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07/05/2009, 7:48 PM
[QUOTE=munsterman;1156095]Why the negativity towards league teams? Some Dublin clubs are strong enough to compete at high level and fair dues to them but most clubs outside Dublin are not. I think it makes sense that the best players in the clubs within a league would come together to form stronger teams that can compete with the strong senior clubs. Some leagues have done very well in the senior cup. And if we had no league teams, i think i'm correct in saying we wouldn't have got our best result in Europe to date?
Mayo and Galway have doen exceptionally well in the national cup and i think Cork have reached the semi final 4 times in 6 years. If these teams were not in the Cup a wealth of talent would not be in the cup because thir club teams are not strong enough.

Sorry i came across wrong i,m not being negative towards league teams. I think they are all better for the game and i,v made great friends from meeting such teams. But good club teams evolve out of league teams ,wilton,cork /aisling annacotty,limk/ salthill devon,galway and out of this the competition grows.So it was just the over all view of senior competition i was wondering about.i will be delighted to see a national league start.But please do it carefully and thought fully as we already lost u18 national cup without any replacement.

07/05/2009, 8:28 PM
Game called off because Annacotty couldn't field a team through injuries from Senior Cup game and UL exams and I think there was some subject for Leaving Cert on this week as well.....students!!:p

Will that game be refixed or points given or what? Anyone know or hear anything?:confused:

08/05/2009, 12:50 AM
Ive heard its a walkover to Lifford because all clubs were given opportunity to get postponements of published fixtures the previous week and none was requested for this fixture

08/05/2009, 8:44 AM
Ive heard its a walkover to Lifford because all clubs were given opportunity to get postponements of published fixtures the previous week and none was requested for this fixture

But were all clubs in league made aware of this?! Somehow I can't see Annacotty giving a walkover especially not to their bitter rivals Lifford lets be honest now!

08/05/2009, 10:37 AM
I doubt Lifford would be looking for a walkover, its not their style, they would rather play annacotty for the points. But isn't it setting precedent if they do have to play the game that a team can say they can't field a team just to change a fixture when they feel like it. There have been far too many mis-readings of the rules this year around the country- ie. have a look at all the walkovers for various reasons. I don't think thats good enough when we are supposed to be developing and moving forward with women's soccer. We will never gain advantage it things don't tighten up. Just my opinion, not wanting to tread on anyones toes.:ball:

08/05/2009, 11:54 AM
All St Francis' games in the cup last year were at home also. I'm no mathematician but whats the probability of that happening? Its a bit sus i think....

08/05/2009, 1:04 PM
I dont think Lifford have ever looked for a walkover but they should be awarded the game by the Limerick league. Last year Annacotty twice cancelled a cup game against Lifford because they were short of players. Neither time did they follow the rules. The game was played when Lifford were missing half their team but still fielded a young team to fulfil the fixture which Annacotty won. Annacotty have lots of players to call on. They have entered a team in the Intermediate cup as well as the Senior cup. They could have fielded a team if they wanted to. If it was another club they would have played. They can do this because they know that the Limerick league will always back them even when they blatantly flaunt the rules. All clubs are missing players from time to time. Its a pity but you just have to get on with it.

08/05/2009, 3:38 PM
I think whichever works best in the particular area is what has to be done. The best players should be playing in the National cup, if they only get a chance to do it playing with a league selection side, so be it.
Does anybody know how many league selection sides have won the Cup?????

On another note, what is happening with the DWSL, is it going to be another year of disorganisation, seems to be a lot of teams folding/ collapsing, Cant believe they gave a walkover in the national cup, its disgraceful, who is responsible for that?

08/05/2009, 4:13 PM
I dont think Lifford have ever looked for a walkover but they should be awarded the game by the Limerick league. Last year Annacotty twice cancelled a cup game against Lifford because they were short of players. Neither time did they follow the rules. The game was played when Lifford were missing half their team but still fielded a young team to fulfil the fixture which Annacotty won. Annacotty have lots of players to call on. They have entered a team in the Intermediate cup as well as the Senior cup. They could have fielded a team if they wanted to. If it was another club they would have played. They can do this because they know that the Limerick league will always back them even when they blatantly flaunt the rules. All clubs are missing players from time to time. Its a pity but you just have to get on with it.

