View Full Version : dolan sacked

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01/03/2005, 9:15 PM
said on red fm he got his marching orders :eek:

01/03/2005, 9:24 PM
heard that aswell,nothing on official website yet!

01/03/2005, 9:31 PM
and red fm are official club sponsers aswell!!

01/03/2005, 9:34 PM
its true, going to be on the websites soon.

city 4 life
01/03/2005, 9:38 PM
yeah heard it aswell!
what a joke 3 weeks before the start of the season lennox and dolan werent talking though so not entirely surprising if it did happen!
damien richardson lined up apparently!
but you wouldn't know what to be believing like!

01/03/2005, 9:39 PM
i'd like to take this oportunity to congratulate:

damian richardson

01/03/2005, 9:45 PM
Im amazingly ambivilant about this, dont know why.

Its a shame things didnt work out, but thats football. Dolan did a good job for us and everybody (well bar one or two) will wish him well Im sure. At least this has happened before the start of the season although it would have been better if it happened at the end of last season instead.

If one of them had to go, Id rather it be Pat than Lennox. Hopefully the players will accept this and work hard under the new manager. Who's going to take over in the meantime? Gunther? Ashton?

01/03/2005, 9:49 PM
Im in shock Dolan didnt deserve this

01/03/2005, 9:56 PM
red fm now

01/03/2005, 9:56 PM
Who's going to take over in the meantime? Gunther? Ashton?

i'd presume gunther as director of football

city 4 life
01/03/2005, 9:57 PM
well its done now so might as well move on bad timing so close to the start of the new season the new manager is going to have another 3 year plan like so looks like we might be enduring another long wait!i suppose ashton and gunther will take care of the team thurs and for the forseeable future. I personally think Ashton should be given a look in if Richardson is lined up!

01/03/2005, 9:57 PM
red fm now,report at 11 ish

01/03/2005, 9:58 PM

more to come as reports come in

greg canty is on red fm now

01/03/2005, 10:00 PM
After his comments recently, he was obviously looking to get the sack. I'm glad it is him and not Lennox. Maybe because his buddy Wallace wasnt going to get control, he's off somewhere else where they can scheme world domination.

01/03/2005, 10:01 PM
So he's gone. A brilliant two years has come to an end. Thanks for the last 2 years Pat, and good luck to Brian in finding a suitable replacement. I have no doubt but that this relationship was made with the clubs interests at heart.

01/03/2005, 10:01 PM
i'd presume gunther as director of football

Ya so would I, but he's gunther and I dont think anyone, including himself, wants him to be sticking around in that role for too long.

Gunther Out! :D (Ah the good old days)


Text that was sent to, and read out by, Today FM on the way home from another away defeat in Gunthers time

"Could you please play "I Will Always Love You" for my soul-mate Liam as its comming up to our 2nd anniversary soon. Its terrible when we're away. Love Patsy F" :D :D :D

01/03/2005, 10:03 PM
will noel o connor come back and take over? players know and respect him

01/03/2005, 10:03 PM
i am gutted Pat was sacked a pity though noel o conner left i think he would do a great job with city .

01/03/2005, 10:07 PM
will noel o connor come back and take over? players know and respect him

i;d be very surprised. very unlikely.

01/03/2005, 10:08 PM
will noel o connor come back and take over? players know and respect him
I doubt it. He has his day job in Limerick to consider

01/03/2005, 10:09 PM
players meetin still in progress, what will they decide?? strike?? hope not!!

01/03/2005, 10:09 PM
will noel o connor come back and take over? players know and respect him

but he probably wouldnt go fulltime with his butchers in Lim + he'd possibly have to move down here too. It would be a huge step for him + he cant really walk out of Limerick now, that would be bad form that only a boxers unsuccessful brother would do.

01/03/2005, 10:12 PM
Thanks Pat for all your efforts but I believe thats football.
Pat got a tad too big for his boots and after all the crap of the last week I don't believe there was any comeback, he had to go.
Gilley, Lennox & Gunther paid Pat a visit this afternoon and relayed the news to him.

01/03/2005, 10:16 PM
This is just incredible news.

With less than 3 weeks to go til the start of the season, Lennox sacks Dolan.

I'm not going to argue for or against the decision but I'll bet that has diminished our chances of League and cup glory. I'm gobsmacked!!

Thanks Pat for all you did. :)

Pat Dolan, a true Legend.

01/03/2005, 10:16 PM
I don't know what to say...... :(

01/03/2005, 10:18 PM
forgot about doyler!! sh!t,will he stick wit dolan!!

01/03/2005, 10:21 PM
colm PRO is on at the moment

01/03/2005, 10:22 PM
Well he's contracted for this season at least so I dont think thats a big problem right now. Us, Shel's and Bohz are probably the only teams that could afford to keep him anyway and I cant see Pat managing any of the other 2 anytime soon. Dont worry about Dolye for now.

City Hero
01/03/2005, 10:24 PM
Players have contracts and can't just move on if they feel like it. There is a process to go through and transfer windows to think about.

01/03/2005, 10:34 PM
Players have contracts and can't just move on if they feel like it. There is a process to go through and transfer windows to think about.

yeah, half-arsed players, thats what we need.

01/03/2005, 10:38 PM
ashton in temp charge


01/03/2005, 10:39 PM
I'm not going to argue for or against the decision

Ignore that!

This is an absolute disgrace! :mad: Dolan was the man who turned CCFC around and this is what happens?

There had better be valid reasons for this.

So much for "We're in this together!!" :mad: :eek:

01/03/2005, 10:40 PM
See the official site. Stuart Ashton is temporarily in charge. Hope to appoint a new man next week.
Also sounds like the players and Lennox are back together.

Counting Crow
01/03/2005, 10:40 PM
Have no doubt about this but when any manager leaves a club certain players follow.

