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15/10/2013, 10:16 PM
Anyone got any vids yet of the panel post King interview?

You'll be able to get it here: http://www.rte.ie/sport/player/734/480630/

15/10/2013, 10:20 PM
While I don't agree with King's attitude towards the questioning (I kinda thought his giggling laughter at some questions a bit passive-aggressive), the pompous, self-righteous 'Guardians of football" shtick adopted by the RTÉ panel is getting a bit much to stomach at this point. The hubris coming off them all, Dunphy in particular of course, is positively nauseating. To the point where I'd like to see TV3 maybe win the bid for the next campaign: not because they have better punditry, but it might put the fools at RTÉ in the ha'penny place a little and force them to re-evaluate their coverage.

Charlie Darwin
15/10/2013, 10:20 PM
The entire country is reeling from the latest budget and the RTE panel are moaning about the interim manager integrating the senior team with the national set-up. 15,000 people went to see the national team tonight, many of whom it will be their only night out for the next month or so. Still, they're splitting hairs over a 3-1 win at home, something we haven't done for a few years. It's baffling.

15/10/2013, 10:22 PM
In an attempt to attack King by comparison and contrast, the ever-inconsistent Dunphy even resorted to complimenting the manner in which Trap conducted his interviews. Wasn't Dunphy always scathing of Trap's interviews?

15/10/2013, 10:28 PM
Don't usually comment on Ireland (don't care enough) But I do want to comment on the panel tonight. Yes, Noel King came across as a tool, but Dunphys response was equally bad, and typical of the man. He is a bully of the highest order, and a master of personal abuse, so to call King for it was real pot/kettle stuff. Ireland weren't great, but compared to the last performance against Kazahkstan, and many other home performances under Trappatoni against mediocre opposition, it wasn't that bad. Kings comments after the Germany game about the panel being a comedy show clearly stung them. Dunphys comments about being available for the managers job were only half in jest I fear. I'd love to see him given the job though, absolutely love it. He's never had to put his footballing money where his considerable mouth is. Nobody ever got their tactics or team selection wrong in a TV studio. His backing of Mick McCarthy for the job was also hilarious, given the abuse he heaped on him (yes Eamonn, much of it personal) when he had the job. Every single Irish manager since Dunphy started in the media has gotten this treatment from him, so give him the job and shut him up once and for all.

15/10/2013, 10:35 PM
D*nphy couldn't run a bath, let alone a national soccer team.

Here's the latest WSC take on it all.

15/10/2013, 10:38 PM
In an attempt to attack King by comparison and contrast, the ever-inconsistent Dunphy even resorted to complimenting the manner in which Trap conducted his interviews. Wasn't Dunphy always scathing of Trap's interviews?

Unfortunately I fear we are all giving the troll Dunphy what he wants, attention. Controversy is what he feeds on. King's done an ok job as manager. Wiped the slate clean, brought back out of favour players, introduced a new formation, got the players playing on the deck. I can understand why he would defend the players and his selection, he's hardly going to say otherwise. He's no more out of his depth than Trapattoni was or Brian Kerr or Mick McCarthy post WC 2002 or I suspect MON if he gets the job.

The problem with the RTE panel is O'Herilihy and Maloney - both don't know enough or are strong enough to put Dunphy and Giles in their place and particularly call Dunphy out on is spoofing. Dunphy went from calling Gibson braindead to then saying it was wrong he wasn't in the squad for September games to saying he doesn't rate him last week. A proper host would say "Dunphy, you're full of sh*t"...Instead Bill and Daragh look at him as if he's the greatest pundit ever. A definite clear out of the panel needed after next summers World Cup.

15/10/2013, 10:41 PM
Bleurgh. The panel discussion was a joke - bunch of duffers screaming into an echo chamber.

I will say King didn't do himself any favours. Hey - King's well able to handle TOD without pressing the big red button. No doubt his blow-out was at least partly caused by getting a total hammering on Friday for pretty much no reason beyond he made a fairly bizarre selection and no substitutions. Wasn't the worst crime, particularly given the context of a thankless game away to one of the best sides in the world.

Teeing off against King - a guy who by all accounts, good or bad, would indicate a solid Irish football guy - was just crass. King responds robustly during the week (as he should). And now the panel are wondering why he's being so 'unprofessional' or 'immature'? They're looking around like they're innocent bystanders who just witnessed a hobo ranting in the street. 'Huh - was he talking to me? How rude!'