Woaw! :eek: Can you say Annacotty's no1 fan?!:rolleyes: First all Annacotty gave Lifford a walkover on Tues night for the reasons stated earlier exams, injuries and work committments. I don't think anyone from Annacotty is going to dispute that. Somehow I don't think any team will attempt to play Lifford with a team of 8 some struggle with a 11! They could have fielded a team if they wanted to? Can you please inform me of the reason why they wouldn't want to play? Can you tell me as well what team in Limerick would play with 8 against Lifford? If you knew what you were talking about you would know that both Lifford and Annacotty rarely shy away from playing each other. With all the respect to the other teams in the Limerick league they don't provide as much of a contest as when the teams in question do. Since you claim to know the ex Lifford manager ask him and he will tell you he thrived for these games and would rather play than either one of teams not turning up. Fact.

And as for you implying the Limerick League bend rules for Aisling Annacotty you must be deluded. If you knew your stuff you would realise Aisling Annacotty and Lifford are painted with the same brush when it comes to them. They are almost anti both teams due to their senior status and success and came extremely close to asking both teams to leave the league before the start of this season. The reason 'both teams were too good for the league'. Your post is almost insulting the integrity and work ethic of the Aisling Annacotty management and team. In their 5 year history it was the first time they gave a walkover. And the cup final you talk about please Annacotty had far from a full team also and Irene Hehir actually came to the Annacotty team talk after the game and said Annacotty deserved the win, they have being plugging away years trying to beat Lifford etc and they have a new level of respect for what Annacotty has done in 5 years.

So stop fanning the flames when there really is no need. Annacotty gave Lifford a walkover. End of.:ball:

08/05/2009, 6:14 PM
Annacotty have lots of players to call on. They have entered a team in the Intermediate cup as well as the Senior cup.

Are all clubs allowed to enter both cups?

The One
08/05/2009, 8:11 PM
An eliglble player may play in 2 National Cups from Senior/Intermediate/Junior. However players registered with the Premier League of the DWSL MUST play SENIOR CUP ONLY(always quoted but never in rule-book previously. Only made official this season). The participants of the last 5 Inter Cup Finals MUST play SENIOR CUP ONLY(new rule).

Lifford entered teams in 2 cups a few years ago and were hounded to ensure that they played 2 totally separate teams..even though the rules permitted players to play in 2 competitions at the time.....an still do.....unless you are playing in the DWSL Premier.

From what I can see, the WFAI seem to interpret the rules any way they want depending on the club involved and the humour they are in. Rules also seem to change every year without clubs being notified aparently.

Just because you win the FAI Umbro Womens Senior Challenge Cup does not entitle you to represent Ireland in the Womens Champions League/UEFA Cup.....check the rules. (This rule has changed every year for the past 3 years.....from the winners represent Ireland to the winners are given the opportunity to represent Ireland to the WFAI may select a representative)

the rules are all over the place.

11/05/2009, 2:45 PM
Is that really true, what happens if a player moves clubs? Could be few clubs in bother in Mayo, know alot of Ballina girls moved to Killala and they played Senior Cup having won Inter in 2007!!

The One
11/05/2009, 9:36 PM
"From what I can see, the WFAI seem to interpret the rules any way they want depending on the club involved and the humour they are in. Rules also seem to change every year without clubs being notified aparently.

the rules are all over the place."

To the best of my knowledge, the WFAI may dictate that the club has a particularly strong panel and only allow them to play Senior Cup...no matter where the team is based. I believe the WFAI have final say on entries in the national competitions.

i.e. St Fancis is basically UCD and if they had entered the Junior Cup last year the WFAI would probably have only allowed them to play Senior Cup because of their squad even though they had no previous history in the Junior or Intermediate Cups.

16/05/2009, 6:59 PM
Where can I get the contact details for the clubs in the senior cup besides Peamount cant find any details

The One
27/05/2009, 1:21 PM
An eliglble player may play in 2 National Cups from Senior/Intermediate/Junior. However players registered with the Premier League of the DWSL MUST play SENIOR CUP ONLY(always quoted but never in rule-book previously. Only made official this season). The participants of the last 5 Inter Cup Finals MUST play SENIOR CUP ONLY(new rule).

