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14/07/2019, 2:05 PM
Always found AGS in Tallaght to be fine and very well organised. The ground was set up (policed, stewarded etc) for so many people and late changes can be logistically difficult.

No reason why shams would intentionally turn away cash so no "conspiracy theories". It really is simple - if it means that much, get a ticket in time. If it doesn't mean that much then STFU.

Some people will never stfu
But we can only dream. :)

14/07/2019, 2:20 PM
So you think the main points that have been made are allegations of " conspiracy theories" and about early buying of away end tickets? If so you are fairly wide of the mark.

Maybe you see yourself as an apologist for Rovers & SDCC stadium management?
Weren't you the poster who labeled those expressing safety concerns about over crowding as snowflakes?

Claiming that Shams or any LOI club would deliberately turn away money to minimize the “away” crowd is laughable. Yes, if you cared that much about attending a game you would buy a ticket in advance.
Whinging about overcrowding one match and keeping space empty in the next game is the sort of nonsense even you should see is silly.

Me as an “apologist for Rovers” 😂🤣😂 truely classic, even among your nonsensical posts.

14/07/2019, 2:22 PM
Any chance we can all just move on from this endless squabbling lads ? Discussions are good, but this is just petty tit-for-tat ballax between supporters of a small number of clubs.

It's infecting so many threads on here that it's wrecking the place IMO.

Peace out.

* Bump *

14/07/2019, 4:12 PM
Very healthy crowd for Cork last night.
Eh no it wasn't, I would be on the complete opposite end of the scale and say it was awful.
They've had home games with similar/higher attendances this year, while last year they would've averaged more than 3,100 and their two European games were sold out.
Plenty of empty seats around the ground and Progrès probably handed back hundreds which would've made even more seats available to City fans.
3,100 at a game that will be their last European game for at least two years if they're lucky. Not good.

14/07/2019, 6:12 PM
Eh no it wasn't, I would be on the complete opposite end of the scale and say it was awful.
They've had home games with similar/higher attendances this year, while last year they would've averaged more than 3,100 and their two European games were sold out.
Plenty of empty seats around the ground and Progrès probably handed back hundreds which would've made even more seats available to City fans.
3,100 at a game that will be their last European game for at least two years if they're lucky. Not good.
Progrés were never given tickets in the first place, their fans just bought them when they turned up. We probably set aside a small number (50-100 max) in case they had a larger than expected travelling support.

3,100 is much better than our recent attendances. Everyone I spoke to at the game was pretty surprised it was that high, many wondered would we break 2k.

14/07/2019, 10:23 PM
I was a bit surprised when people were saying that 3100 was a good attendance for a European game. Regardless of the opposition they are nights to savour. Any Dundalk fan should know that what was practically an annual event ended up being very occasional up until 2012 and it could happen again. My short foray on to the Cork forum (before I was banned for supposedly being critical) was a lot on how the Cork support was so loyal. Yes there was criticism of the style of football but the cracks really appeared after the St Pat's draw last summer. Even with that in mind I'd have expected the interest in CCFC in Europe to be 4k+. There are issues with the team but no bad blood with the club so imo the attendance should have been better. While its not the same situation the 3200 in Oriel against not that fashionable an opposition but if Oriel was a better ground another 1500 minimum would have been at the game. I'd have had a lower expectation of it had been a draw against a really fancied team where the result could have been complete humiliation. I dont mean this as a p1ssing match on whichever clubs get the better levels of support, i'm just surprised that the expectations have dropped so much when domestic sellout crowds were regular a year ago and a half full ground is considered good now!? If ever there was a needing time and opportunity to give the club a boost and real show of pride in the club it was Thursday!

Nah Nah Nah Nah
15/07/2019, 7:04 AM
All fair and good but attendance drop off when the team is struggling. If Dundalk were fourth bottom of the league there is no way the game last week would have sold out.

15/07/2019, 7:23 AM
I'm not so sure about that, we sold out in a very average season v Grevenmacher, and after Sean Connor's mad mob qualified due to clubs' issues like not being 3 years old *cough*. It did have the novelty factor back though.

15/07/2019, 8:49 AM
All fair and good but attendance drop off when the team is struggling. If Dundalk were fourth bottom of the league there is no way the game last week would have sold out.

The short term memory of LOI never ceases to amaze. only last season John Caulfield was slagging off Dublin clubs about Corks crowds and Dundalk fans apparently cant remember the times, not so long ago, that one man and his dog wandering in to Oriel near doubled the crowd !

All clubs have a hard core and then a flexible element depending on how well they are doing, without doubt Cork have the biggest 'flexible' support which results in increases/decreases way in excess of other LOI clubs.

15/07/2019, 10:30 AM
Fair point on short memories of LOI fans on crowds. The lowest average for Dundalk in recent times, and certainly since promotion at the end of 2008 season was during that dreadful season McCaffrey started off in charge.

