We have a squad based primarily on the Premiership, and almost certainly we'll have an 11 made up of premiership players. These are not poor players but they do seem poxd with luck. Its about time it turned. The press are making a big deal of the suspensions and injuries but this will be a rallying point for those there now I feel. One man in particular stoked up will be Kav. He has to start. If he doesn't it will be a head scratcher.

I think we will win by two. We have too good a team not to win. Doyle or Elliot to start. As Kerr said last week, we have to go for it now. Who knows he might go with the three up front . Either way Ireland to win by two setting us up nicely for the Swiss. Fcuk all the negativity,


04/10/2005, 9:41 PM
Im tryin to feel confident, but I cant see us winning the 2 games

05/10/2005, 7:19 AM
Whatever about us, France have not lost a competitive away match in 13 years so I can't see the Swiss breaking that record.

Littlest Hobo
05/10/2005, 7:36 AM
I don't understand where any of this is coming from at all at all. All this talk of us not beating the Cypriots is all poppycock. Bare in mind that a lot of this worry has been roused by the fcuking wankres that we call Irish journalists. The same poxy cnuts that want Kerr out of a job.
We have never had (much) trouble dispatching minnows, with admirable exceptions to Macedonia and more recently Albania away. Sure enough we've never banged 5 or 6 past any of these teams, but then again that has never been our way.
I've no doubt that we'll win against Cyprus. We have a squad based primarily on the Premiership, and almost certainly we'll have an 11 made up of premiership players. These are not poor players but they do seem poxd with luck. Its about time it turned. The press are making a big deal of the suspensions and injuries but this will be a rallying point for those there now I feel. One man in particular stoked up will be Kav. He has to start. If he doesn't it will be a head scratcher.

I think we will win by two. We have too good a team not to win. Doyle or Elliot to start. As Kerr said last week, we have to go for it now. Who knows he might go with the three up front . Either way Ireland to win by two setting us up nicely for the Swiss. Fcuk all the negativity,


Fcukin right on. Get fcukin stuck in there lads.

05/10/2005, 8:10 AM
Cyprus 1 Ireland 2
Ireland 1 Swiss 1
maybe next time ehh:(

05/10/2005, 8:16 AM
cmon on, cyprus are muck...we will beat them 2-0 maybe need a narte free kick like faroe but we will win.
swiss, if they beat france which is possible we are in trouble , but if we go one nil up we will win and playoffs, we could bore a team and win 1-0 over two legs or away goal..c'mon we just might do it.

05/10/2005, 9:44 AM
1) Win v Cyprus
2) Draw v Switzerland
3) Sh*te Summer

In fact Im off to the bookies to stick a few bob on that. I never win at the bookies so maybe there is hope!

05/10/2005, 9:51 AM
cmon on, cyprus are muck...we will beat them 2-0 maybe need a narte free kick like faroe but we will win.
swiss, if they beat france which is possible we are in trouble , but if we go one nil up we will win and playoffs, we could bore a team and win 1-0 over two legs or away goal..c'mon we just might do it.

You have to be joking, against decent teams we always conceed goals!!:(

05/10/2005, 9:58 AM
Not as confident as I was to be honest. I was confident before the French game but after playing so well early on we let them sneak a goal. We've had the chance to beat Israel twice and the Swiss away from home but couldn't hold a lead...........I'm starting to think it's not gonna happen in Germany.

Cyprus = 1-0 or 2-0

but after outplaying the Swiss for 90 minutes we can't get the win we need. 0-0

05/10/2005, 10:32 AM
2-0 win in Cyprus,unfortunately followed by a dour 0-0 at home in the last against the Swiss...thats my gut feeling.

05/10/2005, 10:51 AM
I'm going for 2 single goal nervous wins for us.

05/10/2005, 10:52 AM
I wouldn't mind seeing Kerr going for broke in the last game, Elliott, Morrisson and Keane all starting upfront. We need goals and do need to go for it but 1st hurdle is cyprus who cannot be underestimated.

05/10/2005, 11:14 AM
assuming we win in cyprus - we should play normal 4-4-2 for first half against the swiss then perhaps - play with 3 upfront

we can't go in with all guns blazing against the swiss - be controlled and ensure our defence is solid - we need to be patient

05/10/2005, 11:45 AM
assuming we win in cyprus - we should play normal 4-4-2 for first half against the swiss then perhaps - play with 3 upfront

we can't go in with all guns blazing against the swiss - be controlled and ensure our defence is solid - we need to be patient

spot on. fcuk all point going for goals when you've conceded 2 in the first 10 minutes because of a lack of shape & concentration at the back.

05/10/2005, 12:08 PM
we've tried to be patient and solid at the back for the whole campaign and it's left us hanging on by a thread. I'd say go for 4-3-3 or a very up tempo 4-4-2.

