View Full Version : Would you like one of these - The Perfect Woman?

Battery Rover
12/12/2008, 11:18 PM
Canadian scientist builds himself the perfect woman


Sligo Hornet
15/12/2008, 6:27 AM
I already have the Perfect Woman..............and an reminded of this fact constantly:eek:

Battery Rover
15/12/2008, 9:10 AM
One thing that worries me in that article is that he seems to push the fact that his android is still a virgin

15/12/2008, 9:39 AM
the japs are something else, aren't they?!

Aiko looks like she has a swallowed a load when she talks, the horney inventor. Made how it can read and process exact liquids?!

15/12/2008, 9:49 AM
the japs are something else, aren't they?!

The inventor isn't actuallly Japanese though, although the name of the doll is.
Aiko = lovechild

There are actually places in Tokyo where guys can rent dolls like this (not anywhere like as technological, just rubber / silicone dolls) by the hour, and take them off to a private room.

One time in the school where I worked, we were discussing what the worst job in the world would be, and one guy said that it must be whoever has the job of cleaning the dolls after they have been 'used' for an hour.

15/12/2008, 12:40 PM
There are actually places in Tokyo where guys can rent dolls like this (not anywhere like as technological, just rubber / silicone dolls) by the hour, and take them off to a private room.

One time in the school where I worked, we were discussing what the worst job in the world would be, and one guy said that it must be whoever has the job of cleaning the dolls after they have been 'used' for an hour.

Maybe they ship them off to Tallaght on a Friday or Saturday night....ewwww:D

15/12/2008, 9:52 PM
Couldn't they just come up with a machine that gives a person Jedi mind trick like abilities, and then send me on my way to find Monica Bellucci?

Green Tribe
21/12/2008, 4:26 PM
Maybe they ship them off to Tallaght on a Friday or Saturday night....ewwww:D

:D:D Shocking SI

22/12/2008, 9:18 AM
I dont need one. i have the perfect woman :D