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03/12/2009, 2:47 PM
Blatter has announced moral compensation for the FAI, but not financial.

Any ideas what he means, a few spring to mind

Shay and Robbie to lead out the French team holding the FIFA Fair Play Flag in their opening game

Duffer and Kilbane to be allowed be ballboys for the final

Increased allocation of tickets for Irish Fans for North Koreas group stages

03/12/2009, 2:54 PM
Blatter has announced moral compensation for the FAI, but not financial.

Any ideas what he means, a few spring to mind

Shay and Robbie to lead out the French team holding the FIFA Fair Play Flag in their opening game

Duffer and Kilbane to be allowed be ballboys for the final

Increased allocation of tickets for Irish Fans for North Koreas group stages
Delaney to Ref all of Frances games at the world cup.

03/12/2009, 3:00 PM
Blatter has announced moral compensation for the FAI, but not financial.

Any ideas what he means, a few spring to mind
Years from now, we get to refer to this World Cup wistfully as "the one that got away".

03/12/2009, 3:01 PM
My guess would be that we might be seeded in the euros or teh next world cup,I dunno much about the rules reagrding that but maybe they might compensate us by giving us an easy ride to teh next world cup.

They could compensate us by:

Thierry Henrys disciplinary action could be to send him to Ireland and let him be the property of th irish public between now and the world cup.Let him travel the length and breath of teh country and we can do what we want with him

03/12/2009, 3:11 PM

a "symbolic award"..... this is exciting :rolleyes:

Gather round
03/12/2009, 3:14 PM
My guess would be that we might be seeded in the euros or teh next world cup,I dunno much about the rules reagrding that but maybe they might compensate us by giving us an easy ride to teh next world cup

Do you mean seeded second instead of third for Euro 2012? In which case you'd need to leapfrog three or four other countries. Who wouldn't be too pleased.

For first seeding, make that about 12 others.

It's not going to happen.

03/12/2009, 3:18 PM
Robbie Keane as mascot would sound right.

As regards moral compensation, I think PeterC1992 has it right. And as the final punishment for Henry - play the season in the first with Mervue Utd. As waterboy. Let him on for the odd game as left full back, just to frustrate him, before relegating him back to waterboy duties should he overcome the lack of any quality support on the field. The kicking, the shirt pulling and sly elbows would really sort him out, long ever before he got through the carpark.

03/12/2009, 3:19 PM
This is the award apparently


03/12/2009, 3:27 PM
How avout a 33rd team?
Seems like a good idea.

03/12/2009, 3:27 PM

a "symbolic award"..... this is exciting :rolleyes:

"We will look at that. Yesterday Ireland withdrew their demands and they asked to meet with us and we will do that next week."

Blatter is the Spin Master..........

03/12/2009, 3:30 PM
I forgot to say there is a fantastic prize for the best post, it will be a moral symbolic prize signed in spirt by the Hon Mr Blatter.

Joking aside I reckon he may well offer us a spot in the confederations cup in 2013 in Brazil, as far as I know it is partially by invitation, but not sure.

03/12/2009, 3:31 PM

a "symbolic award"..... this is exciting :rolleyes:

Symbolic??... Only half that word is apt!!

03/12/2009, 3:37 PM

03/12/2009, 3:38 PM

Noelys Guitar
03/12/2009, 3:39 PM
If I was Delaney I would be sending a fax back to Del Boy pronto. Something along the lines of 'Arse, up, stick etc. Del Boy is continuing his stand up routine.

03/12/2009, 3:50 PM
We get a big hug from the football family?

Moral compensation is the perfect response to our moral outrage IMO.

03/12/2009, 3:51 PM
Blatter has announced moral compensation for the FAI, but not financial.

Any ideas what he means, a few spring to mind

To my mind the fairest solution that doesn't tread on people's toes would be to promote Ireland up the seedings for the next couple of qualification draws (Euro & next World Cup).

It'll cost nothing to do, with minimal disruption or noses getting put out in the other associations (although if Ireland got promoted to 1st / 2nd seeds, it might mean someone else being demoted).

I'm surprised no one - especially the FAI - never mentioned this idea before because it seemed to me to be the most realistic and smartest solution for everyone.