Let's hope Duff doesn't have 2 men on him like the French game, his talent is gonna decide whether we get the 3 points or the draw.

pineapple stu
05/10/2005, 12:22 PM
Whatever about us, France have not lost a competitive away match in 13 years so I can't see the Swiss breaking that record.
Didn't they have at least four years without having to qualify for a tournament though? Hosted France 98, champions for the 2002 World Cup anyway. Holders don't qualify for the Euros, no? That would be another bye. Impressive record still, though.

05/10/2005, 12:30 PM
Holders don't qualify for the Euros, no?
The holders have to qualify for the European Championships, but France topped their group in that one with a 100% record - http://www.uefa.com/competitions/EURO/history/Season=2004/round=1579/Group=1454.html

Lionel Ritchie
05/10/2005, 1:14 PM
we've tried to be patient and solid at the back for the whole campaign and it's left us hanging on by a thread. I'd say go for 4-3-3 or a very up tempo 4-4-2.

Let's hope Duff doesn't have 2 men on him like the French game, his talent is gonna decide whether we get the 3 points or the draw.

Well if Duff ends up with two men on him someone else is going to find himself with a lot more time and space on the ball and needs to be up for doing something useful with it Kevin Kilbane I'm looking in your direction.

Tipp Townie
05/10/2005, 1:19 PM
Lets be honest, anything can happen in the two matches. I suppose we should be hoping for a France victory, but i cant help hoping that we still top the group..

But gut feeling? I've got a horrible feeling we wont beat Switzerland. Earlyish goal from them, then we spend the whole match trying for an equaliser, get it, but thats it 1-1. France have beaten Switzerland the saturday before, so Israel for the play offs!

05/10/2005, 1:28 PM
Were we not very lucky to beat Cyprus a few years ago in a competitive match with a late Steve Staunton goal from a free kick.?

When they look at our record do far this campaign and see the media dissing BK this week I'm sure they fancy their chances.

We would be very foolish to underestimate them. Hopefully BK & the team will not.

05/10/2005, 1:34 PM
Were we not very lucky to beat Cyprus a few years ago in a competitive match with a late Steve Staunton goal from a free kick.?

05/10/2005, 1:34 PM
I reckon the Swiss - France draw meaning the Swiss are gonna need to win to qualify if Israel and France both win their final games.

Good news for us?

05/10/2005, 1:40 PM
I reckon the Swiss - France draw meaning the Swiss are gonna need to win to qualify if Israel and France both win their final games.

Good news for us?
Hard to tell, I'd prefer Swiss to need a win as I think they'd have a good chance of holding us out in Lansdowne if they wanted to. We'd be out of the running to win the group in this situation though.

Lionel Ritchie
05/10/2005, 1:42 PM
Were we not very lucky to beat Cyprus a few years ago in a competitive match with a late Steve Staunton goal from a free kick.?

When they look at our record do far this campaign and see the media dissing BK this week I'm sure they fancy their chances.

We would be very foolish to underestimate them. Hopefully BK & the team will not.

This Cyprus team was talked up before we played them in Dublin and they were terrible. We were poor enough and still stuck three past them. If we take it to them they'll collapse in pieces faster than a LIDL garden set. Quote me on this next sunday.

05/10/2005, 1:55 PM
This Cyprus team was talked up before we played them in Dublin and they were terrible. We were poor enough and still stuck three past them. If we take it to them they'll collapse in pieces faster than a LIDL garden set. Quote me on this next sunday.

I'll be delighted.:D

05/10/2005, 1:58 PM

Thanks Stuttgart88.

I searched the net looking for a site showing Rep of Ireland game statistics before I posted but could not find one. Do yoo know of any?

05/10/2005, 2:16 PM
Thanks Stuttgart88.

I searched the net looking for a site showing Rep of Ireland game statistics before I posted but could not find one. Do yoo know of any?

Try my memory! Or Geysir or eirebhoy and others. Who was it that remembered Phil hardy in Dave O'Leary's friendly? That was impressive! Or maybe get hold of Jimmy Magee's e-mail. :)

I'm not familiar with any such website but I'm sure there must be one. Sorry I can't help!

05/10/2005, 2:17 PM
Thanks Stuttgart88.

I searched the net looking for a site showing Rep of Ireland game statistics before I posted but could not find one. Do yoo know of any?
soccerbase.com is the total dog's b*llocks for this kind of stuff
Here's the Ireland page - http://www.soccerbase.com/teams2.sd?teamid=1374
It's not just internationals, it also handles most european leagues, with results going back years

05/10/2005, 2:19 PM
yes it was 3 -2 and it was a ****e enough free kick as well....

05/10/2005, 2:30 PM
Thanks Stuttgart88.

I searched the net looking for a site showing Rep of Ireland game statistics before I posted but could not find one. Do yoo know of any?

05/10/2005, 2:52 PM
Don't forget as things stand we are 3 points behind both France and Switzerland and 2 points behind the Holy Land.

So we better start praying for good results.:D

05/10/2005, 2:53 PM
Don't rely on me for a gut feeling these days guys as I am laid low with a dose of the trots. :D