View Full Version : Past life or just weird

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10/09/2009, 10:01 AM
A few months ago, my youngest and I were having a "camp out" (no not acting gay) in the sitting room for the fun of it and when he finally fell asleep he started to talk in his sleep and kept saying "mint" in a very posh English accent. I took the p outta him for days about it but that was all I thought of it.

Last night, he was sleeping in my bed (has been having nightmares lately) and just as I was about to go to sleep he sat up (still asleep) and said "Doington Doington Doington" again in a posh English accent. He sounded like he was chastising someone. I said "whats that Jake?" and he responded with "Doington, Doington" and lay back down and went to sleep.

Now I am begining to think that he is getting past life memories as a rich posh bloke in England. I googled Doington and there is some link to a family in America in the 1920's and I found a guy on Facebook with the surname Doington so have sent him a message to try find out about his family history.

What do you think? Should I stop letting him eat cheese?

10/09/2009, 10:10 AM
what tv has he watched recently?

10/09/2009, 10:19 AM
He is showing signs of being poscessed , please I implore you to take him to an area of the Gealtacht immediately , the possession of a child by an entity that manifests itself in the child as a posh English accent is getting all too common in this fair isle of ours. I blame the TV and EPL.

Then again it maybe the cheese.

10/09/2009, 10:36 AM
Nothing unusal in his tv diet. He was watching a documentary on WWII yesterday evening before he went to bed but usually its Zac & Cody & Wizards of Waverly and other generic american kids shows.

I find it fascinating that he gets such a perfect posh English accent in his sleep. I know he was here before in the late 70's early 80's and was about 5 yrs old when he got hit by a bus and killed and I think he is a very old soul so may have been around a number of times.

Yes am one of those hippy freaks.

10/09/2009, 12:31 PM
Loads of people talk in their sleep. From my experience (being told what I said in my sleep and hearing people talk in theirs), half of it is dialogue from dreams (you said he's been having nightmares lately) and the other half is replaying stuff from your day, if that's any help.

10/09/2009, 12:51 PM
Yeah am a sleep talker myself and I know he has always talked in his sleep too its just this English accent that is kinda weird!

10/09/2009, 12:52 PM
Not a past life but not weird, the mind is quite powerful after all and can invent entire worlds for people to live in.

Some even think dreams are snippets of what your soul is up to in a different life/galaxy/dimension which, if true, makes me very envious of the Jebus that inhabits the dimension where he goes around saving the universe from the Decepticons with his trusty sidekick Liz Hurley

10/09/2009, 1:00 PM
Nothing unusal in his tv diet. He was watching a documentary on WWII yesterday evening before he went to bed but usually its Zac & Cody & Wizards of Waverly and other generic american kids shows.

I find it fascinating that he gets such a perfect posh English accent in his sleep. I know he was here before in the late 70's early 80's and was about 5 yrs old when he got hit by a bus and killed and I think he is a very old soul so may have been around a number of times.

Yes am one of those hippy freaks.

That's possibly the most barking mad post I've read on here, and that's saying something!:eek:

10/09/2009, 1:01 PM
I find it fascinating that he gets such a perfect posh English accent in his sleep. I know he was here before in the late 70's early 80's and was about 5 yrs old when he got hit by a bus and killed and I think he is a very old soul so may have been around a number of times.

Yes am one of those hippy freaks.

Just curious, Magic - How the Hell do you know that??

10/09/2009, 1:19 PM
I was doing some deep healing on him a few years ago and it was like watching a movie of his other life. I have also seen my mothers other life and now know why everything to do with the orient scares the bejaysus outta her.

As for being barking mad, maybe I am but maybe Im not.

10/09/2009, 1:32 PM
You're not mad magicme, just credulous (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/credulous). I don't mean that in a nasty way, but technically. I'd suggest reading the book Trick or Treatment (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trick_or_Treatment) by Simon Singh (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_Singh) and Edzard Ernst (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edzard_Ernst). It's about alternative medicine but the underlying lesson about evidence-based medicine and evidence-based life in general should put paid to the faith-based things you to tend towards. You can buy it from the official website (http://www.trickortreatment.com/). Seriously, buy it and read it, you'll be a better person for it.


10/09/2009, 2:09 PM
Middle of September is Magic mushroom season , not implying anything, just making an observation

10/09/2009, 2:25 PM
Middle of September is Magic mushroom season , not saying anything, just making an observation

Hate mushrooms but maybe since they grow in the park behind my house some of their influence is floating in the air to me.

Adam, would be interested in reading that alright but I think I will still believe in the same way some people will never believe and I respect all view points.

10/09/2009, 2:38 PM
If you read it diligently with an open mind, you won't. It presents the argument that facts and science should be our guide to truth and life, which in my opinion is impossible to argue with. (Actually it's not an opinion for me, in somewhat circular fashion it's a fact.) Even I have some silly superstitions, but after reading that book - and Bad Science (http://www.badscience.net/) by Ben Goldacre - well, I just feel foolish when they occur to me. You will too.