Dunphy slammed King for being immature etc. Incredibly, even labels him a 'bully'. He then bullyingly condescends Maloney over King's supposedly 'personal attack' on TOD (load of rubbish).

His final line is an absolute cracker:

"You see it all the time in sport - heated debate, strong criticism. Joe Brolly and people like that. Great people, passionate, like the fans. And anybody who tires to stifle that and tries to turn it into something nasty is wrong."

Eamon Dunphy, 2013. There isn't a shark in the world big enough that this **** couldn't jump over. Never ceases to amaze.

15/10/2013, 10:44 PM
I think most people here know that Tony O'D hasn't got the necessary components in his dna to have a personal football opinion worth one bean and he just repeats what is already been said on the panel, so any perceived criticism by King of the football intelligence of T O'D was not aimed at T O'D personally but at the panel in their capacity as the panel.

15/10/2013, 10:49 PM
That's exactly what I was thinking Geysir. King wasn't responding to the question, he was responding to the broad editorial tone of RTE which is to promote the panel's self indulgence over anything else. TOD is every bit as much a part of that as Dunphy.

15/10/2013, 10:52 PM
Big time. Sure that's where the 'do your homework' comment came out of. Shame his delivery wasn't composed, but he's absolutely right to call out the RTE for their dreadful level of knowledge and analysis.

15/10/2013, 11:00 PM
Can't really see why O'Donoghue is getting criticism for that interview. He barely asked a question before King started getting incredibly defensive.

15/10/2013, 11:06 PM
My problem isn't with TOD so much with the panel. King should've handled it a lot better, but I can't really blame him after the RTE panel shellacked him like a bored child pulling the wings from a fly last Friday. He was obviously fixing for a fight.

15/10/2013, 11:08 PM
Can't really see why O'Donoghue is getting criticism for that interview. He barely asked a question before King started getting incredibly defensive.yes, but chickens come home to roost. TOD has "previous". King knows that. RTE would find fault if we beat Brazil. The RTE panel has no objectivity. It was utter hypocrisy for them not to acknowledge the small steps taken tonight - things we did that they have been calling for us to do - and they quite positively displayed a lack of understanding of how many modern football teams play these days. King was more right about things than they were.

15/10/2013, 11:10 PM
Lets get the whole thing into context - It was a relatively meaningless game which we won comfortably with 80% possession and outplayed the Kazaks in every department (in contrast to the away game) and managed by an employee of the FAI who was asked at short notice to do a job.

In this regard the RTE panel attacks on King in the last few days have been nothing short of sickening. How exactly is Eamon "I haven't been at a LOI game in 35 years" Dunphy standing up for Irish fans? Or is he just standing up for fairweather supporters like himself who are only interested in the EPL or when the Irish national team plays and spoofing clap-trap about real Irish supporters, of which he most certainly is not one, since he has no time for the LOI.

Noel King has more football integrity in his little finger particularly in relation to grass roots football than Dunphy ever will.

15/10/2013, 11:16 PM
In this regard the RTE panel attacks on King in the last few days have been nothing short of sickening. How exactly is Eamon "I haven't been at a LOI game in 35 years" Dunphy standing up for Irish fans? Or is he just standing up for fairweather supporters like himself who are only interested in the EPL or when the Irish national team plays and spoofing clap-trap about real Irish supporters, of which he most certainly is not one, since he has no time for the LOI.

Note that Dunphy and Giles had a go at King for moving the goalposts, of shifting the focus to TOD 'denigrating the players'. Dunphy also said about King's references to the green shirt being guff...

Not five minutes later Dunphy is waxing hyprocritus maximus about aforementioned green shirt and fawning about fans and 'great men with passion'. Goalposts moving steadily to the moon at that point.

15/10/2013, 11:16 PM
Actually, King has more integrity in his little finger than Giles has shown these past few days on the RTE panel. A gutless performance by the ex-ireland manager.

16/10/2013, 12:06 AM
Kinger personalized the whole thing and made it all about himself in that interview ...this game wasn't about him it was his country. If he felt that tony didn't know what he was talking about then he went about it the wrong way.I don't think he did see it as a 4-2-3-1 though, but Stokes and Doyle have played that.

