View Full Version : Report on the future of Galway football

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02/10/2012, 11:09 AM
So, with 48 hours until the official recommendations are made public, how likely are the various scenarios to actually be acted upon?

1. The status quo

Both Mervue and Salthill appear to be financially prudent, but the FAI has been attempting to secure mergers since February. Still, if no agreement can be reached, there may very well be no change in 2013. 5/10.


2. Mervue and Salthill

Both clubs have had intense rivalry since playing in the Connacht Senior League, so while not totally implausible, it's rather unlikely. 2/10

3. Salthill and GUST

After the SD Galway rebranding in March, the likelihood of this appears virtually nil. 1/10

4. Super-merger (GMS FC)

The FAI's aim before the 2012 season began, but amalgamating three boards seems unwieldy at best, and both Mervue and Salthill would fear a GUST takeover. 5/10

5. Mervue and GUST

This actually appears the most realistic scenario, as separate youth structures were discussed in February, and if board structures could be agreed, it could well prove a partnership of equals. 6/10

02/10/2012, 11:25 AM
Looking at Galway and the FAI over the last few years, it'll probably be #1.

Mr A
02/10/2012, 11:32 AM
Given the shortage of clubs surely all three being in the league next year is a possibility?

Sure I was thinking of entering a Galway club of my own just for the hell of it.

02/10/2012, 12:01 PM
Given the shortage of clubs surely all three being in the league next year is a possibility?
This - the FAI need all the clubs they can get for the first. Mr A United would even stand a chance, given how much licencing will have to be fudged.

02/10/2012, 12:17 PM
If they need all the clubs they can get, they could probably do better than SD or Mervue.

I mean, this is going to be the third straight season where Salthill finish last. There is no improvement being shown. I know the licensing doesn't really focus on competitiveness but I think it should be a bigger factor.

Mr A
02/10/2012, 12:48 PM
This - the FAI need all the clubs they can get for the first. Mr A United would even stand a chance, given how much licencing will have to be fudged.

Thanks for your support Macy. I take it I can count on you to buy a season ticket to Ill-Conceived Abomination (ICA) Galway?

02/10/2012, 1:25 PM
Thanks for your support Macy. I take it I can count on you to buy a season ticket to Ill-Conceived Abomination (ICA) Galway?
Only if the colours are Maroon, and you're playing in Terryland. I think the aim has to be to have Friday, Saturday and Sunday night football in Terryland.

02/10/2012, 3:01 PM
Interesting topic....

my own totally out of the loop guess is that the fai will make some sort of offer to gust of involvement in the clubs, which i'd imagine will be rejected. i don't feel they'll offer gust anything substantial really.

i have very low expectations of the outcome, a part of me would like to believe the fai would show enough common sense to see how poor a state galway football is in, two very poor teams, two clubs that have no attendances at their games, absolutely no buzz around the city for football whatsoever. but then i remember it's the fai we're dealing with here...

most likely outcome, #1 for me.

02/10/2012, 3:07 PM
I never thought of Galway was one of the strong provincial football towns like Waterford, Sligo, Limerick or Athlone though if it is Option #1, that is effectively squeezing GUST out permanently.

02/10/2012, 3:17 PM
I never thought of Galway was one of the strong provincial football towns like Waterford, Sligo, Limerick or Athlone though if it is Option #1, that is effectively squeezing GUST out permanently.
That is your opinion and you're entitled to it, although I wouldn't agree. Out of the clubs you listed, I'd agree on Sligo, the rest, is a bit laughable IMO. I would also add Dundalk to the list of football towns. To me Sligo & Dundalk are really the only two football towns in the LOI at present.

I agree with you that the likely outcome is #1, but I don't think GUST is going to go away if we don't get into the League next year.

02/10/2012, 3:23 PM
lets not forget that Galway United LTD were involved in the talks also, so we could be seeing Leeson and co back next year.

Personally, I believe we will see mervue, salthill and GUST all in the first division next season 8/10

02/10/2012, 3:35 PM
I'd have to agree with the 3 clubs thing.

The FAI will pretty much bend a few rules to get a few clubs into the First Division next season as a quick fix to a bad problem.

The First Division next season will include 7 current LOI teams, as well as Cobh, Tralee and GUST.

Increasing the amount of local derbies for Harps of course.

02/10/2012, 4:36 PM
lets not forget that Galway United LTD were involved in the talks also, so we could be seeing Leeson and co back next year.

Personally, I believe we will see mervue, salthill and GUST all in the first division next season 8/10

This is an opinion formed with no knowledge of anything that was discussed or in the report etc, but I think after all is said and done this winter, we will have one (just Mervue) or both of Mervue and Salthill in the FD and no senior team representing the county playing out of Terryland in the league next year either.

