View Full Version : League Table Changes - Drogs Drop Points

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03/11/2008, 8:44 PM
Just received the press release now. 10 points just like Cork.

Text of statement reads:
A meeting of the Independent Club Licensing committee was convened tonight and they deducted 10 points from Drogheda United FC for being involved in an examinership process as per section 3.1.2 of the club licensing manual. This sanction is effective immediately. The Committee reiterated the fact that it is imperative for all clubs to adhere to sound financial policies.

BTW, as this materially affects the Premier Division table as well as Drogheda that's why it's been posted in the Premier & First Division forum. :)

Inside Man
03/11/2008, 8:52 PM
I speak for all rovers fans when i say.

Rovers for Europe!

03/11/2008, 8:57 PM
Makes for an interesting game Friday night at TC, Inside Man.

03/11/2008, 9:57 PM
The Committee reiterated the fact that it is imperative for all clubs to adhere to sound financial policies.

I'm sure they would never speculate about such but, do you think that comment is a nod towards more deductions very, very soon, not necessarily Drogs now either.

This sort of positive news about the league is usually top story on good aul' RTÉ.ie by now... What gives?

04/11/2008, 9:18 AM
See here (http://www.independent.ie/breaking-news/sport/soccer/drogheda-utd-docked-10-points-from-league-tally-1520416.html)

04/11/2008, 9:42 AM
Made my day:)

04/11/2008, 9:57 AM
Made my day:)

Pretty sad outlook. Your own club aren't too healthy at the moment, yet nobody sneers at them. Pathetic.:(

04/11/2008, 9:58 AM
With the way they're playing at the moment, I'd say we'd overtake them on the pitch regardless.

Rovers fan
04/11/2008, 10:27 AM
Pretty sad outlook. Your own club aren't too healthy at the moment, yet nobody sneers at them. Pathetic.:(

Why? They get deducted 10 points for completely overpaying players and now we have a chance of getting to europe. Take for example faz. If we had him this season we would be ahead of drogs even without the deduction but they offered him huge wages that we couldn't match. What makes it even worse is that we are still waiting on half the transfer fee and will never get the full amount of this. Of course sligo rovers fans are gonna be happy,it's not as if we have heard drogs have gone bust,they got a 10 point deduction,like cork,which they deserved.

04/11/2008, 11:04 AM
I just don't think its funny to sneer at the misfortune of others. A few months ago you lot were crying like babies aboiut going out of business of ye didn't raise 130k, yet nobody posted here that they were looking forward to the demise of Sligo Rovers. I can understand your joy at the outside chance of European football, and thats fine, but to be sneering at another club over financial matters is a bit rich coming from Sligo Rovers, just as it would be from most other clubs.

pineapple stu
04/11/2008, 11:06 AM
They're appealing! (http://www.droghedaunited.ie/news/single/id/1483) They think they're a unique case.:rolleyes:

Seriously, what is wrong with that club? Over on the Drogs forum, they're sending e-mails to Meath County Councillors to keep pressure up on the new stadium, and at a launch meeting for their new trust, they let Hoey waffle on about his hopes and dreams and then forgot to mention the trust at all!

Drogheda fans would want to forget the new ground, forget any "unique" aspects, forget anything Hoey did for them in the past and get some money together to launch a Cork or Rovers-style takeover of the club to allow it to come out of examinership. If Hoey et al remain as they say they want to, I can only see the club being wound up.

Meanwhile, the Drogheda fans complain that they're getting no information from the club and that they can't do anything until they get info. It's like everyone is Hoey's puppet.

The scene from Life of Brian where the PFJ sit around passing motions all day and not doing anything until it's way too late springs to mind.

Apologies for that rant, but the last thing the league needs is a club going out of existence, and contrary to popular belief, I don't want any club going out of business (cutting back to their normal level is fine by me). But the entire of Drogheda seems to be fiddling while the club burns, and it's quite incredible how no-one up there seems to have any sort of cop on.

04/11/2008, 11:07 AM
I just don't think its funny to sneer at the misfortune of others. A few months ago you lot were crying like babies aboiut going out of business of ye didn't raise 130k, yet nobody posted here that they were looking forward to the demise of Sligo Rovers. I can understand your joy at the outside chance of European football, and thats fine, but to be sneering at another club over financial matters is a bit rich coming from Sligo Rovers, just as it would be from most other clubs.

so we should be sad that we're gonna be playing in europa league and setanta next year?

04/11/2008, 11:10 AM
I just don't think its funny to sneer at the misfortune of others.

It's generally not funny to sneer at others' misfortune.

But when that misfortune is of their own doing, was avoidable, and had been predicted by some - then I guess it's kinda hard not to sneer...


