View Full Version : France V Ireland - Wednesday, 18th November 2009 - World Cup 2010 Playoff Second Leg

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Noelys Guitar
19/11/2009, 2:03 PM
Looks like the story is getting bigger. There is precedence for this also.


And they will have a lot of French support.

Francois Bayrou, a former candidate for the French presidency: "In an ideal world, the match should be played again. I saw the match and like a lot of people I wasn't very proud, and like everyone else I asked why don't we have a video match official. It works in rugby and it works very well."

Leading French politician, Philippe De Villiers: "Raymond Domenech should express his public regrets and show a gesture of dignity towards Ireland. The moral of this match is that you can cheat as long as you don't get caught. The France team is going to be labelled for years as a team of cheats."

19/11/2009, 2:05 PM
Have you a link for the FAI complaint?

There is no precedence for a replay. That game was a completely different scenario, as pointed out by several posters on another thread in this forum in the last hour or so.

I dont have a link, It was reported on radio 1.

19/11/2009, 2:06 PM

Noelys Guitar
19/11/2009, 2:07 PM
If French public opinion demands a replay then we will have a replay. Nothing else will work.

19/11/2009, 2:08 PM
The match in 2005 was re-played due to a technical error of a law. There was no technical error last night. A hand ball wasn't spotted so two different situations.

19/11/2009, 2:09 PM
If French public opinion demands a replay then we will have a replay. Nothing else will work.

FIFA dont give a hoot about what the public wants, Blatter wants his wallet filled. If we get a collection for Blatter then we might get a replay.

Leinster Lim
19/11/2009, 2:10 PM
The FAI should keep up the pressure and publicity if only to shame Henry into not pulling the same stunt again on some other unsuspecting national side.

19/11/2009, 2:11 PM
"The handball was recognised by the FIFA commissioner, the referee observer and the match officials, as well as by the player himself," the FAI said.

Where was it acknowledged by these I wonder?? In writing??

pineapple stu
19/11/2009, 2:12 PM
Blatter wants his wallet filled. If we get a collection for Blatter then we might get a replay.
Where's Denis O'Brien when you need him?

19/11/2009, 2:13 PM
Based on radio reports, pressure is growing in france as well and the story is getting bigger and bigger. High profile French people on the tv for example claiming that the FFF offer Ireland a replay. I cant see FIFA doing anything for us on this, our only hope is that the FFF offer a replay. The story is growing though, its full time news on sky sports, on the bbc website, on espn, l'equipe, gazzetta dello sport. Im not sure why Trap didnt call for a replay, whats the worst that could happen.

19/11/2009, 2:13 PM
The FAI would be better served sorting out the mess of a league they have, getting a decent manager in for the u21s and the myriad of other problems fcing the game here

We going to appeal every referee decision now?

Reality Bites
19/11/2009, 2:14 PM
I think a re-play in a neutral venue is the only correct and fair outcome to this with a ban on Henry!! if not FIFA should ban using those Fair Play flags because its just plain hypocrisy...Anyone Know where Sepp ****** Blatter lives?

19/11/2009, 2:16 PM
Henry should own up to cheating and ask the French toreplay the game, that way he will not be tarnnised for the rest of his life and the World Cup will not be tarnished by having a team of cheats in the tournements.
It will be a disgrace and an embarassment everytime they play, they might even win it!!
And if France do win it it will be no credit to them as they will still be cheats who should not be in the competition, so the best thing got Henry the French and FIFA is to replay the match. (With the score 1:1).

It would be great for football.

Basically without a replay Henry will be destroyed as a person.

19/11/2009, 2:16 PM
We going to appeal every referee decision now?

No. Just this one...

Noelys Guitar
19/11/2009, 2:17 PM
FIFA dont give a hoot about what the public wants, Blatter wants his wallet filled. If we get a collection for Blatter then we might get a replay.

It will be down to the FFF to make the first move. I can see Wenger being the go between here. If French politicians, media and people are serious about having a replay (and I believe they are) then the Arsenal manager would be the perfect person to sort this all out. I am amazed the FAI are being pro-active here. Somebody must have told them it is worth their while filing for a replay.