I should have mentioned Bad Science earlier, read that too. Do a one-two on them. You won't regret it, they're absolutely fascinating. But read Simon's book first, he's incredibly good at explaining even the most complicated concepts to regular people like you and me.

If anyone reading this thread is into crypto, get Singh's Code Book (http://www.simonsingh.net/The_Code_Book.html) if you haven't already, probably my favourite non-fiction book of all. If you read it, you'll understand the basics of quantum mechanics. Seriously, he's that good!


10/09/2009, 2:44 PM
Bad Science (http://www.badscience.net/) by Ben Goldacre - well, I just feel foolish when they occur to me. You will too.

I should have mentioned Bad Science earlier, read that too. Do a one-two on them. You won't regret it, they're absolutely fascinating. But read Simon's book first, he's incredibly good at explaining even the most complicated concepts to regular people like you and me.

I was just about to post that. Halfway through Goldacre's book at the moment and think it should be on the curriculum. I would recommend it to anyone. There's another book in the same vein I read earlier this year but I can't remember the title now, I'll get back to you!

10/09/2009, 2:48 PM
But I like being protected by my angels, talking to the faeries at the bottom of the garden, believing I was abducted by Aliens (thats what my regression was about btw) and knowing that my crystals help me sleep better. Dont want science to interfere with the peace of mind I have!

10/09/2009, 2:57 PM
There are no angels or fairies, you weren't abducted by aliens - or Aliens for that matter - and crystals are just minerals that have organised themselves into pretty patterns. Read Singh's book, then come back and read your own post. You'll probably try to justify it, but you'll feel dirty doing it. Science is science, facts are facts. You can't argue with them.


10/09/2009, 3:08 PM
Yeah you can. And you just killed some Faeries by saying you dont believe in them.

Lev Yashin
10/09/2009, 3:26 PM
Maybe your son is just a comic genius an gets immense pleasure winding you up by doing this English accent thing when he knows your listening!

My bet is himself and his friends are having a right old laugh about this while they play Pokemon(or whatever weird game kids play now).

10/09/2009, 3:40 PM
Yeah you can. And you just killed some Faeries by saying you dont believe in them.

Don't worry, they will get him in the dead of night and take them back to their enchanted cave ;). Simon Singh, the man is intelligent, but he takes everything too seriously, even songs http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/2005/sep/30/highereducation.uk

10/09/2009, 4:09 PM
Simon Singh, the man is intelligent, but he takes everything too seriously, even songs http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/2005/sep/30/highereducation.ukI think that was somewhat tongue in cheek. The line at the bottom of the article might explain why he wrote it.

10/09/2009, 4:16 PM
Katie's latest little ditty is deeply annoyingNow that's a fact.

10/09/2009, 5:24 PM
I was just about to post that. Halfway through Goldacre's book at the moment and think it should be on the curriculum. I would recommend it to anyone. There's another book in the same vein I read earlier this year but I can't remember the title now, I'll get back to you!

Risk! That's the other one: Risk: The Science and Politics of Fear by Dan Gardner (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Risk-Science-Politics-Dan-Gardner/dp/0753515539/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1252603339&sr=1-1) is the book I couldn't remember. It's equally readable and full of cool, reasoned, arguments as to why we really shouldn't worry about things as much. It's like having a refreshing wind blowing on you. :)

10/09/2009, 6:34 PM
Added to my enormous Book Depository wish list, thanks!

10/09/2009, 6:48 PM
Added to my enormous Book Depository wish list, thanks!

If you're ever in Dublin I'll give you a lend of it :)

10/09/2009, 9:02 PM
Definite on-the-bog reading tcm, I don't think you'd want it back. :)

10/09/2009, 10:17 PM
Easy explanation, kids have a short attention span so they are not consciously taking in what is going on around them but a lot of it is absorbed subliminally. That's how adverts work on you when you don't even realise they're working.

Comprehension follows perception. How do you get them to see the reality you see? After all, it is only one reality out of many. Images are a basic constituent: pictures. This is why the power of TV to influence young minds is so staggeringly vast. Words and pictures are synchronized. The possibility of total control of the viewer exists, especially the young viewer. TV viewing is a kind of sleep-learning. An EEG of a person watching TV shows that after about half an hour the brain decides that nothing is happening, and it goes into a hypnoidal twilight state, emitting alpha waves. This is because there is such little eye motion. In addition, much of the information is graphic and therefore passes into the right hemisphere of the brain, rather than being processed by the left, where the conscious personality is located. Recent experiments indicate that much of what we see on the TV screen is received on a subliminal basis. We only imagine that we consciously see what is there. The bulk of the messages elude our attention; literally, after a few hours of TV watching, we do not know what we have seen. Our memories are spurious, like our memories of dreams; the blank are filled in retrospectively. And falsified. We have participated unknowingly in the creation of a spurious reality, and then we have obligingly fed it to ourselves.

kingdom hoop
10/09/2009, 11:12 PM
There are no angels or fairies, you weren't abducted by aliens - or Aliens for that matter - and crystals are just minerals that have organised themselves into pretty patterns. Read Singh's book, then come back and read your own post. You'll probably try to justify it, but you'll feel dirty doing it. Science is science, facts are facts. You can't argue with them.


