View Full Version : Anybody up for a bit of summer fun? Ireland Draft idea

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21/06/2011, 8:30 PM
ill make my two picks tomorrow, ive waited long enough for them, I might even make one tomorrow and one 23 hours later ... :waiting:

21/06/2011, 8:54 PM
I'm lookin' to employ a right-back and this amigo's C.V. ain't too bad..


You've got the job Gary. (Kelly)

What very few people know is that Gary Kelly is a trained flamenco dancer!

21/06/2011, 9:18 PM
It's asking to be photoshopped that one.

21/06/2011, 9:56 PM

What very few people know is that Gary Kelly is a trained flamenco dancer!

or that he played against the Saudi Arabia special olympics team.

22/06/2011, 8:08 AM
http://www.google.ie/imgres?imgurl=http://img.poptower.com/pic-48376/michael-flatley.jpg%3Fd%3D600&imgrefurl=http://www.poptower.com/michael-flatley-picture-48376.htm&usg=__0OByAxPcjwSV9YVUX9gAsEBswc4=&h=400&w=600&sz=46&hl=en&start=18&zoom=1&tbnid=1s-yw2h0zV_AJM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=135&ei=MqUBToiqHc2xhAfb3LmpAg&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dmichael%2Bflatley%2Bdancing%26hl%3Den %26biw%3D1153%26bih%3D600%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&biw=1153&bih=600

This is him scoring a rare header against Fulham in the FA Cup

22/06/2011, 9:30 AM
http://www.google.ie/imgres?imgurl=http://img.poptower.com/pic-48376/michael-flatley.jpg%3Fd%3D600&imgrefurl=http://www.poptower.com/michael-flatley-picture-48376.htm&usg=__0OByAxPcjwSV9YVUX9gAsEBswc4=&h=400&w=600&sz=46&hl=en&start=18&zoom=1&tbnid=1s-yw2h0zV_AJM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=135&ei=MqUBToiqHc2xhAfb3LmpAg&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dmichael%2Bflatley%2Bdancing%26hl%3Den %26biw%3D1153%26bih%3D600%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&biw=1153&bih=600

This is him scoring a rare header against Fulham in the FA Cup
ehhm, it's either a foot.ie take on rickrolling or a colossal screw up on your part?

22/06/2011, 10:23 AM
ehhm, it's either a foot.ie take on rickrolling or a colossal screw up on your part?

see previous posts on Gary Kelly's dancing skills.
Anyway, who's pick is it next? I'm getting impatient here

22/06/2011, 10:36 AM
see previous posts on Gary Kelly's dancing skills.
Anyway, who's pick is it next? I'm getting impatient here
see above

ill make my two picks tomorrow, ive waited long enough for them, I might even make one tomorrow and one 23 hours later ... :waiting:

22/06/2011, 11:05 AM
I need to get me a keeper and they are running out so I pick Gerry Peyton

I'll make another pick soon enough, just need to think what I need next

22/06/2011, 11:43 AM
Round 5 complete:

Fixer82: Shay Given, John Sheridan, Niall Quinn, Stephen Ireland, David Connolly
Murfinator: Roy Keane, Richard Dunne, Packie Bonner, John O'Shea, Steve Finnan
tetsujin1979: Liam Brady, Denis Irwin, John Aldridge, Steve Heighway, Shay Brennan
Metrostars: Paul McGrath, Ray Houghton, Tony Cascarino, Johnny Carey, Kevin Sheedy
SwanVsDalton: Robbie Keane, David O'Leary, Aidan McGeady, Alan Kelly Sr, Kenny Cunningham
BonnieShels: Johnny Giles, Andy Townsend, Alan Kelly Jr, Steve Staunton, Noel Cantwell
Sullivinho: Damien Duff, Kevin Moran, Kevin Doyle, Mick McCarthy, Gary Kelly
EAFC_rdfl: Frank Stapleton, Ronnie Whelan, Mark Lawrenson, Don Givens, Gerry Peyton

Now it starts to get a bit hard....

22/06/2011, 3:33 PM
right im going to pick con martin to play every position left in my team!
http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRs6GY_Oeyz2BxEod7evj0iq3zYwdIwV Tzj7zyfq_6qsBaKAjPsYw&t=1

Right now ffs hurry up with the picking!!

22/06/2011, 3:38 PM
Now it starts to get a bit hard....

That's what she said..

Do I get next pick?

Edit: OK I've gone back over the thread and if I understand the 'top down, bottom up' (that's what she said!) method I think I'm good to go.


Pictured: The lesser-spotted fully fit Steven Reid.

22/06/2011, 4:40 PM
I need a forward. Step forward Mr Shane Long.

22/06/2011, 4:46 PM
Sullivinho you're correct. BonnieShels to pick next, then SwanVsDalton etc.