19/11/2009, 2:20 PM
The FAI would be better served sorting out the mess of a league they have, getting a decent manager in for the u21s and the myriad of other problems fcing the game here

We going to appeal every referee decision now?

with the money qualification brings they might be able to

no money needed to repalce Don....anyone on here would do a better jon and for the good of the game

19/11/2009, 2:21 PM
1. Anyone see the linesman raise his flag a small bit then lower it again?

2. What would have happened if Irish team walked off after goal was awarded?

3. FIFA sanctioned a rematch between Uzbekistan v Bahrain a while back after a referee blunder. He gave a free out instead of a peno. The match was replayed in full.

1. Dunno

2. France would have been awarded the match 3-0 and there'd have been hell to pay.

3. Different scenario. Ref saw what happened and applied the wrong rule. Different from not seeing an incident

19/11/2009, 2:23 PM
It will be down to the FFF to make the first move. I can see Wenger being go between here.

I can't see anything like that..... As gutted as I am. I'd say more French are feeling relieved than shamed.

Had it been us in their position I do know Blatter and Platini would have more interest in getting it replayed.. That's eating me just as much.

19/11/2009, 2:27 PM
lol finally the plastic english in ireland have justificion to have a go at platini and co.

19/11/2009, 2:29 PM

Not that it will change anything but I just wanted to say that I am ashamed and sorry about what happened last night, but, unlike Ginola, I am not ashamed of being french (we, the supporters, have nothing to do with Henry's cheat)
I am not happy about going to the world cup, not like this...and so are all my friends.

From what I have read on french forums, the majority are saying we didn't deserved it, that Ireland played a better football, that what Henry did is a disgrace and he should get punished for it, and that the game should, at least, be replayed.
Some are even saying we should just apologise (well, the FFF and Henry) and let Ireland qualify instead of us.

Don't blame the ref. I truly believe he didn't see it.
With 1 ref (behind the posts) and/or TV it would have propably gone to the penalty kicks...and who knows what would have happened then.
Hope Platini will stop being stupid and change the rules.

FIFA did nothing about what happened between Egypt and Algeria, which was way more serious (don't know if it's the appropriate word)...do you really think they are going to call for a replay (which I think would be fair)?

Again, deeply sorry about what happened.

19/11/2009, 2:29 PM
Pointless grandstanding from the FAI. There's no chance of a replay and this is just a stunt to make Delaney look like he's doing something.

centre mid
19/11/2009, 2:29 PM
I wonder will FIFA ban Robbie Keane after he suggested that Blatter & Platini had fixed the game?

linky (http://www.rte.ie/sport/soccer/2009/1119/france_ireland7.html)

19/11/2009, 2:33 PM
Paul McShane's lucky Henry handled - everyone's indignation shotguns would be firing at our favourite ginger haired right back if Terry had of left his GAA skills at home.

19/11/2009, 2:34 PM
We going to appeal every referee decision now?

No, but if some good comes out of this it will be worth it. They should have officials on the line like in this years UEFA and video evidence should now be used. If last night proves the catalyst for this it would in some way make amends.

I'm stunned at the worldwide reaction to this though-its unbelievable!

19/11/2009, 2:34 PM
No chance in hell of a replay and even if there was one it would only serve to gloss over this whole disgraceful episode in the european play-offs where profit has prevailed over fair play and sportmanship. Fifa have rigged these play-offs to ensure France in particular qualify and unfortunately for them it has backfired and everyone can now see how far football has diverged from it's roots and become nothing more than a decadent, corrupt business as opposed to a sport of fair play and equality. Ireland could have scored a hundred goals in the 90 minutes last night like the French goal and none would have been given. A fix from day 1 and anyone who thinks otherwise is deluding themselves. You can't have business people running the world's most popular and profitable sport.

Football the working man's sport me b*llox.

19/11/2009, 2:35 PM
There was a huge thread on the Le Monde site about this and overwhelmingly expressing shame and regret. Now, Le Monde is like the French Guardian so it's likely to represent a more right- on view than the average, but what was noticeable was this: many people drew the comparison with Rugby, both in terms of the conduct of players and video evidence, but many also were quite prepared to label football as institutionally corrupt. I was interested, because I know if it had been the other way around, we wouldn't be seeing that kind of clear sightedness, even on here. You have to admire it.

