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24/02/2005, 9:08 AM
todays mirror about training facilities and says dolan had to get the players to change their minds about going on strike

lennox would wanna take a good look at the way things are been run. if he cant stand the heat...get out of the kitchen

24/02/2005, 9:09 AM
According to a text aleret from o2 Cork City's players are in a stand off with the club's board over the standard of training facilities at deerpark school. They have to use a gaa pitch ( :eek: ).

24/02/2005, 9:12 AM
According to a text aleret from o2 Cork City's players are in a stand off with the club's board over the standard of training facilities at deerpark school. They have to use a gaa pitch ( :eek: ).

They've been using that for years now haven't they?

24/02/2005, 9:14 AM
I have to admit using the "pitch" at Bishipstown is hardly ideal for pre-season game for a "pro" outfit. The Game against Dublin City would have been more benificial if it was played on a proper pitch.

24/02/2005, 9:15 AM
They've been using that for years now haven't they?

Yes, but it can't be impressive for any potential new signings.

24/02/2005, 9:36 AM
Cork City players upset at training facilities
24/02/2005 - 9:49:57 AM

Cork City’s players are in a major standoff with the club’s board over the standard of training facilities.

City’s players are unhappy with the standard of facilities at the club’s rented accommodation at Deerpark school in Cork, where the club is forced to train on a GAA pitch, and the players have voiced their concerns to management.

Striker John O’Flynn, speaking on behalf of the squad, said: “We wanted proper facilities, proper equipment, and it has not materialised. The problems are easily rectified. Stuff like the standard of the pitch, the balls and equipment are not up to scratch.”

The players have told manager Pat Dolan and club chairman Brian Lennox of the problems and the club has insisted it will do everything in its power to improve matters.

24/02/2005, 10:31 AM
There's an article with Gamble in todays Sun saying the same thing. So if O'Flynn was elected to speak on behalf of the squad, why is Gamble talking to the papers as well? I wonder who put them up to this? They all KNEW what the situation was when they signed for club, they all KNEW that the club wants to improve things, and they all KNEW it would take time. They're well paid professionals, its about time they stopped whinging and got on with the job. If they don't like it, they can leave

24/02/2005, 10:35 AM
well paid professionals,

and its about time they were treated like professionals

24/02/2005, 10:59 AM
and its about time they were treated like professionals
I agree. I'm not defending the lack of training facilities. I've ben unhappy about it as long as you or anyone else. It needs sorting. But what good is threatening to go on strike just before the start of the season going to do?

24/02/2005, 11:08 AM
It needs sorting.

It certainly does need sorting, but it's important that the best, longterm solution is sought. There's no point rushing into some half baked, quick fix just to stop the players from going on strike.

Ideally, the training facility would be a joint venture with local business people who created a sports complex which could generate its own revenue by being available to other sporting groups.

All weather playing areas, and indoor training area, a gym facility, sports medicine specialists, all in one location. It's not an unrealistic notion.

We have a strong sporting tradition in Cork and indeed, in Munster.
If we had enough business ambition we could make Cork the sporting capital of Ireland.

24/02/2005, 11:10 AM
. There's no point rushing into some half baked,


this is going on years...any slower and they will be going backwards

24/02/2005, 11:11 AM
If the standard of training equipment and balls aren't good enough that is ridiculous and the players are right to complain.

The location of the training facilities and the standard of the pitch will take longer to sort out.

24/02/2005, 11:12 AM
It certainly does need sorting, but it's important that the best, longterm solution is sought. There's no point rushing into some half baked, quick fix just to stop the players from going on strike.

Ideally, the training facility would be a joint venture with local business people who created a sports complex which could generate its own revenue by being available to other sporting groups.

All weather playing areas, and indoor training area, a gym facility, sports medicine specialists, all in one location. It's not an unrealistic notion.

We have a strong sporting tradition in Cork and indeed, in Munster.
If we had enough business ambition we could make Cork the sporting capital of Ireland.
Agreed. When Lennox took over, it wasn't like there were people queuing up to bid for the club, was it? IMO, the Cork business community isn't interested in CCFC unfortunately. Looks like the solution is for everyone who cares for CCFC to circle the wagons and fight this battle ourselves. Doesn't look like anyone else will.