We were definitely missing width and speed to pull them out of shape though. A switch of both pilks and mcgeady would have been nice after 65/70 and then hoolohan a bit later for reid.

back of the net
16/10/2013, 12:18 AM
I did not think I could dislike Dunphy more, post seeing tonights clip..........absolute joker.

A bit of a silly reaction by King.....but O'Donughue has become a sh*t stirrer of a journalist imo.

16/10/2013, 1:07 AM
Eoin McDevitt should be brought in as the main host as he actually understands football and wouldn't be afraid of the two lads.

16/10/2013, 3:23 AM
Kinger personalized the whole thing and made it all about himself in that interview ...this game wasn't about him it was his country. If he felt that tony didn't know what he was talking about then he went about it the wrong way.I don't think he did see it as a 4-2-3-1 though, but Stokes and Doyle have played that.

We were definitely missing width and speed to pull them out of shape though. A switch of both pilks and mcgeady would have been nice after 65/70 and then hoolohan a bit later for reid.

Pilkington was injured.

I'm fed up with the RTE panel at the moment. King made one very good statement. We played a passing game, we had most of the posession, we scored 3 goals. What more do people really want. You can't fix 10 years of hoof ball over night. I think the man deserves a lot of credit and his passion for the Irish team was great to behold.

Sadlier almost came out with respect saying the man is in an interim job so there's no point on rambling on about. I do think Maloney tried to defend him as well. But Dunphy needs to go. No one wants to listen to him anymore. When i speak to people that don't know much about the game and hear Dunphy's rubbish regurgitated i just want to break things. Dunphy is actually largely part of the reason why football is in trouble in this country but creating this weird belief amongst the general public that we have world class players and could beat Spain 10-0 if we were managed properly. If there was someone on that panel making intelligent debate about the issues in Irish football, like Niall Quinn did on Sky Sports - people might actually start backing it.

16/10/2013, 7:18 AM
Eamon Dunphy was an absolute disgrace last night and should be pulled on his spoof and his nastiness.

Noel King did not personally attack Tony O'Donoghue. What he said to O'Donoghue was that Doyle played on the right for his club "if anyone wants to do their homework". That is even less personal than Dunphy's assertion on Friday that Ireland (and by implication King) were tactically illiterate. For Dunphy to turn what King said into "Tony, do your homework, you don't know what you're talking about" was disgusting on Dunphy's part. It is made even more incredible by the fact that in the his last sentence before accusing King of making a personal attack on O'Donoghue, he called King "unpleasant". Dunphy is also the master of the personal attack. This is the man who called Niall Quinn "a creep", who had a pop at a journalist for "running off with a young wan", who called Harry Kewell a "fat clown" etc. etc. His belittling of Maloney was also self serving bullying. Maloney asked a legitimate question about the "harsh criticism" King received and Dunphy turned that to pursue his own agenda. While Maloney could have handled it better, he was like a rabbit in the headlights, we've all been there when we've been pounced upon unexpectedly and Dunphy is a master in that situation (I've seen him make bits of Souness and Brady too to be fair). It was bullying as far as I'm concerned.

That said, King did himself no favours. Tony O'Donoghue asked a fair question last night and King reacted very badly. He didn't personally attack anyone but he reacted poorly because his core point was correct (what more do people expect than a 3-1 win and 80% possession). However, some of O'Donoghue's Paxman-wannabe interviews with Trap were disgraceful and I have no problem with his interviewing skills coming under scrutiny even if, in this particular instance, he didn't actually do much wrong.

As for Dunphy, I'd normally consider myself a fan purely for the comedy and flip flopping. However, last night he sank as low as he could go and pursued his agenda on false grounds. He clearly was upset over King labelling the panel a "comedy act" at the weekend and just wanted a chance to have a go. King gave him an opening but Dunphy shouldn't be allowed to get away with it. I also don't believe he anymore gives a f**k about Tony O'Donoghue than the man in the moon. He's a phony, a charlatan, a spoofer and he owes Noel King an apology as far as I'm concerned.

16/10/2013, 7:28 AM
I've not seen the RTE panel stuff yet but don't see why they are gunning for a caretaker manager? Bizarre. I do feel a bit sorry for King, he was thrusted into this position & has tried to do the best he can. I've been impressed with his conduct in the build up to the games & glad he has tried to build bridges with players who were frozen out by the old regime. Instead of focusing on the positives Dunphy and co seem to only want to stick the knife in so it gets them in the newspapers and radio. Shameless & unnecessary.

