View Full Version : Family fun my arse: Rovers Scumbags

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03/10/2005, 12:34 AM
SLigo Rovers 1:1 Dublin City

I did'nt know how to start this thread. I had several headings in mind but just went with what you see above. First things first, I am by no means a prude or sensitive and I expect the Shamrock Rovers fans to read the heading and open up with all guns blazing but in this instance I am able to say that this is not about Shamrock Rovers antics, no this one is about our country cousins over in the west, Sligo to be precise.

I went to watch Sligo Rovers play Dublin City in the first division last night and it shaped upto be a great night, we got to the ground an hour before kickoff, parked the car and then went for a couple of pints, I figuered two pints would be ok as it would be three hours and a big mac before I drove home.

The game kicked off to a full house, at least 2000 Sligo fans, we had very few fans, five singing and five/ten board/family of Dublin City. so what has this got to do with my complaint, nothing apart from setting the seen.

Dublin played very well being on top for the firsat 45 minutes giving the handful who traveled something to sing about, now I know that when your team is playing well then the opposition fans will get on your back a little and that is part of following football, I had the usual comments of "You fat b@stard" and other such like which do not cause me any great concern even though I would not sling this kind of remark back.

What upset me and made me want to become a bit of a hooligan was the remarks about myself and my nine year old son. Too be honest if I wasn't in such a good mood and most importantly trying to show the nipper a good example I would have kicked the sh!te out of the people who slung the offensive remarks our way. The jist of the comments were about me picking my son(maybe they did not know he was my son) up in a local toilet and having sex with him. Even as I write this thread I am so annoyed with this situation that I would like to go back down to the Sligo sh!t hole and knock the balloxs out of the pr!cks who used this kind of cr@p to stop us singing. My young lad is still upset with the bullsh!t he had to listen too. I have spent several hours talking to him about the reasons why these muppets spoke to us in this way, but to be honest I don't know if the EL is worth this kind of crap, How do people come up with this kind of nonsense? Are they trying to immatate the stuff they see on the english TV? What would drive fans of football to inflict this kind of abuse on kids?

I reckon I will get reponses of sympaty and ignorance on this subject but that is OK. I just wanted to let off some steam about the crap my son and I had to listen too last night. I know if I told his mother the real reason he was crying at the game then that would be his last game. Is that what we are trying to achive? Trying to put the kids off following the EL?

I just hope that when then morons went home after the game they maybe felt looking back on the situation that they had crossed the line between following your team and being a w#nker although some how I doubt it.

Sligo fans you should be ashamed to hve muppets like this in your ranks.

03/10/2005, 12:42 AM
I'm sorry to hear all that Derek. Were the guys that were abusing you kids or adults?:confused:

03/10/2005, 12:44 AM
I'm sorry to hear all that Derek. Were the guys that were abusing you kids or adults?:confused:

Adults, by age not mentality.

03/10/2005, 12:46 AM
Adults, by age not mentality.Ok. It's just last night the ground was full of little kids running around:mad: . Did you tell any stewards?:confused:

03/10/2005, 12:50 AM
The stewards were awre of the goings on. I cannt say if they heard the remarks as you well know pepole have an acute sense of not seeing/hearing things that do not suit them.

03/10/2005, 12:52 AM
The stewards were awre of the goings on. I cannt say if they heard the remarks as you well know pepole have an acute sense of not seeing/hearing things that do not suit them.Well hopefully the idiots will cop on in future and not say such idiotic things, especially when you have a child there with you:mad:

A face
03/10/2005, 1:00 AM
The stewards were awre of the goings on. I cannt say if they heard the remarks as you well know pepole have an acute sense of not seeing/hearing things that do not suit them.

But in all fairness ... that kinda thing is totally out of order, were there any Gardas there ??

The minute you heard it, you should have upped and left .... Derek, as an eL fan yourself, you do realise that this is not the norm !! As bad as it was, i wouldn't react to just one incident.

I would definitely raise it with Sligo Rovers FC though, the club should be made aware of this kinda thing, sounds kinda disturbing alright.

03/10/2005, 1:03 AM
I would definitely raise it with Sligo Rovers FC though, the club should be made aware of this kinda thing, sounds kinda disturbing alright.Yes Derek, you should definetely get in touch with the club about it. The quicker the club get rid of the little scumbag element in it the better:mad:

03/10/2005, 1:11 AM
As bad as it was, i wouldn't react to just one incident.

