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31/01/2005, 10:59 AM
Ok folks, we've got the "New Man" who isn't afraid to look after himself and is more in tune with the needs of women. He can cook and can shop for clothes without his mum.

Now it's time for the "New Woman" to make an appearance.
Women have messed themselves up so much in their attempts for equality that they've lost many of the attributes which made women great.

It's no secret that the general breakdown of many social structures is due in no small part to the demolition of the basic family unit by working mothers.
Isn't it time that we made it possible for women to raise their family without being forced to work as well!?

What we have now is "career women" who go to work, eat a yoghurt at their desks for lunch, cry in the ladies because they're under so much pressure, go to the pub after work and down a lash of pints then go home and have a microwave meal. Off to bed and the cycle continues.

They watch American crap on TV about women who can't keep hold of a man for 5 minutes and think that's the way life is.
They can't find a man themselves so they say there are no decent guys left.
Off to Speed Dating and this view is reinforced by the desperados they meet.

Women need to get back to being women.
Stop drinking pints of beer, that's what makes your hips fat.
Learn how to cook; fresh food is far better than sodium laced ready meals.
Take pride in your ability to have children because it's something that men can't do. That's what makes you better than us. Having a child is not destroying your career; it's your ticket to a better quality of life away from the rat race.

It's time for change!

31/01/2005, 11:17 AM
Have you got many women to support your new Manifesto?

31/01/2005, 11:51 AM
If me and partner have children its my ambition to be a house husband. I hate working for other people, especially those with the man management skills of a guerkin.

31/01/2005, 12:01 PM
If me and partner have children its my ambition to be a house husband.

I'd love that as well.
It would be great if there were a few guys in the same situation because then you could go out and talk football and stuff while the kids chase pigeons around the park.

31/01/2005, 12:11 PM
If me and partner have children its my ambition to be a house husband

I was a house bitch for a year in the states.
Girlfriend was sent on assignment with work, so I packed in my job and tagged along. the company paid for us to go, paid for car, accomodation, bills etc.etc
Best year ever.

A few lads in the same boat as me used to get together, play ball and golf, have a few early beers etc.etc.

Eyes welling up :( It was brilliant

31/01/2005, 12:26 PM
A few lads in the same boat as me used to get together, play ball and golf, have a few early beers etc.etc.

Eyes welling up :( It was brilliant

Women just didn't know how good they had it.
They wanted to work like men thinking we had a great life in the office everyday. They turned up wearing short skirts with their shirts unbuttoned and then brought sexual harassment cases against men for looking at them!

Maybe you guys have found a better solution.
Let women do the work while we stay home.

I'm going to invent a golf cart that has a seat for the baby.
This has endless possibilities! :D

31/01/2005, 12:30 PM
Where exactly are you getting your information from??

Firstly - Not all women "watch American crap on TV about women who can't keep hold of a man for 5 minutes and think that's the way life is" because funnily enough some of us do have the ability to make up our own minds.

Secondly - Learn to cook!! Again, its down to choice and to be honest its convenient to sometimes choose ready made meals. And to be fair, its none of your business what women eat.

And thirdly - "Stop drinking pints of beer, that's what makes your hips fat".
What?? so we should worry about our hips while blokes sit there sculling pints and adding to their beer bellies?? go way and cop yourself on. your not doing yourself any favours

ps. pat o and Sylvo you can chalk that up as my first rant. :)

31/01/2005, 12:38 PM
Firstly - Not all women "watch American crap on TV about women who can't keep hold of a man for 5 minutes and think that's the way life is" because funnily enough some of us do have the ability to make up our own minds.

Obviously there are exceptions to every rule.
In the same way that some women post on football forums.
That wouldn't be true for the majority of women.

And to be fair, its none of your business what women eat.

I wish that were true but all you hear from women is about what diet they're on. If it's none of our business, don't bend our ears over it.

What?? so we should worry about our hips while blokes sit there sculling pints and adding to their beer bellies??

I'm talking about when women are moaning about how big their bum is or hips are while they slug pints of beer.
I never said that I wanted women to have "perfect" bodies.
This was about attitudes.

31/01/2005, 12:46 PM
I never said that I wanted women to have "perfect" bodies.It does help though.

31/01/2005, 12:48 PM
Oh is that the sound of back tracking I hear?????

Maybe if you made your points clear you wouldn't have to be explaining yourself, although to be honest your explanations still smack of being chauvenistic and extremely stereotypical.

