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08/10/2005, 12:31 PM
It has to be remembered that this is all a hang over from Saipain. Humphreys an the irish times helped Mc Carthy out the door and have backed kerr ever since. the indo generally backed mc carthy and have been very critical of kerr. The tabloids just print anything.

Personally I back Kerr even with all the howlers he has made and some of the low down dirty acts he has pult off (which i wont go into).

Plastic Paddy
08/10/2005, 1:37 PM
Your talking bóllócks.

I'll overlook the poor grammar (it's "you're", btw) but I won't overlook the insult. Take issue with the post and argue against it by all means, but leave the direct rudeness out. Thanks.

Just watch where kerr goes after the Ireland job. There was one champions league club that already offered him a job. Im sure he will be able to take such a job if he wants it.

I'd heard a story that Gerard Houllier was after Kerr to join his coaching staff at one stage (more likely at Liverpool but it could have been Lyon). May God above have mercy on the support of whatever club these two end up at together. I'd be heading for the poítín and paracetamol were I among their number...

:ball: PP

08/10/2005, 1:42 PM
I always think its funny when jounalists mention "the media" in the 3rd person as if they weren't part of it. Poor journos writting about how badly they treated. :rolleyes:

Humphries is a good journalist but he is a jack of all trades & his football knowledge is not better than GAA or rugby or whatever big event he covering. I don't think he has great sports knowledge.

Plastic Paddy
08/10/2005, 1:55 PM
I always think its funny when jounalists mention "the media" in the 3rd person as if they weren't part of it. Poor journos writting about how badly they treated. :rolleyes:

Well said Pete. That's one of my little bugbears too.

:ball: PP

08/10/2005, 2:17 PM
Take issue with the post and argue against it by all means, but leave the direct rudeness out. Thanks.

That is what I was doing. I was referring to his post not him;)

Plastic Paddy
08/10/2005, 2:18 PM
Touché. You were indeed. :o I hope you take my point though. :)

:ball: PP

08/10/2005, 2:21 PM
Yes I do. No offense was meant.

08/10/2005, 2:51 PM
Thanks for the post Jollyroger.

Well I'm off to the game. I'm taking public transport down to Toronto - about 2 hours aways - so I can have a pints while enjoying our victory.

Hopefully everything will look rosier this evening.


Fergie's Son
08/10/2005, 3:47 PM
Thanks for the article but I am very suspect about Humphrie's motives. He championed Kerr for a long time so he's hardly unbiased himself.

08/10/2005, 3:59 PM
i always take the irish media with a big pinch of salt. Take Liam Brady for example, he went from kerr has to go to kerr has to stay in a matter of a few weeks. i think that was due to the Roy Keane as manager speculation. says a lot really

09/10/2005, 4:33 AM
You know the usual story against Cyprus; BK spends the week drooling over the opposition's "qualities" :rolleyes: ...we have key players missing...they have nothing to lose...we score first...then defend..

..then throw the lead away. We can't score again...final whistle goes... we're out.

Well, the first half of the post was right, and the second half of it looked like being right for a long time. :) Everyone knew how the game was going to pan out. Kerr didn't let us down.

Lads, it's all very well supporting the side, but seriously, is there anybody still out there who supports Kerr's tactics, and judgement after such an inept performance in Cyprus?

We won the game, but this type of football from our team is sickening to watch. I feel disgusted that talented International-class players are being forced to play this way. I feel appalled that part-timers like Cyprus are allowed to outclass us. We should be hockeying these kind of teams 5-0, especially after scoring early. This is disgraceful, and if we take the lead against the timepieces, I am switching over to watch one of the other games, because playing the way we do is mind-numbingly boring when we are in front, and I can't stand watching us play that "brand" of football. If I went to the Cyprus game, I would want a refund for having to spend €700 to watch that level of utter shi-t served up by our team, and when the final whistle blew, I stayed glued to my seat in sheer disgust at the "performance". :mad:

There is zero leadership in the side, there is no assertiveness, there is little passing, all long-ball crap, there is no urgency. Quality players are forced to play boring negative football. We got away with it in Nicosia, we won't get away with it some other time.

This type of football is not going to get us to the World Cup. The sooner this joke of a boss is gone, the better. :mad:

09/10/2005, 9:53 AM
Ireland has always been like this.

