The back of the evening Echo showing Murphys unprecedented outburst was a complete and utter disgrace. It showed Murphy in his true light. Because he has got two bad results his answer is to throw out the players who arent willing to play for City. The farcical thing about it is that the players who really want to play for City were dropped ( Napier)or have been let go i.e O donoghue and Moore. Its his own fault, everyone in the know will tell you how the good players have been demoralised and the ****ers i.e Freyne and Caulfield have been given a pat on the ass and sent out to play or used to upset players.
If only Murphy had a personality and some compassion for his players than we might get somewhere.

Its okay to give your players a bollicking for a lousy match or a disgraceful performance, but these things shoild be done behind closed doors, not on the Evening Echo. Not one positive thing can be said for an article like that. It reminds me of Bully Boy tactics with Murphy being the Bully Boy and Freyne being his sidekick , hoping to scare the team into winning. It really dosnt work like that Gunter.