I know alot of women that like football, and as far as Im concerned the more the merrier.

Women do drink beer, and dont give a rats a*se about the size of their hips etc as they are probably out to get drunk/have a laugh/enjoy a pint

Maybe you need to stop talking to women if your topics of conversation consist of : their diets, the size of their a*se and how they cant keep a man!!! Just an idea like!

31/01/2005, 12:55 PM
Oh is that the sound of back tracking I hear?????

I've changed my agenda slightly in that I think the way forward is for women to work while men stay at home.
It's simpler that way because it means less grief!
Just wait and see though, before long you'll have womens lobby groups demanding the right for women to stay at home because men have it too easy and they want equality.

Babysis, this isn't an attack on women, it's a lighthearted dig.

31/01/2005, 12:57 PM
As far as im concerned we asked for equal rights, and thats how it should be. i cant stand women who pigeon-hole themselves as feminist and demand one thing, then another to suit their agenda. its straight forward, let me do what I want and im happy. Im sure even you "new men" can work out thats what most women want :)

31/01/2005, 1:00 PM
If me and partner have children its my ambition to be a house husband. I hate working for other people, especially those with the man management skills of a guerkin.
Mine too, although I doubt I'd get away with it (maybe both of us job sharing on alternate weeks?).

Anyone been watching Who Rules The Roost on BBC3? Most of them (that I've seen) end up with both parents wanting to stay at home with the kids after the two weeks....

31/01/2005, 1:32 PM
As far as im concerned we asked for equal rights, and thats how it should be. i cant stand women who pigeon-hole themselves as feminist and demand one thing, then another to suit their agenda. its straight forward, let me do what I want and im happy. Im sure even you "new men" can work out thats what most women want That's a very sensible attitude for a woman. Please see a doctor immediately.


Jim Smith
31/01/2005, 1:33 PM
Slightly OT but its about female social engineering....

My nearly three year old daughter declared to the world that "...girls can't go to matches, only boys". Needless to say my better half hit the roof about this and I now find myself with the job of taking her to all sorts of sporting events to try to dislodge this stereotype. "How bad!" you may say. I have just been ordered to put down the drill and the paintbrush and go watch sport (the telly doesn't count). However, what am I supposed to do on a Friday night when the footie season starts up? No more fly pints before the match. No more pints after the match. No more kebabs on the way home. Why doesn't CCFC have a creche? :(

31/01/2005, 1:34 PM
Why doesn't CCFC have a creche?It does. It's called "The Shed". Heh.

31/01/2005, 1:43 PM
It does. It's called "The Shed". Heh.

I think he meant a "supervised creche." :D

31/01/2005, 1:50 PM
part of the reason i got in to football was the drinking culture before and after the game!! but then im sure that leads back to the whole debate about girls not drinking pints doesnt it :D

Jim Smith
31/01/2005, 1:54 PM
I think he meant a "supervised creche." :D
Thats right. Laugh at my pain. If you were in touch with your feminine side you would cry for me but no....

the 12 th man
31/01/2005, 1:55 PM
part of the reason i got in to football was the drinking culture before and after the game!! but then im sure that leads back to the whole debate about girls not drinking pints doesnt it :D

don't see a problem with thast babysis,
i also think girls should be allowed eat yorkie's :D ;) :rolleyes:

Jim Smith
31/01/2005, 2:00 PM
part of the reason i got in to football was the drinking culture before and after the game!! but then im sure that leads back to the whole debate about girls not drinking pints doesnt it :D
I've nothing against women drinking pints (maybe not at three though). To paraphrase the greatest philosopher of our time:

"Ah sweet alcohol, where would my love life be without you?"

31/01/2005, 2:02 PM
part of the reason i got in to football was the drinking culture before and after the game!! but then im sure that leads back to the whole debate about girls not drinking pints doesnt it :D

Take note, Jim Smith, if you don't keep your daughter away from football she'll turn out like Babysis! :eek: :D

31/01/2005, 2:06 PM
I think girls drinking halfs is just a little bit creepy these days.

31/01/2005, 2:10 PM
I think girls drinking halfs is just a little bit creepy these days.

They're too expensive anyway.

31/01/2005, 2:15 PM
You just expect them to take out embroidery or start talking about the Countrywoman's Association or something...

Jim Smith
31/01/2005, 2:24 PM
They're too expensive anyway.
Women or halfs?
Or half women?