22/06/2011, 4:49 PM
Sullivinho you're correct. BonnieShels to pick next, then SwanVsDalton etc.

BonnieShels has been and gone,
With the one and only,
Shane Long.

22/06/2011, 5:11 PM
Metro, there's a fairly handy site here (http://www.footballuser.com/) for making formations and whatnot which might be handy for yourself when it comes to comparing the teams at the end.

22/06/2011, 5:13 PM
I'll get to this when I get home from work - need a bit of thinking, thought we could only do 4-4-2 but Sullivinho's formation switcheroo is sending me back to the drawing board.

22/06/2011, 5:18 PM
Yeah. It was 442 all the way from my understanding.

22/06/2011, 5:18 PM

22/06/2011, 5:20 PM
thought we could only do 4-4-2 but Sullivinho's formation switcheroo is sending me back to the drawing board.

I'm being a bit cheeky with that all right but as long as players are in positions they've been known to play, I don't think there should be a problem. But if there is, I'll backtrack no bother.

Edit: Lads, I'd read the set of rules on that US site from the first page which didn't mention formation but after another look I've found this post from Metrostars (http://foot.ie/threads/152532-Anybody-up-for-a-bit-of-summer-fun-Ireland-Draft-idea?p=1497782&viewfull=1#post1497782) that does mention 442. My bad entirely. With metro's permission I'll throw Charlie back in the sea and reel in Steven Reid instead. I'm worried about that midfield and the lad wasn't bad when he was fit.

Apologies for that.

22/06/2011, 5:25 PM
I'm being a bit cheeky with that all right but as long as players are in positions they've been known to play, I don't think there should be a problem. But if there is, I'll backtrack no bother.

You can easily stick Moran in RB and Kelly in RM if needs be

22/06/2011, 5:35 PM
I'm being a bit cheeky with that all right but as long as players are in positions they've been known to play, I don't think there should be a problem. But if there is, I'll backtrack no bother.

Yeah we shouldn't be tied to 4-4-2 but as you say, as long as the players make sense in those positions.

22/06/2011, 5:37 PM
You can easily stick Moran in RB and Kelly in RM if needs be

I picked Hurley under a wrong assumption so 'tis only fair to free him up.

But I can highly recommend him to the next man. :D

Yeah we shouldn't be tied to 4-4-2 but as you say, as long as the players make sense in those positions.

We might as well stick to it now sure. I think (almost ;)) everyone had it in mind anyway.

22/06/2011, 5:48 PM
I picked Hurley under a wrong assumption so 'tis only fair to free him up.

But I can highly recommend him to the next man. :D

We might as well stick to it now sure. I think (almost ;)) everyone had it in mind anyway.

OK, I suppose when we specified 4-4-2 at the start we should stick to it then.
Sound ok?

Mine so far:


22/06/2011, 5:50 PM
OK, I suppose when we specified 4-4-2 at the start we should stick to it then.
Sound ok?

Yeah, definitely the fairest. Consider me yellow carded ;)

22/06/2011, 7:25 PM
i was going to pick hurley...

22/06/2011, 8:03 PM
i was going to pick hurley...

He was available for you to pick. Sullivinho went after you this round.

22/06/2011, 8:22 PM

22/06/2011, 8:50 PM
What the flip is going on here...


22/06/2011, 9:06 PM
What the flip is going on here...

Something is very much amiss there....

Ah. Lawrence out of position on the left!


22/06/2011, 9:25 PM

22/06/2011, 11:17 PM
Right so it wasn't 4-4-2. Now it is 4-4-2. And Sullivinho has (again) taken the player I was going to choose. Clearly I have a mortal enemy on my hands here...

I admittedly don't know much about Mick Martin, but he's gives my team a bit more sepia and apparently he can play a bit. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mick_Martin)


23/06/2011, 12:10 AM
Great minds Swan, great minds.

23/06/2011, 1:25 AM
I select....


Tony Dunne

Caps: 33

A defender of the highest quality, Dubliner Tony Dunne played 33 times for Ireland and made a remarkable 530 first team appearances for Manchester United in a team that included George Best, Denis Law and Bobby Charlton - the side that Matt Busby led to European Cup glory with that 4-1 victory over Benfica at Wembley in the 1968 final.

Dunne first caught the eye of United when helping Shelbourne to a 2-0 FAI Cup final victory over Cork Hibernians at Dalymount Park in 1960 - Eric Barber and Joe Wilson being the marksmen. Just weeks later the talented Dunne was on his way to Old Trafford at, even in those days, a give-away price of £5,000.