Just to correct error in previous post:

It should be last 3 and not last 5 Inter Cup Finals MUST play SENIOR CUP ONLY(new rule)

sorry for error

28/05/2009, 2:11 PM
Where can I get the contact details for the clubs in the senior cup besides Peamount cant find any details

you wont find anything online...

best thing is to contact the fai directly and see if they can email you a copy of the fixture list that has all the club secretary contact details on it

sorry i dont have a copy of it myself. failing that Mal in the DWSL office in celbridge would probs be able to help you

01/06/2009, 4:44 PM
Were there any games played this weekend in the Senior Cup?

01/06/2009, 8:01 PM
cork beat limerick desmond 3-2. susan donovan back from america so added bit more class to cork, she got a brace with amy mc carthy getting the winner

Pedro m
01/06/2009, 9:20 PM
Were there any games played this weekend in the Senior Cup?

Francis bet Raheny 1-0
Peamount bet Stella Marris 3-0 I think

02/06/2009, 8:00 AM
st catherines 3 lifford 2
francis 1 raheny 0 (missed peno from raheny apparently)
peamount 4 stella 0

Pedro m
02/06/2009, 9:10 AM
I'll do the draw for them

Francis v Catherines

Cork v Peamount


02/06/2009, 10:11 AM
mens draw was made yesterday
wonder did they do the womens draw in the tea room at the interval

02/06/2009, 11:18 AM
wonder did they do the womens draw in the tea room at the interval
:o probably

Pedro m
02/06/2009, 1:49 PM
mens draw was made yesterday
wonder did they do the womens draw in the tea room at the interval

Now now
It was made a week ago,
while i agree the ladies was prob done then the cant publish it till after the 1/4 were played ;)

02/06/2009, 4:24 PM
The Draw has been made its on munsterspride.com http://www.munsterspride.com/newsdesk_info.php?newsdesk_id=401

28/06/2009, 7:53 PM
Cork beaten one nil by St Catherine's today

30/06/2009, 6:19 PM
Final is St Francis V St Catherines.

St Francis bet Peamount last week.

I don't understand why that game was changed and the Cork v Cats game wasn't.

30/06/2009, 9:17 PM
think they requested a change due to number of their players from both teams were travelling to Serbia for the Student games that weekend.

03/07/2009, 5:27 PM
Surely cork would have requested a change too as they had a player missing also.

03/07/2009, 8:24 PM
common sense would've said to get the game changed. Maybe the players weren't key players for the cork team. although if involved with the student games you'd think they must me good players!

04/07/2009, 6:42 PM
Yes since the player scored 2 of Cork's goals in the quarter final I think she would have definitely made a difference to the result.

05/07/2009, 4:54 PM
Often wondered about the fact that some players arrive home to play in the cups only to disappear at the later stages .Know its a done thing but if players are signed to usa colleges should they not be required to sit out these competitions.The girls that play in england do not seem to play when home on hols.

06/07/2009, 6:56 AM
if players are signed to usa colleges should they not be required to sit out these competitions.The girls that play in england do not seem to play when home on hols.

Players who play with colleges in Ireland are not required to sit out these competitions therefore I don't see why players in usa colleges should be? The girls playing in England are, for the most, playing with clubs as opposed to colleges and that's the reason why they don't generally play with their previous clubs when home on hols

27/07/2009, 3:13 PM
Congrats to St.Francis on retaining the cup.Tough luck on St.Catherines.Sorry Br.Bernard I missed the game due to other football commitments.Is it not time Br Bernard got some kind of recognition from the FAI for his work in Ladies football?
Just a thought!!

The One
29/07/2009, 7:24 PM
I agree with what you say in relation to Br Bernard........and he's still smiling!! He's a Legend.

Catherines were robbed of a legitimate goal in the game. Maybe would have bin a different game then...who knows....and Francis were denied a goal from Mary Waldron off the underside of the bar.....and well over the line......but that's officials for you eh?

Just an aside, there was awful abuse dished out to Rhona Daly by some of the "fans"....there's no need for it.

30/07/2009, 10:58 AM
I couldn't make the game but I know Hilda and Catherine who were doing the game personally and they are great guys and it's great to see women officials doing womens games.So give them a bit more respect.
The people that give the abuse are only showing their lack of knowledge of the rules and are only letting them selves down