03/12/2009, 3:59 PM
enough is enough. a replay would have been appropriate but everything suggested since is not. in fact this latest gesture is nothing more than condescending

03/12/2009, 4:00 PM
enough is enough. a replay would have been appropriate but everything suggested since is not. in fact this latest gesture is nothing more than condescending
A replay we could have lost. Promoting our seeding rank would be a handy booster for the next campaign

03/12/2009, 4:03 PM
A replay we could have lost. Promoting our seeding rank would be a handy booster for the next campaign

and if we lost a replay then so be it. you should only qualify, have your seeding boosted, qualify for the confederations cup etc on the football pitch

03/12/2009, 4:09 PM
and if we lost a replay then so be it. you should only qualify, have your seeding boosted, qualify for the confederations cup etc on the football pitch
Agreed, but our participation in the World Cup could (I know, could) have increased our future seeding. So while participation in the WC, replays and so on were logistical nightmares for all concerned, upping the seeding seems like harmless, but useful compensation.

03/12/2009, 4:13 PM
replays and so on were logistical nightmares for all concerned

france are not seeded so the draw could have had Ireland / France put against it until a play off was played in mid december without delaying the wc draw. it would have been very possible that way

03/12/2009, 4:16 PM
We're probably going to get a shiny little 'fair play' trophy. Wow. Delaney might get a free flight out of it so he's able to pick the thing up but it means sweet fa to the players/manager/coaching staff and fans.

I'd be happy if Fifa said we get to play the world champions after the WC. If we win we get to keep their trophy :)

03/12/2009, 4:28 PM
I reckon Alan Kelly is going to be called up to officiate. So that Ireland has a presence.

Mr A
03/12/2009, 4:28 PM
We already have moral compensation- we know none of us are as big an a***hole as Blatter is.

03/12/2009, 4:32 PM
I forgot to say there is a fantastic prize for the best post, it will be a moral symbolic prize signed in spirt by the Hon Mr Blatter.

Joking aside I reckon he may well offer us a spot in the confederations cup in 2013 in Brazil, as far as I know it is partially by invitation, but not sure.

Interesting thought and would be worth a few bob, would welcome that. Unfortunately I'm fairly sure that fat baldy cnut has something much more patronising and demeaning in mind.

03/12/2009, 4:51 PM

03/12/2009, 5:10 PM
Bumping us up the seedings would be even more farcical in my opinion. All this would do is demote one other team down to the lower pot to acommodate ourselves. So basically someone else suffers fro French sins.Two wrongs dont make a right and it definitely aint moral.
I always though the confederations cup was made up of the winners of the regional competitions , concaf, uefa etc and the next world cup host nation but I think getting an invite to that would be the best we could hope for or some guarantee to have the world cup winners play their first game at Lansdowne.

dan o d
03/12/2009, 5:17 PM
i dont think they are going to change our seedings to be honest. i wouldnt mind an invite to the confederations cup even if it is a bit of a **** take event. if we got two ot three thousand supporters to travel out it wud be a bit of a laugh

03/12/2009, 5:23 PM
We already have moral compensation- we know none of us are as big an a***hole as Blatter is.
I don't know... ever read one of DCFCsteve and Pineapple Stu having one of their little tiffs?

03/12/2009, 5:33 PM
I like the confederations cup idea, it would mean something, for ireland it would be a useful tournament

03/12/2009, 5:34 PM
Think i would like Blatter to just say we are getting nothing.All this talk it goes on and on.its getting stale now1 Dont you all think?

03/12/2009, 7:04 PM
A nod and a wink and a safe passage to Brazil 2014 will do nicely.

What a dumb comment. Next time we get a break our opponents will claim that Blatter / FIFA repaid their moral debt.

03/12/2009, 7:16 PM
Maybe some of the suggestions I made the day after the game; although the second one could be seen as financial compensation...


Noelys Guitar
03/12/2009, 8:16 PM
Blatter will be meeting with the FAI next week. Delaney should know by now that nothing good can come from meeting this shyster. I have a feeling Blatter is seeking some type of photo op. "Fair Play is Back" as Delaney and Sepp make up. And the "Moral Prize" is some type of promise that will never be met. Delaney should call in sick.

03/12/2009, 8:45 PM
Moral compensation probably just means that Henry will get a 1 game ban.

Some of the stuff spoken about here is madness - a bump up in seedings? Ludicrous.

03/12/2009, 10:10 PM
Henry should get his two arms cut off for the world cup finals

03/12/2009, 10:31 PM
Blatter to wear sack cloth and ashes through the world cup and whip himself with a flail.