This report is likely nonsense, directed to find what suits the FAI, so they can try the same nonsense as last year. I'd love to be wrong, but I would be very surprised.

Any talks of a merger will never amount to anything in the end. As far as I can see, Gust are trying to be part of the solution. Any sort of merger or partnership with either club would alienate all of Galway football against them after all the groundwork they have been doing on that front. Meetings specifically excluding Mervue and Salthill have happened between junior/juvenile clubs in Galway to discuss how best to deal with their poaching of players etc. Clubs in Galway will always be the enemy of a club that competes against them at every level of local football.

Forgive the pun, but a united club that represents everybody is the only way forward in Galway.

02/10/2012, 4:56 PM
That is your opinion and you're entitled to it, although I wouldn't agree. Out of the clubs you listed, I'd agree on Sligo, the rest, is a bit laughable IMO. I would also add Dundalk to the list of football towns. To me Sligo & Dundalk are really the only two football towns in the LOI at present.

I agree with you that the likely outcome is #1, but I don't think GUST is going to go away if we don't get into the League next year.

Waterford and Limerick are some of the strongest football counties in the country throughout the past number of years going by the FAI Junior cup with teams like, Fairview rangers, Pike Rovers, Carrick United, and clonmels success/competitiveness. Athlone Town, Limerick and Waterford are all past champions of Ireland which have had strong histories. Just because they haven't had recent success in LOI terms doesn't mean they are not football towns/cities and certainly doesn't make the notion of them being so, laughable.

At the moment I agree we are not big football towns at LOI level but there is more to Irish football than LOI.

I can actually see the FAI allowing GUST, SD and Mervue to all compete next year even if for the soul reason to fudge a first division for next season.

02/10/2012, 5:04 PM
I can actually see the FAI allowing GUST, SD and Mervue to all compete next year even if for the soul reason to fudge a first division for next season.

As much as I'd like a united Galway team back in the league, that would be an absolute disaster.

02/10/2012, 11:23 PM
Making up the numbers will be important to the FAI though. Salthill and Mervue can struggle on within their tiny budgets and limited aims, and GUST can make a new go of it. But they'll all suffer from the others existence in the league, and from the same general lack of fans in the area anyway.

How many people are GUST getting at the U-19 games?

02/10/2012, 11:37 PM
How many people are GUST getting at the U-19 games?

Already more than Mervue and Salthill combined I'd imagine.

02/10/2012, 11:43 PM
Wouldn't be terribly difficult...

03/10/2012, 9:47 AM
I think the FAI had indicated that there would be only one Galway team next season, this may well have changed given the size of the Division.

Mervue seem keen to press on with LoI - they haven't had a good season but had been showing signs of life before that. The 'SD Galway' experiment was to be reviewed at the end of the season by people involved in Salthill Devon. It's hard to imagine they will deem it any sort of success, the team has hardly improved and despite moving to play in Terryland they haven't picked up any new fans. Even looking at their website it seems like they've given up on the LoI side of things. That said if they are to be replaced by Galway United Supporters Trust you'd imagine that they will want something in return.

Regarding the Supporters team there has been good backing from Junior clubs around the county and beyond. The crowds at the u19 matches have been over 200 so there are definitely signs of life. The application last year wasn't even looked at by the FAI so from that point of view it's hard to know where the application stands.

My guess is that the FAI might try and make GUST and SD form some sort of agreement. It's difficult to see how this would actually work and if it would be accepted by either party. If none is reached it could just be Mervue in the League next season.

04/10/2012, 1:58 PM
So, this is out today then?

Sean South
04/10/2012, 2:35 PM
If reflects very poorly on those involved in Galway football that an 3rd party is involved in trying to find a "solution" to problems within Galway football. If a new franchise club is formed I can't see it lasting long, partly due to the politics involved in Galway football but also if you look at the leagues history of these clubs that pop over night they fade and die within a few years.

SD Galway and Mervue have every right to be in the league, they are both there on merit. GUST like to think they have the right to be in the league which they don't. If GUST want to join the league its up to them to prove they are able to run a club and won't walk away again when sh1t hits the fan. I can't see the GUST egos wanting to join any new club or why any of the two existing clubs would want to work with either. So I reckon it will be SD Galway and Mervue representing Galway football next season.

Lim till i die
04/10/2012, 2:37 PM
I reckon GUST will be in (with some people to mind them) tbh.