The match in Cyprus for the 2002 qualifiers was a carbon copy, except we had a 29 year old Roy Keane to save our arses with a one man show. Yesterday we had Shay Given in the one man show role.

We're mostly ****e with a small sprinkling of excellence, get used to it.

09/10/2005, 9:57 AM
hold your fire on him till after the swiss match , if someone had said to me at the start that we would be going into our last game knowing a win would put us in the play offs with an outside chance of winning the group i would have taken it.

09/10/2005, 10:11 AM
Ok bit of perspective here. John O'Shea was appalling in the Cyrpus game and is brutal. If he plays against the Swiss in Dublin they will beat us 4-0 ! He was overrated from day one but flattered to deceive in his debut season. He was crap in Basel twice, and he has seemingly never recovered from that. Kerr's tactics have nothing to do with the lads fundamental lack of quality. So much as I fret over Harte's lack of defensive qualities I would bring him back only as a short term solution. At least Hartey scores the odd goal.
On current form ManUre have no decent defenders fit and available to play for any one.

People talk about Kerr being a lucky coach, last night proved it. We would not have had to perform any worse to have ended up at the wrong end of a 3-1 hiding by the Cypriots. Shay Given was magnificent and was quite rightly voted man of the match. The only credit the rest of the team deserve is for two things one, Stephen Carr covering his wayward centre-backs during the first half with a crucial last ditch clearance and , finally we managed to survive the dying minutes of a match without conceding a goal.
Thought we were a little better in the second half and that some of the substitutions worked to a degree. If I was picking the team on Wednesday I'd make about 8 changes from the starting 11. Elliott took his goal well and we played well for the opening 10 minutes and hung on at the end the only positive things to be said from the display outfield. Given was bloody marvellous

09/10/2005, 10:18 AM
Team for Wednesday;
Shay Given; Steve Finnan, Andy O'Brien, A.N. Other, Ian Harte;
Stephen Reid, Andy Reid, Matt Holland, Damien Duff (if fit) Killer if not; Clinton Morrison, Stephen Elliott

Open to suggestions as to Andy's centre-back partner cause neither Kenny nor Richard covered themselves in glory last night. The centre midfielders were ineffectual big time against Cyprus. Graham Kavanagh is not up to it.
Robbie Keane needs to be used as he is at Spurs at present as an impact sub hence my striker parings. All suggestions welcome. Who knows maybe the Greener is reading this thread. I want you to do it on Wednesday Brian .. honestly!

09/10/2005, 10:23 AM
Ireland has always been like this.

The match in Cyprus for the 2002 qualifiers was a carbon copy, except we had a 29 year old Roy Keane to save our arses with a one man show. Yesterday we had Shay Given in the one man show role.

We're mostly ****e with a small sprinkling of excellence, get used to it.

Basically true, but by eliminating obvious liabilities we limit the damage potentially the Swiss can inflict on us. So drop John O'Shea, at left-back, for one has to be a priority.

09/10/2005, 10:45 AM
hold your fire on him till after the swiss match , if someone had said to me at the start that we would be going into our last game knowing a win would put us in the play offs with an outside chance of winning the group i would have taken it.

Same here - while im p**sed off with the preformance lastnight, im not really bothered to be honest.

We knew it wouldnt be easy, we rode our luck (though were due a bit of luck after losing 2 points in the last minute in israel and after robbie keane getting injured in the home match which f**ked us up in a match we were cruising and i thought we were unlucky to lose at home to france), so f**k it, we got the 3 points, thats all that matters at the end of the day.

Forget about cyprus, lets just focus on the switzerland match on wednesday - wont be an easy job, but lansdowne will be buzzing and the team know what they have to do, so i reckon we have a brilliant chance of getting to the play offs :)

