View Full Version : lfc to play home games on saturday afternoon

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lfc at heart
14/01/2009, 7:26 PM
I see in the Limerick Leader that Limerick fc are to play their home games on a Saturday afternoon, who came up with this ridiculous decision, I cant see them getting many people at the gate for this season as they will be competing with the English premier games again, isn't that the reason they went to Friday evening games in the first place, even Saturday evening games would be better that Saturday afternoon games, was this decision made because they are moving to a ground that has no flood lights or something cause I cant think of any other reason, ticket sales will be down next season because of this stupid decision:mad:....


Martinho II
14/01/2009, 7:36 PM
does that mean ye would be in market field next season if the deal goes through??:confused:

14/01/2009, 9:19 PM
I see in the Limerick Leader that Limerick fc are to play their home games on a Saturday afternoon, who came up with this ridiculous decision, I cant see them getting many people at the gate for this season as they will be competing with the English premier games again, isn't that the reason they went to Friday evening games in the first place, even Saturday evening games would be better that Saturday afternoon games, was this decision made because they are moving to a ground that has no flood lights or something cause I cant think of any other reason, ticket sales will be down next season because of this stupid decision:mad:....


think all first division games are going to Sat as its a league directive as 5 plus teams in first are going to be amateur. nothing to do with limerick what so ever

14/01/2009, 9:49 PM
afternoons a joke though

14/01/2009, 9:50 PM
agreed, but we're in jackman so there aint no need to play on the afternoons

15/01/2009, 1:36 AM
I can see why Limerick would be playing on a saturday afternoon if its in the markets field (no lights) but i just can't understand them playing at that time if its going to be in jackman park, clashing with premiership soccer and club rugby in ireland. So silly. Also i see they are trying to get in on the matches in thomond park, i hope they do and that it benefits the club in some shape or form.

15/01/2009, 8:52 AM
Thats the crowds down to half so. This is a ridiculous decision if it's true.

We will drop to 150 or less on Sat afternoons. Does this League actually want to just close down altogether ?

Face Facts LOI/Limerick FC we cannot compete on Saturday now that Setanta are showing 2 live premier games. Fri night is our only hope and if it's a case of no lights being the reason then we should not move until they are in place.


15/01/2009, 9:16 AM
I'd say John that you're even pushing it at estimating a crowd of 150 for a Saturday afternoon game. Work, weekend activities, and the Premiership will easily see to that. Even a Saturday evening game would be badly affected, what with people using Saturday as the main social night. And I know that people should be making Limerick FC part of their Saturday night social scene, and that 'real' supporters will go no matter what blah blah blah and all that but no matter what spin you put on it, its Friday or bust I feel.

15/01/2009, 9:19 AM
I see in the Limerick Leader that Limerick fc are to play their home games on a Saturday afternoon,


Fridays can clash with Magners league, heavy traffic the late late show and shopping, and considering the barstooler/armchair fan brigade and your average AIL follower have very little interest in going to Jackman Park anyway at anytime Id love to give Sat Afternoons a go. (thats not to say it will work mind)

Anyone who goes to away games will agree. (getting back to Limerick at 2am aint a lot of fun)

Seeing as its only the leader thats said anything about changing to Sat afternoons I wont get too excited yet though but fingers crossed.

Lionel Ritchie
15/01/2009, 9:29 AM
I'm inclined to agree with Monkfish. Saturday afternoon would probably suit me better personally as well so I'm being a bit selfish I must admit.

15/01/2009, 9:35 AM
Munster play 5 or 6 Magners League games in Limerick each season, and 3-4 of those are during the close season for EL. What I can't see is how this is going to attract new support. Its going to make it harder to maintain what support was there, but sadly its a fact that people have more on their minds on a Saturday afternoon (Shopping, family commitments, socialising, DIY) than being attracted to a club that hasn't exactly endeared itself to anyone over the past few years.