I do however think that's a pretty decent wind up which despite me writing this will still get you a few bites. :ball:

Mr A
04/10/2012, 2:44 PM
I think the only time that Salthill and Mervue became a real problem for Galway United was when they went out of the league due to their irretrievable financial meltdown as orchestrated by Mr Leeson and not overseen properly by the board. Neither club has significant sponsorship or support- so I don't really see how they were hurting GUFC or would hurt a new GUST entity. The only reason they became such a problem is that once they were in and GUFC out it made it harder for GUST to come back. With a half decent level of support GUST should be able to recruit better players than either.

As the league is so desperate for clubs I'd let all three in if they want it and in time chances are that Mervue and Salthill will either improve or leave the league.

04/10/2012, 2:45 PM
I'd be fairly disgusted in fairness if any club are refused entry to the First Division next season.

04/10/2012, 3:24 PM
I'd be fairly disgusted in fairness if any club are refused entry to the First Division next season.

Even if they are completely out of their depth? Both in footballing terms and more importantly financially.

04/10/2012, 3:25 PM
This evening.

04/10/2012, 3:44 PM
Even if they are completely out of their depth? Both in footballing terms and more importantly financially.

I would most definitely prefer that than another season of monotony.

04/10/2012, 5:51 PM
And it's out.....

FAI Press Release


Wednesday, October 4, 2012

Independent report on Galway Senior Football presented to stakeholders

Mr Ned O'Connor and the Football Association of Ireland today presented the findings of the independent report completed by Mr O'Connor about the future development of senior football in Galway.

The report examines the present structures in Galway and suggests solutions for the future. It is based on consultation with all of the major stakeholders in the Galway area, including the former Galway United board, GUST, the Galway FA, Mervue United, Salthill Devon / SD Galway and the Chairman and Director of the Airtricity League.

The report recognises the work done by the clubs in Galway to develop the sport and the achievements of SD Galway / Salthill Devon and Mervue United in progressing to senior level but concludes that there should be one National League club in the Galway area.

The report notes the long term systematic weakness of having any more than one senior club in a city of Galway's size on both sporting and commercial grounds and recommends a phased approach towards the resolution of this matter. This includes the eventual setting up a Connaught Senior League, and a Board for the single Galway club composed of a broad spectrum of football and business interests in the Galway area.

Mr O'Connor and the Association met with the relevant Galway football stakeholders earlier today to present the report and begin discussions to set out how and when such a solution could be achieved.

Commenting on the report and meeting today, Airtricity League Director Fran Gavin said:

"Today's independent report sets out a solution for the issues facing Galway senior football. A first meeting with stakeholders to present the findings was held today and the Association will continue this process in the coming period. It is our objective to work with all of the parties involved to reach this long term solution which can and should deliver and healthy sustainable future for senior football in Galway.

"We believe that such a solution must take into account the strength of the sport at grassroots level and needs to create strong cohesion between all strands of the game in the Galway area."


04/10/2012, 5:55 PM
So...what now?

04/10/2012, 5:59 PM
more meetings.......basically as you were.

04/10/2012, 6:01 PM
Wonder what "phased approach" means. Mergers? Kicking clubs out of the LOI? Is the actual report is being made public?

04/10/2012, 6:06 PM

04/10/2012, 7:01 PM

it has pinpointed the crux of the matter.
It looks like a 6 team 1st division now as the two bottom clubs would be mad to invest another euro in LOI ambitions as the report says its futile anyway and probably not enough time to secure a licence for any comeback or new entity.

Whats another year i suppose , two clubs have wasted loads of money and the gfa will be out of pocket over deacy park not being used . A costly mess for all

Charlie Darwin
04/10/2012, 7:18 PM
If reflects very poorly on those involved in Galway football that an 3rd party is involved in trying to find a "solution" to problems within Galway football. If a new franchise club is formed I can't see it lasting long, partly due to the politics involved in Galway football but also if you look at the leagues history of these clubs that pop over night they fade and die within a few years.

SD Galway and Mervue have every right to be in the league, they are both there on merit. GUST like to think they have the right to be in the league which they don't. If GUST want to join the league its up to them to prove they are able to run a club and won't walk away again when sh1t hits the fan. I can't see the GUST egos wanting to join any new club or why any of the two existing clubs would want to work with either. So I reckon it will be SD Galway and Mervue representing Galway football next season.
When did they run away the first time? They were a fundraising organisation who ceased to provide free money to a private company.

04/10/2012, 7:24 PM

After a second read through the report, what it looks like to me is:

A Connaught senior league looks like being set up.

A brand new Galway club entity looks like being formed.

That one club will represent Galway as a whole in the League next season.

Meaning, no Mervue, Salthill, or GUST.