This was 2012 season, before Kenny arrived, as per the figures on this page it dropped to around 900. Dundalk should have been auto relegated that season they were that bad, only survived into the play off as Monaghan pulled out.

The play off home leg v Waterford attracted 1,500 but I remember the few games before, Bohs was one and Bray was another I think, one was 400, the other was possibly as low as 260 !

15/07/2019, 10:35 AM
Cork have an identity that if they are doing well tends to bring in "Cork" people to support the towns team, similer to Dundalk and Sligo, when they are going well the towns people can identify with them and show up. Cork being a city just has a bigger available number of bandwagoners available.
The contrast is the case in Dublin, Rovers Core support isnt much increased by success as people Dublin residents dont identify with the team and its success, even in Tallaght id say the same is true for most of the dublin teams.

15/07/2019, 10:37 AM
It's the same everywhere. When Limerick were waltzing through the FD a few years ago they were getting huge crowds for that division, now struggling to break 500. This continues to baffle some people (How many "sporting city" comments have a I read when discussing attendances?) but is just a symptom of Ireland's general bandwagon culture.

15/07/2019, 10:56 AM
i agree 100% with you i think Dublin is different though because most Dublin people could'nt give a toss about Rovers , Bohs , Shels. Pats so success or otherwise doesnt drive the crowds as much in Dublin, we are averageing the same crowds now within a couple of 100's as when we were winnng the leagues and playing in group stages in 2010/2011.
Its a pity but watch the attendance in Tallaght on Thursday, i reckon no more than 4000 max although i might be surprised.

15/07/2019, 11:23 AM
I would also be surprised if Rovers got over 4k on Thursday, the away support won’t be too high, would 200 travel? I think a crowd of 3,500 might be more the case.

This should be a great game for the floating fan / nuetral to attend, and should really attract 5k, as they are in a nice position of 2-2 on away goals, but they won’t care, expectation will be they will go through, but if they slip up, just wait for the abuse from all over. These are the worst types, the online crew, a lot with their english club crests as profile, and waiting to slag off any LOI team the minute they slip up.

15/07/2019, 12:38 PM
I would also be surprised if Rovers got over 4k on Thursday, the away support won’t be too high, would 200 travel? I think a crowd of 3,500 might be more the case.

This should be a great game for the floating fan / nuetral to attend, and should really attract 5k, as they are in a nice position of 2-2 on away goals, but they won’t care, expectation will be they will go through, but if they slip up, just wait for the abuse from all over. These are the worst types, the online crew, a lot with their english club crests as profile, and waiting to slag off any LOI team the minute they slip up.

I'm not sure that I fit either the floating fan or neutral categories, but I will go along to Tallaght on Thursday. For my part, I will be equally content to praise them or slag them as their performance merits, although I hope and expect that they will progress.

15/07/2019, 1:25 PM
i agree 100% with you i think Dublin is different though because most Dublin people could'nt give a toss about Rovers , Bohs , Shels. Pats so success or otherwise doesnt drive the crowds as much in Dublin, we are averageing the same crowds now within a couple of 100's as when we were winnng the leagues and playing in group stages in 2010/2011.
Its a pity but watch the attendance in Tallaght on Thursday, i reckon no more than 4000 max although i might be surprised.

That's the problem with big cities in which there are multiple teams with no strong identities to any particular part of it. None of the big Dublin teams even a name which connects them to a particular area.

The upside is that if any of the Dublin clubs do manage to tap into their local area, the potential is massive. So it's up to them then to rise to that challenge. Bohs have made a good start on this over the last few years.

15/07/2019, 1:44 PM
I’d expect 5k plus in Tallaght on Thursday.

15/07/2019, 1:52 PM
Maybe we could get the Boss to give a bonus points in the predictions league to the nearest to the right crowd figure for Thursday :)

15/07/2019, 2:39 PM
That's the problem with big cities in which there are multiple teams with no strong identities to any particular part of it. None of the big Dublin teams even a name which connects them to a particular area.

The upside is that if any of the Dublin clubs do manage to tap into their local area, the potential is massive. So it's up to them then to rise to that challenge. Bohs have made a good start on this over the last few years.

Well Rovers and Shels do, just not the areas they're currently in, and in rovers case a fairly small area to say the least

15/07/2019, 6:44 PM
The short term memory of LOI never ceases to amaze. only last season John Caulfield was slagging off Dublin clubs about Corks crowds and Dundalk fans apparently cant remember the times, not so long ago, that one man and his dog wandering in to Oriel near doubled the crowd !

All clubs have a hard core and then a flexible element depending on how well they are doing, without doubt Cork have the biggest 'flexible' support which results in increases/decreases way in excess of other LOI clubs.

