View Full Version : Pope's death/matches

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04/04/2005, 10:13 AM
Gruesome question to ask but has anyone heard from the FAI if this weekends games are on?

I know Bertie has said there will be official day or mourning but was wondering if anyone has heard about the matches on Friday night going ahead?

04/04/2005, 10:16 AM
Bertie decided no day of mourning so doubt it.. Prob be a min silence before kick off

joey B
04/04/2005, 10:20 AM
I think its a disgrace they dont have a day of mourning :mad:
Of course they cancel the cabinet meeting but nothing else :rolleyes:

De Town
04/04/2005, 10:27 AM
There was talk of our game tonight being off but its going ahead with no minutes silence.

joey B
04/04/2005, 10:34 AM
Can you honestly imagine Linfield fans respecting it :rolleyes:

04/04/2005, 11:41 AM
Its a sad reflection on society when ignorance and bigotry cause a mark of respect for a great man be cancelled. Of course we realise that it is the best course of action to avoid abuse from a section of society who, while they may pay lip service to some religion, in practice have none. No doubt Flancare will get the oportunity to pay its respects next week. :ball:

04/04/2005, 1:05 PM
Can't believe people suggesting call games off.

Don't agree with offical Day of Mourning either eventhough would probably get day off work. Last time i looked there was separation of church & state. I don't believe its a lack of respect not to have day of mourning.

04/04/2005, 1:45 PM
There was talk of our game tonight being off but its going ahead with no minutes silence.
Why do people who are deeply affected by the death of the Pope want to impose their mourning on everyone else, here and in making the case for a national shopping day?
Linfield, for better or worse, is a Protestant club, so the religious beliefs of many of its fans is based on opposition to popes. Others might agree or disagree with that, but it is not unreasonable to see the difficulty that a minute's silence at such a match represents.
It's a pity it had to happen, especially in the first year of the experimient, but it has. In these circumstances, having a minute's silence, whatever the motivation, is asking for it.

De Town
04/04/2005, 1:46 PM
Can you honestly imagine Linfield fans respecting it :rolleyes:
I know, thats why there is no minutes silence. Sad really :(

04/04/2005, 2:25 PM
Can you honestly imagine Linfield fans respecting it :rolleyes:

I don't see why they wouldn't. Clubs often have minute silence for fans who die & away fans are usually respectful even when haven't a clue what it is for.

joey B
04/04/2005, 2:38 PM
This is alot more high profile and I think there would be problems for obvious reasons.

04/04/2005, 2:40 PM
This is alot more high profile and I think there would be problems for obvious reasons.

I honestly don't see the problem. Any normal person can respect any death whatever his/her personal views.

04/04/2005, 2:46 PM
The Pope was not just the head of the church..
he did an awful lot of work for peace and poverty in the world..
He worked side by side with the heads of the other religions\ countries in the world to join everyone together to make the world a better place..

It is not just catholics who will be mourning his death, most of the world will be.. he was a great man and should be respected..

Would a mins silence do anyone any harm really??

Lim till i die
04/04/2005, 3:46 PM
Don't see why there should be a minutes silence for the pope when there wouldnt be one for any other religious leader. Would like to think Ireland has moved beyond the sectarian, bended knee, catholisism of the past

04/04/2005, 3:52 PM
Don't see why there should be a minutes silence for the pope when there wouldnt be one for any other religious leader. Would like to think Ireland has moved beyond the sectarian, bended knee, catholisism of the past
That is total bull.. I would respect the death of any person who pleged their life to helping others... :mad:

04/04/2005, 3:55 PM
That is total bull.. I would respect the death of any person who pleged their life to helping others... :mad:
You wouldn't be saying much if you had a minute's silence for each of them though.