19/11/2009, 2:35 PM
I wonder will FIFA ban Robbie Keane after he suggested that Blatter & Platini had fixed the game?

linky (http://www.rte.ie/sport/soccer/2009/1119/france_ireland7.html)

Can't ban people for telling the truth.

I think FIFA needs to be disolvewd and a new world football body create with a new world cup not run by cheats, because they are h appy to accept cheatiing as part of the game.

19/11/2009, 2:36 PM
If Ireland had off win in similar circumstances would we be made to face replay until they got the result they wanted just like Lisbon Treaty, Id say so. Could we make this a poll to see what people think????

19/11/2009, 2:36 PM
I'll be interested to read in a few month or even a years time how the careers of the Assistant and Fourth official panned out. FIFA are not going to publicly berate them, but if they officiate at another big game again something is clearly up and the integrity of FIFA can be brought into question in the cold light of day. The only excuse other than incompetence is corruption. Either way they should not be on that stage again...

Leeside Swagger
19/11/2009, 2:37 PM
Apparently its 200-1 with the bookies, I'd advise those of you that believe it will happen to get on it fast!

Maroon 7
19/11/2009, 2:37 PM
No chance in hell of a replay and even if there was one it would only serve to gloss over this whole disgraceful episode in the european play-offs where profit has prevailed over fair play and sportmanship. Fifa have rigged these play-offs to ensure France in particular qualify and unfortunately for them it has backfired and everyone can now see how far football has diverged from it's roots and become nothing more than a decadent, corrupt business as opposed to a sport of fair play and equality. Ireland could have scored a hundred goals in the 90 minutes last night like the French goal and none would have been given. A fix from day 1 and anyone who thinks otherwise is deluding themselves.

Football the working man's sport me b*llox.

Actually I think FIFA were thinking more about Germany when they decided to seed the playoffs. The Germans were still in real danger at that time of finishing 2nd before they managed to win in Moscow.

red bellied
19/11/2009, 2:37 PM
There shouldnt be a replay, its done and dusted. It happens in different degrees every weekend in leagues all over the world. Maybe it will be the final call for Fifa to bring in video evidence. Next thing that idiot Cowen will be jumping on the bandwagon calling for the match to be played again.

19/11/2009, 2:38 PM
No chance in hell of a replay and even if there was one it would only serve to gloss over this whole disgraceful episode in the european play-offs where profit has prevailed over fair play and sportmanship. Fifa have rigged these play-offs to ensure France in particular qualify and unfortunately for them it has backfired and everyone can now see how far football has diverged from it's roots and become nothing more than a decadent, corrupt business as opposed to a sport of fair play and equality.

Football the working man's sport me b*llox.

I think its interesting that the world is taking note and FIFA's rep is tarnished as a result of the rigged draw that did not gain as much attention as it should have originally.

I'm proud that Keane had the balls to say something.

Hopefully something good will come of this.

Bottle of Tonic
19/11/2009, 2:38 PM
I'm as gutted as the next guy on here, twice as gutted probably, believe me. But I wouldn't be crazy about this replay. It's all a bit cringey with D Ahern on SSN and all they whinging. We were cheated. But I don't know if you can go back. Open's too much of a can of worms.

For me last nights injustice highlights other issues, the root issues, that need to be sorted out.
1.Video technology for penalty box incidents.
2. FIFA's favouring of the big nations from seeding and the co-efficient system that ensures the strong stay strong through to suspicions within the game of fixing/rigging.

19/11/2009, 2:39 PM
I wish we'd just let it go.

We got shafted, but we, through the FAI, signed up to the rules of the game as they stand.

Whether the rules change going forward is a question for another day.

19/11/2009, 2:41 PM
I wonder will FIFA ban Robbie Keane after he suggested that Blatter & Platini had fixed the game?

linky (http://www.rte.ie/sport/soccer/2009/1119/france_ireland7.html)

cant ban him for that, he never "actually" said they fixed it.

Maroon 7
19/11/2009, 2:41 PM
Sky apparently did one of their virtual reality things on the goal and the linesman had a perfect view of Henry with nobody blocking his view.