You should add selective memory also. While attendances can rarely to be considered 'good' that one season at Dundalk was frought with issues with the owners on top of the team's performances. It was somewhat of an anomaly if other yearly averages of the same period are considered. General meetings with fans where the then Owner was calling out people who posted criticism on OW. He continuously threatened to demolish the YDC and sell it for scrap. While some might say it wouldnt have been a bad thing, as the club owned the buildings on Oriel but not the land to do whatever with he said he would demolish them too and said he would withold the lease if any new Dundalk owners wanted to play there. He refused to engage with potenrial buyers saying he would rather fold the club. There are a good few more stories from that time where fans were not paying in to Oriel to have that money moved to another struggling company or create cash flow for same, or pay unfair dismissal that was really a private issue.

15/07/2019, 10:55 PM
I would also be surprised if Rovers got over 4k on Thursday, the away support won’t be too high, would 200 travel? I think a crowd of 3,500 might be more the case.

This should be a great game for the floating fan / nuetral to attend, and should really attract 5k, as they are in a nice position of 2-2 on away goals, but they won’t care, expectation will be they will go through, but if they slip up, just wait for the abuse from all over. These are the worst types, the online crew, a lot with their english club crests as profile, and waiting to slag off any LOI team the minute they slip up.

Would like all LOI teams to progress but past caring what the floating fan / EPL tossers thinks.
Honestly believe they mainly slag off LOI to cover up their embarrassment at following foreign teams (usually English or Scottish) and ignoring our own.
My usual answer is - it may be ****e but at least it’s OUR ****e 😁 gets them every time.

pineapple stu
15/07/2019, 10:56 PM
1362 at the Bowl tonight.

15/07/2019, 11:40 PM
1362 at the Bowl tonight.

An actual attendance figure on an attendance thread! :sarcastic:Day of days! :rolleyes: - :D

Charlie Darwin
16/07/2019, 12:33 AM
The short term memory of LOI never ceases to amaze. only last season John Caulfield was slagging off Dublin clubs about Corks crowds and Dundalk fans apparently cant remember the times, not so long ago, that one man and his dog wandering in to Oriel near doubled the crowd !

All clubs have a hard core and then a flexible element depending on how well they are doing, without doubt Cork have the biggest 'flexible' support which results in increases/decreases way in excess of other LOI clubs.
Calling you out on your lies here marinobohs.

Caulfield never slagged off Dublin clubs about their crowds last season.

He slagged them off about their crowds four seasons ago.

16/07/2019, 3:54 AM
Calling you out on your lies here marinobohs.

Caulfield never slagged off Dublin clubs about their crowds last season.

He slagged them off about their crowds four seasons ago.
Short term memory loss ? 😁

16/07/2019, 11:01 AM
Well Rovers and Shels do, just not the areas they're currently in, and in rovers case a fairly small area to say the least

No club in Dublin has got a strong local affinity. Their attendances and the shirts you see kids wandering around in tells its own story.

And least of all Shels to be honest.

16/07/2019, 11:19 AM
No club in Dublin has got a strong local affinity. Their attendances and the shirts you see kids wandering around in tells its own story.

And least of all Shels to be honest.

Don't disagree, just saying technically Rovers and Shels are named after areas.

To be fair Cabo have the potential to have that local affinity and every so often I think Rovers and Pats are getting there. Don't think Shels have a chance of it while remaining in North Dublin, especially with Bohs connection to the area seemingly growing.

16/07/2019, 1:24 PM
Don't disagree, just saying technically Rovers and Shels are named after areas.

That's just being pedantic though. Streets are irrelevant - there are no parts of Dublin called anything to do with 'Shamrock Rovers' or Shelbourne'

16/07/2019, 1:31 PM
That's just being pedantic though. Streets are irrelevant - there are no parts of Dublin called anything to do with 'Shamrock Rovers' or Shelbourne'

Shelbourne isn't an official name of anywhere but the street but its sort of an unofficial name around Dublin for the area between Grand Canal, Ballsbridge, Irishtown

16/07/2019, 2:00 PM
Don't disagree, just saying technically Rovers and Shels are named after areas.

To be fair Cabo have the potential to have that local affinity and every so often I think Rovers and Pats are getting there. Don't think Shels have a chance of it while remaining in North Dublin, especially with Bohs connection to the area seemingly growing.

The problem we have is that the demographic in Inchicore is all over the place. We have tried with the African and polish communities to no avail and the indian/Pakistanis have no interest in football.

16/07/2019, 2:10 PM
The problem we have is that the demographic in Inchicore is all over the place. We have tried with the African and polish communities to no avail and the indian/Pakistanis have no interest in football.

Yeah the best you can do it get them when they're in school and get all the demographics in one go.

I'm seeing more Polish and Brazilians in Tallaght these days including some with kids which is a good sign.