Playing at left back in those days for United was a certain Corkman and also then Irish skipper Noel Cantwell. Dunne had to be patient and mark time in the reserves to await his chance of a breakthrough to the senior squad. Once that came along it became clear that Busby had unearthed a full back of rare talent with Dunne keeping his first-team place for over a decade.

Dunne was largely unconcerned with the business of breaking forward, preferring instead to deliver a simple pass to a United midfielder or striker - though many thought he might had even greater glory with his undoubted ability to burst down the wing out of defence. The Dubliner's priority was to guard the left flank and this he achieved with great elan.

At international level, Dunne was once more hindered by the familiar figure of Cantwell, the man who had been the automatic left back selection for ten years. But in 1962, with the the national team increasingly keen to use Cantwell's physical presence as a striker, Dunne was to win his first cap.

That was in the 3-2 defeat by Austria in a friendly at Dalymount Park on April 8 when he filled the right back role. But his best performances in the green shirt were when paired with his Old Trafford team-mate Shay Brennan at thr right side of defence and Dunne on the left.

As Manchester United won the then First Division title in 1965 and 1967, Dunne matured to become an increasingly constructive player. His raids down the left resulted in one memorable goal for Shamrock Rovers man Jackie Mooney in Ireland's 3-2 victory over Poland at Dalymount in October, 1964.

The pinnacle of Dunne's international career came in 1969 when he was appointed captain of his country for the first time - an honour he had on a further four occasions. Always will be remembered as a player of tigerish tacking ability, no little skill and total commitment.

23/06/2011, 2:50 AM
Unless I'm mistaken and missed him, there is an everpresent of Charltons Euro 88 and WC 1990 sides still available to be chosen.

23/06/2011, 7:49 AM
Still a bit light up front, so I'm taking Michael Robinson as my next pick

23/06/2011, 11:07 AM
To complete my defence. The set piece master.

Ian Harte.


23/06/2011, 12:56 PM
To complete my defence. The set piece master.

Ian Harte.


balls to ya he was my next pick

23/06/2011, 12:57 PM
do i have 2 picks now?

23/06/2011, 1:05 PM
do i have 2 picks now?

Correct. Final pick of Round 6 and the first of Round 7.

23/06/2011, 2:37 PM
ok Gary Breen and Jason McAteer

23/06/2011, 3:33 PM
After 6 and a bit Rounds:

Fixer82: Shay Given, John Sheridan, Niall Quinn, Stephen Ireland, David Connolly, Gary Breen, Jason McAteer
Murfinator: Roy Keane, Richard Dunne, Packie Bonner, John O'Shea, Steve Finnan, Ian Harte
tetsujin1979: Liam Brady, Denis Irwin, John Aldridge, Steve Heighway, Shay Brennan, Michael Robinson
Metrostars: Paul McGrath, Ray Houghton, Tony Cascarino, Johnny Carey, Kevin Sheedy, Tony Dunne
SwanVsDalton: Robbie Keane, David O'Leary, Aidan McGeady, Alan Kelly Sr, Kenny Cunningham, Mick Martin
BonnieShels: Johnny Giles, Andy Townsend, Alan Kelly Jr, Steve Staunton, Noel Cantwell, Shane Long
Sullivinho: Damien Duff, Kevin Moran, Kevin Doyle, Mick McCarthy, Gary Kelly, Steven Reid
EAFC_rdfl: Frank Stapleton, Ronnie Whelan, Mark Lawrenson, Don Givens, Gerry Peyton, Con Martin

23/06/2011, 3:36 PM
Have to say I think Metrostars has the best team so far

23/06/2011, 3:48 PM
Have to say I think Metrostars has the best team so far

It's ok so far but I have a bit hole in the middle of the pitch I need to figure out....

23/06/2011, 3:50 PM
Paul Green all the way.

Paul Butler can also do a job in CM if needs be ;)

23/06/2011, 4:03 PM
Central midfield is bothersome. Slim enough pickings outside of the usual suspects. Ditto for goalkeepers.

Have to say I think Metrostars has the best team so far

Aye. I like the look of Murfinator's too. No doubt Keano's inclusion was to offset Harte's defensive wanderings via a process of distilled fear. Tactically astute to say the least.

Paul Green all the way.

Paul Butler can also do a job in CM if needs be ;)

Showing your hand early there Fixer, everyone will want them two now.

23/06/2011, 4:10 PM
Paul Green all the way.

Paul Butler can also do a job in CM if needs be ;)

Not to mention Joey Lapire up top with Cas and I'll be all set.

23/06/2011, 4:14 PM
Jon Goodman. Mike Milligan. Eddie McGoldrick. Please.

23/06/2011, 4:29 PM
Bernie Slaven will complete my dream team

23/06/2011, 4:44 PM
Would my team be rendered void if I select Alex Bruce and he declares for the North of Ireland before the draft is over??