View Full Version : We Need To Talk About cork city

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Lim till i die
23/09/2017, 6:12 PM
cork city are going to wrap up Sean Maguire's league title over the next week or two possibly even as early as Monday. I don't think any league of ireland fan would begrudge Sean Maguire this honour. It was an incredible achievement by Sean Maguire to win the league this season.

But the elevation of cork city fc and their "manager" john caulfield as a near unrelated by product of Sean Maguires success in winning the league this season raises some issues which the whole league needs to be aware of. Just a few off the top of my head:

Europe: obviously there's a lot of coefficient fans on here. When cork city without Sean Maguire lose 3 0 on aggregate to the champions of andorra it's going to set the league back years.

Fan Ownership: I'm going to use two examples from the match last night which I feel illustrate the issues with fan Ownership on a tiny scale like the scale you see practised in cork.

1. For the second time in a row heroes in the cork support racially abused 20 year old Limerick player and all round nice guy Chedozie Ogbene. Would this have happened if something other than the cork board putting their fingers in their ears had happened the first time? Will some more heroes go for the three in a row in the Joe Delaney Stand next Friday? Probably since their board obviously have absolutely no interest in tackling racism.

2. Which brings me nearly to point two. cork city have a reasonably large group of what can only be described as misfortunes following them aping the casual culture in the UK. Some of these kids are barred from all areas of Turner's Cross including the Joe Delaney Stand. My sources tell me that Limerick FC requested the IDs of these individuals and the board of cork city actively obstructed Limericks efforts. The end result? A group of lads from cork got a hiding because they travelled up to Limerick intent on causing trouble because they knew that sneaking regarders on the cork board have their backs with regard to entry to games.

And this is one of the problem with fan ownership on a tiny scale like they have in cork. Clowns get promoted above their station because they are "sound lads" and they then have to maintain the appearance of being sound lads often to the detriment of the proper running off their club.

Look in the dugout. john caulfield a man who wouldn't even have been considered for the job if he wasn't an ex player and now remains in the job basically because he's not a jackeen. A man who is incapable of a modicum of class despite the fact he has been handed a procession by Sean Maguire. He spent more time in the Limerick technical area than the cork technical area last night. That's what players want to see when they are a goal down and they look to the sideline in a tight away game, a tiny little man running up and down in and blind panic cursing and swearing at nothing in particular. What was the plan last night? Kick ogbene and everything will work out? A stronger board would have clipped this fellas wings long ago unless he can convince Sean Maguire to come home and win him a league single handedly again I'll be astonished if he sees next summer.

Then you have things like people who should know better voting the home of the Joe Delaney Stand Turner's Cross as the best ground in the league despite the fact the away section is reminiscent of an internment camp from a Balkan war. Again small time stuff from their board everyone is a paying customer after all.

Then you have the situation in glanmire where "cork citys" new training facility now has a completion date set at three years after the fai finish their training centre on the moon. Again would a board that wasn't made up of a few of the lads maybe have a little more clout with pushing this forward?

Look I don't want this to come across like I'm having a go for the sake of it. I'll reiterate once again: Sean Maguire single handedly winning the league was an incredible achievement that will rightly be talked about for years. But I'm just point out that having sat on the toilet thinking about it for ten minutes is it fair to say that for cork city to have success in anything other than the shortest of short term they should maybe have a small look at themselves rather than another round of high fives at a supporters direct meeting??

Discuss the issues.

No club bashing please if at all possible. Only constructive suggestions for cork city. Thanks

White Horse
23/09/2017, 6:26 PM
cork city are going to wrap up Sean Maguire's league title over the next week or two possibly even as early as Monday. I don't think any league of ireland fan would begrudge Sean Maguire this honour. It was an incredible achievement by Sean Maguire to win the league this season.

But the elevation of cork city fc and their "manager" john caulfield as a near unrelated by product of Sean Maguires success in winning the league this season raises some issues which the whole league needs to be aware of.

It wasn't just Maguire, Cork's back four for the first few months of the season was as tight and organised as I've seen in the league.

If Cork go on and win it, it will be a deserved win. Cork fans won't like the way they have collapsed of late, but I'm sure it won't take too much away from their celebrations.

As for Caulfield, the question Cork fans will be asking themselves is whether their early season team was one that Caulfield stumbled across or proof that he knows what he is doing.