16/07/2019, 2:11 PM
Don't disagree, just saying technically Rovers and Shels are named after areas.

Where is the area known as Rovers?

16/07/2019, 2:15 PM
Where is the area known as Rovers?

Is that supposed to be a joke?
Shamrock Ave.

16/07/2019, 2:17 PM
Where is the area known as Rovers?

I have the Shamrock Rovers centinary book, I must dig it out it explains their origins in Irishtown or Ringsend can’t remember which. I’m not sure about $hels they played in Shelbourne Park so not sure if the ground was named after them or vice verse. In passage of time you would have to allow for the changing of terminology for certain locations in the city , an area called one thing over a hundred years ago might not be referred to in the same manner today. IE in Dublin the monto or the Gloucester Diamond.

16/07/2019, 2:31 PM
I have the Shamrock Rovers centinary book, I must dig it out it explains their origins in Irishtown or Ringsend can’t remember which. I’m not sure about $hels they played in Shelbourne Park so not sure if the ground was named after them or vice verse. In passage of time you would have to allow for the changing of terminology for certain locations in the city , an area called one thing over a hundred years ago might not be referred to in the same manner today. IE in Dublin the monto or the Gloucester Diamond.

Shels are named that because when they were just a group of people playing random matches they were organising a game against the local barracks in beggers bush the barracks asked for a name (something they didn't have) they saw a sign for Shelbourne Road and decided to say Shelbourne. It was is a 42 video recently, apparently there's other potential stories too, nobody really knows the exact origin of it.

16/07/2019, 2:49 PM
Is that supposed to be a joke?
Shamrock Ave.

I'm aware of Shamrock Cottages, Shamrock Place and Shamrock Cottages all off North Strand on Dublins northside.

Does Shamrock Avenue still exist?

I have the Shamrock Rovers centinary book, I must dig it out it explains their origins in Irishtown or Ringsend can’t remember which. I’m not sure about $hels they played in Shelbourne Park so not sure if the ground was named after them or vice verse. In passage of time you would have to allow for the changing of terminology for certain locations in the city , an area called one thing over a hundred years ago might not be referred to in the same manner today. IE in Dublin the monto or the Gloucester Diamond.

If none of the Rovers fans know off-hand, it would be interesting to understand the origins

16/07/2019, 3:19 PM
I'm aware of Shamrock Cottages, Shamrock Place and Shamrock Cottages all off North Strand on Dublins northside.

Does Shamrock Avenue still exist?

If none of the Rovers fans know off-hand, it would be interesting to understand the origins

It's now actually called The square, funny coincidence. There's a plaque for the club on the "Catholic men's & women's society of Ireland" building which is just round the corner

16/07/2019, 4:24 PM
Where is the area known as Rovers?

By definition, isn't is nowhere and everywhere ?

16/07/2019, 6:45 PM
Don't disagree, just saying technically Rovers and Shels are named after areas.

To be fair Cabo have the potential to have that local affinity and every so often I think Rovers and Pats are getting there. Don't think Shels have a chance of it while remaining in North Dublin, especially with Bohs connection to the area seemingly growing.

What part of Tallaght is called Rovers , “technically” or otherwise ?

16/07/2019, 7:30 PM
What part of Tallaght is called Rovers , “technically” or otherwise ?

You unable to read or something?

16/07/2019, 8:35 PM
You unable to read or something?

Nope, you said “rovers” was named after a place. You unable to write or something ?

Charlie Darwin
17/07/2019, 12:40 AM
marinobohs steaming into a thread to ask questions that have already been answered:


17/07/2019, 7:08 AM
marinobohs steaming into a thread to ask questions that have already been answered:

Still wondering about the community links with some place called Rovers 😁 hilarious enough claiming strong community links in Ringsend when your latest halting site is in Tallaght.

Remember when you were going to call the SDCC Stadium “Milltown” LOL

sundance kid
17/07/2019, 9:28 AM
Still fuming after the nightmare you had on the thread after the UCD game i see

17/07/2019, 9:31 AM
Still fuming after the nightmare you had on the thread after the UCD game i see

“You see” ? That would be a first. Talking crap, not so unusual for you 😁

17/07/2019, 10:21 AM
Jesus marinobohs give it a rest, you're having a nightmare the last couple of days.

17/07/2019, 11:13 AM
Jesus marinobohs give it a rest, you're having a nightmare the last couple of days.

Maybe I should sign for Cork so 😁

17/07/2019, 11:29 AM
Any chance we can all just move on from this endless squabbling lads ? Discussions are good, but this is just petty tit-for-tat ballax between supporters of a small number of clubs.

It's infecting so many threads on here that it's wrecking the place IMO.

Peace out.

* Bump x 2 *

19/07/2019, 8:38 PM
321 Lims v Drogs

19/07/2019, 9:44 PM
How many at the Rovers euro game last night?