View Full Version : France V Ireland - Wednesday, 18th November 2009 - World Cup 2010 Playoff Second Leg

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19/11/2013, 10:37 PM
C'mon, you don't really think I believe in cosmic karma, do you?...

Are you in the twittering class or the chattering class?

20/11/2013, 12:20 AM
This was the French goal that should have been ruled off-side:


I don't know what cosmic karma is about but karma is a fact of existence, effect from cause defines science, though your interpretation of what karma is about ...is suspect :)

Maybe, although don't interpretations as to the cause(s) of the effects vary? I believe in natural causality. However, I don't subscribe to the notion that some moral, spiritual or supernatural (cosmic) hand might play some sort of role in dispensing good fruits or bad fruits to those alleged to be deserving of them. Sure, both events occurred in time in the physical world, but the Georgian penalty incident wasn't the cause of Henry's hand-ball in any sense so significant that should see us derive some meaningful relationship from between the two, as if the latter was pay-back from the heavens for the former. Perhaps my description wasn't the most apt, but read "cosmic karma" as "theistic karma" if necessary.

Are you in the twittering class or the chattering class?

Loosen up. It was a (seemingly-failed) poetic attempt of describing the passing on of modern-day gossip and rumour. Poetic licence and all that... You shouldn't take everything I write so seriously just because of that irresistible urge to nitpick. :)

20/11/2013, 12:46 AM
Ha ha, now that is 'bad' karma you've brought on yerself, Danny...
Some people :rolleyes:

And does this mean Georgia will receive some luck at the French's expense? I hope so.

20/11/2013, 12:53 AM
My God that's a blatant offside. The French do it again

20/11/2013, 8:24 AM
Just the solitary off-side this time round... Benzema was a good metre off-side before scoring France's tie equaliser.

Mon dieu! Ukraine to petition for 33rd team etc.

20/11/2013, 8:33 AM

Just enjoy it when they crash out.

20/11/2013, 10:10 AM
Ha ha, now that is 'bad' karma you've brought on yerself, Danny...

No, no, I'm grateful, for I've learned through dialogue and curiosity that the original and strictest meaning of the word actually refers to the action or deed that is attributed with bringing some result, rather than to the fruits or consequences of such acts, as is popularly assumed in the West and as was ignorantly assumed by myself. That's good vipaka! ;)

20/11/2013, 10:29 AM
Did France have a legal goal ruled out before the offside goal was allowed?
If so, then instant karma got the Ukrainians.

Closed Account
25/03/2016, 8:15 PM
France concede a handball goal against the Netherlands. Still bitter.

25/03/2016, 9:03 PM
Finally some closure. :)

25/03/2016, 9:30 PM
No closure yet, that hand ball goal didn't hurt the French enough.

25/03/2016, 9:35 PM
No, I think their subsequent WC campaign was more than enough closure for me anyway.

25/03/2016, 10:21 PM
Yeah, I'll never forget how pathetic some of them looked, wrapped up like old men at the park as they lost to Mexico. It was hard to hold on to the resentment after that, or the general squad implosion at South Africa. A well deserved car crash of a campaign.

25/03/2016, 11:01 PM
No, I think their subsequent WC campaign was more than enough closure for me anyway.
I was replying to this sentiment
Finally some closure
For someone who doesn't have closure that hand ball was not enough.
I couldn't care less myself and I doubt if Joe does either, apart from a reference to irony.

25/03/2016, 11:15 PM
I was being sarcastic when I said that, of course a handball in a friendly isn't going to be closure for somebody who is still hung up about Thierry. It never bothered me in the first place, it bothered me that we were knocked out, but the identity of the villain or opposition wasn't really a factor. That said, I never particularly liked Henry anyway and that French side didn't float my boat either, but that predated Paris and the events that night didn't heighten my dislike.

26/03/2016, 10:02 AM
I was being sarcastic when I said that,.......
I know you were, and so was I.

12/09/2016, 2:42 PM

13/09/2016, 8:07 AM
Closed thread.