Lim till i die
04/04/2005, 3:59 PM
That is total bull.. I would respect the death of any person who pleged their life to helping others... :mad:

I could go into the numerous evils which your pope inflicted on this world but that would be going wildly off topic. Suffice to say everyones entitled to their own opinion and mine is that the pope has very little relevance to most ordinary Irish peoples lives today and has much less to do with the eircom league therefore i personally find the idea of a moments silence or a match being called off preposterous

As for the Longford issue put the shoe on the other foot and do you think Irish fans would respect a moments silence for Ian Paisley :confused:

04/04/2005, 4:00 PM
You wouldn't be saying much if you had a minute's silence for each of them though.
no cause you don't talk during a minutes silence :confused: .. I would show respect for them and their followers by observing the minutes silence

Lim till i die
04/04/2005, 4:01 PM
You wouldn't be saying much if you had a minute's silence for each of them though.

Too true :D

harry crumb
04/04/2005, 4:04 PM
Don't see why there should be a minutes silence for the pope when there wouldnt be one for any other religious leader. Would like to think Ireland has moved beyond the sectarian, bended knee, catholisism of the past

There are 3.4 million roman catholics in the irish republic. So a pope's death is a big deal.

04/04/2005, 4:10 PM
no cause you don't talk during a minutes silence :confused:
Maybe in your case, it'd be just as well.

04/04/2005, 4:16 PM
Maybe in your case, it'd be just as well.
I'm sorry do you know me? NO. So keep your so called opionins of me to yourself.
Am I not allowed to voice my own opinion like everyone else?
By the way are you not ment to attack the post not the poster.

04/04/2005, 7:32 PM
In these circumstances, having a minute's silence, whatever the motivation, is asking for it.

Why should Catholics not honour their religous leader, you can be sure that when that 'glorified princess' died we all had to put up with it. Sure even that Royal clown has postponed his 2nd wedding by 24 hrs, they can follow his example if they honour him so much.

04/04/2005, 7:34 PM
[QUOTE=Lim till i die]I could go into the numerous evils which your pope inflicted on this world [QUOTE]

You need serious help. 'Evils' ???

04/04/2005, 8:40 PM
"evils"? I`ll have a starter for 10. How about significant responsibility for the death of millions of Africans due to AIDS, by his continued public stance against contreception?

04/04/2005, 9:07 PM
"evils"? I`ll have a starter for 10. How about significant responsibility for the death of millions of Africans due to AIDS, by his continued public stance against contreception?

Ahh this old chestnut

Now what is the main main cause of the spreading of most of AIDS in Africa? Now what is the churches position on sex? Now why oh why do all these people blindly follow the Churches view on contraception but not on sex?
Paper thin logic OneRedArmy:rolleyes:

Try harder

A face
04/04/2005, 11:12 PM
Have to say i thought Bertie dealt with the whole thing very well to be honest ...... as much as it pains me to say that i'd agree with anything that Bertie does !! :eek:

04/04/2005, 11:13 PM
Ahh this old chestnut

Now what is the main main cause of the spreading of most of AIDS in Africa? Now what is the churches position on sex? Now why oh why do all these people blindly follow the Churches view on contraception but not on sex?
Paper thin logic OneRedArmy:rolleyes:

Try harder
Try telling the hundreds of thousands of infected babies & young children that they are paying for their parents mistakes with their lives.

How very Christian of you.. :rolleyes:

harry crumb
04/04/2005, 11:30 PM
Its a valid point but the AIDS problem in Africa is down to a number of other factors aswell.

Patrick Dunne
04/04/2005, 11:39 PM
Pope John Paul is one of the outstanding figures of the second half of the 20th century. Whether liberal-fascist D4 types like Fintan "Tool" O'Toole like it or not, he commands huge respect and loyalty amongst the people of the world, of all religions.

The supporters of Galway United will give him the respect he deserves later on today in Terryland Park. 1979 will never be forgotten. Some of the posters here are totally out of touch with the depth of feeling from the public towards this man.