The Friday night gig was working fine. It would continue to work fine. Why break something that already works and has shown potential and move to something that has 'DISASTER' written all over it?

15/01/2009, 9:36 AM
I'm inclined to agree with Monkfish.

Its the only way to go. (agreeing with Monkfish that is) :)

Voice of Reason
15/01/2009, 11:46 AM
We had a routine of going to the matches on Friday evenings as the start of a night out, though we went to fewer matches last season than the season before.

As an Aston Villa fan I'd like to see them visit.

I might surprise myself and go to some Saturday afternoon matches.

Do you think a return to the Markets is worth spending €40,000 on dressing rooms?

Lionel Ritchie
15/01/2009, 11:47 AM
The Friday night gig was working fine. It would continue to work fine. Why break something that already works and has shown potential and move to something that has 'DISASTER' written all over it? It might and it mightn't. Fewer midges on a summer afternoon than early evening in Jackman too. Jackman can be like Borneo for the midges at times.

Just looking for upsides and pluses.:)

15/01/2009, 11:48 AM
Handy for away games as the Monk says. As a student in Cork it suits me down to the ground and if you pick EPL over LOI then, frankly, I don't want you at LFC games.

15/01/2009, 12:21 PM
people have more on their minds on a Saturday afternoon (Shopping, family commitments, socialising, DIY) than being attracted to a club that hasn't exactly endeared itself to anyone over the past few years.

A game is only 90mins out of a whole day Joe.
Shopping? theres the rest of Saturday and indeed the week for that.
Socialsing? strange as it seems this can be done before, during, and after games.
Family commitments? while I sympathise with the man who only gets his kids one day a week......hang on, heres a suggestion, bring em to a game (loads already do)
DIY? your having us on at this stage! if you decide/or get bullied by your wife to hang that shelf during a Limerick game then your no more a Limerick fan than Mick Wallace.

And what do you mean the club has not endeared itself to anyone recently? should we be giving out little toyota flags and sheets of paper with the words of a Galway song on it for everyone to sing? over and over and over.

15/01/2009, 12:32 PM
A game is only 90mins out of a whole day Joe. Plus time getting to and from there...bringing it up to perhaps 3 hours for some people, people simply won't do that on a Saturday.

Shopping? theres the rest of Saturday and indeed the week for that. Again, it may shock you, but the majority of people use their Saturdays for this purspose.

Socialsing? strange as it seems this can be done before, during, and after games. See above

Family commitments?. while I sympathise with the man who only gets his kids one day a week......hang on, heres a suggestion, bring em to a game (loads already do). Theres a lot more to do with your family on a Saturday afternoon as opposed to a Friday night.

DIY? your having us on at this stage! if you decide/or get bullied by your wife to hang that shelf during a Limerick game then your no more a Limerick fan than Mick Wallace.. Just an example...

And what do you mean the club has not endeared itself to anyone recently
Tell me how it has??? It's doing a good job at the moment, but theres still a huge feeling of apathy for the senior soccer situation in Limerick. And my opinion, for what its worth, is that Saturday afternoon football will be a total flop.

15/01/2009, 12:39 PM
Saturday afternoon football will be a total flop.

Your probably right, considering the town is full of excuse makers.

15/01/2009, 12:50 PM
I think if you read the full article it seems very likely that we will be returning to the Markets Field for the new season.This in itself will attract a lot more people initially and if we get off to a good start we should hold onto those fans.Also if they can get access to the bar on match days it will also be an incentive.
Lads this is a lot better than the situation we were in this time last year.

15/01/2009, 1:00 PM
I don't see why people are not happy with Saturdays. If all First Division clubs change to Saturdays as proposed, it will improved attendances. I have met many people who say they were following Limerick but never make it to matches on Friday nights because of work, working or in college outside of Limerick.. etc The excuses for people not going to matches such as socialising, shopping can also be used on Friday evenings as well as Saturdays.

