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De Town
11/06/2013, 4:33 PM
According to Tony Ghee on Twitter, we've signed Glen O'Connor (left back) from St.Pats CY and Rhys Gorman (midfielder) from Shamrock Rovers.

11/06/2013, 5:07 PM
Know nothing about either of them but we did need a left back, would lend weight to the stories that Mick Lee is being let go/retiring. I'm sure Tallanted knows all about Rhys Gorman if he'd like to share his thoughts :). Google suggests he won LOI U19 player of the month at one stage last year so hopefully he has something about him. He looks a big lad.


Martinho II
11/06/2013, 8:36 PM
arent the two roches playin with St Pats CY now??

12/06/2013, 3:37 AM
No Marty no!

Martinho II
12/06/2013, 7:33 PM
No Marty no!
if not where are the two of them now?? just curious!!

13/06/2013, 10:06 AM
if not where are the two of them now?? just curious!!

One of them was with them last season anyway but dont know if hes still there Marty.

19/06/2013, 2:16 AM
According to Tony Ghee on Twitter, we've signed Glen O'Connor (left back) from St.Pats CY and Rhys Gorman (midfielder) from Shamrock Rovers.

good to hear we have signed two players, break came at a great time for us with players just coming back form injuries, hopefully we can have a fully fit squad for salthill ( fingers crossed samos knee isnt serious as it looked)

we defo needed a defender anyway, with willo out for 2 more games and mc carthy rackin up the yellows, mick gone, deans and gary cronin past it..

seems according to tc interview on shanside thats all he intends on singing , i think we could do with one or two more seeing as we are releasing one or two

19/06/2013, 9:50 AM
If we don't sign 2 or 3 players that can make an instant impact we are making a huge mistake considering the players athlone are bringing in. There must be money there for TC surely!

19/06/2013, 10:18 AM
I'd say if Salmo is out long term we'll have to sign another midfielder. I wouldn't panic too much about what Athlone are doing. We have a good squad it's just about getting the best out of them and keeping our players fit. Corie Treacy should be a big help now he's back fit. Gorman is highly rated too, Rovers u19 player of the year last year I believe.

19/06/2013, 10:49 AM
I agree,if Salmo's injury is serious we'll need to sign an extra midfielder. Heard Gorman is meant to be good but regardless, its not very comforting having a 19 year old and a 37 year old as 2/3 of your Centre Mid options.

Other then that I dont think we've any major need to sign anyone, we've quite a big squad as it is and the majority should be back after the break. People shouldn't think that just because of our League position that we're some kind of dominant power in the league with money to throw around.

19/06/2013, 11:47 AM
I honestly believe we need 1 more striker because Gary Shaw is being played out wide, Ischi isnt going to score many and Josh is still developing as a footballer, I hate to keep banging on about Athlone but they are getting in Enda Curran to partner Philly Gorman thats quite a front line. Conor Meade from Cobh would be a great signing IMO 27 years old with plenty of LOI experience but still plenty to prove. What about Coughlan thats gone back to limerick from athlone, sneeky loan bid perhaps? Just someone who will take some pressure off sully.

De Town
19/06/2013, 11:58 AM
Conor Meade is based in Cork. He's hardly going to up sticks and move to Dublin to play for us.

19/06/2013, 12:34 PM
Exactly, he's hardly playing with Cobh for the money it's because it suits him. Anyone Galway based such as Curran or O'Brien is going to pick Athlone over us as it's handier than Leixlip for training. Same goes for anyone in Limerick. As said above we've quite a large squad so we'll need to get players out before we can bring some in. McDonagh could do a job in midfield possibly if necessary, though he's a bit slow.

19/06/2013, 1:51 PM
McDonagh could do a job in midfield possibly if necessary

we have plenty a mid fielders ahead a him

20/06/2013, 7:59 PM
for those of you that arnt addicted to facebook or twitter heres what samo posted about his scan

"Mark Salmon ‏@Salmoner8 (https://twitter.com/Salmoner8)
Get in there, didn't do me cruciate, think I still need an op but season might not be over, delighted!!! "

great news, least hes not out for the season

20/06/2013, 8:17 PM
Good news for him and us hopefully. He'll be doing well to be back in three months though after a knee op. Could do with another body in there.