As for contraception, some people just have to use their personality :D

04/04/2005, 11:46 PM
To be perfecly honest, I have no interest in who the Pope is, what he does or anything like that. But the fact is that Ireland is still (unfortunately in my view) a country with an overwhelming allegiance to the Roman Catholic Church and therefore if the majority of people want a moments silence or want to observe a period of mourning, their choice should be respected. I do not think there should be any national day of mourning, but people should be allowed to take time off to pay their respects if they so wish. Last time I heard, there was a separation of Church and State in this country, but one which does respect people's faith, therefore they should have the entitlement to do what they feel is necessary to show their faith.

As for what the Pope did or didn't do- I think its a debate that should maybe be left for another day, when feelings are not so raw. As already stated, I have no interest in or allegiance to the man, but people are mourning right now, and even if I cannot understand why they are doing so, I think that should be respected.

04/04/2005, 11:48 PM
when will people learn that their arguments are utterly destroyed by the use of completely stupid phrases like this :rolleyes:

05/04/2005, 9:34 AM
Try telling the hundreds of thousands of infected babies & young children that they are paying for their parents mistakes with their lives.

How very Christian of you.. :rolleyes:

SOC is dead right.

The Church's stance on contraception isn't the big issue in Africa that it would be here. The church preaches monogamy, that's not followed. The church preaches against contraception, that is? Is it really the churches influence that's making the difference.

I think it's more likely due to the average African finding it difficult to pop down to Boots to buy a 12-pack of Durex when he's in the mood. Given that situation, the church enforces it's belief in Monogamy, which is a perfectly valid tool to use against the spread of Aids.

Advising people to stop screwing around was also one of the first methods the 'developed' world used to combat the spread of AIDS in the 80's.

05/04/2005, 9:47 AM
Pope John Paul is one of the outstanding figures of the second half of the 20th century. Whether liberal-fascist D4 types like Fintan "Tool" O'Toole like it or not, he commands huge respect and loyalty amongst the people of the world, of all religions.

Would youcare to show some evidence that "liberal-fascist types like Fintan O'Toole" (reading a little too much Mark Steyn & Kevin Myers are we?) has at any stage, ever, claimed that John Paul did not command respect?
Actually care to show even ONE remark/word/column/interview where F. O'Toole made ANY sort of disparaging remark about the Pope?

05/04/2005, 9:56 AM
... and calling FO'T a D4 type is about as misguided as it gets.

05/04/2005, 11:15 AM
The Pope has had no impact on my lefi but I can respect a minutes silence as he obviously had impact on other peoples lifes.

Out of 3.4 million Catholics in this country how many actually practice regularily. Most people just need the church for weddings, funerals & then baptise their children as its the done thing. Most of us are born into in & its a bit like football cos you never really leave... ;)

05/04/2005, 11:55 AM
Ah yeah, sure he's your typical working class hero from down the docks. Pass me a cup of bovril Finbarr, good man :rolleyes: :rolleyes:]

05/04/2005, 1:19 PM
Try telling the hundreds of thousands of infected babies & young children that they are paying for their parents mistakes with their lives.

How very Christian of you.. :rolleyes:

Umm true, all very sad but that realates to JP being evil how?

05/04/2005, 3:04 PM
"evils"? I`ll have a starter for 10. How about significant responsibility for the death of millions of Africans due to AIDS, by his continued public stance against contreception?

And so the sexual exploits/misbehaviour of many dont or have not contributed to Aids ? Blame the Pope for preaching moral values ? Catch a grip.

And i never even mentioned homosexuality either.

05/04/2005, 3:17 PM
Ah yeah, sure he's your typical working class hero from down the docks. Pass me a cup of bovril Finbarr, good man :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Not far off there. He's from Crumlin, afaik, and his dad was a bus driver. He's written about his working class roots, he certainly doesn't pretend to be otherwise.
I'll leave the hero bit to yourself, because you introduced it. Otherwise, sorry he doesn't fit into your handy stereotype.