09/10/2005, 1:11 PM
I'd like to point I've moved firmly into the other 3

Seven out of 10 say Kerr should stay

NEARLY seven out of 10 people believe Brian Kerr should continue as manager
of the Irish soccer team, according to a nationwide Sunday Independent
telephone poll after the match in Cyprus last night.
The poll showed that 67 per cent hold the opinion that Kerr should continue
as manager and the remaining 33 per cent said it was time for him to go.
Brian Kerr insisted last night that speculation about his future as Irish
manager was not a distraction for him in the run-up to the Cyprus match.
"It was absolutely no distraction for me. It obviously kept the media very
busy over the last week or two. I answered a question that I was asked when
I named the squad and the issue for me now is to prepare the team as best as
we possibly can for Wednesday," he said.
He said the three points that Ireland needed had been achieved and that was
all that mattered. The Cyprus game was a "hard old scrap" but now the team
was "in with a shout" as they prepared to go into the match against the
Swiss on Wednesday.
He conceded that the team did not have a great rhythm in the first half but
he pointed out that he made changes at half time which resulted in the team
being "quite effective" and being more in control.
"We need to do a lot better if we're to have much of a chance on Wednesday,"
he said.
He said Damien Duff was suffering from a recurrence of an injury that he had
before and, as a result, he must be "very doubtful" about appear
ing in the Swiss game. The Chelsea winger will receive a scan today to
ascertain the extent of the injury.
Man of the Match Shay Given said he was delighted by his very important
penalty save in the first half. Wednesday's clash with Switzerland will be
"a massive game" and the team will need the famous "Lansdowne Roar".
Speculation that Kerr will be axed should Ireland fail to qualify for the
2006 World Cup finals in Germany had been rife in the run-up to the game.
Kerr has been in the job for just over two years, having taken over from
Mick McCarthy in November 2002.
Kerr has a remarkably successful history with Irish youth teams. Prior to
that, as manager of St Patrick's Athletic, Kerr won the League of Ireland
title twice. He took on the national job in 2003, commanding a salary of
On Friday, he refused to discuss his position and appeared defiant when
questioned on his contract.
He said speculation surrounding his position did not bother him and was out
of his control.
The relationship between Kerr and FAI chief executive John Delaney has
become especially tense in recent times, with Delaney reprimanding the
manager before the squad left for Cyprus.

09/10/2005, 1:46 PM
The people know better than the FAI as usual.

09/10/2005, 2:08 PM
What does it matter if he's boring? What does that have to do with anything?

09/10/2005, 2:17 PM
well it did take micko three attempts and jack was a diaster when he first took over.

If kerr wins the next match and the team plays well for the next two matches then he will probably get some kind of contract extension.

Marked Man
09/10/2005, 2:43 PM
Kerr has been in the job for just over two years, having taken over from
Mick McCarthy in November 2002.

Given that it's October 2005, wouldn't it be more accurate to say "just shy of 3 years"?

Marked Man
09/10/2005, 3:00 PM
Those 7 weren't by any chance residing in the Swiss embassy, were they?

09/10/2005, 3:04 PM
I personally dont think Kerr is up the job. He is far too defensive minded and as a result we have lost points in this group that we shouldnt have. He does not know what to do when we go a goal up. We should continue pushing on but he instills a mentality in the players that they sit back. We were terrible against Cyprus and should have lost the game really as we sat back as usual.

If we dont qualify he has to go He has made far to many tactical errors that hace cost us dearly

09/10/2005, 3:52 PM
Kerr has been in the job for just over two years, having taken over from
Mick McCarthy in November 2002.

Given that it's October 2005, wouldn't it be more accurate to say "just shy of 3 years"?
He took over in Febraury of 2003.

Colbert Report
09/10/2005, 4:21 PM
get rid of Kerr

09/10/2005, 4:33 PM
I personally dont think Kerr is up the job. He is far too defensive minded and as a result we have lost points in this group that we shouldnt have. He does not know what to do when we go a goal up. We should continue pushing on but he instills a mentality in the players that they sit back. We were terrible against Cyprus and should have lost the game really as we sat back as usual.

If we dont qualify he has to go He has made far to many tactical errors that hace cost us dearly

There's nothing wrong with being defensively minded, but it requires two things for it to work 1/ Your team's best players need to be the goalkeeper and the back four. Now the goalkeeper is arguably our best player..... 2/ The back four need to be able to defend. Given our performance in recent games it is by no means certain that they have that ability.