I am long enough going to games to understand that this is not the norm, bu how many times should it happen before I should react? Raising it with the club would be a waste of time as the incident is already old news, what could I expect to happen? lokk at some of the recent fines/penalties handed out to other clubs over recent events! I have no names, no pictures, no witnesses to point out who said what which would ultimately come down to "he said you said I said" type of thing. That does not mean that these things did not happen but just that I can do nothing about it

I reckon as I said I had to let off steam somewhere and this is the only place I can think of.

03/10/2005, 1:14 AM
I reckon as I said I had to let off steam somewhere and this is the only place I can think of.How about in the guys face?:mad:

A face
03/10/2005, 1:19 AM
I am long enough going to games to understand that this is not the norm, bu how many times should it happen before I should react? Raising it with the club would be a waste of time as the incident is already old news, what could I expect to happen? lokk at some of the recent fines/penalties handed out to other clubs over recent events! I have no names, no pictures, no witnesses to point out who said what which would ultimately come down to "he said you said I said" type of thing. That does not mean that these things did not happen but just that I can do nothing about it

I reckon as I said I had to let off steam somewhere and this is the only place I can think of.

Derek ... seriously, Sligo are a fair progressive club from the way it looks just now, there must be someone on the staff who would understandably be concerned over this ..... but if they are never given the information, they will never be able to react to/prevent it ..... even if they cant do anything about it, at least they are aware of it and can be alert to it in the future.

If it were my club ... i know i'd definitely want to know about it. I telling you ... put them in the picture and they can sort it out.

03/10/2005, 1:32 AM
I thought about saying it on the night but my concern was the young lad, he is at the stage where he is not a boy and not a man, he was crying his eyes out facing the pitch so nobody could see him cry. Just read what I am saying and try to imagine if you had kids of your own what they would be feeling.

I may send a letter to the club during the week or maybe I will compose some unsavory tunes for our next encounter and by the way I have no problem chanting at a game, but then I am civalised and would not sink to those levels but by fcuk I want to knock the lard out of these fcukers, I am half tempted to go back for the next Sligo game with whoever they are playing just to srort these gob****es out.

Is this what the EL is about, making people sink to this?

Conor H
03/10/2005, 7:09 AM
In fairness Derek most Sligo fans are sound but it isn't the 1st time somrthing like this has happened.When we won in the cup there 2 years ago we were hurled with abuse and stones after the match.They have also been in trouble down in Kilkenny.Sligo have a minority scum element following it and need to sort it out.

03/10/2005, 7:37 AM
Derek, I suggest that you do write a letter and accompany it with a phone call. You have already seemed to decide that it is pointless but I don't think it is. You need to notify clubs about this so they have the option to take action. No one should have to put up with that at a game and most would be sympathetic to you and agree its bang out of order. In every walk of life you get the minority bringing it down for the rest.

I suggest that you do not lower yourself to composing similiar songs in attack as you merely lower your own self doing so! Hopefully they will one day come across the wrong (or right) person when verbally attacking them and that person will do us all a favour and rip their tongues out or something!!

the 12 th man
03/10/2005, 7:37 AM
Its hard to work out where these people are coming from.
They obviously don't give a toss about what anybody thinks about either them or their club to stoop so low.

Even though they were probably just a few doing it its worrying that nobody in the home crowd had the bottle to stand up and be counted by telling them to stfu

Rory H
03/10/2005, 8:31 AM
.Sligo have a minority scum element following it and need to sort it out.

he is spot on there im afraid...they let us down...im sorry..they arent football fans..they're are losers trying to feel important 1 day a fortnight with threats....

03/10/2005, 8:34 AM
Yes Derek Rovers do have their element that embarrass the rest of us decent supporters.

Your best bet would be a letter to the club, because we would like something done about this element also.

Also, your idea of returning to the showgrounds to seek revenge, probably isn't on, as it could be a few seasons before you get the chance to.

03/10/2005, 8:58 AM
A mate of mine was sitting close to you and he knew exactly who they were & so does almost everybody who goes to the Showground’s, they were arrested & kicked out of the game in Kilkenny (same gang of Wnakers different individuals) a few weeks ago.
In fairness to the Rovers Management they are trying to deal with them we were on our way into the ground & they had one of them stopped outside & now they have him Barred (No Consultation to you).
These are the worst type of simpletons you could have the torture of listening to, Paralysed from the shouldersn up, Brain Dead.
They have shamed us at every game I have seen them at this season.
My Mate will be writing a letter of complaint but I suggest you do so to (It will add weight to it).
Did someone break the Drum Sticks as well? I heard something about that don’t know if there is any truth in it.