16/10/2013, 7:52 AM
Got complimentary Corporate tickets walking in the gate, so had a great view of the pitch last night.

I'll be honest about this, I was really disappointed that both John O'Shea and Richard Dunne started. Not that Damien Delaney did anything wrong, but in age alone, Ciaran Clark is going to feature longer than the Palace man. To me Dunne looked off-the-boil last night, in his main area of responsibility - defending. Lost quite a few aerial duels, and didn't look particularly composed to me either.

Forde doesn't appear to want to play football. His distribution is terrible. Coleman was excellent, goal apart, but he wasn't the only culprit from what I can remember.

Was surprised by McCarthy getting man of the match. Didn't seem to do too much. Wilson doesn't fit at left back. Thought Stokes was very good, haven't seen much of him previously. Reid was Reid. Whelan did well when he came on. Robbie does not suit as the lone man up front, and there are better options than him in the area's just behind, but he is the only one with a goal radar.

Doyle was not suited to his role. McGeady, biased fanboy that I am, showed why he should have been on from the start.

I'm going to watch the game back again so I'll be curious to see if my opinion changes.

16/10/2013, 7:53 AM
in fairness King isnt up to it, just shows he hasnt had any real top class management. his reaction last night was childish and made him look 2nd rate. the fact he left doyle and stokes on the pitch also makes me question his ability. both were terrible again last night IMO. the game was crying out for mcgeady from the start really. i hope king isnt in charge of any more games before the new manager comes in.

16/10/2013, 9:01 AM
King rammed the point home that Stokes and Doyle have played those roles before. But failed to acknowledge that Stokes played the role in failed moves to Sunderland, Palace and Sheffield ( I haven't seen him for Celtic) and Doyle has played for Reading latterly and now Wolves as they plummet. It's hardly a ringing endorsement to counter the question put to him by TO'D, when you consider McGeady wasn't started. Much like his "Glenn Whelan played that role at school boy level" answer the other night. Context is important in light of those omitted, I would think.

I was away with work in the UK so only saw the match with no commentary. Didn't see the RTE guff.

Wing back might be Colemans best position with us play 3 at the back. I think he's going to be one of those players that will have a moment like that every so often.

16/10/2013, 9:14 AM
I didn't get to see any of the game last night but am looking forward to seeing what the Panel actually said. So far I only have what you guys saw.

Watched the TOD/King interview from the link above and in all I didn't see much wrong with what Noel said. TOD as we all know is the Troll-in-Chief and has been acting the maggot for years with Trap. No surprise he tried it with the "Intrim" manager.

AS Noel said, what more could we have done?

16/10/2013, 9:17 AM
No surprise he tried it with the "Intrim" manager

What exactly did he 'try'?

16/10/2013, 9:22 AM
im no fan of tony o'donoghue, i think he probably listens to what the panel say after the game and bases his questions on that....but my issue was with king's response. he should have just said they were the decisions he made and the result justified it and maybe he could have changed it earlier or whatever. no one would have said a thing to that. i just felt that he showed himself up to look childish and as dunphy said out of his depth. Trap took stupid questions of o'donoghue for ages but showed his experience and class in answering them. never looked fazed. King should have just sucked it up as part of the job.

16/10/2013, 9:25 AM
Stokes played that position against Barcelona recently, so King was right to point that out. I haven't seen much of Wolves lately, so I can't comment on where Doyle has played for them. I didn't particularly agree with either decision, and leaving Doyle on for the 90 minutes was baffling, but the way O'Donoghue went about it was uncalled for. He's been getting away with that line of questioning with Trapattoni (who's English is poor) since Poland, and when he tried it on with someone who could match him verbally, and with superior knowledge of the game, he was caught out badly. He has no sympathy from me.
Dunphy's line about Trapttoni being a gentleman in interviews was particularly galling, after the criticism he's been getting from the panel for his responses in interviews during his reign.

16/10/2013, 9:28 AM
but the way O'Donoghue went about it was uncalled for.
What was the way he went about it?