04/10/2012, 7:35 PM

After a second read through the report, what it looks like to me is:

A Connaught senior league looks like being set up.

A brand new Galway club entity looks like being formed.

That one club will represent Galway as a whole in the League next season.

Meaning, no Mervue, Salthill, or GUST.

Another year of sd i doubt it

Galway united

04/10/2012, 7:56 PM
Even after further reading, still reads like fudge, there's the basis of a plan, but no clear pathway for implementation.

04/10/2012, 8:05 PM
A brand new Galway club entity looks like being formed.

That one club will represent Galway as a whole in the League next season.

Meaning, no Mervue, Salthill, or GUST.
And the same organisation just also told us just recently that there'll be 2 divisions next season.... so if that happens you're down to 6 clubs. Is it conceivable that the FAI would run with a 6 club division if they didn't like the look of Tralee/Fanad/Cobh's applications?!

Maybe 5 clubs if Waterford lose the playoff and drop out??:shock:

Play each other team 8 times. That's 32 games!! ;)

04/10/2012, 8:20 PM
FAI - parachuted Galway into the Premier League - former mouthpiece Noel Mooney promoted them as the model club. The FAI then put 2 more clubs into Galway and the Fran Gavin now expects us to listen to this crap. The FAI are killing LOI football.

04/10/2012, 8:51 PM
The status quo will remain unless the FAI make a definitive decision to object to the licences to Mervue and Salthill. But as has been acknowledged by the FAI, both clubs have been exemplary in financial terms and have great setups and know how to run a club so in that case they can't really object.

The clubs will not get together and come to a compromise, that will never happen. People might think that's narrow minded but that's the way it is

04/10/2012, 9:08 PM
Even after further reading, still reads like fudge, there's the basis of a plan, but no clear pathway for implementation.

Implementation body to be set up 1st meeting 2 weeks tme.No fudging on this its vital it gets sorted one way or another.Connacht's gates have quadrupled since this mess was allowed happen and if it iisnt sorted LOI soccer will be a dead duck in Galway,

04/10/2012, 9:09 PM
Galway United Supporters Trust will host an open meeting on Friday evening, October 5th, at the Galway Rovers clubhouse, Claddagh Hall.

Copies of the independent report on the future development of senior football in Galway will be available, and a discussion will follow.

All welcome, please spread the word. The meeting starts at 9.00pm.

04/10/2012, 9:10 PM
And the same organisation just also told us just recently that there'll be 2 divisions next season.... so if that happens you're down to 6 clubs. Is it conceivable that the FAI would run with a 6 club division if they didn't like the look of Tralee/Fanad/Cobh's applications?!

Maybe 5 clubs if Waterford lose the playoff and drop out??:shock:

Play each other team 8 times. That's 32 games!! ;)

Ya it will be no more than 6 ,,why on earth would sd galway or mervue think about another season knowing they have no future after next season following this report and recomendations which have been backed by FAI

04/10/2012, 9:25 PM
Is the report online anywhere by any chance?

Edit: Found it. Long time since I've been on FAI's kip of a website.

Mr A
04/10/2012, 9:26 PM
Sounds like "We know it makes sense for Galway to have only one club, but screw it we need every club we can get next season"

04/10/2012, 9:58 PM

04/10/2012, 10:31 PM
Alright, so the report implies that either Galway United alone or a new Galway club (I dunno, Galway City? Galway FC?) is the best option. Any kind of merger to create that new entity seems very unlikely to happen. So, if it is to be just one club, do Mervue and SD Galway get kicked out? Convinced to walk away? Is this new entity to be completely new, with all the others going off and doing their own thing, maybe in this new CSL?

Seems pretty worthless as a report.

04/10/2012, 10:32 PM
Ya it will be no more than 6 ,,why on earth would sd galway or mervue think about another season knowing they have no future after next season following this report and recomendations which have been backed by FAI

So you know for sure Cobh and Tralee wont get in to make it 8 then?

Charlie Darwin
04/10/2012, 10:35 PM
Alright, so the report implies that either Galway United alone or a new Galway club (I dunno, Galway City? Galway FC?) is the best option. Any kind of merger to create that new entity seems very unlikely to happen. So, if it is to be just one club, do Mervue and SD Galway get kicked out? Convinced to walk away? Is this new entity to be completely new, with all the others going off and doing their own thing, maybe in this new CSL?

Seems pretty worthless as a report.
It would seem rather silly to create a club uniting the various factions in Galway soccer and not call it Galway United.

04/10/2012, 10:42 PM
I dunno. Might not be to the taste of the Mervue and SD delegations.