I reckon the likes of Doyler, Kearney, Danny Murphywere all Dolans boys and will be gone once the opportunity arrises.

Even the likes of George and Flynny had become mates of his.

Fallout will be huge IMO. Gonna be tough for who ever takes over.

Who ever it is they are going to have to be really a strong character as there was certainly a lot of loyalty for Dolan in the dressing room.

.....remember how Mountfield fell!!!!

01/03/2005, 10:41 PM
Fron the official site:

Press Release
The players and management have met tonight. The first thing that was discussed was the level of dissatisfaction that was felt by the players regarding the training facilities. The management committee outline what is in the pipeline regarding developments that will be available in the near future. The players are glad to see that their concerns have been taken on board and have agreed to move forward with the club in order to make this season one of the most successful in the club's history. The players also stated that they were disappointed to hear about the departure of the manager but have again agreed to move onwards and are positive about the new challenges that lie ahead.

The Management Committee & Players.

Thats good news anyway. Fair play to all involved for keeping things focused "The players are glad to see that their concerns have been taken on board and have agreed to move forward with the club in order to make this season one of the most successful in the club's history"

Whats going to happen to this (http://www.carzone.ie/usedcars/index.cfm?fuseaction=car&carid=157183) though? :eek:

01/03/2005, 10:47 PM
Nice to hear this. Whats most important now is unity.

01/03/2005, 10:48 PM
will noel o connor come back and take over?

I think the question is will Dolan end up at Limerick with O'Connor? Remember the rumours not so long ago......unlikely, but could happen sometime in the future.

01/03/2005, 10:51 PM
I think the question is will Dolan end up at Limerick with O'Connor? Remember the rumours not so long ago......unlikely, but could happen sometime in the future.
would not surprise me at all

01/03/2005, 10:51 PM
Nice to hear this. Whats most important now is unity.

burying our heads in the sand is what got us here. (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?t=21818)

01/03/2005, 10:59 PM
burying our heads in the sand is what got us here. (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?t=21818)
its not the time for saying "I told you so"

-What did Dolan do to annoy Lennox so much?
-How else has Lennox contributed to the bad atmosphere?
-Have things changed for the better?
-Are the rifts between chairman and manager, and manager and players connected?
- Hopefully we'll find out now, but it must have been serious.
- Did he contribute to it at all? Maybe he should have acted sooner.
- Obviously not.
- It would appear so.

01/03/2005, 11:03 PM
burying our heads in the sand is what got us here. (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?t=21818)

Source please?

01/03/2005, 11:04 PM
Source please?

Noel O'Connor. and some else isnt going to be happy about me saying that, but while we're on the topic of transparency...

01/03/2005, 11:10 PM
. . . wonder what players will move on. doyler came with pat.O h C R A P! I never thought of that!!!
The news that PD is gone has left me feeling totally gutted. I hope that:
1. There are no recriminations within the club because of the events of the last week.
2. That no players feel they have to leave with him, out of sympathy or loyalty or whatever.
3. That all true supporters of the game can wish Pat the best, regardless of what they think of his style.
Pat, thank you for reigniting my interest in domestic soccer after a lot of years, and in particular for the passion and love for the game that you showed all through your time in charge at Leeside.
This is one VERY upset fan, but I will welcome the new manager whoever he is, and back Brian Lennox 100% going forward.
P.S. I have kept the November 20th edition of the Irish Examiner front page photo of PD holding a sobbing Greg O'Halloran and Michael Divine just after the final whistle of his last league game in charge, against Bohs. That goes into the scrap book now.

01/03/2005, 11:13 PM
I hope that:
1. There are no recriminations within the club because of the events of the last week.
2. That no players feel they have to leave with him, out of sympathy or loyalty or whatever.
3. That all true supporters of the game can wish Pat the best, regardless of what they think of his style.

01/03/2005, 11:14 PM
O h C R A P! I never thought of that!!!
The news that PD is gone has left me feeling totally gutted. I hope that:
1. There are no recriminations within the club because of the events of the last week.
2. That no players feel they have to leave with him, out of sympathy or loyalty or whatever.
3. That all true supporters of the game can wish Pat the best, regardless of what they think of his style.
Pat, thank you for reigniting my interest in domestic soccer after a lot of years, and in particular for the passion and love for the game that you showed all through your time in charge at Leeside.

hear hear

This is one VERY upset fan, but I will welcome the new manager whoever he is, and back Brian Lennox 100% going forward.

we have to back him in the future, i do, but the way that this situation was handled in the last year was a disgrace and cant happen again.

P.S. I have kept the November 20th edition of the Irish Examiner front page photo of PD holding a sobbing Greg O'Halloran and Michael Divine just after the final whistle of his last league game in charge, against Bohs. That goes into the scrap book now.
who was it by? you could order a print. i'd love a print or a scan of it.

01/03/2005, 11:25 PM
who was it by? you could order a print. i'd love a print or a scan of it.I will check that out for you. Meanwhile I think you can just go in and order any print once you know the date it was in de paper. Costs about €20 though.

01/03/2005, 11:27 PM
I will check that out for you. Meanwhile I think you can just go in and order any print once you know the date it was in de paper. Costs about €20 though.

yeah, thats what i was getting at, you need the date and the snapper i think

02/03/2005, 6:25 AM

:D :D :D :D :D

02/03/2005, 7:23 AM
i'd like to take this oportunity to congratulate:

I had an opinion, like everyone else, but I never did anything to get Pat Dolan sacked. Hardly think I deserve congratulations.
The welfare of the club is my first concern and I derive no pleasure for such a situation, particularly since the start of the season is just days away.

02/03/2005, 7:36 AM
Does this mean I'm allowed post again? :)