31/01/2005, 2:28 PM
Take note, Jim Smith, if you don't keep your daughter away from football she'll turn out like Babysis! :eek: :D

There are worse people she could turn out like (Supposedly) :)
Its not that bad, loving football, supporting my national team, and enjoying drinking. isn't it what every parent dreams their children will turn out like?? :D

As for the whole drinking halfs, I actually do occassionally. See full of surprise, me!! ;)

31/01/2005, 2:29 PM
I think Babysis got it spot on tbh - each to their own. But there is nothing worst than men/women who want shout and rant about equal rights and but don't get up off their arse and do something about it on a daily basis.

31/01/2005, 2:41 PM
isn't it what every parent dreams their children will turn out like?? :D

No, most men wan their children to play for Ireland and stay away from the deamon drink! ;)

As for the whole drinking halfs, I actually do occassionally. See full of surprise, me!! ;)

We were talking about a half pint of beer, not a half pint of vodka! :)

31/01/2005, 2:42 PM
I think Babysis got it spot on tbh - each to their own. But there is nothing worst than men/women who want shout and rant about equal rights and but don't get up off their arse and do something about it on a daily basis.

Thank you very much. I went to uni in Bnrighton, and the main focus of my degree was women's history, which meant i was going to be on courss full of feminists :mad: Scary bunch in my opinion. Its easch to their own, but realisticcally we dont have it too bad nowadays at all. Well i dont anyway :D

anto eile
31/01/2005, 2:43 PM
first of all im not sexist at all, i respect womens rights to the fullest extent that the law demands, but i firmly believe that women drinking pints is completely un-classy.it shouldnt be done.

Jim Smith
31/01/2005, 2:44 PM
There are worse people she could turn out like (Supposedly) :)
Its not that bad, loving football, supporting my national team, and enjoying drinking. isn't it what every parent dreams their children will turn out like?? :D
Maybe, but it depends on which part of her heritage she is supporting. I love my children and the thought of them having the "character building experience" of supporting Scotland worries me deeply. That results in drinking to escape reality rather than enjoyment :eek:

31/01/2005, 3:00 PM
first of all im not sexist at all, i respect womens rights to the fullest extent that the law demands, but i firmly believe that women drinking pints is completely un-classy.it shouldnt be done.
Surely thats the same school of thought that says blokes should be real men and not take pride in their appeareance, cos if they do they must be gay :eek:

Classy?? What does it matter whether a girl is sitting enjoying a sociable drink, be it a pint or a pink thing with an umbrella in it.

31/01/2005, 3:15 PM
Thank you very much. I went to uni in Bnrighton, and the main focus of my degree was women's history, which meant i was going to be on courss full of feminists :mad: Scary bunch in my opinion. Its easch to their own, but realisticcally we dont have it too bad nowadays at all. Well i dont anyway :D

Neither do I but I do have pints in the auld pint glasses...what can I say.
But those college feminists are a scary bunch of people...they have then in DCU too...Communications students!

31/01/2005, 3:36 PM
Surely thats the same school of thought that says blokes should be real men and not take pride in their appeareance, cos if they do they must be gay
Wouldn't say that about the ponces.... ;)

Personally I prefer the missus to drink pints - the price of mixers is ridiculous....

31/01/2005, 3:55 PM
well its each to their own. I just thinks it funny that blokes find it acceptable for a woman to drink 2 halfs but not a pint!! if its alcoholic I will probably drink it. but im taking on board everything that has been said, so at the next foot.ie drinks, mines a pina colada with a sparkler and umbrella, cheers. :)

31/01/2005, 4:00 PM
so at the next foot.ie drinks, mines a pina colada with a sparkler and umbrella, cheers. :)

We wont be meeting in the Lyric so then. :)

31/01/2005, 4:03 PM
We wont be meeting in the Lyric so then. :)

To be honest by the time ive cooked a dinner from scratch, and done all the cleaning, washing and ironing I doubt i will make it in time :rolleyes:

31/01/2005, 4:06 PM
To be honest by the time ive cooked a dinner from scratch, and done all the cleaning, washing and ironing I doubt i will make it in time :rolleyes:

You'll just have to learn how to do it all at once. ;)

31/01/2005, 4:12 PM
You'll just have to learn how to do it all at once. ;)

Or just find a bloke to do it. :D not really an issue for me, one of the benefits of living at home is the fact my mum is a great cook as Thommo, pat o and sylvo can confirm, so i dont have to cook a meal from scratch, so there is no fear of me missing a session :)

31/01/2005, 7:57 PM
I've nothing against women drinking pints (maybe not at three though). To paraphrase the greatest philosopher of our time:

"Ah sweet alcohol, where would my love life be without you?"