04/11/2008, 11:11 AM
Pretty sad outlook. Your own club aren't too healthy at the moment, yet nobody sneers at them. Pathetic.:(

Someone's a sensitive boy? pleanty of drogs fans on there forums and others like it sneered at us. Also i'll laugh at the two players who had a good thing at rovers but left in anything but the best of terms and now for what? Tap our players up and then expect me to feel saddened?:rolleyes:

Secondly i meant it made my day as there was uncertainty would this happen and our european hopes depended on this happening. Therefore the fact our european dreams are still alive that made my day. i never sneered at them going out of busines just the fact that they had finally gotten points rightfully taken off them.

I don't like laughing at an irish club struggle but there are some clubs who gamble there future and lose, there fall from grace won't upset me.

04/11/2008, 11:16 AM
so must should be sad that we're gonna be playing in europa league and setanta next year?

what makes you so certain you will be in the setanta?

04/11/2008, 11:24 AM
what makes you so certain you will be in the setanta?

because we're gonna finish 4th in the league

04/11/2008, 11:28 AM
so we should be sad that we're gonna be playing in europa league and setanta next year?

Thats funny. I thought you had to finish fourth in the leage or higher to guarantee qualification for Europe. I'd say Cork will finish fourth by the looks of things given their game in hand on ye and the fact that they've got ye at Turners Cross on Friday. Given that Bohs and Derry are going to win both domestic cups, ye'll probably qualify for Setanta ok. Congratulations.

04/11/2008, 11:33 AM
because we're gonna finish 4th in the league By no means a certainty...Corks game in hand tonight, and the fact that ye gotta go to Turners Cross on Friday will sort that out for ye.

04/11/2008, 11:34 AM
I just don't think its funny to sneer at the misfortune of others. A few months ago you lot were crying like babies aboiut going out of business of ye didn't raise 130k, yet nobody posted here that they were looking forward to the demise of Sligo Rovers.Being deducted 10 points won't have any impact on the survival of the club, that's down to raising money and coming up with a sustainable business plan. I don't see anything wrong with Sligo fans being happy about Drogheda dropping below them in the league. I doubt Drogs fans were shedding any tears when Cork's deduction dropped them below Drogheda earlier in the season.

Rovers Maniac
04/11/2008, 11:39 AM
To be fair Setanta cup is an invitaational tournement so no matter where you finish it does guarantee you a place in the tourement. I would annoyed if we got 4th that we did not get a place in it or even 5th as Cork have already won the right to be asked back. I think it would good to see a provincial team from the south in it this year as well.

placid casual
04/11/2008, 11:39 AM
From a Rovers perspective can I just say.....
After 20 years of struggling we have finally gotten our act together just in time to take part in a league that will be no more within 18 months...
rock and indeed roll :(

04/11/2008, 11:53 AM
See they are appealing this not on what grounds :mad:

04/11/2008, 11:56 AM
See they are appealing this not on what grounds :mad:

Cause they are a "unique case" :rolleyes: god bless them!!!!!

04/11/2008, 12:15 PM
What a waste of time this appeal will be, and the couple of thousand that it costs to appeal!. How are they a "unique case"?, they got into financial trouble through their own decisions, went into examinership and now are paying the penalty, just like Cork had to. I wouldn't be happy if I were a Drogs fan that at a time when you can't pay players their full wage and are in examinership you're frivolously wasting a couple of thousand. I think it costs about €2.5k to appeal?.

pineapple stu
04/11/2008, 12:16 PM
What a waste of time this appeal will be, and the couple of thousand that it costs to appeal!. How are they a "unique case"?, they got into financial trouble through their own decisions, went into examinership and now are paying the penalty, just like Cork had to. I wouldn't be happy if I were a Drogs fan that at a time when you can't pay players their full wage and are in examinership you're frivolously wasting a couple of thousand. I think it costs about €2.5k to appeal?.

But it's not their fault - it's the NRA's! :rolleyes:

Drogheda fans seem to think anything Hoey does is untouchable, so probably won't mind. Meanwhile, the 100 days ticks on...

04/11/2008, 12:24 PM
Cause they are a "unique case" :rolleyes: god bless them!!!!!

Drogs. is there any chance that the 10 point deduction will be increased or may even be implemented from the start of next season. Appealing this only causes more uncertainty and reduces the leagues credibility further

They should take their punishment for blatant bullying of what they considered were lesser teams.

And joe soap as a follower of limerick football you would not have a clue about the rewards of being a family club with a long and proud history. We did not take examinership or fudge any of our debts

Sligo rovers have every right to celebrate the sanctions imposed on drogheda united after them tapping up and offering unrealistic terms to players who were contracted to our club.

we are not out of financial difficulties yet but i think you will find that we will be a force to be reckoned with next year.