03/12/2009, 11:11 PM
I think I'd be happy with a box of chocolates, and maybe a nice wee card.


03/12/2009, 11:29 PM
So long as Sepp makes the card himslef and doesnt by buy one of those hallmark "Im sorry cards".
... and the chocolates should be from lily O'Briens!

03/12/2009, 11:30 PM
for the love of god get over it .

03/12/2009, 11:39 PM
A swiss roll?

Closed Account 2
04/12/2009, 12:10 AM
Maybe we might be the invited team for the Copa America in 2011 instead of Japan. Fifa are kicking up a fuss about non-South American teams playing in the South American Federations tournament - (2 teams are always invited from outside South America, one is always Mexico, the other usually Costa Rica, but sometimes USA or even Japan). In 2001 Argentina and Canada opted out so there were 3 invitees (Mexico, Costa Rica and Honduras). I could see Blatter pulling strings and getting us an invite. It's in Argentina, which would be a fantastic place to watch the team play in an international tournament.

Noelys Guitar
04/12/2009, 12:58 AM
Maybe we might be the invited team for the Copa America in 2011 instead of Japan. Fifa are kicking up a fuss about non-South American teams playing in the South American Federations tournament - (2 teams are always invited from outside South America, one is always Mexico, the other usually Costa Rica, but sometimes USA or even Japan). In 2001 Argentina and Canada opted out so there were 3 invitees (Mexico, Costa Rica and Honduras). I could see Blatter pulling strings and getting us an invite. It's in Argentina, which would be a fantastic place to watch the team play in an international tournament.

That would work. But this is Blatter. I give some sort of slieveen credit to Del boy for undermining our position with the UK media. But they had their own agenda anyway. We are still doing fine with the rest of the world. I work with loads of Europeans and Americans and they broadly support our(FAI) stance(especially Danes and Italians who HATE Blatter). Keep the spotlight on him. But don't give him a photo op John Delaney.

04/12/2009, 7:06 AM
I wasn't so sure about messing with seedings, but in theory I'm warming to it (not saying I believe it will happen, no harm in dreaming). Simple, sensible solution. Ireland and France swap pots. Ireland to pot 1 for the next WC qualifying campaign, France to pot 3. France punished, Ireland rewarded. The incident then would at least have had some consequence, since it currently appears absolutely nothing will come of it. Wouldn't involve screwing any other team either, except hopefully France getting a tough group and missing the next WC. We'll never get this one back, but we're hoping to savor a sense of justice some day!

Gather round
04/12/2009, 8:40 AM
Simple, sensible solution. Ireland and France swap pots. Ireland to pot 1 for the next WC qualifying campaign, France to pot 3. France punished, Ireland rewarded...Wouldn't involve screwing any other team either

The other teams in the group with effectively two top seeds would likely feel 'screwed'?

Doire Abu
04/12/2009, 9:50 AM
I think I'd be happy with a box of chocolates, and maybe a nice wee card.


Would the card come in a brown envelope?

04/12/2009, 10:47 AM
a decade of the rosary

04/12/2009, 11:05 AM
To my mind the fairest solution that doesn't tread on people's toes would be to promote Ireland up the seedings for the next couple of qualification draws (Euro & next World Cup).

It'll cost nothing to do, with minimal disruption or noses getting put out in the other associations (although if Ireland got promoted to 1st / 2nd seeds, it might mean someone else being demoted).

I'm surprised no one - especially the FAI - never mentioned this idea before because it seemed to me to be the most realistic and smartest solution for everyone.

If we were made second seeds we'd mysteriously draw the team that lose out in the third pot.

I think we should be allowed to choose our own group for the next 3 qualifying campaigns.

04/12/2009, 11:09 AM
Maybe we might be the invited team for the Copa America in 2011 instead of Japan. Fifa are kicking up a fuss about non-South American teams playing in the South American Federations tournament - (2 teams are always invited from outside South America, one is always Mexico, the other usually Costa Rica, but sometimes USA or even Japan). In 2001 Argentina and Canada opted out so there were 3 invitees (Mexico, Costa Rica and Honduras). I could see Blatter pulling strings and getting us an invite. It's in Argentina, which would be a fantastic place to watch the team play in an international tournament.

That would be amazing. Sitting in Beunos Aires and going to see Ireland playing a competitive game in the River Plate stadium.

Steve Finnan back in the squad because he's the only one that can say "por favour"