Well given they play in the English Premiersh1t why am I surprised?:rolleyes:

09/10/2005, 4:48 PM
7 out of 10...what a joke...it surely must have been a poll involving just his family..Kerr is not up to it...and to add to the above comments defensive minded is a bad thing..its boring and its not working..it says to teams come and attack us..if we go behind its hard to get back from this plan also...Kerr should never have been given the job in the first place...any guy i have talked to recently says they are not in favour of Kerr staying..how in gods name then can a poll say that 7 out of 10 want him to stay..Kerr was the FAI's cheap option and they are now getting what they paid for...i honestly think he cannot motivate that team anymore..we have seen this so many times in International and club teams over the years...it is very easy to spot players that are not motivated..the players are not giving there all for the man anymore no matter what the tactics are..Robbie Keane is in the comfort zone knowing he wont be dropped..Kilbane has stopped performing completely...Carr is not playing well..Finnan was a joke last night and he plays for the European champions..John O Shea was awful..Dunne was equally as poor..even Duff has not been producing and he is a great player..Kerr must go after the next game win lose or draw...

09/10/2005, 5:18 PM
i think people have got kerr all wrong.

Kerr is the type of coach who doesnt want to conceed first. What he does is set the team up not to conceed and take whatever chances that come. We have been doing pretty good at this in the early stages of games. The problem is our mentality when it comes to being 1-0 up and trying to go on from that.

Historically Irish sides went behind and then chased the game. We had nothing to lose. Things have changed and its going to take players a while to adapt IMHO.

Still that is no excuse for poor performances. The players have to close the opposition down and stop them running through midfield like they did yesterday. We have to get on the ball and impose our game. To be honest I dont know if Ireland can do that wednesday even though we have better players on paper.

Kerr is contributing a lot to Irish soccer. I think if we go to the world cup and he gets a new contract irish football will be a lot stronger afterwards.

09/10/2005, 5:47 PM
think kerrs position will be like mic macs was if we dont qualify ,, even if he stayed the papers will make his life a living hell while he manager.. all will depend on us qualifying rather than just a playoff spot ..

09/10/2005, 5:49 PM
Well lets have a poll here and see what the more discerning Irish fan (jimmy boy excluded obviously)thinks of Kerrs position.

09/10/2005, 5:58 PM
Ive made up my mind on Kerr. If we put in a really good display on wednesday and lose Ill still back him for a new contract. But, if we have another shambolic display then I think its time for him to go.

Noelys Guitar
09/10/2005, 6:46 PM
Steven Hawking is to be brought in to find out how a manager can claim credit for a penalty save! And also insist that Ireland were the better team. The sunday Indo should stop calling up buildings with padded cells. This team does not won't to play for this manager. Happened with Hand. And now happening again.

09/10/2005, 6:51 PM
Christ, I hope we in the group on Wednesday, I really do.

09/10/2005, 6:52 PM
show of hands, who doesnt :p

09/10/2005, 7:21 PM
Ive made up my mind on Kerr. If we put in a really good display on wednesday and lose Ill still back him for a new contract. But, if we have another shambolic display then I think its time for him to go.

I am rapidly losing faith in Kerr, mainly because there has to be a reason for such a dismal performance other than the players are not up to it (which I don't believe btw). I think your assessment is very fair & I would go with it. A huge performance is needed by us on Wednesday. If it doesn't happen, I believe one person at this stage will be to blame. There can't be greater motivation for the players, Its the Swiss, they have something to prove to their fans (& the media), and if they support the manager as they say they do they will be saving his job & reputation. Its time for them to perform.

Larry 'da' Wyse
09/10/2005, 8:42 PM
Gas! All these throw away comments 'Get rid of Kerr- useless etc.' I note a complete lack of comment on who to replace him with. Anyone who says 'get rid' without having a better/any option to replace him is talking rubbish.
Get behind 'em on Wed and who knows BK is a 'lucky' manager so long may that continue

09/10/2005, 8:51 PM
He will need every ounce of the lucky charms come wednesday for a win. So much is stacked against us, so much written about the problems in this irish side. The play offs are a complete lottery but wednesday is a true baraometer of this irish team

09/10/2005, 9:57 PM
Gas! All these throw away comments 'Get rid of Kerr- useless etc.' I note a complete lack of comment on who to replace him with. Anyone who says 'get rid' without having a better/any option to replace him is talking rubbish.
Get behind 'em on Wed and who knows BK is a 'lucky' manager so long may that continue

well said. totally agree. people are in dreamland if they think the likes of martin o'neill would take the Ireland job. who does that leave us with then?.... brian robson? dave basset? john gregory? watch this space, if kerr goes thats the kind of clown we'll end up with and if you think things are bad now wait till one of those failures takes over :(

09/10/2005, 11:10 PM
Brian Kerr is our man at the FAI. This is about more than some matches, the whole future of Irish football depends on him having us behind him so he can use his position develop Irish football in Ireland. There's a reason the FAI don't like Kerr and are being dodgy, he was Rooney's appointment and he wants them to do their fecking jobs properly. The FAI will have no such thing.