16/10/2013, 9:37 AM
Stokes played that position against Barcelona recently, so King was right to point that out. I haven't seen much of Wolves lately, so I can't comment on where Doyle has played for them. I didn't particularly agree with either decision, and leaving Doyle on for the 90 minutes was baffling, but the way O'Donoghue went about it was uncalled for. He's been getting away with that line of questioning with Trapattoni (who's English is poor) since Poland, and when he tried it on with someone who could match him verbally, and with superior knowledge of the game, he was caught out badly. He has no sympathy from me.
Dunphy's line about Trapttoni being a gentleman in interviews was particularly galling, after the criticism he's been getting from the panel for his responses in interviews during his reign.

Maybe Tets eloquence is more to your liking Osa?

What exactly did he 'try'?

Did you see the interview?

16/10/2013, 9:38 AM
What was the way he went about it?

Watch the video!

16/10/2013, 9:44 AM
Tony O'D said as follows "we had more possession but in terms of penetration ... " to which King laughs. He then asks about players being played out of position (valid imo) to which King goes all defensive. Nothing wrong with the questions asked or how they were asked.

16/10/2013, 9:44 AM
Watch the video!

I've watched it. I didn't see anything I considered him 'trying' anything. What did you see?

16/10/2013, 9:46 AM
King rammed the point home that Stokes and Doyle have played those roles before. But failed to acknowledge that Stokes played the role in failed moves to Sunderland, Palace and Sheffield ( I haven't seen him for Celtic) and Doyle has played for Reading latterly and now Wolves as they plummet. It's hardly a ringing endorsement to counter the question put to him by TO'D, when you consider McGeady wasn't started. Much like his "Glenn Whelan played that role at school boy level" answer the other night. Context is important in light of those omitted, I would think.

I was away with work in the UK so only saw the match with no commentary. Didn't see the RTE guff.

Wing back might be Colemans best position with us play 3 at the back. I think he's going to be one of those players that will have a moment like that every so often.

I think King's point was that Stokes had played in that position for Celtic and also in a game that the panel were supposed to have watched and analysed. Stokes is no stranger to attacking play from the left side. Not like a winger though, more like the player on the left of the 3.

16/10/2013, 9:50 AM
I've watched it. I didn't see anything I considered him 'trying' anything. What did you see?

TOD straight off the bat was gunning for something with Noel. And Noel reacted in a manner which might be perceived as childish I thought was forceful and to the point. Not as eloquent as you could want but FFS we had to deal with Trap talking about "mentaleetae" for 5 years. Hardly Stephen Fry.

16/10/2013, 9:50 AM
I think King's point was that Stokes had played in that position for Celtic and also in a game that the panel were supposed to have watched and analysed. Stokes is no stranger to attacking play from the left side. Not like a winger though, more like the player on the left of the 3.

And he was right to bring that up.

16/10/2013, 9:56 AM
TOD straight off the bat was gunning for something with Noel.

"Noel King is with me. noel, you're unbeaten at home as Ireland manager. How was that for you?"

Gunning for him straight off the bat.

16/10/2013, 9:57 AM
We kinda knew things were gonna go belly up without the tranquilising effect of Manuela at the post match sideline interview.

16/10/2013, 9:58 AM
"Noel King is with me. noel, you're unbeaten at home as Ireland manager. How was that for you?"

Gunning for him straight off the bat.

Give over.

16/10/2013, 10:01 AM
I don't think there was anything wrong with the TOD interview. King was just reacting to Dunphy and co and unfortunately TOD was the closest RTE employee near him at the time. I'd have preferred it if King grabbed the mike looked directly into the camera and said 'I'm coming for you DUNPHY"!!!

16/10/2013, 10:09 AM
Give over.

he jokes about King's unbeaten record (King laughs too), asks a question about conceding an early goal, and tries to raise an issue about a lack of penetration. Where exactly was he gunning for him and trying it on?

Or does your 'give over' imply that you can't/won't back up your points?

16/10/2013, 10:29 AM
As far as being part of the manager's job to deal with the press I don't think we should get too worked up about it. As long as he is winning games that's enough for me. Fergie didn't talk to the BBC for year's but did all right with the real part of the job.

16/10/2013, 10:48 AM
Eoin McDevitt should be brought in as the main host as he actually understands football and wouldn't be afraid of the two lads.Well that's the future we hope for, McDevitt as anchor and Early as some sort touchline philosopher.... however there's no doubt that Maloney has long been assumed the O' Herlihy successor...While we are on the point of O' Herlihy, I've never fallen for the big "love-in" in terms of his presenting. If Dunphy said something so and so is rubbish you'd hear Bill chirping in agreement. Bill should be objective which he isn't for the most part when framing questions.... anyways won't have to put up with it for much longer I suppose.