03/10/2005, 9:43 AM
That's sick.
If someone did that to my kid, or allowed that to happen to my kid, I'd make it my mission to make them pay for it. Are we going to fine and ban people for jumping up and down on pitches and at the same time tolerate these perverts?
What are Rovers going to do about it? If these people are known, what are the gardai going to do about it?

03/10/2005, 10:02 AM
We had a little bit of hassle last time we were in the Showgrounds aswell...
a small group of wanna be "hard men" having a go at a young fella (13 or 14) who
travelled up with us. The lads in question were about 18+ or so by the looks of it.
We said it to the steward who was beside us and he basicially said it was our own
fault for intimidating them by sitting there (old wing stand)!!!

I've been to see Sligo heap of times and it is a minority. Any time I've seen hassle there
is when the club are doing well and loads of "sunshiners" go games and cause bother. I'd
almost guarentee that if Sligo we're the wrong end of the league them tw@ts wouldnt be
there and it would just be the genuine fans there who by and large are sound

Id say you'd be right to write a letter to the club and the Supporters Trust
(as they organise buses to games) because Im sure neither of them want that kind of element
ruining the work they have done os far this season.

03/10/2005, 10:04 AM
Derek, no-one should have to put up with that.
At the very least, putyour complaints in writing and send it to Rovers, and as Gareth suggested, follow up with a phone call.

If complaints about these type of actions help Rovers ro Rid themselves of these (apparently known) idiots, then while it might not offer consolation to you, at least no other father and son will have to go through what you experienced.

03/10/2005, 10:18 AM
Unfortunately some people think that just because they at a football game they are allowed shout abuse at people. Would they do the same to someone on the street?

Its easy to say make complaint to the club but going to be hard for them to do anything. Did others hear the abuse? Did they do anything?

Poor Student
03/10/2005, 11:18 AM
A mate of mine was sitting close to you and he knew exactly who they were & so does almost everybody who goes to the Showground’s, they were arrested & kicked out of the game in Kilkenny (same gang of Wnakers different individuals) a few weeks ago.
In fairness to the Rovers Management they are trying to deal with them we were on our way into the ground & they had one of them stopped outside & now they have him Barred (No Consultation to you).
These are the worst type of simpletons you could have the torture of listening to, Paralysed from the shouldersn up, Brain Dead.
They have shamed us at every game I have seen them at this season.
My Mate will be writing a letter of complaint but I suggest you do so to (It will add weight to it).
Did someone break the Drum Sticks as well? I heard something about that don’t know if there is any truth in it.

Sounds like it was worth your while posting here Derek. As they've all said, particularly in light of this, you should persue the matter and hopefully some good will come of it. I hope it wasn't too traumatising for your son.

03/10/2005, 11:21 AM
The best thing you can do is do as suggested and write a letter and call up. The only thing is try not to rant too hard in it or it'll be overlooked.

If nothing else, it will give more reason for Sligo to ban those scumbags, as they are seemingly aware of who they are. And that in itself is a good reason to do so, as hopefully it will prevent future targets from enduring such disgusting actions.

I hope your son's cheered up, and don't tell your wife alright :) It might well be your last game too then if she had her way! ;)

03/10/2005, 11:30 AM
Sick but not surprising.

I've seen numerous incidents with Sligo fans in both the Showgrounds and Finn Park. A 14 year old getting his nose broke outside the Showgrounds, being threatened loads of times there, our bus being stoned, a mate of mine getting a smack in Finn Park which led to 'ruck' behind the nets. etc etc etc. And these aren't kids. Even though Derry are our big rivals, there is always far more potential for bother when we play Sligo.

I met a Sligo director two years ago and he was telling me that they have been trying to get rid of this element for a good few years. Obviously they are still about. A small percentage of scum let down all the good, passionate supporters in the town.

I can understand your anger Derek because if I was subjected to that with my son with me I would go balistic. I would definitely contact the club as I'm sure they know exactly who it was.

Don't let it stop your son from supporting his team anyway mate.

NY Hoop
03/10/2005, 11:36 AM
Derek obviously this shouldnt have happened. Sligo have a minority scum element alright. But why did you feel the need to name the thread the way you did? It should have been sligo scumbags:confused:

You wouldnt have had this problem if you werent in the league:D


Rory H
03/10/2005, 11:46 AM
Derek obviously this shouldnt have happened. Sligo have a minority scum element alright. But why did you feel the need to name the thread the way you did? It should have been sligo scumbags:confused:

You wouldnt have had this problem if you werent in the league:D


ya ye have never been labelled scumbags before....