Look lads, if Kerr gets the sack then John Effing Delaney gets to pick the new man - and West Brom aren't doing too well at the moment. Another yes man in the Ireland job and the game on a national level will be sent back to the stone ages again.

So get your fingers out of your ears and back Kerr. He's not perfect (who is?), but at least he's on our side.

Hop Irland.

09/10/2005, 11:19 PM
I cant believe the rubbish i am reading...how do you know any of this to be true brine?..i know the FAI are useless but in all fairness to say we should now support Kerr just on the basis that we could get Robson or Gregory is crazy..Kerr IMO is not up to scratch with the seniors...by all means give the guy a job somehwere else within Irish football(if he would take it)that he would still have a part in developing the youth and bringing them through..but do not tell fans to support the guy just IN CASE we get someone you dont like...

09/10/2005, 11:23 PM
7 out of 10...what a joke...it surely must have been a poll involving just his family..Kerr is not up to it...and to add to the above comments defensive minded is a bad thing..its boring and its not working..it says to teams come and attack us..if we go behind its hard to get back from this plan also...Kerr should never have been given the job in the first place...any guy i have talked to recently says they are not in favour of Kerr staying..how in gods name then can a poll say that 7 out of 10 want him to stay..Kerr was the FAI's cheap option and they are now getting what they paid for...i honestly think he cannot motivate that team anymore..we have seen this so many times in International and club teams over the years...it is very easy to spot players that are not motivated..the players are not giving there all for the man anymore no matter what the tactics are..Robbie Keane is in the comfort zone knowing he wont be dropped..Kilbane has stopped performing completely...Carr is not playing well..Finnan was a joke last night and he plays for the European champions..John O Shea was awful..Dunne was equally as poor..even Duff has not been producing and he is a great player..Kerr must go after the next game win lose or draw...
While a certain degree of blame should maybe be rested with Brian Kerr, there could well be a few more variables that are to blame
I agree with the statement that the FAI went with the cheap option, how many managers in whatever profession do you know are paid less than the people they are supposed to give direction to ! Some of them probably earn more in a month than their manager does in a year. From what I saw against the Cypriots, and in other games the players seemed to be more preoccupied with not getting injured, if they do the consequences are. They will fall down the pecking order if it happens. Teams these days seem to have at least three players for each position. maybe they are quietly told not to get too patriotic, and take it handy for fear of getting injured, maybe they are more concerned with their appearance bonuses, win bonuses, hair gel advertising fees, and God knows what other things they have going in their 1000 page contract.
International Soccer appears to be a hindrance these days, e.g, Zidane & Co retire, Shearer and Scholes retire, Sauvage retire. Why? To prolong their career where they can make as much money as possible.

Maybe, just Maybe ?

10/10/2005, 7:50 AM
While a certain degree of blame should maybe be rested with Brian Kerr, there could well be a few more variables that are to blame
I agree with the statement that the FAI went with the cheap option, how many managers in whatever profession do you know are paid less than the people they are supposed to give direction to

International Soccer appears to be a hindrance these days, e.g, Zidane & Co retire, Shearer and Scholes retire, Sauvage retire. Why? To prolong their career where they can make as much money as possible.

Maybe, just Maybe ?

Think you may have a point about this trend regarding International Soccer. I'm trying to imagine how you get to such a mentality .. I can't imagine any greater honour than playing for your country .. as I am sure everyone on this board would agree. I guess the money and greed in club football must corrupt certain players eventually. Having an extra million in the bank to the millions that you already have or another 20 caps for your country ... or a world cup. .. maybe I am naieve, but money can't buy playing for your country.

Regarding the "cheap option" .. Brian Kerr was the outstanding candidate for the job .. took Pats from oblivion to champions of Ireland and into Europe .. I mean no point even mentioning all this .. the youth team success will probably never repeated again. Why pay for an expensive failure like Robson or Reid etc?

As someone else pointed out earlier, Kerr is one of our own. For anyone who has been away matches, you will remember seeing Brian there as a fan, always approachable and friendly. I think he deserves the support of all of us now in his time of difficulty.