Martinho II
23/09/2017, 6:28 PM
I am only sitting down watching the cork match. Why was Robbie Williams signed in the first place? It was some breakdown in communication between him and Greg Bolger. But it was Williams that was the culprit. As long as Robbie keeps playing from the start I think Dundalk could catch Cork and my betting money is on Dundalk to beat Cork Monday night!

23/09/2017, 7:06 PM
Limerick were 5/1 last night and Tosi was 15/1 to score. Just saying.

23/09/2017, 7:10 PM
No club bashing please if at all possible. Only constructive suggestions for cork city. Thanks

Yes, because there's absolutely no bashing whatsoever of any club in your own post... :p

Obviously, Maguire contributed a huge deal to Cork's present position - that's undeniable - but to repeatedly claim that he - and only he - won the league (and not Cork) is tantamount to club-bashing for me, as it completely disregards and demeans the contribution of others at the club. It's as if you're suggesting that the title (assuming Cork win it) won't really be theirs and their fans' to celebrate, and you're rubbing that idea in their faces.

23/09/2017, 7:16 PM
Glad everyone is taking the serious stuff from the post cos the Sean Maguire stuff is the important bit not the continued racist abuse of a young man.

total hoofball
23/09/2017, 8:25 PM
What was the nature of the racist abuse? How many Cork 'fans' involved? Have Limerick fans reported this to the Gardai?

Lim till i die
23/09/2017, 8:32 PM
I would hope somebody in the vicinity of the vile racist scum did their Civic duty.

For my own part I personally pointed out one of their heroes to a member of the Garda when he threw a spent flare at Rodrigo after we scored.

Unfortunately I was suffering from intemperance at the time so I don't know how seriously my complaint was taken.

23/09/2017, 8:34 PM
What was the nature of the racist abuse? How many Cork 'fans' involved? Have Limerick fans reported this to the Gardai?

Limerick fans weren't near it to report it to Gardai Cork fans were and they didn't bother. He was called the N word and told to "f**k back to Africa" this is all coming from Cork fans that were right in the vicinity of the person doing it. They are saying it was just one but just one is too much especially considering the exact same thing happened the lad in Turners cross.

To just stand there and even tell the fella doing it be quiet instead of getting him out of the ground and banned is a disgrace.

Johnnie C
23/09/2017, 10:49 PM
A Limerick fan complaining about Turners Cross is a bit rich considering that Limerick played for many years at the joke/embarrassment of a "venue" that was Jackman Park.

23/09/2017, 10:58 PM
Glad everyone is taking the serious stuff from the post cos the Sean Maguire stuff is the important bit not the continued racist abuse of a young man.

The serious stuff would probably be taken more seriously if it wasn't so tightly wrapped in a load of aul' sh!te, tbh. And I'm not even a Cork fan.

23/09/2017, 11:09 PM
The serious stuff would probably be taken more seriously if it wasn't so tightly wrapped in a load of aul' sh!te, tbh. And I'm not even a Cork fan.

Perfect excuse to completely ignore a lad being racially abused alright.

24/09/2017, 8:40 AM
Perfect excuse to completely ignore a lad being racially abused alright.

Racial abuse is wrong every time, but EatYerGreens comment is spot on about the opening post

24/09/2017, 9:07 AM
It seems the real crime here is mixing good natured (I hope) WUMery with serious comments. Can someone advise how I can go about informing the Guards so the individual concerned is rightly punished? Then we can talk about the trifling matter of racist abuse in the LOI.

24/09/2017, 10:43 AM
If that happened, perhaps Limerick FC should be filing some sort of complaint with the league to show support for their player and employee.
Obviously fans and guards in the area should have acted at the time as well as Limerick FC stewards.
Cork City should ban the idiot from all their games.

24/09/2017, 12:00 PM
Glad everyone is taking the serious stuff from the post cos the Sean Maguire stuff is the important bit not the continued racist abuse of a young man.
Are you still banned from Turners Cross for abusing a female volunteer?

24/09/2017, 12:02 PM
Perfect excuse to completely ignore a lad being racially abused alright.

Then just post only about the racial abuse it that's your agenda, not all the other ridiculous comment, but then again, you and I know that it is the other stuff that's really important to you don't we!

Grow up and put your fishing rod away!

24/09/2017, 12:18 PM
Are you still banned from Turners Cross for abusing a female volunteer?

I've never in my life been banned from Turners Cross but I'm glad your attitude towards the matter is well our fans might have made racist comments but your fans did something too shows a lot about you.