Martinho II
04/07/2013, 1:04 PM
Just got confirmation in club text that we have signed David Ebbe from Shamrock Rovers. anyone know anything about him? heard of him but not sure where?

Battery Rover
04/07/2013, 1:20 PM
Just got confirmation in club text that we have signed David Ebbe from Shamrock Rovers. anyone know anything about him? heard of him but not sure where?

Never heard of him but have heard of a David Elebert from Shamrock Rovers

04/07/2013, 1:22 PM
19 year old. Was in their under 19 team last season. Nothing to be overly excited about if you ask me. Big strong fella with a bit of pace.

De Town
04/07/2013, 1:23 PM
Dean Ebbe, not David.

Looks like he's a striker, would which appear to rule out any move for Enda Curran.

I'm sick of seeing us sign Rovers youth players to be honest.

04/07/2013, 1:25 PM
He's an under 19 rovers player can play central midfield or up front. Very lanky and strong with a bit of pace but not a great finisher. Good prospect with good tricky feet.

Not trying to bash the new signings or anything but I hope cousins isn't thinking along the lines of filling the squad up with under 19 players, we need an experienced and robust box to box central midfielder to fill the void left by salmo and we need to tie Down Enda curran, simples.

04/07/2013, 4:53 PM
If its a case that this fella can play both in midfield or up front then I wouldn't be surprised if Tony has signed him with that in mind so we don't need another player..

Town Legend
04/07/2013, 8:12 PM
Dean Ebbe, not David.

Looks like he's a striker, would which appear to rule out any move for Enda Curran.

I'm sick of seeing us sign Rovers youth players to be honest.

From what I was told Fri night and what I heard today I don't know what to be thinking!! Apparently we are still in for signing 2 more players, one midfielder and one striker....both originally been linked with Athlone!

04/07/2013, 9:03 PM
Tony loves doing transfer window deals. What did we bring in last year, three or four players? I'd imagine he's still after one or two more experienced lads as well as the young lads he's brought in.

Town Legend
04/07/2013, 9:29 PM
Well one of them is very experienced and from what I was told fri night he was going no where, but we'll just have to wait and see!

05/07/2013, 9:49 AM
According to Roddy himself we have signed Enda Curran take a look - http://www.theloiblog.com/NewsStory.aspx?n=601

05/07/2013, 9:58 AM
Great if it's true but I refuse to believe a word that comes out of that fellas mouth, his spoofing has reached a new level this season..

05/07/2013, 11:21 AM
He'd be bullshi**ing a bit and putting on the poor mouth but he is quite definite that Curran has gone to us. He'd look (even more) stupid if he didn't now. Looks like he isn't going to Athlone either way, which is good.

05/07/2013, 11:25 AM
Meh, we've got Coughlan back for the rest of the season, that's as good as a new signing!

05/07/2013, 11:36 AM
Haven't seen much of Coughlan but I believe he was outstanding against us recently.

05/07/2013, 11:54 AM
He'd be bullshi**ing a bit and putting on the poor mouth but he is quite definite that Curran has gone to us. He'd look (even more) stupid if he didn't now. Looks like he isn't going to Athlone either way, which is good.

I don't think it would bother him too much to look stupid. He has been ****ting on for the last month about all these players he's bringing in and how a lot of them are as good as done and now that the transfer window has come around he's done a complete turn around and complaining about having no money!He's like a child playing football manager!

I must say if I was a player I wouldnt appreciate a manager trying to sign me harping on to the press about every single bit of the negotiations, especially when there are a lot of offers on the table.

Town Legend
05/07/2013, 12:17 PM
Roddy is talking nonsense, we didn't offer double what Athlone offered. Athlone offered Curran €150 a week but we came in with a take it or leave offer of €10,000 a week after tax, a car and a house. We also offered to relocate his family to Longford including the family dog. And why can we offer this you may ask. Well as everyone knows (Roddy), we're loaded! I also heard Cousins is good mates with Moyes and has asked about the availability of Rooney and is also in the market for a creative central midfielder. On that position he's planning on making a bid to end Kaka's misery at Madrid......and all because we're loaded!!