10/10/2005, 8:40 AM
Think you may have a point about this trend regarding International Soccer. I'm trying to imagine how you get to such a mentality .. I can't imagine any greater honour than playing for your country .. as I am sure everyone on this board would agree. I guess the money and greed in club football must corrupt certain players eventually. Having an extra million in the bank to the millions that you already have or another 20 caps for your country ... or a world cup. .. maybe I am naieve, but money can't buy playing for your country.

Regarding the "cheap option" .. Brian Kerr was the outstanding candidate for the job .. took Pats from oblivion to champions of Ireland and into Europe .. I mean no point even mentioning all this .. the youth team success will probably never repeated again. Why pay for an expensive failure like Robson or Reid etc?

As someone else pointed out earlier, Kerr is one of our own. For anyone who has been away matches, you will remember seeing Brian there as a fan, always approachable and friendly. I think he deserves the support of all of us now in his time of difficulty.

I think if we don't qualify he is going to get the boot. I would be in agreement with that. Having said that I don't accept anything to do with Kerr as an excuse for what went on on Saturday. The players have to take responsibility for what I can only describeas the worst Irish performance I have ever seen. I can accept players playing badly but the lack of pride and effort was unacceptable.

10/10/2005, 9:26 AM
the only thing i have to say about a new manager is that it is no guarantee of sucess. We can slate kerr all we want but a new manager might be worse. There is no guarantee.

I think kerr has set the team up very well but there is no leaders on the pitch, its 11 individuals who couldnt be bothered.

10/10/2005, 9:52 AM
I cant believe the rubbish i am reading...how do you know any of this to be true brine?..i know the FAI are useless but in all fairness to say we should now support Kerr just on the basis that we could get Robson or Gregory is crazy..Kerr IMO is not up to scratch with the seniors...by all means give the guy a job somehwere else within Irish football(if he would take it)that he would still have a part in developing the youth and bringing them through..but do not tell fans to support the guy just IN CASE we get someone you dont like...

honestly, who better do you think would be available and want the job? look at the previous canditates over the years when the job became available.. hardly a whos who of top international talent.

while i do believe kerr has made a couple of errors i think that the players have to stand up and be counted. its not kerrs job to teach players how to pass a ball, it should be assumed that they can, yet i didnt see much evidence on sat that we could string more than 2 passes together. i've heard discussions recently about how the players dont want to play for kerr anymore.... who the hell do they think they are??... none of us get to choose our bosses but we just get on with our jobs on a fraction of what these players get. great article by tom humphries in the ire times today which largely tells it as it is... we deserve better from the players

10/10/2005, 9:59 AM
Nice Rolex, shame about heart
Tom Humphries

Soccer/ World Cup Qualifiers: What do you do with a group of players who leave their Rolexes and bespoke shoes and fine clothes locked safely in the dressingroom along with their hearts?

Nice tans and expensive haircuts and keys to shiny sports cars are things which the current Irish team have in an abundance unimaginable to their predecessors. In the hierarchy of human needs, however, they seem to need no more.

On Saturday in Nicosia, where the Irish support outnumbered the locals by about four to one, Ireland scored early. Stephen Elliott's first senior international goal was not a thing of beauty but compared to what was to follow it glinted like a diamond in the rough.

Ireland were wincingly abysmal until half-time. When they had their cup of tea and composed themselves they came out and were slightly less abysmal.

This seemed to satisfy them and at the end, having held on by the skin of their pearly white teeth, they took their bows with the hungry relish of divas.

Had this game not been played in a decent stadium under the auspices of the World Cup qualifying programme it might have enlivened a Sunday morning in the Phoenix Park. We might have paused and watched for a while, grinning at the comic ineptitude of the defending. Then we would have walked on to see what was happening elsewhere.

Had this pallid performance been a once-off aberration for this group of players it might have been forgivable and understandable. We would have explained it by saying that their eyes were on Wednesday's showdown with Switzerland. When it comes to boys in green jerseys we are always keen to deceive ourselves.

Sadly though, insipid is becoming the default mode for this team. On Saturday night for the fourth time in this campaign they took a lead and attempting to perhaps to shut up shop just seemed instead to walk off and abandon shop.

If the shop metaphor is to be persisted with, Ireland were at best all over the retail establishment. The only consolation was that this time the lack of an efficient first touch in the Cypriot attack and the defiant genius of Shay Given combined to thieve three points for Ireland.