24/02/2005, 11:13 AM
sorry now lads. i played football with leeside down in little island and how many of you have seen the facilities down there. would put most EL clubs to shame and this is an a.u.l. side. if a club the size of cork city cannot match or better those facilities there is something wrong

24/02/2005, 11:14 AM

this is going on years...any slower and they will be going backwards
it has been. But why didn't they say something last season. Or at the end of last season. Why now? 3 weeks before the season kicks off? The current board (i.e. Lennox) has only been there 2 years. He had to sort out the mess left by the last board, and has done a great job getting a lot of things right. He's said he wants to sort out training facilities, but he needs time and money to do that.

24/02/2005, 11:16 AM
sorry now lads. i played football with leeside down in little island and how many of you have seen the facilities down there. would put most EL clubs to shame and this is an a.u.l. side. if a club the size of cork city cannot match or better those facilities there is something wrong
there is something very wrong. The majority of Cork's sporting public don't give a rats ass about CCFC. And the club is suffering because of years of neglect- since bishopstown, there was hardly a penny put into the club, no attempt to improve facilities until Lennox took over. Nearly a decade of no investment- how is he meant to put that right in 2 years?

24/02/2005, 11:17 AM
Nearly a decade of no investment- how is he meant to put that right in 2 years?
as i was saying about leeside...this is an a.u.l. club with no income

24/02/2005, 11:19 AM
as i was saying about leeside...this is an a.u.l. club with no income
do they run a lotto? Do fundraisers? I'm sure they do. City have only been running the lotto for 3(?) years, and don't have the sort of fundraising activities that most clubs (at every level) in the country have. thats the problem.

24/02/2005, 11:20 AM
Why can't the club come to some arrangement with a msl club to use there facilities, msl clubs are hardly going to use there facilities during the week and not before 5pm.

The facilities at corinthians are exellent.

24/02/2005, 11:22 AM
do they run a lotto? Do fundraisers? I'm sure they do. City have only been running the lotto for 3(?) years, and don't have the sort of fundraising activities that most clubs (at every level) in the country have. thats the problem.
no lotto...tried to get money off national lottery and was turned down...did fundraising....ccfc are a big name and could easily organise fundraising.. why dont somebody get up off their holes within the club and organise this

24/02/2005, 11:22 AM
as i was saying about leeside...this is an a.u.l. club with no income

And who owns that facility?

24/02/2005, 11:24 AM
And who owns that facility?

leeside and the community

24/02/2005, 11:26 AM
ccfc are a big name and could easily organise fundraising.. why dont somebody get up off their holes within the club and organise this
what do you suggest? We have no clubhouse or anything of our own to hold these things in. The club have brough in things like the Rebel Army ball etc. but only in the last 2 years. It takes time to build up these things. I'm far from happy about it, but it won't happen overnight.

24/02/2005, 11:27 AM
what do you suggest? .

c'mon eanna....its very easy to organise fundraisers that shouldnt just target a particular group i.e. the ball

24/02/2005, 11:33 AM
c'mon eanna....its very easy to organise fundraisers that shouldnt just target a particular group i.e. the ball
right. Again-what do you suggest? Why not come up with some ideas, tell the Supporters club, and they can tell the club.

24/02/2005, 11:34 AM
I know you'll probably all think I'm sad but I have a vision of turning the Munster Showgrounds in Ballintemple into a state of the art sports campus and redeveloping Pairc Ui Caoimh.
I don't think the The Munster Agricultural Society can justify their use of such a prime expanse in Irelands Second City.
Let them relocate to Millstreet or somewhere more appropriate.

The campus would be available to all sporting organisations and would also be a centre for Special Olympic athletes and coaches.

The local Third Level education institutes would be invited to use the facility for research and to provide feedback where possible.
Studies could include, Sports Medicine, Nutrition, Sports Psychology, Fitness Instruction, Sports Management, Sports Technology ranging from equipment design to playing surface development.