Would I be right in saying that the great philospher of that quote is the greatest philosopher of them all Homer Simpson.

31/01/2005, 8:03 PM
Firstly - Not all women "watch American crap on TV

ps. pat o and Sylvo you can chalk that up as my first rant. :)

Don't worry me and Pat are used to it by now ;) , I think we'll sit this one out and let you get on with it. :eek:

31/01/2005, 9:49 PM
Learn how to cook; fresh food is far better than sodium laced ready meals.

Couldn't agree more. Most women I know can't cook for sh*t. I know a few recently married women, one who is my cousin, and they\she can't cook at all. Herself and the husband eat at work, no meals are ever cooked at home, even on Sundays or days off. The local chinese comes into play then. The funniest thing is, she has one of the most expensive cookers\ovens I have ever seen. At the moment she is getting ready to move into a newly built house with her family, and the cooker she has picked for this one is top of the range, even more expensive than the last one. It has something like 7 hobs, one especially for Wok cooking and all. The same girl wouldn't know a wok if it belted her across the face. Dishwashers etc, the whole lot, all top of the range, even though none of them will be hardly used.

To me, she is typical of the modern woman, all show, all talk, all status, yet not worth a balls domestically. Has all the nick nacks, nice ornaments, designer cutlery, designer ware (John Rocha dinner plates, FFS :rolleyes: ), modern furniture etc - yet she can't even cook a meal. And as I said, it's most women these days, they haven't a clue. They feel that they don't have to do it nowadays anyway, equality and all that crap. We'll see how much equality means to them when they're facing a divorce later on in life :D

They're looking for a career with a good paid job, and a high earning boyfriend, so that they can spend their way through life. They'll try and live together before making any committments, marriage and kids is out of the question until early 30's. As far as I can see, men are wasting their time looking for relationships until their late twenties at least. And even after all that, she still won't be able to cook a meal!

01/02/2005, 12:53 AM
first of all im not sexist at all, i respect womens rights to the fullest extent that the law demands, but i firmly believe that women drinking pints is completely un-classy.it shouldnt be done.

I love wemon and respect women, Im not lieing/ but a women cant drink a pint properly/ a women cant handle as much as a man/ 1st reason because we drinkl more than ye anyway / dont take it personal/ / or else its in our jeans to handle more than ye/ i respeckt wemon more than drink so dont feel left out, the real reason we drink is to talk/think/dream about ye. But just cause we are MEN it doesnt matter cause deep down we love da lot of ye, ye *****s.

Closed Account 2
01/02/2005, 2:28 AM
.../ or else its in our jeans...

In my younger days I used to tell them, "its in my jeans", too; right after they said "Give me one good reason why I should go out with you?", the classic palm of hand to my lower jaw move usually followed seconds later... :p

01/02/2005, 9:23 AM
my mum is a great cook

A real woman!
Any chance she give classes to women your age?

01/02/2005, 9:29 AM
1st reason because we drinkl more than ye anyway / dont take it personal/ / or else its in our jeans to handle more than ye/

My jeans tend to get soggy if i store drink in them. Otherwise its just because i didnt make the toilet in time.

Jim Smith
01/02/2005, 9:38 AM
Would I be right in saying that the great philospher of that quote is the greatest philosopher of them all Homer Simpson.
Indeed it is. The original is :

"Ah sweet sympathy, where would my love life be without you".

01/02/2005, 11:22 AM
Dont think my 2 sisters, 'Mick' & 'Bob' would be too impressed......I've seen them down pints like there's no tomorrow...... :o

However,this is a cautionary tale :rolleyes: .............we all paid for it eventually! ;)

Was that your sister Mick that was with you in Quinns one night when we all went out on the tear in Camden town with the old man, HB, West of Ireland mafia and Pedro McMadman.

01/02/2005, 11:25 AM
A real woman!
Any chance she give classes to women your age?

I am more than capable funnilly enough of looking after myself. I enjoyed cooking meals from scratch at uni, and as the lads here will agree, I make a very good cake, so I dont need any lessons thank you very much!!! :p