If people want to go to matches, they will go. If they don't they will make excuses. Simple as. While I understand some people work Saturdays (including myself) but that is also the case on Friday's. If it is takes 3 hours out of someones day to get to a match then surely Saturday games suit someone better than Friday evenings.

Someone who is going to watch a English match on TV over a Limerick match, is just as likely to go shopping on a Friday evening over a Limerick match. I think its worth a go anyways.

15/01/2009, 1:20 PM
I think all first division games should be played on a sunday afternoon, but if they have to be played on a saturday I'm fine with that too. Most players in this division are part time and given that games could be at the end of the week this avoids people having to take a half day on a friday to go to play a match. Its great to see Dundalk promoted and out of the way so thursday night matches will be eliminated. Get rid of the tuesday games too. It will save on floodlight costs too.

15/01/2009, 1:36 PM
I think all first division games should be played on a sunday afternoon, .

Nah, too many hangovers and no buzz, hated our 2pm games.
Good point regarding the players though. Sat/Sun games would make it handy with their jobs for a lot of them regarding away games (and fans).
Saving money on floodlight use too! :)

15/01/2009, 1:43 PM
Give up the drinking so! :p Oh wait! You might need it to watch some of the first division games - thats why lots of clubs have bars on the premises! :rolleyes:

15/01/2009, 1:53 PM
thats why lots of clubs have bars on the premises! :rolleyes:

So do most Gaa and rugby clubs, but we dont have one in Limerick, its all about the football, total football. :)

15/01/2009, 2:32 PM
Seeing as Limerick are changing their name for the new season you could always advertise the home kick-off time in your title instead of Limerick 37 ye could be Limerick 2:30!!!;)

15/01/2009, 2:37 PM
think all first division games are going to Sat as its a league directive as 5 plus teams in first are going to be amateur. nothing to do with limerick what so ever

I don't see why people are not happy with Saturdays. If all First Division clubs change to Saturdays as proposed, it will improved attendances. I have met many people who say they were following Limerick but never make it to matches on Friday nights because of work, working or in college outside of Limerick.. etc The excuses for people not going to matches such as socialising, shopping can also be used on Friday evenings as well as Saturdays.

Havent heard it will be a league directive and we are sticking with Friday nights.

15/01/2009, 3:24 PM
The fixtures list is not out yet so you cant say for certain your home games will be on friday nights.

15/01/2009, 3:45 PM
The fixtures list is not out yet so you cant say for certain your home games will be on friday nights.

You are right on both counts but since we have confirmed to the FAI that we wish to play our home games on Friday nights at 8pm and in previous years there hasnt been a problem.

If there was going to be a "directive" then why did they ask us when we want to play?

That said, who knows, they could decide that they want us all to play on Sat afternoon/evening/midnight but at the moment we are playing Fri nights.

We might become the new Dundalk and insist on playing on certain nights!

15/01/2009, 3:46 PM
The fixtures list is not out yet so you cant say for certain your home games will be on friday nights.

yes we can as it is our choice ..Monaghan will be playing its games on friday

15/01/2009, 5:33 PM
I don't see why people are not happy with Saturdays.
I wouldnt like Saturdays purely for my own selfish reasons. Friday works for me.
If its on Saturday, thats when I'm typically required to help out family members with various jobs that need doing, often a long way away from Limerick. If the Saturday thing does go ahead, there will be a lot of aggro for me as I have to explain every fortnight why football is more important.

If all First Division clubs change to Saturdays as proposed, it will improved attendances.
Maybe, maybe not. Here's hoping we dont get to find out.

I think its worth a go anyways.
I don't :p

15/01/2009, 6:41 PM
IMHO Limerick FC should just ignore the "directive" even if there is one in existence - which I doubt. :(

We can play football on any night we decide. Why should we take a financial hammering just to pease those Goms "running" the eircom league, who are trying their best to kill football in Ireland.