(Hmm, I've just had a gush of previously unformed thoughts streaming into my head after reading your post, especially the emboldened bit. Forgive me for probably completely misrepresenting what you said as I go off on one. :))

I think that what may appear in your mind to be utterly farcical fiction, can in the mind of another appear very much substantive fact; and science isn't always the bridge between the two.

While there may be one Earth, there are ~6 billion human perceptions of Earth, each creating their own concept of reality. So I find it odd that all that amount of individual experience can be reduced to “science is science, facts are facts. You can't argue with them.” It is the deification of science inherent in your statement that I find odd: conscious life is way too complex to expect science to currently have a handle on everything; and it is equally impossible to conclude that what science has not yet established has no basis in reality*. Thus, your attractive statement is thoroughly incomplete (though I appreciate you weren't trying to make it so!).

(*And if there's one thing science likes doing, it's ignoring the things it cannot explain. Plus, science is 'merely' a body of knowledge giving a snapshot of human understanding of reality at any one time. It is an empirically justifiable report on what we do know, not what we might know. That which is not fact is not necessarily fiction - it could just be a fact-to-be, waiting for the scientific world to become smart enough to marry postulation to provable theory: Shaolin Monks didn't feel pain from smacking their heads against brick long before Western science said they didn't feel pain!)

In relation to aliens and fairies, I'm personally with you on that (seems completely ludicrous in my mind). And further, I agree that society as a whole would be better off if we would all lead structurally sound and content lives built upon the solid foundations of scientific fact - without the potentially destabilising influence of interfering angels, destructive demons, ridiculous salt-consumption, or whatever other vice. But I think there's a world of difference between broad societal conception of 'alternative stuff' versus the personal value 'alternative stuff' brings to the individual. In other words, depending on where you approach (say, that of a medical physician versus me), you will have a completely different perspective.

I'm not sure I'm making any kind of point that can be neatly packaged (help appreciated!), but my overall opinion is that it's reasonable for an individual to determine what their individual 'science' is. By all means consult the available mainstream science. But if there's something you have experienced, and is therefore fact in your mind and nowhere else, then it is up to you to determine how best to deal with it. You are your own personal scientist!

10/09/2009, 11:35 PM
I had to do a lot of scanning there kingdom hoop, felt like I was in a Vulcan mind meld.

I realise my statement was incorrect shortly after I posted it and I intended to amend it, but I've been out most of the day. Not to validate your criticism though, since I don't agree with it. My statement wasn't that everything has been proven or disproven, scientifically or otherwise, it was that what's proven is proven, and you can't argue with that.

...to which I should have appended: except with science and facts.

The General Theory of Relativity, is a perfect example. It looks increasingly likely that Einstein's General Theory will have to be adjusted at some point in the not-to-distant future, to cater - properly - for quantum. But it still stands, because the science isn't there to handle it.

Science is science and facts are facts, you can only change them with more science and more facts. Snakeoil salesmen need not apply.


11/09/2009, 6:50 AM
Nothing unusal in his tv diet. He was watching a documentary on WWII yesterday evening before he went to bed but usually its Zac & Cody & Wizards of Waverly and other generic american kids shows.

I find it fascinating that he gets such a perfect posh English accent in his sleep. I know he was here before in the late 70's early 80's and was about 5 yrs old when he got hit by a bus and killed and I think he is a very old soul so may have been around a number of times.

Yes am one of those hippy freaks.

I had to post as I find this statement very disturbing , I am trying to imagine looking at my little girl and instead of seeing her for the beautiful creation she is I am seeing her as something recycleable who has been here before and has previously been involved in a terrible accident.

I am not knocking your beliefs but to me this view just makes me shudder, probably because I live in the here and now mind frame.

11/09/2009, 12:44 PM
I was doing some deep healing on him a few years ago and it was like watching a movie of his other life. I have also seen my mothers other life and now know why everything to do with the orient scares the bejaysus outta her.

As for being barking mad, maybe I am but maybe Im not.

Fair enough on the past lives bit - what about future lives? :)

If possible, could you check out if Ireland make the play-off's and who we draw?

Last thing - next weeks Lotto numbers would be nice.

(Although, keep that on the down low, in case someone posts them on the Internet or something).