I know the Mardyke is a fairly good facility but we should think bigger!
I like this dream so I'd be grateful if no one woke me without good reason. ;)
I'm off now to buy a lotto ticket. :D

24/02/2005, 11:38 AM
right. Again-what do you suggest? Why not come up with some ideas, tell the Supporters club, and they can tell the club.

its not up to me to suggest. there is people within the club that should be organising this.....seem to remember corinthians running a great draw 20 yoyos a month with great prizes like cars........

FFS...the half time draw...who in their right mind would wanna win the prizes on offer there....give some kind of incintive to buy a ticket at least

24/02/2005, 11:38 AM
Why did the players and club managment hang there dirty laundry out in public, it was the same last year it does not potrait a good image of the club to the public. BUT I do think the training facilities need to be rectified NOW.

24/02/2005, 11:41 AM
Why did the players and club managment hang there dirty laundry out in public, .

im not for going to the papers either but if you arent getting any satisfaction you have to take drastic measures

24/02/2005, 11:41 AM
Why can't the club come to some arrangement with a msl club to use there facilities, msl clubs are hardly going to use there facilities during the week and not before 5pm.

Too right. Back in the Leister (sp?) link-up days, were'nt we given cash to build training facilities in Mayfield? I still cant understand why they dont rent another MSL pitch though :(

24/02/2005, 11:44 AM
I still cant understand why they dont rent another MSL pitch though :(
There are a lot of people involved in Cork football who absolutely detest CCFC. Thats probably why.

24/02/2005, 11:47 AM
as i was saying about leeside...this is an a.u.l. club with no income

The problem here is that these clubs tradionally had land. Something which in recent times is far far too expensive, the price of actually getting the land is beyond the means of any eL club, never mind building on it.

To my mind Bishopstown (in joint venture with the FAI) is the solution. There is alot of land out there. There is already a shell of a building. You could easily incorporate various things into and onto that, like say a club bar, treatment rooms, Club offices, a small gym, proper shower facilities.

There are two pitches there at present and an very decent sized car park. Turn the car park part of Bishopstown into more pitches. Come to a deal with the Dog track about use of their parking.

At the moment there is one poor pitch, waste ground, dodgy parking facilities and an old stand out there. With a bit of investment (not anything near the expense of getting new land AND then building on it) it could become an FAI training centre in which Cork City would be anchor tennants.

24/02/2005, 11:50 AM
The problem here is that these clubs tradionally had land. Something which in recent times is far far too expensive, the price of actually getting the land is beyond the means of any eL club, never mind building on it.

leeside never owned the land down there. had to buy the pitch off one of the farmers. an a.u.l. side with better facilities than an EL side...

what next?...............answers on a postcard to.......... :D :D

24/02/2005, 12:09 PM
leeside and the community

Exactly - it's more than just a little A.U.L 3 club.

24/02/2005, 12:12 PM
Exactly - it's more than just a little A.U.L 3 club.

ah...come on now...little island isnt exactly cork city with an average fan base of about 3,500(guess?)

24/02/2005, 12:25 PM
Great we have another Prima Donna from Cork complaining about training facilities.

What do the players who go to the media think they will gain by doing so, apart from tarnish the clubs name. People like Flynn seems to have a very short memory. if I remember correctly he was a nobody, going nowhere with Peterborough and had to get his Dad to ask for a trial at City for him.

All the players knew when signing the state of affairs, so why complain now, just before the dseason starts? I wonder who put him/them up to it?

24/02/2005, 12:26 PM
Great we have another Prima Donna from Cork complaining about training facilities.

What do the players who go to the media think they will gain by doing so, apart from tarnish the clubs name. People like Flynn seems to have a very short memory. if I remember correctly he was a nobody, going nowhere with Peterborough and had to get his Dad to ask for a trial at City for him.

id like to thank flynny's dad for asking for this trial

24/02/2005, 12:29 PM
Yes, fair play, and we should all be thankful. But my point is, is that Flynn would be no-one had City not rescued his career.

He may have went around a few non league clubs for a few years, but he certainly wouldnt be a Irish U21 international, and a Cork sporting hero.

24/02/2005, 12:30 PM
Stephen o'Flynn is quoted in today's Star as saying there were no hot showers for the players after the Dublin City friendly.

Maybe this is what upset the players and made them go public.