03/10/2005, 11:58 AM
Derek obviously this shouldnt have happened. Sligo have a minority scum element alright. But why did you feel the need to name the thread the way you did? It should have been sligo scumbags:confused:

Firstly; I named it eh way I did to get as many reads as possible, and after all Sligo are also called Rovers so I am entitled to use the words "Rovers Scumbags"

You wouldnt have had this problem if you werent in the league:D KOH

Secondly; Are you on some sort of drugs?:confused: :mad: What the fcuk has that comment got to do with such a serious issue? If you can't keep it serious please don't post as this is not a laughing matter.

03/10/2005, 12:02 PM
please report it to the club.we want these people out as much as you do.

Rory H
03/10/2005, 12:28 PM
SLigo Rovers 1:1 Dublin City

I figuered two pints would be ok as it would be three hours and a big mac before I drove home....

, I had the usual comments of "You fat b@stard" ..you took that very lightheartadly...well done:)

. Too be honest if I wasn't in such a good mood and most importantly trying to show the nipper a good example I would have kicked the sh!te out of the people who slung the offensive . Even as I write this thread I am so annoyed with this situation that I would like to go back down to the Sligo sh!t hole and knock the balloxs out of the pr!cks who used this kind of cr@p to stop us singing. .

drink-driving is drink-driving...no matter how many big macs you have

you would have taken them all wouldnt you;)

Rory H
03/10/2005, 12:31 PM
Sick but not surprising.

I met a Sligo director two years ago and he was telling me that they have been trying to get rid of this element for a good few years. Obviously they are still about. A small percentage of scum let down all the good, passionate supporters in the town.

they werent there last season....they have only come back ever since we got a bit of success;)

The Stars
03/10/2005, 12:34 PM
There is a scum element at the Showgrounds but I can assure you it is limited to 5-10 gobsh!tes.
You should send a letter of complaint to Rovers,they know about these few guys but need something on them to ban them from the ground.
On behalf of Sligo Rovers REAL supporters...sorry derek

03/10/2005, 12:54 PM
[QUOTE=fbtn]Sick but not surprising.

I've seen numerous incidents with Sligo fans in both the Showgrounds and Finn Park. A 14 year old getting his nose broke outside the Showgrounds, being threatened loads of times there, our bus being stoned, a mate of mine getting a smack in Finn Park which led to 'ruck' behind the nets. etc etc etc. And these aren't kids. Even though Derry are our big rivals, there is always far more potential for bother when we play Sligo.

For years we would have classed Shams as our rivals & to this day still do, however this element seem to target Harps probably because We would have seen more of Harps than Shams in recent years.
We were in Finn Park a few years ago & they were walking in front of us & 2 got separated from their group (not realising this) they started abusing Harps fans two Donegal men approached them and one laid in to one of them, Punched him in the face knocked him to the ground & gave him a few boots on the ground, the Harps Fan was at least 65 if he was a day, it was the funniest thing I had seen in a while all the people around it were in convulsions. Maybe it’s out of embarrassment that they pick on yee?
It is rumoured that the committee only opened the Shed (which was supposed to have been condemned) because they wanted to get rid of this element out of the main stand, If this is the case then they need to face up to there responsibilities & deal with this issue & stop running from it obviously its out of hand for way to long now, I know I said in one earlier post about them stopping your man on Saturday night obviously to little to late!

NY Hoop
03/10/2005, 1:00 PM
Firstly; I named it eh way I did to get as many reads as possible, and after all Sligo are also called Rovers so I am entitled to use the words "Rovers Scumbags"

You still should have had sligo scumbags. It still would have got "reads".

Secondly; Are you on some sort of drugs?:confused: :mad: What the fcuk has that comment got to do with such a serious issue? If you can't keep it serious please don't post as this is not a laughing matter.

Secondly get a sense of humour will you pal?:rolleyes: If you didnt like the abuse why didnt you move away? Drink driving is not a laughing matter either........