Wednesday night is still somehow moot and relevant.

In the most sober aftermath that a World Cup victory away from home has ever seen, Brian Kerr was obliged to put some kind of face on what had just transpired. He spoke of the three points. How Ireland had come for three points. The fact that Ireland had taken three points. He looked hurt, though.

Certainly not convinced of what he was saying. He found himself adding little modifiers to every sentence. "We need to play better." "The first half wasn't good enough." "We'll have to play much better."

One commentator noted during the first half that if Ireland qualify for Germany Shay Given should be the first name on the team sheet. Well yes. No point in being too radical. In the meantime Given's excellence on Saturday excuses him from attendance at the inquest and should earn him the eternal gratitude of his colleagues.

Without him they would be be in stockades this morning and we peasants would be pegging vegetables which are past their expiry date at them.

The Irish back four looked as if they had just met each other and were being forced to play football as some sort of community service punishment. Cunningham and Dunne were kinkily pliant and passive as they were manhandled by the Cypriot centre forwards. Carr and O'Shea took turns at competing for the award of Biggest Waste of Potential In A Full Back Position.

The back four are wealthy enough, of course, to hire the best (uhm, unintentional irony alert) defence lawyers for their trial. The thrust of their argument would be that if the others further up the field weren't trying very hard, why should the back four.

At this point Stephen Elliott, whose honesty was conspicuous throughout, would be advised to retain separate representation. The others are going to swing. From the time that Ireland declared on the grand total of one goal it is hard to think of a convincing performance from anyone.

We gave the ball away early and often as if we could hear it ticking ominously. We stood off politely. We attacked naively. We left Given as unprotected as a trailer park in a hurricane. Somehow we got away with it. And this, was remember, an Irish side whose sulkiness all week had led us to believe that they had something to prove to us all.

Given that we took three points the price of our performance in Nicosia is low but not inconsiderable. When we take the field on Wednesday we will be without our only two outfield players of undisputed international class. Roy Keane and (almost certainly) Damien Duff will tune in from the treatment table. Keane has been gone for some time. Duff twisted his knee badly on Saturday night.

So to endgame. Of endgames. It all comes down to the wire on Wednesday night in Paris and in Lansdowne Road. The French play the Cypriots hoping that a big win will see them in to another World Cup.

The Swiss, in pole position, meanwhile, travel to Dublin chipper and optimistic. They have become accustomed to playing the Irish over the last few years and have yet to see anything which might scare them. Last time they were here the so-called Lansdowne Roar dissolved into the booing which was the theme music for Mick McCarthy's farewell. They have entertained the Irish twice in Basle since. Won one. Drew one. Saw no passion from the Irish on either occasion.

On Saturday the Swiss extracted a vital point from a thrilling game against the French. It was a nice way to prepare.

Of reasons to be cheerful there is just one we can think of. Ireland can't be any worse on Wednesday. Surely?

© The Irish Times

10/10/2005, 10:46 AM
Brian Kerr is our man at the FAI....he was Rooney's appointment and he wants them to do their fecking jobs properly. The FAI will have no such thing.

Hop Irland.
Kerr was appointed in February 2003, Rooney took up his position in May 2003 and had nothing to do with Kerr's appointment.

10/10/2005, 10:57 AM
Saturday's performance was abyssmal. One thing that really annoyed me was the reaction of Kerr. He seemed to be relieved by the result. But that was all. Why wasn't he spitting blood about the players performance. He could have used the post match interview to have a go generally about the performance.
That really disappointed me. He didn't seem too fussed about it. He seemed to be happy that him bringing on Holland had worked.

I've been a supporter of Kerr. I'm rapidly losing faith!

10/10/2005, 11:16 AM
Saturday's performance was abyssmal. One thing that really annoyed me was the reaction of Kerr. He seemed to be relieved by the result. But that was all. Why wasn't he spitting blood about the players performance. He could have used the post match interview to have a go generally about the performance.
That really disappointed me. He didn't seem too fussed about it. He seemed to be happy that him bringing on Holland had worked.

I've been a supporter of Kerr. I'm rapidly losing faith!

According to Brian we were the better team!:confused: Now I know managers are reluctant to have a go at their players in public but that is actually insulting the intelligence of the fans. At least have the gumption to admit we were outplayed over the 90 minutes