24/02/2005, 12:33 PM
Stephen o'Flynn is quoted in today's Star as saying there were no hot showers for the players after the Dublin City friendly.

Maybe this is what upset the players and made them go public.
thats 3 players now that have come forward...getting interesting

24/02/2005, 12:47 PM
Interesting? Not quite the word I'd use.

Doubt its a coincidence that they all went to the papers on the same day. I wonder whose agenda they are persuing - their own, or someone with a vendetta again the chairman?

24/02/2005, 12:48 PM
lads, i can understand where the players are coming from. these are professional players, the pitch there training on isn't up to scratch, and no hot showers after friendlies. fail to prepare - prepare to fail and all that. I play MSL and I have better training facilities than one of the best el clubs in ireland, it's a total joke. We started our club in 1986 with 1 team, and because of the effort of the people in the club in the last 19 years, we now have 2 playing pitches, an all weather pitch and a fine clubhouse. i think the corner is right in saying that people in the club won't get up off their "holes" to do anything about it. IMO alot of people in the club are only interested in what they can get out of it. I'm not saying everyone is like that but alot.

A face
24/02/2005, 12:49 PM
Tis nearly about time that the fans got together and did something about it.

BL said the there has been €20,000 spent recently ... was that a site or what, maybe the fans could put that 500 club together a bit faster and get something done.

24/02/2005, 12:51 PM
Tis nearly about time that the fans got together and did something about it.

thats all well and good but its feckin heartbreaking when your out busting a gut and seeing members of the club sitting on their holes doing feck all about it

A face
24/02/2005, 12:52 PM
thats all well and good but its feckin heartbreaking when your out busting a gut and seeing members of the club sitting on their holes doing feck all about it

That wont get it sorted though.
Maybe a shares option might be an idea or something.

24/02/2005, 12:59 PM
thats all well and good but its feckin heartbreaking when your out busting a gut and seeing members of the club sitting on their holes doing feck all about it

How do you know the club members are sitting back doing nada. Lets be honest, we dont know whats going on behind the scenes.

A 500 club/trust is a good idea in principal, but I would imagine quite difficult to get a commitment from 10 people, let alone 100+.

24/02/2005, 1:02 PM
cork city chairman today stressed that his door is always open to his players nad management team in the wake of criticism levelled at the clubs trainig facilities
the clubs sole owner wondered why the players at tyhe centre of the controversy did not knock at bandon road first to air their grievances

"if anyone in the club has a problem or a worry about any issue they can come to me"
"but the fact of the matteris that we have 8 venues around the city we use for training purposes and that should be more than adequate for any team"
"to be honest,i dont want to hear any more excuses before a ball is kicked this season"
"i want the team to get out there and win something for a change and lets all work and sing from the same songsheet"

"i cant really understand the players attitudes when we have rochestown pk,stiofan niofa,deerpark,mardyke and venues like garryduff,the farm and bishopstown at our disposal"

"we even have a specailist coach in working with centre-forwards"

if you ask me the players dont know how lucky they are to be making a decent living out of football, i wish they would just get on with the job in hand and try to win some silverware this season"

"everything they say about the club i take personally and i wish they would do what they do best,let their feet do the talking"

george o callaghan has now also spoken out...thats 4 players

"last saturday i was never s o embarrassed to be a city player"

"those dressing rooms havent been touched since city stopped playing there"

" as for trainig kits,we got 2 sets of gear since we came back,but we are training twice a day"

"last year we had six sets of everything"

"the club have said they want 3-2-1 in terms of placings...but they we are ttreated we'd be lucky if it goes 2-3-4- or 5,because thats the way its going

24/02/2005, 1:14 PM
leeside never owned the land down there. had to buy the pitch off one of the farmers. an a.u.l. side with better facilities than an EL side...


When did they buy the land?

24/02/2005, 1:20 PM

When did they buy the land?

when the complex got the planning permission

24/02/2005, 1:21 PM
ah...come on now...little island isnt exactly cork city with an average fan base of about 3,500(guess?)

No - what I meant was the facilityin LI was not developed by Leeside on their own but by the community at large.

Never mind - it's a fine place.We nearly always come away from there with the three points.