View Full Version : Something you lot might be interested in

07/07/2014, 9:59 AM
Well lads,

Ye know me at this stage, I take photos and draw stuff occasionally. Well, if anyone's interested, on the Thursday 31st of July until Sunday 3rd of August I'll be part of an exhibition in Longford where I'll be showing some of my football stuff. There'll be a bit of an LTFC flavor included of course.

There will be an official opening on the 31st at 7pm, but, if you can't make that, it'll be open for the whole weekend to drop in and have a look. We've been given the old grasshopper shop just beside the courtyard cafe to hold the show.

You can see more details here on the facebook event page, there will probably be a bit more publicity in local papers and whatnot in the coming weeks, feel free to come along or share the info with anyone you know who might be interested in popping in and having a look!

I emailed the club there last week hoping to get access to the ground for a few hours to make some new work before the show, but no reply sadly. If you'd like to have a look at what I've been up to lately check out the link in my signature. I've been busy enough trying to make new stuff, Limerick have been a great bunch of lads in fairness.

Martinho II
07/07/2014, 7:55 PM
Well lads,

Ye know me at this stage, I take photos and draw stuff occasionally. Well, if anyone's interested, on the Thursday 31st of July until Sunday 3rd of August I'll be part of an exhibition in Longford where I'll be showing some of my football stuff. There'll be a bit of an LTFC flavor included of course.

There will be an official opening on the 31st at 7pm, but, if you can't make that, it'll be open for the whole weekend to drop in and have a look. We've been given the old grasshopper shop just beside the courtyard cafe to hold the show.

You can see more details here on the facebook event page, there will probably be a bit more publicity in local papers and whatnot in the coming weeks, feel free to come along or share the info with anyone you know who might be interested in popping in and having a look!

I emailed the club there last week hoping to get access to the ground for a few hours to make some new work before the show, but no reply sadly. If you'd like to have a look at what I've been up to lately check out the link in my signature. I've been busy enough trying to make new stuff, Limerick have been a great bunch of lads in fairness.

good stuff Acornvilla. If I am home from Dublin that weekend I will certainly call into you! Get in touch with Pauro 7 on this forum and he can get in touch with the other lads that have access to the Longford town website and get access into ground for you as its shockin carryon!

07/07/2014, 9:32 PM
Will defo call in best of luck with it

08/07/2014, 3:50 PM
Thanks to the lads who go in touch with me, I got into the ground this morning. A great day for the parish :P

11/07/2014, 8:18 AM
For anyone interested, here's some of the stuff I did during the week: https://www.behance.net/gallery/18214545/City-Calling-Stadium-Desolate

Working on a website and made one of them FB pages yesterday, figure I better have my social media in order before the show. :P
Don't pick up art lads, there's a shocking amount of work that goes into putting on shows.

12/07/2014, 8:39 PM
Nice photos

30/07/2014, 9:13 PM
Hey lads, just spent the day putting the show together, opens tomorrow evening at 7pm! Feel free to drop in and have a look. Hoping to have a decent crowd. It'll run from Fri-Sun 11am-6pm thereafter!

31/07/2014, 10:33 PM
Hey lads, just spent the day putting the show together, opens tomorrow evening at 7pm! Feel free to drop in and have a look. Hoping to have a decent crowd. It'll run from Fri-Sun 11am-6pm thereafter!

Will defo call in tomorrow pal

31/07/2014, 10:42 PM
Not in Longford this weekend, but best of luck and when you get signed up for a Dublin leg I'll drop in!

01/08/2014, 12:30 PM
Will defo call in tomorrow pal
I'll be in there all day Saturday and Sunday if anyone wants to drop in. Two other girls are minding the place today while I nurse a hangover..

We've had a few sales already anyway, was a grand crowd at the opening!

02/08/2014, 7:01 PM
For the really lazy among you, or those not around town this weekend, here's a few photos of my stuff. Last chance to see them is tomorrow! Plenty other cool things going on round town all weekend. Worth having a look around.




02/08/2014, 7:16 PM
They look top notch AV, fair play.

30/08/2014, 9:11 AM
Working away on some other sort of sports prints lately, and am growing to the idea of maybe making some League of Ireland ones, but that also of course includes LTFC ones! So, have been trying to draw Sully the last two days. Figure I may as well post things here if I make any more, for those of you who wouldn't use all the other social media stuff! Feel free to suggest random ideas to me here or on twitter or whatever.


30/08/2014, 9:59 AM
Looks deadly

30/08/2014, 10:51 AM
Unreal pal. Maybe some sort of section O print would look unreal.

08/09/2014, 11:16 PM
Hon the Gary Shaw!


Martinho II
09/09/2014, 10:38 PM
my player of the season so far followed by Jamie Mulhall!

10/09/2014, 4:34 AM
and Paul Hunt

27/09/2014, 9:16 AM
Here's a shiny brand new Tom Morris, the lads picked a fine time to join the club and get himself into the first team.


Just click on it for larger version.

27/09/2014, 9:05 PM
Here's a shiny brand new Tom Morris, the lads picked a fine time to join the club and get himself into the first team.


Just click on it for larger version.
Keep them coming, superb

Pauro 76
29/09/2014, 7:14 PM
These would class on a mural... Well done!

06/10/2014, 6:03 PM
somewhat off topic but something else you might be interested in
Josh O' Hanlon has been loaned out to Poole and scored a hattrick on the weekend Go on ye boy ye

Town Legend
06/10/2014, 7:31 PM
Yeah he's been there since August I think. Poole are top of that league by 4 points with a game in hand.

06/10/2014, 7:34 PM
I think he did score a hat trick but it was a few weeks ago. I think he's been injured of late.

Town Legend
06/10/2014, 7:36 PM
Yeah he got the hat-trick back at the end of August in a 7-0 win for Poole.

06/10/2014, 7:38 PM
Sorry I didn't see the date good news either way fair play to him nice to see him doing well

14/10/2014, 2:24 PM
Here's some photos from Sunday


https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10704116_649532108501059_3868626984469267032_n.jpg ?oh=0bdc69d81900e4787941fe09d21925b3&oe=54BFCEDF&__gda__=1422101351_61e7c2f466f244e736315353d63ed44 4

21/10/2014, 10:21 PM
Some more new stuff!

2172 2173 2174

Also reworked Davy a tad..


Just click on them to enlarge.

21/10/2014, 11:27 PM
They're class man. Love the crest one.

04/01/2015, 3:28 PM
Tipping away at some town ideas over the holidays.



06/01/2015, 10:16 PM
The Section O drawing would make a class t-shirt. Excellent again Barry.