05/04/2005, 5:06 PM
Just back to one of the original topics, our junior league game on sunday morning had a minutes silence for the pope, think it was the referee's personal decision.

05/04/2005, 5:48 PM
Ahh this old chestnut

Now what is the main main cause of the spreading of most of AIDS in Africa? Now what is the churches position on sex? Now why oh why do all these people blindly follow the Churches view on contraception but not on sex?
Paper thin logic OneRedArmy:rolleyes:

Try harder


Yet again smart poster in idiocy shock!!!!!

What about African bishops telling their flocks that condoms don't prevent the spread of HIV? What about African clergy refusing to allow sex-education in it's schools? (ring any bells with us Irish?) What about lack of contraception availability in basic medical packs supplied by Catholic charities?

These directly contributed to the spread of the virus in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Ask any AIDS charity in Africa. The Church should hang it's collective colonialist head in shame - we want you as Catholics but we refuse to educate you about basic stuff that saves lives.


05/04/2005, 5:56 PM
Getting back(ish) on topic.

a) Did some Linfield players have balck armbands on last night (or did the tv cameras just keep picking out the captain :p)

b) Will gates be affected on Friday night by people staying at home to watch the funeral (dont know what time its on) or staying at home for the evening as it might put a lot of people in a somber mood?

05/04/2005, 5:58 PM
when will people learn that their arguments are utterly destroyed by the use of completely stupid phrases like this :rolleyes:

Mr Dunne has a point about the intolerance of the so-called Liberal chattering classes even if the term he used to describe it is not to your liking. ;)

As regards the minute's silence. If Linfield FC can find it in their hearts to wear black armbands as a mark of respect in their Setanta Cup game, and I congratulate them for that wholeheartedly, why can't the rest of us give the man a minute's silence? I do it for anyone who is commemorated at games whether I know of their achievements/actions or not.

05/04/2005, 6:21 PM
Mr Dunne has a point about the intolerance of the so-called Liberal chattering classes even if the term he used to describe it is not to your liking. ;)
I realise this is off-topic, but these "Liberal chattering classes", who exactly calls them this and who are the people that make up these classes?

05/04/2005, 6:23 PM
b) Will gates be affected on Friday night by people staying at home to watch the funeral (dont know what time its on) or staying at home for the evening as it might put a lot of people in a somber mood?

TV coverage starts at 8.45 am and finishes at 1.00pm. There's a mass in the Phoenix Park as well but that's the afternoon AFAIK.


05/04/2005, 6:40 PM

Yet again smart poster in idiocy shock!!!!!

What about African bishops telling their flocks that condoms don't prevent the spread of HIV? What about African clergy refusing to allow sex-education in it's schools? (ring any bells with us Irish?) What about lack of contraception availability in basic medical packs supplied by Catholic charities?

I hold my hands up, most of this comes as news to me. How much of that was from JP and how much of that them acting on their own?

To the best of my knowledge the Churches position on sex-education is that it is better for partents to teach their children in their homes rather than by a teacher in school?

05/04/2005, 6:46 PM
I hold my hands up, most of this comes as news to me. How much of that was from JP and how much of that them acting on their own?

To the best of my knowledge the Churches position on sex-education is that it is better for partents to teach their children in their homes rather than by a teacher in school?

No point arguing, for some idiots they would rather blame church teachings & JP for Aids rather than those running around shagging left right and centre.

anto eile
05/04/2005, 6:50 PM
there should be no day of mourning.if you want to mourn then do it on your own time.religion should be kept as far from public life as possible
there should be no postponed matches

anto eile
05/04/2005, 6:53 PM
no cause you don't talk during a minutes silence :confused: .. I would show respect for them and their followers by observing the minutes silence
pointless post eire06.you must his point completely.what he meant i assume was if you had a minutes silence for everyone who helped others you would spend 90% of your life respecting minutes silences