C'est la vie.

19/11/2009, 2:41 PM
Paul McShane's lucky Henry handled - everyone's indignation shotguns would be firing at our favourite ginger haired right back if Terry had of left his GAA skills at home.

Not really.. The ball would have gone out on his (admittedly poor) attempt to sheppard it out.

19/11/2009, 2:45 PM
Sky apparently did one of their virtual reality things on the goal and the linesman had a perfect view of Henry with nobody blocking his view.

C'est la vie.

Ah don't be saying things like that to me!!!!:mad:

19/11/2009, 2:45 PM
Ireland being f**ked over by Fifa to allow the French to qualify for the World Cup.

This is so 1981.

Maroon 7
19/11/2009, 2:45 PM
I'm as gutted as the next guy on here, twice as gutted probably, believe me. But I wouldn't be crazy about this replay. It's all a bit cringey with D Ahern on SSN and all they whinging. We were cheated. But I don't know if you can go back. Open's too much of a can of worms.

Dermot Ahern should STFU. Got nothing to do with him and is just shameless grandstanding on his part.

19/11/2009, 2:46 PM
A replay is the best option as it would be the justice we deserve after last night and i'm sure the French would'nt mind playing a replay as they would like to qualify fairly for the world cup

centre mid
19/11/2009, 2:53 PM
What FIFA need to do now is to give Alan Kelly France's first group game to referee.

19/11/2009, 2:54 PM
...and because they will beat us!!! :)

19/11/2009, 2:54 PM
I primarily think the most overwhelming thing is that yet another little bit of football has died. Its becoming a sport and way of life that is vastly unrecognisable to the reason why we we fell in love with it in the first place. First, FIFA and the seeding, and the bullish attitudes of messrs Blatter and Platini in having the 'big' teams there purely for revenue purposes have exhibited what the game is really about in this day and age. And then this blatant cheating from one of the games 'greats' and the incredibly poor refereeing at yet another crucial moment. For me, the great World Cup stories are about underdogs breaking through the ranks, playing above themselves, showcasing unrivalled displays of passion, heroism, pluckiness and a willingness to shed anything for the shirt. Of course, our own experience in Italia 90 springs to mind, but there are so many other examples. But now, this is seemingly viewed with disdain. Instead of allowing true unsung and bona fide heroes such as Richard Dunne, and a team who can perform as heroically and brilliantly as Ireland did last night, they want a team who has no desire, character, passion or attitude to prevail. A team that contains cheats such as Henry and Anelka, and despicable prima donnas such as Lassana Diarra(a disgrace to the game)
I'm quite simply heartbroken and dejected over all of this. Dastardly cunningness is more accepted and "de rigeur" than bina fide heroism, passion and tears for your jersey and no holds barred patriotism. If thats what it takes to beat the genuine heroes, and that is what is now deemed acceptable, then I am filled with pity and disillusion. Its a far cry from the halcyon days of the eighties and nineties. The beautiful game is definitively no more.

Oh and Jebus, get the boat. Your wind up antics aren't fooling anybody, or else its just an outrageously moronic view that no one is interested in.

19/11/2009, 2:54 PM
lol finally the plastic english in ireland have justificion to have a go at platini and co.

Eh?? Explain....

19/11/2009, 2:55 PM
It'd be like the FAI to seek a Fudge alright!

19/11/2009, 2:56 PM
I'm not sure about replaying the game but I'm really convinced that a video referee should be brought in for penalties and dubious goal decisions. It would have taken 10 seconds for the decision to be made. If FIFA decided to bring in a video referee because of this fiasco I'll be happy. I think thats what the FAI should be pushing for.
I just don't think a replay is a remedy for this kind of scenario. Imagine if this had happened in WC knock out match, the game could not be replayed.
The injustice should be remedied on the night.

19/11/2009, 3:01 PM
Looks like the story is getting bigger. There is precedence for this also.


Nothing is going to be done about this. Stop the magical thinking.

19/11/2009, 3:02 PM
Nothing is going to be done about this. Stop the magical thinking.
Can I borrow your crystal ball some time? It might come in handy.