03/10/2005, 1:06 PM
Derek, Sligo Rovers has like every other club in the league, an element of supporters who attend the games just to do exactly to away fans, what was done to you. There’s no point crying crocodile tears, and saying we don’t have the likes of that. Every club has a hooligan element, which disgrace the name of honest supporters.
In fairness, the club has banned a number of supporters recently because of their hooligan actions. The only way these people can be dealt with is to report them immediately to the stewards or officials of the offending club.
There were a number of stewards in that stand on the night, also I saw the Events Controller for long periods over there. The FAI had an official also there to monitor the situation. (I don’t know his name, but he’s from St Pat’s.) Now surely, you could have spoken to someone, and made a complaint.
Going down to beat the ****e out of a few morons would set a good example to your son. wouldn’t it?
If yourself, or anyone else that has been abused, and you do not inform the club, then their hands are tied.
I apologise to you and your son on behalf of all true Sligo Rovers supporters. But you have a reasonability to report these things when they happen. It’s the only way it can be stamped out.

03/10/2005, 3:36 PM
Bet they wouldn't ****in do it if it was a Bohs or rovers fan!!

03/10/2005, 3:41 PM
Bet they wouldn't ****in do it if it was a Bohs or rovers fan!!Oh yeah, cos they're scared of ye:rolleyes:

Conor H
03/10/2005, 3:45 PM
Well in fairness there is a difference between a couple of Dublin City fans and a large amount of Bohs or rovers fans.

03/10/2005, 4:07 PM
Oh yeah, cos they're scared of ye:rolleyes:

Well we wouldn't stand there and face the pitch anyawy :mad:

03/10/2005, 4:10 PM
Well we wouldn't stand there and face the pitch anyawy :mad:I know. I'm just saying they would have done it to anyone cos they're idiots:mad:

1 9 2 8
03/10/2005, 4:55 PM
Was it Rovers support in the Jinks Avenue stand that was abusing you?

The Stars
03/10/2005, 5:00 PM
Ya there was a Longford fan there aswell.....probably was him.

03/10/2005, 5:17 PM
I was next to Derek when the taunts were spilled... jsss.. "taunts"... that's goin easy on them lot of fookin Western knacks I tell ya.

Derek is a nice guy & they utterly took advantage of his dedicational drum bangin... it was a real case of 'bully versus the victim'... in that sence I mean it's easy to sneer & intimidate when ya have 10/15 mates around ya & over 1,000 + to make ya feel secure & be the firestarter/joker.

Their carry on proved to me they were'nt there to see their team in action much, if at all.

1 smart chum from a passin crowd whipped a drumstick off another 1 of our fans & I aint talkin bout a hungry bum thieven a piece of chicken either.

A stick from a snare-drum got into the wrong hands let's say & was then kicked along the ground from more Rover fans.

Don't get me wrong, Im not slating ALL Bit 'O Red heads here.. ya's have a fine team, stadium & most of your fans are sound. But sort out those a**holes. It put a slightly sour twist on the night to see my friends subjected to that... :(

03/10/2005, 5:27 PM
derek will you please report the club because we want rid of them.otherwise what's the point of going on about it here?i don't like the way the rovers and our fans are getting a bad name here because its only a small number of people who are causing trouble.the real supporters such as myself dissassociate ourselves from them completely.

03/10/2005, 5:35 PM
For years we would have classed Shams as our rivals & to this day still do, however this element seem to target Harps probably because We would have seen more of Harps than Shams in recent years.


Are you telling us that we can expect trouble the next time we go up there?

03/10/2005, 5:37 PM
derek will you please report the club because we want rid of them.otherwise what's the point of going on about it here?i don't like the way the rovers and our fans are getting a bad name here because its only a small number of people who are causing trouble.the real supporters such as myself dissassociate ourselves from them completely.

Well then stand up to them at the next match!!

03/10/2005, 5:39 PM
Well then stand up to them at the next match!!What is more violence going to achieve? If it's reported to the police/stewards/club in the future then something will probably be done about it, if not, then how is the club going to be able to do anything about it?:confused:

03/10/2005, 5:41 PM
What is more violence going to achieve? If it's reported to the police/stewards/club in the future then something will probably be done about it, if not, then how is the club going to be able to do anything about it?:confused:

Standing up to someone doesn't mean violence :rolleyes: Your a rovers fan alright!

03/10/2005, 5:43 PM
we have those dopes,most teams do,Galway to ST Pats,most of us have them (apart from Dubs,theyve only few fans,nice ppl though!) ((not meant badly)) they want to feel big men and think people are scared of them,sad, i think

03/10/2005, 5:43 PM
Standing up to someone doesn't mean violence :rolleyes: Your a rovers fan alright!What the feck is that supposed to mean?:confused::mad: . Standing up to someone could lead to violence is what I mean. The club dont know this is happening because it was never reported, so unless Derek says something then this will continue to happen:(