You heard it here first.

04/11/2008, 12:48 PM
Surely if they lose the appeal they will have to be hit with further sanctions .Unique case my hole.:mad:

04/11/2008, 12:52 PM
What people need to be aware of is that they are appealing this to the FAI.

Don't be surprised if the bozo's not only grant them their appeal, but give them 10 points with it, and a lump sum thrown in for goodwill.:p

Mr A
04/11/2008, 12:54 PM
I think Drogheda fans need to start asking very serious questions of the leadership of their club. The absolute and sole focus surely should be to survive examinership, yet the efforts still seem to be directed at political pressure to get the permission for the 5000 houses needed to finance the stadium. And given the NRA's continued opposition that looks dead in the water. It's very hard to know what to make of what's going on there but I would serious worry for Drogheda's future.

04/11/2008, 12:55 PM
They're actually appealing to the "Independent" Club Licencing Appeals Committee but I see your point!. I don't think they'd be hit with any further sanctions other than losing the couple of grand it costs to appeal. I'll be astonished if they win this appeal.

pineapple stu
04/11/2008, 1:00 PM
I think Drogheda fans need to start asking very serious questions of the leadership of their club. The absolute and sole focus surely should be to survive examinership, yet the efforts still seem to be directed at political pressure to get the permission for the 5000 houses needed to finance the stadium. And given the NRA's continued opposition that looks dead in the water. It's very hard to know what to make of what's going on there but I would serious worry for Drogheda's future.
Echo. (http://foot.ie/showpost.php?p=1051969&postcount=7) ;)

04/11/2008, 2:01 PM
I'm sure they would never speculate about such but, do you think that comment is a nod towards more deductions very, very soon, not necessarily Drogs now either.

I thought that myself when reading it.

jinxy lilywhite
04/11/2008, 2:11 PM
So then could Sligo, Galway, Cobh, Harps, Bray get points deductions because they weren't in sound financial standing earlier in the year, no matter what their financial status is this year.
Review all accounts @ season end and then come to findings/sanctions.
Jaysus UCD could make europe with all these deductions

04/11/2008, 2:45 PM
So then could Sligo, Galway, Cobh, Harps, Bray get points deductions because they weren't in sound financial standing earlier in the year, no matter what their financial status is this year.
Review all accounts @ season end and then come to findings/sanctions.
Jaysus UCD could make europe with all these deductions

In most of the above cases the 65% was based on income projections agreed in advance with the FAI , due to a variety of reasons including the credit crunch , dodgy refs in cup games , etc ,the income didn't come in so adjustments had to be made to the cost bases. I think the rules are more strict next year as the 65% is going to be based on this years actual income.

Battery Rover
04/11/2008, 2:58 PM
Fully audited accounts have to be submitted to licensing on the 31st January and that is where punishments will be handed out again if lets say their monthly management accounts were a small bit creative and that applies to all teams not just ones that are suffering difficulties at the moment.

jinxy lilywhite
04/11/2008, 3:10 PM
Fully audited accounts have to be submitted to licensing on the 31st January and that is where punishments will be handed out again if lets say their monthly management accounts were a small bit creative and that applies to all teams not just ones that are suffering difficulties at the moment.

You see that gets me. Weren't they being reviewed each month? Was there correspondence with clubs or where procedures put in place? Seems to little to late. The 31st jan seems to far away to be effective.

I don't think I'd accept an Irish football clubs accounts as a true and fair reflection of the status of that particular club. If I where the auditor I'd hound the bank statements to get an idea of how cash flow is rather than the P&L and B/S.

Battery Rover
04/11/2008, 3:22 PM
Clubs were required to send in thier monthly management accounts and these were looked at by Padraig Smith in the FAI. These would have to be taken in good faith but now if the audited accounts don't match i can see big penalties

jinxy lilywhite
04/11/2008, 3:39 PM
Clubs were required to send in thier monthly management accounts and these were looked at by Padraig Smith in the FAI. These would have to be taken in good faith but now if the audited accounts don't match i can see big penalties

Financial or points on the board?

Battery Rover
04/11/2008, 3:59 PM
I would say refusal of licenses

Inside Man
04/11/2008, 4:19 PM
Are they blind? It is only proper order they got 10pts deduction. They are just fooling themselves with this appeal.

04/11/2008, 11:14 PM
the club will go the way of dublin city while the fans sit around fantasising about a new stadium and denying that hoey has done wrong
wonder how ollie feels knowing that his wages for this week is being thrown down the toilet in a pure gamble where the most possibly gained is 17k of prize money

05/11/2008, 5:57 AM
Is anybody else of the view that Drogheda's entry to administration is a scam of the highest order. In my opinion its all about getting houses built and there was probably no need to go into administration at all. To club and its supporter are being used.