11/09/2009, 12:45 PM
I'll have the Euromillions numbers so please, I don't like settling for second best like Wolfie there. ;)

11/09/2009, 1:20 PM
I'll have the Euromillions numbers so please, I don't like settling for second best like Wolfie there. ;)

Good point.

You see, safe in the knowledge of the football's play-off results of the future, I'll bet all of my Lotto money on those results - hence yielding a bigger windfall!!!

11/09/2009, 1:22 PM
I'll see your Lotto wager and raise you by a Euromillions jackpot. :)

11/09/2009, 3:55 PM
Ha ha. Yeah am working on the future viewing but have to clear the clutter from the past first.

First, I get what you are saying and I also view my children as amazing unique and created by me but we all carry the past in our genes, so are all therefore a recycled version of a past. Doesnt make us any less wonderous though.

I know it might seem mad to some of you (or most of you!) but I have had various expereinces in my life that have led me to my beliefs and have as KH said shaped my individual world. We all have our own reality. No one person's is more correct than anothers. We all think we are right throughout our lives otherwise we would give up on ourselves.

11/09/2009, 4:02 PM
Ha ha. Yeah am working on the future viewing but have to clear the clutter from the past first.

Reminds me of the joke "Why is the headline never 'Psychic wins lotto'"

11/09/2009, 4:32 PM
Mainly as it goes against the code of ethics. Its considered cheating. Ill gotten gains will only harm you more and that is why if am casting a spell I always conclude with "and if it harms none, so mote it be". It is possible to get the lottery numbers but its considered a no no as it would appear to demonstrate greed.

11/09/2009, 4:50 PM
Mainly as it goes against the code of ethics. Its considered cheating. Ill gotten gains will only harm you more and that is why if am casting a spell I always conclude with "and if it harms none, so mote it be". It is possible to get the lottery numbers but its considered a no no as it would appear to demonstrate greed.

And there are no greedy psychics :eek: I'm skeptical!

kingdom hoop
11/09/2009, 4:53 PM
Adam, I did not and do not quibble with your statement of itself. Indeed I think it's an excellent way to approach issues, for the most part. Where I think it can distract is when science is simply incapable of offering an explanation for something that exists. What happens then?

Does the reality become false because it cannot be explained? Do you just ignore what cannot be explained by science? Or do we sometimes necessarily have to engage in faith-based 'reasoning'?

Take our individual conceptions of the world. There is no scientific fact to explain why I view the world the way I do. I know there's "My Reality" - it exists, it is a current state; but the exact process, how I got there, is inexplicable. And just because it can't be explained doesn't make it untrue, nor does it mean I shouldn't place any emphasis on my intuitive experience. Some things aren't 'there' to be made facts of or available for scientific comprehension. That's why I don't think it's fair to categorically state “there are no angels or fairies” - there are! Just not in a form available for you or I to understand.

Hairy Bowsie
12/09/2009, 7:18 AM
This is some funny stuff :D There's a lot of nonsense on foot.ie at the best of times but this thread is by the far the best of it. Past lives, holisitic healing, alien abductions and faires, i had to double check the date to make sure it wasn't april fools :D

As for being barking mad, maybe I am but maybe Im not.

Make no mistake about it love, you are a loop the loop!!

12/09/2009, 6:11 PM
This is some funny stuff :D There's a lot of nonsense on foot.ie at the best of times but this thread is by the far the best of it. Past lives, holisitic healing, alien abductions and faires, i had to double check the date to make sure it wasn't april fools :D

Make no mistake about it love, you are a loop the loop!!

jesus i used to love loop the loops, do they still sell them:)

12/09/2009, 6:26 PM
On my planet they do. Come join me! :D

12/09/2009, 7:10 PM
We all have our own reality. No one person's is more correct than anothers.It is if they have evidence that the other person's beliefs aren't scientifically possible.

12/09/2009, 7:14 PM
We all have our own reality.

IMO, that's just solipsism. If my brain can't interpret the fact that the grass is green, that doesn't make it a different colour.

12/09/2009, 7:19 PM
It is if they have evidence that the other person's beliefs aren't scientifically possible.

But science hasnt be able to explain everything that has occured either so until science can I will believe what I want.

Mr A
12/09/2009, 11:39 PM
That, in fairness, is just plain crazy. Science may not explain everything (yet), but that does NOT justify fairy stories.

12/09/2009, 11:59 PM
I was joking about the faeries btw. Even i'm not that looped yet.

Mr A
13/09/2009, 12:02 AM
Past lives, homoeopathy, pixies, religion, etc, etc = fairy stories.

13/09/2009, 12:24 AM
In your (equally as valid as mine) opinion.

Mr A
13/09/2009, 9:00 AM
So was Hitler's opinion that everything was the Jews fault and something really ought to be done equally valid then?