Also shows Corks attitude as a whole there is a Limerick fan banned for near 5 years now for imitating some stupid online video that was going round at the time namely that "f**k her right in the p****" nonsense. Now him being banned for a bit for saying that absolutely fine but for him to be banned for 5 years for that and Cork fans to be outraged by it and then for them to do absolutely nothing and seem to be barely bothered by the second episode of open racism among their support is sickening hypocrisy.

24/09/2017, 12:20 PM
Then just post only about the racial abuse it that's your agenda, not all the other ridiculous comment, but then again, you and I know that it is the other stuff that's really important to you don't we!

Grow up and put your fishing rod away!

I have only posted about the racial abuse try actually reading what has been said and by who it comes in handy. I detest racism and if it would actually be in your mind that I'd use it for stupid point scoring on an internet forum then it says more about you then me.

24/09/2017, 1:49 PM
This is the racist abuse you didn't actually hear, right?

24/09/2017, 2:24 PM
This is the racist abuse you didn't actually hear, right?

Ah the next in the line of excuses. I am sure a group of Cork fans got together on both occasions and thought yano what would be fun lets make up racism claims against our own club. It happened and you know full well it did ffs.
Almost as bad as the Cork fan on another site who admitted that he heard someone tell Ogbene to "F**k back to Africa" but that he wouldn't deem it racist cos there is white Africans. The attempted dodging of it is pathetic.

24/09/2017, 2:42 PM
It seems the real crime here is mixing good natured (I hope) WUMery with serious comments. Can someone advise how I can go about informing the Guards so the individual concerned is rightly punished? Then we can talk about the trifling matter of racist abuse in the LOI.

No issue with general good-natured WUMery per se, but the purported appeal in the opening post to others not to club-bash just seemed a bit absurd as it jarred with the general wind-up nature of some of the preceding paragraphs.

The alleged racist incident deserves a thread of its own. Racist abuse is odious and way out-of-order; that shouldn't even need to be stated. It's depressing that it's still a part of the game (even if it was supposed to have been just a solitary individual). Assuming the allegation is true, Cork need to confront the matter, investigate it and deal with it in an effective manner.

Martinho II
24/09/2017, 5:07 PM
wheres the moderator in all this? can this thread be closed please as I am not interested in personal warfare.

24/09/2017, 5:09 PM
There are only TWO people banned from Cork City games. One of them is the big fat corkflakes head from Limerick as he verbally sexually abused a child that was selling programmes.

24/09/2017, 5:13 PM
wheres the moderator in all this? can this thread be closed please as I am not interested in personal warfare.

So racism at a LOI game isn't worthy of discussion on an LOI forum? Considering some of the complete and utter nonsense you speak its hilarious coming from you. Another wild idea is to not read the thread if you have no interest in whats in it.

24/09/2017, 5:15 PM
There are only TWO people banned from Cork City games. One of them is the big fat corkflakes head from Limerick as he verbally sexually abused a child that was selling programmes.

Are any of ye Cork lads going to condemn the racism from your own fans at all or are every single one of ye just going to try and deflect it with nonsense that has absolutely nothing to do with it? The Limerick fan that is banned from Cork has already been discussed. Again I will say it shows what Cork are like that a fan from another team is banned nearly 5 years for something like that while on two occasions now their own fans have been able to see with no problem who was racially abusing a player and has anything been done on either occasion?

24/09/2017, 5:21 PM
Have we any name of the person who allegedly racially abuse Ogbene? Did it actually happen? Who said it happened? Come on, out with it. Stop being like a Tabloid paper and give us names.

24/09/2017, 5:28 PM
Ya, it is true. I'm a shareholder in the club and I was doing stewarding before and it's 100% true.

24/09/2017, 5:31 PM
Shocking stuff. That fat lump is an utter embarrassment at every Limerick home game. And people defend him after he has done that, just as bad as racism.

24/09/2017, 5:32 PM
Look, he's only one person. Limerick fans were sound the other night.

24/09/2017, 5:52 PM
I was sitting slap bang in the middle of the seated stand in the away end and heard loads of boos and "cheat" and "judas" for Ogbene but no racial abuse. I read on the city forum of someone in the back of the stand making a racist comment but was quickly told to shut it by those around him. The incident referred to in this thread probably happened in the away enclosure at the side of the pitch I'd say. It probably did happen, it is unrealistic to expect every single supporter to be sensible and intelligent. We have a few knuckle-heads, I am not denying that. Most if not all of the fans in the away stand were well-behaved and I am sure the stewards would attest to that. Hopefully this idiot (or idiots) can be identified and banned from every ground in the league.