05/11/2008, 9:55 AM
Oh, guess what? Cork won last night. NOW WHO'S LAUGHING!!!!!!! Well done Cork from a very delighted Drogs fan.

05/11/2008, 10:05 AM
Is anybody else of the view that Drogheda's entry to administration is a scam of the highest order. In my opinion its all about getting houses built and there was probably no need to go into administration at all. To club and its supporter are being used.

It does look like that. It might be me just being cynical but I honestly believe that in some strange way Drogs board are trying to use this examinership to try and force the hand on Meath Couthy Council and the NRA and push ahead with there stadium plans.

If you hear anything Hoey is saying, it nearly all about this Stadium and nothing about getting money together to pay off debts.

But that just might be the cynic in me talking.

05/11/2008, 10:07 AM
5 asterisks in 4 seasons - what a faaaarce

05/11/2008, 11:01 AM
It does look like that. It might be me just being cynical but I honestly believe that in some strange way Drogs board are trying to use this examinership to try and force the hand on Meath Couthy Council and the NRA and push ahead with there stadium plans.

If you hear anything Hoey is saying, it nearly all about this Stadium and nothing about getting money together to pay off debts.

But that just might be the cynic in me talking.

Look, you're all incredibly naive if you think anyone in their right mind would pump vast amounts of money into a LOI club without having some chance of recouping at least a portion of it and potentially making some more money out of it. Is there something wrong with that? Do you think our Directors are complete lunatics altogether. Yes, they clearly care hugely about the club and the community aspect of all this BUT none of them have the wherewithall to continue bailing DUFC out without some hope of a return somewhere along the line. I think we're all being very unreasonable if we expect them to do that. THEY ARE BUSINESSMEN that do not have limitless amounts of cash. It's all very well for people on here to sit around advising them how they should be spending their hard-earned money. Get with the programme. They've already lost far too much and they'd be bigger fools if they continued doing that. So, in answer to your question.....of course the examinership is designed to try and force people's hands in MCC or the NRA or wherever. But it's also a vehicle to try and flush out more investment in the club because our directors cannot for their own sakes, financially and health-wise, sustain it any longer.

pineapple stu
05/11/2008, 11:02 AM
The NRA don't sound like the kind of people to double bluff though. And I don't think the MCC are in a position to do anything while the NRA objection stands.

jinxy lilywhite
05/11/2008, 11:13 AM
Look, you're all incredibly naive if you think anyone in their right mind would pump vast amounts of money into a LOI club without having some chance of recouping at least a portion of it and potentially making some more money out of it. Is there something wrong with that? Do you think our Directors are complete lunatics altogether. Yes, they clearly care hugely about the club and the community aspect of all this BUT none of them have the wherewithall to continue bailing DUFC out without some hope of a return somewhere along the line. I think we're all being very unreasonable if we expect them to do that. THEY ARE BUSINESSMEN that do not have limitless amounts of cash. It's all very well for people on here to sit around advising them how they should be spending their hard-earned money. Get with the programme. They've already lost far too much and they'd be bigger fools if they continued doing that. So, in answer to your question.....of course the examinership is designed to try and force people's hands in MCC or the NRA or wherever. But it's also a vehicle to try and flush out more investment in the club because our directors cannot for their own sakes, financially and health-wise, sustain it any longer.

How much of the 12m are they going to recoup? €10 or €15.
In all fairness Drogheda Utd are challenging two state bodies. MCC probably won't buckle to a louth club. The NRA won't buckle either (If they wouldn't back down over the N3 then ye have no hope)

pineapple stu
05/11/2008, 11:14 AM
And is it even E12m? The club's accounts don't agree, as I recall. Think it's about E8m there. Bit of Arkaga-like inflation of how much they've put into the club?

Also, they're fighting three state bodies if you include the court-appointed examiner, who will want to see change going forward if he's to let the club continue.

05/11/2008, 12:42 PM
It does look like that. It might be me just being cynical but I honestly believe that in some strange way Drogs board are trying to use this examinership to try and force the hand on Meath Couthy Council and the NRA and push ahead with there stadium plans.

If you hear anything Hoey is saying, it nearly all about this Stadium and nothing about getting money together to pay off debts.

But that just might be the cynic in me talking.
That's what I'm reading into this too - political posturing on a huge scale - if the stadium plans are given the green light, then investors & cash will suddenly (re)appear.
Its a hugely dangerous game for him to play, but actually, for the sake of the club & supporters I hope it works.