Rumours going round also that Cousins wants the toilet roll replaced in the away dressing room with €50 notes just to show the rest of the teams how loaded we are! ;)

05/07/2013, 12:23 PM
I must say if I was a player I wouldnt appreciate a manager trying to sign me harping on to the press about every single bit of the negotiations, especially when there are a lot of offers on the table.

From what ive heard thats exactly the case.

11/07/2013, 3:14 PM
It seems Derek O'Brien has signed for us...presume we offered him 5 times what Athlone were offering him.

Town Legend
11/07/2013, 4:46 PM
It seems Derek O'Brien has signed for us...presume we offered him 5 times what Athlone were offering him. That's the experienced winger I was on about last week! I'd say the No.11 was made available for him with Gorman moving to 24 after wearing 11 the first 2 games.

11/07/2013, 6:41 PM
Enda curran away on trial the last few days with port vale and went well by the sounds of it so can't see us getting him. Once o'brien is used as a winger and TC doesn't try convert him to a middle man then it's a great signing with Nkololo out and purdy very inconsistent

Martinho II
11/07/2013, 8:49 PM
I can definitely confirm that Derek O'Brien has signed for us from Salthill Devon. I received a club text at 2.50pm today.
Text said " LTFC have signed Derek O'Brien from Salthill Devon". Wasnt he at Galway Utd when TC was in charge? He has super experience- wasnt he with Galway Utd,St Pats, Cork City and Limerick in the past?

12/07/2013, 8:45 AM
Thanks for the official confirmation Marty.

Yeah he played under Cousins in Galway, Cousins was always a big fan of him apparently.

29/07/2013, 8:57 PM
Apparently we've signed Ryan Connolly from Sligo, anyone know much about him?

29/07/2013, 9:00 PM
Midfielder I think, brother of Evan Connolly who used to play for us afaik. I think he was with Derby and was on the fringes of their first team.

Martinho II
29/07/2013, 9:00 PM

he was with Derby Co before coming to Sligo Rovers last season!

Martinho II
29/07/2013, 9:03 PM
Midfielder I think, brother of Evan Connolly who used to play for us afaik. I think he was with Derby and was on the fringes of their first team.

forgot all about Evan Connolly being a brother.. think Evan was with us in the 08 season.. I dont have the stats book as its in Longford but I have a feeling that Evan never made a 1st team appearance for us.. I could be wrong though!

29/07/2013, 9:08 PM
Thought he got a run once or twice but I'm not sure. Might have been just friendlies or something. Wiki suggests Ryan Connolly is a left winger, didn't we just sign one of those? He may be able to play in the centre too I guess.

Martinho II
29/07/2013, 9:18 PM
just looked up a piece on extratime on evan connolly.. he made 10 appearances for us in 08 before goin to UCD!


29/07/2013, 9:21 PM
Another winger...fantastic..

29/07/2013, 10:23 PM
He can't be any worse than the wingers that are playing at the moment

29/07/2013, 10:55 PM
I take it this means Purdy still won't get a look in? This lad would want to be good, how old is he?

29/07/2013, 11:21 PM
21 or 22 I think.

30/07/2013, 12:09 AM
I hope he is better than his brother...

30/07/2013, 2:20 AM
his brother had the ability to be a good player,just a stupid ****er!he was playin under age with us,then under 21,from that he got a full scholarship to ucd after he went back and did his leaving cert(while still playing with us), then while on a full scholarship started to act the maggot up in ucd,doing no college work,failing his exams or just not doing them and then got thrown of his scholarship!think he went to one of the galway teams after that!if he had a head on his shoulders he would be a good loi player,hopefully his brother got a good taste for professional football,has a head on his shoulders and something to prove to get back to playing in england!ryan played a good bit of under age internationals as well!