24/09/2017, 6:18 PM
Are any of ye Cork lads going to condemn the racism from your own fans at all or are every single one of ye just going to try and deflect it with nonsense that has absolutely nothing to do with it? The Limerick fan that is banned from Cork has already been discussed. Again I will say it shows what Cork are like that a fan from another team is banned nearly 5 years for something like that while on two occasions now their own fans have been able to see with no problem who was racially abusing a player and has anything been done on either occasion?

I for one absolutely condemn the racist abuse neither of us heard.

24/09/2017, 6:22 PM
I was sitting slap bang in the middle of the seated stand in the away end and heard loads of boos and "cheat" and "judas" for Ogbene but no racial abuse. I read on the city forum of someone in the back of the stand making a racist comment but was quickly told to shut it by those around him. The incident referred to in this thread probably happened in the away enclosure at the side of the pitch I'd say. It probably did happen, it is unrealistic to expect every single supporter to be sensible and intelligent. We have a few knuckle-heads, I am not denying that. Most if not all of the fans in the away stand were well-behaved and I am sure the stewards would attest to that. Hopefully this idiot (or idiots) can be identified and banned from every ground in the league.

Of course it is just one idiot or something like that I by no means am trying to tar all Cork fans like most clubs vast majority just want to go and enjoy a game and are no bother whatsoever. My big problem is people knowing who it is enough to tell them off but only telling them off isn't enough. I'm not one for trying to get people banned or running to stewards or anything but when it comes to racism that is 100% what should be done so that the people responsible will be banned. This is the second time too in as many games against Cork this has happened.

24/09/2017, 6:22 PM
I for one absolutely condemn the racist abuse neither of us heard.

Cos a bunch of Cork fans are going to make up racist abuse by their own club, twice. Get a grip.

24/09/2017, 7:31 PM
Cos a bunch of Cork fans are going to make up racist abuse by their own club, twice. Get a grip.

Come on, give us a name.

24/09/2017, 7:41 PM
Cos a bunch of Cork fans are going to make up racist abuse by their own club, twice. Get a grip.

By our own club? I know that the fans own Cork City FC, but I wasn't aware there was a majority shareholder, or that he was at the game the other night.

Our club gives the same announcement that yours does about not tolerating racist abuse. I have personally told racists to shut up - it's been a few years - and have heard the same action by others. And here's the account you're going on, by someone I too have no reason to doubt:

As I said it was at the back of the stand on the righthand side,plenty of us told him to shut it,he got the message loud n clear,that his behaviour was unacceptable.

While we all reacted there was one guy just in front of him, who made it clear to him that it was not on,when he said something the second time,it got fairly heated with the same fella,but most within earshot were disgusted with him, and let him know it too.

Now given that I was about 20 feet from that area and didn't hear anything, I can't vouch for the abuse or any heated response. Presumably neither can Chidozie - it's just Chidozie, right, none of the other foreigners, how strange - But as I said, I have no reason to doubt it. I would however ask how this in any way suggests 'we need to talk about Cork City'. If anything it suggests we need to talk about Limerick's inability to manage having a crowd twice a season.

I can certainly however confirm lots of vitriol for a diving, cheating ******** who has a history of ****ing over clubs that invest in his development and whose attitude, on the pitch and off the pitch, exemplifies the worst of modern football. He fits in well at Limerick with our cast offs and walk outs, another in the line of players that have left the club that made them for the sake of a few dollars. You'll miss him next season. I can see why it'd be nice to imagine it was all just a load of racism though - I'd be embarrassed if that was the attitude being fostered at our club too.

24/09/2017, 7:57 PM
Are you still banned from Turners Cross for abusing a female volunteer?

hmm did you just accuse an innocent person of something not related to him and then your stroking hair boyfriend Buzz442 just liked your comment. be a good chap and apologize to bluewhitearmy . and whats this someone is posting here after many years, is his barring order from chasing a girl over to Thailand is it lifted?? lol

24/09/2017, 7:57 PM
By our own club? I know that the fans own Cork City FC, but I wasn't aware there was a majority shareholder, or that he was at the game the other night.