We did well last season, Why do we feel the need to change things when we finally find some stability on and off the pitch. Go Figure :(


15/01/2009, 8:04 PM
If the move to the Markets Field goes through it will have to be sat games as there's no floodlights there.No choice really. I heard there really under pressure from the FAI not to use jackman park. The whole wexford debacle opened a can of worms over our facilities or lack there of i should say!

15/01/2009, 8:37 PM
got the full 220 on this lads. Limerick will be playing their home games on Friday Nights at 7:45 at jackman park this season. There is a story behind the ifs and buts but cant put them here. If the markets field comes about mid season or next season (it will not happen at the start) then sat (due to non lights) would have to be a runner. that is all

15/01/2009, 10:40 PM
Just once I'd like a simple explaination in the second post in these threads, it would really brighten these bleak January evenings when a sober LtiD has seemingly hibernated :p

16/01/2009, 7:44 AM
Thanks for the info Gael :) That makes a lot of sense. Lets play there on Fridays until MF is completly ready


16/01/2009, 8:28 AM
Would've thought 3pm Saturday clashed with less big UK games then any other time tbh.

Voice of Reason
16/01/2009, 11:04 AM
Thanks Gael. That makes more sense.

16/01/2009, 12:05 PM
As an Aston Villa fan I'd like to see them visit.

Me too - you might be surprised how many Limerick FC fans also follow the Villa, there's loads of us :)

16/01/2009, 1:45 PM
Me too - you might be surprised how many Limerick FC fans also follow the Villa, there's loads of us :)

Our esteemed Limerick mod can be added to that list I believe

16/01/2009, 4:59 PM
i follow limerick too and am season ticket holder with the villa, be great if they comeover to thomond in the summer. they havent played in ireland since they played that mini tournament with shels and leeds in tolka a few years back

16/01/2009, 6:44 PM
got the full 220 on this lads. Limerick will be playing their home games on Friday Nights at 7:45 at jackman park this season. There is a story behind the ifs and buts but cant put them here. If the markets field comes about mid season or next season (it will not happen at the start) then sat (due to non lights) would have to be a runner. that is all

Before anyone goes off on one regarding the club/league in future can they please get full confirmation themselves instead of using papers like the leader as their source? Ta :)

20/01/2009, 8:29 AM
The Leader, shabby and all as it is, is a source, and a main one. People are going to comment on what they read on it. It's human nature. It's the whole "It must be true-I saw it in the Leader" thing...

20/01/2009, 12:36 PM
did you not know joe that if monkfish says its wrong its wrong

20/01/2009, 12:59 PM
with the Limerick FC website so quiet our only news comes from The local papers or wallys like "poacher". The site needs updating soon, other clubs sites are operated better than ours.

lfc at heart
20/01/2009, 2:56 PM
Before anyone goes off on one regarding the club/league in future can they please get full confirmation themselves instead of using papers like the leader as their source? Ta :)

it seems the Leader are correct, they said that Limerick will be playing their games on a saturday afternoon, so if/when Limerick get the MF they will be, as they have stated so whats your problem with their statement Monkfish

21/01/2009, 2:46 PM
it seems the Leader are correct,

Suppose their bound to get it right now and again. :D

21/01/2009, 2:47 PM
did you not know joe that if monkfish says its wrong its wrong

Good lad, your learning fast.

25/01/2009, 12:50 PM
it would be class if you guys played satuday at 3 because the bus station is beside the ground making it easy for away fans..

26/01/2009, 11:47 AM
it would be class if you guys played satuday at 3 because the bus station is beside the ground making it easy for away fans.. The whole logic behind Saturday afternoon games would be to accommodate a move to the Markets Field, which is 10-15 minute walk.

26/01/2009, 2:07 PM
So wait. All of this is contingent upon us getting back into the Markets Field, which is contingent upon what? Money? What's being done to thwe place that's going to take the aforementioned half-a-season?