View Full Version : Roddy gets a job

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04/11/2009, 7:58 PM
Am i the only person who likes Roddy?

No (and i know pleanty of other loi fans who dont mind him) - I've no problem with him - bit of a mouth, but sure if ye take him seriously and get wound up by it, youre just an idiot!

Hes an entertaining character to have around the league - and he came down and helped the drogs raise money when we were in the s*** (though that never changed my opinion of him!)

Good luck to him - hope he does well in malta (though i wouldnt like him to be our manager :D)

04/11/2009, 10:26 PM
Can't stand the Azzurri gear, looks like knock-off O'Neills GAA-wear, sorry weeman.

05/11/2009, 8:11 AM
Can't stand the Azzurri gear, looks like knock-off O'Neills GAA-wear, sorry weeman.

I used to like it when it was the county gear (Louth) and the design seems good. I just always found the O'Neills gear dated (but decent). One good thing is seeing Irish product doing well abroad.

12/01/2010, 4:58 PM
"I cant stand around all day talking to you lot, i've a football team to train" :eek:

To be fair, he will shake things up a bit and that could be what they need. Like Pat Dolan in Cork, grand for two years of complete and utter spoofing. See how far you can throw him, add a minus to it and trust him that much. After that its time to get rid and get a serious manager in.

Out of interest I thought I'd look at an attempt to add balance to a debate, but now it's coming back to haunt me (as pointed out by a poster by email). I did say I wished him well but wouldn't want him at Oriel!

16/08/2012, 7:26 AM
Out of the Roddy-shaped frying-pan ... (http://www.maltatoday.com.mt/en/sportsdetails/sports/football/New-Floriana-patron-failed-English-FA-s-fit-and-proper-test-20120814)

Charlie Darwin
21/08/2012, 10:18 AM
Mark Wright is very much out of the Roddy-shaped frying pan too. Minus the managerial ability.

Royal rover
24/05/2013, 10:12 PM
found the Rod squad the original

priceless viewing


25/05/2013, 11:25 PM
I love him even more now.
Some classic lines in there.

26/05/2013, 8:29 PM

Royal rover
28/05/2013, 3:37 PM
i watched it over the weekend - i found it almost "David Brent" like which was the most shocking thing - parts of it are very cringe worthy - most notably his references to Big Sam and Peter Reid . all in all it makes priceless viewing