Our club gives the same announcement that yours does about not tolerating racist abuse. I have personally told racists to shut up - it's been a few years - and have heard the same action by others. And here's the account you're going on, by someone I too have no reason to doubt:

Now given that I was about 20 feet from that area and didn't hear anything, I can't vouch for the abuse or any heated response. Presumably neither can Chidozie - it's just Chidozie, right, none of the other foreigners, how strange - But as I said, I have no reason to doubt it. I would however ask how this in any way suggests 'we need to talk about Cork City'. If anything it suggests we need to talk about Limerick's inability to manage having a crowd twice a season.

I can certainly however confirm lots of vitriol for a diving, cheating ******** who has a history of ****ing over clubs that invest in his development and whose attitude, on the pitch and off the pitch, exemplifies the worst of modern football. He fits in well at Limerick with our cast offs and walk outs, another in the line of players that have left the club that made them for the sake of a few dollars. You'll miss him next season. I can see why it'd be nice to imagine it was all just a load of racism though - I'd be embarrassed if that was the attitude being fostered at our club too.

The first time was in Turners Cross.

I won't even respond to the other deflection tactic nonsense.

24/09/2017, 8:02 PM
Come on, give us a name.

You say you were/are a steward at the club and are doing all you can to deflect from your fans making racist remarks by making personal insults about someone else that has nothing to do with the situation. With people like this involved in stewarding for ye is it any surprise its been allowed to happen.

24/09/2017, 8:18 PM
He fits in well at Limerick with our cast offs and walk outs

Speaking of, how's Robbie W settling in ? :) Or fitting in ? His jersey looking tighter and tighter to me, did well for our goal though, the first one that is.

24/09/2017, 8:51 PM
Maybe it's my sense of humour but I LOL'ed a few times at the opening post

24/09/2017, 8:55 PM
The first time was in Turners Cross.Oh, that is a shame. Did someone tell the police, or were they busy retrieving flares from under parked cars?

I won't even respond to the other deflection tactic nonsense.No deflection tactic. You claim "It happened and you know full well it did ffs" - I think I'm entitled to point out that I don't 'know' it happened. I accept it as pretty plausible but I'm not going to ignore a claim that *I* personally tolerate racism, or that our club does.

Speaking of, how's Robbie W settling in ? :) Or fitting in ? His jersey looking tighter and tighter to me, did well for our goal though, the first one that is.

Terribly. No idea how the situation was allowed to occur that the best defence in the league was 'reinforced' by a defender from a team that was in negative goal difference at the time, but he's far too error prone, and as you subtly allude to his physical condition is nowhere near good enough to be playing for a serious team. Nice lad by all accounts, but I wonder if he got a pass on account of Kenny Browne. Browne got away with his 'shape' by actually being good. Still, he's not to blame for signing or picking himself.

and whats this someone is posting here after many years, is his barring order from chasing a girl over to Thailand is it lifted?? lol

It's even worse than that bucko, I even made her marry me. Then chased her to Limerick! Not to the city, like. Even she has some standards.

24/09/2017, 9:13 PM
Have doras luimni been made aware that you have moved into their parish. You trafficked her in didnt you? Admit it so the Christians can point at you

24/09/2017, 9:20 PM
You trafficked her in didnt you? Admit it so the Christians can point at you
Her, and some layabout sponge from Malaysia - probably a Muslimic! I can't say for certain, he won't talk.

Lim till i die
24/09/2017, 9:23 PM
:D :D :D



24/09/2017, 9:28 PM
You say you were/are a steward at the club and are doing all you can to deflect from your fans making racist remarks by making personal insults about someone else that has nothing to do with the situation. With people like this involved in stewarding for ye is it any surprise its been allowed to happen.

Come on, name who done it.

24/09/2017, 9:31 PM
Come on, name who done it.

Are you actually ok? Like should I ring help or something.

24/09/2017, 9:35 PM
Are you actually ok? Like should I ring help or something.
Right, you're telling lies as you can't even name one person. Liar liar pants on fire.

24/09/2017, 9:38 PM
Right, you're telling lies as you can't even name one person. Liar liar pants on fire.

I'd rather be that then a racism backing scumbag anyway. No wonder ye have a load of scum getting away with it all when people like you are involved with the club.

24/09/2017, 9:52 PM
A work colleague of mine lives in Cork and supports the club. He witnessed the first racial abuse instance and made a complaint to a steward. The offender was never removed. After the game he approached another steward and was told to put his complaint in writing and to name the individual involved. He doesn't know the person but has seen him at a few games. Is this the protocol for such things?