16/10/2013, 10:48 AM
he jokes about King's unbeaten record (King laughs too), asks a question about conceding an early goal, and tries to raise an issue about a lack of penetration. Where exactly was he gunning for him and trying it on?

Or does your 'give over' imply that you can't/won't back up your points?

It "implies" that I'm in the office and I can't look over the clip again like you.
If someone would like to give me a transcript that would be lovely. You seem to be doing f*** all else and are so determined to keep this up I think you should do it in order to continue this wonderful thought provoking debate about whether TOD is a gormless troll or not.

On my viewing last night I felt that TOD was gunning for some reaction and he got one. Just not the one he wanted. The tone and the delivery of what he said were clear to all of us who aren't deaf that he was being facetious and purposely provocative as he has been for months.

I don't think there is anything wrong with asking hard questions but to go at a guy who was in charge for two games at the end of a pox of a campaign is ridiculous. Don Givens never got this much bile aimed at him and he's a muppet of the highest order.

16/10/2013, 10:50 AM
A bit of a silly reaction by King.....but O'Donughue has become a sh*t stirrer of a journalist imo.T O' D was terribly vindictive towards Trap at times.... I think he started the interview after 6-1 Germany game with "are you going to resign". A total cynical wolf in sheep's clothing.

16/10/2013, 11:13 AM
he jokes about King's unbeaten record (King laughs too), asks a question about conceding an early goal, and tries to raise an issue about a lack of penetration. Where exactly was he gunning for him and trying it on?

Or does your 'give over' imply that you can't/won't back up your points?
Bonnie no doubt can speak for himself

Tony couldn't wait for King to shut up talking about the game/tactics and get to the question he wanted to ask about penetration. When King threw that out the window, Tony didn't let go, he kept on asking, when King threw the next ridiculous question out the window, Tony tried again from another angle. So yes, when a stand-in manager has already endured being ridiculed by the panel, is príckly and has just given the best sideline impassioned improvised account of what he and the team tried to do on the pitch, Tony should have let it go with the nitpicking and asked a different question but, he probably stood there in front of King with that grin, too stupid to ask a different question and instead asked the same silly question again, after shifting the goalposts.
Probably its that inane stupidity, or the flippant manner he has, could be the stupid excitable grin, could be that he's interpreted as disrespectful, could be that he doesn't do a good interview with a logical sequence of questions, all or any of the above, take your pick.
But possibly you find Tony charming and King a bit crude, that's your choice.

16/10/2013, 11:25 AM
Tony O'D asked "we had more possession but in terms of penetration ... (interrupted by King's laughter) .... maybe the lack of natural wingers ... was that an issue for us?". Perfectly valid question btw - does nobody else here want to know the reasoning behind King's team selection/ tactics? King replied to that question with "Germany scored 3 goals, we scored 3 goals, don't talk me about that will you please". That's a ridiculous response to the question and it set the tone for the rest of the interview.

16/10/2013, 11:33 AM
King's response was OTT but he was right to basically say TOD, and by extension the panel, were a) badgering him on a team selection which isn't that out-there as any modern football watcher can attest and b) appearing to ask for the moon on a stick.

TOD wasn't asking 'did you feel there was a lack of penetration?' or 'did you feel we played with enough width?' He told King there was a lack of penetration and we didn't play with enough width. That's a guff line of questioning for a reporter, and always likely to irk any manager who has to listen to it. King's going to go back to the U21s and probably felt he had little to lose by going nuclear on TOD's nonsense. And, let's face it, TOD had it coming - big time.

There is a major difference between criticising tactics or questioning a manger's mindset in team selection and baldly stating 'we didn't penetrate enough' or 'that was a shambles' or 'you are tactically inept', which are the totally unwarranted statements a TWO GAME INTERIM MANAGER has had to face in the last ten days.

Honestly why would any coach, manager or person bother with us when that's the kind of unreasonable bile they have to put up with from the get-go?

For some reason King was expected to grovel before the might of the RTE experts' tactical luminosity and football eloquence. That he rightly refuses because they're either dinosaurs or no-nothing poseurs appears to give them great agitation.