With sligorovers.com now averaging in excess of 300 visitors every day, the expectation for up to date news and views on Sligo Rovers is growing. And now that Sean Connor’s team are producing on the pitch, it’s time that the club’s official website also got a revamp and we need your help.

The current webmaster will be stepping down later in the season after almost five seasons maintaining sligorovers.com and we are now looking for enthusiastic web-savvy people who can contribute to the development of the site.

We need:


The site is badly in need of some fresh ideas in terms of design / accessibility and the redesign could be an opportunity for someone with web-design skills to put a major milestone on their design CVs.

Site contributors
We need reporters to help with the workload associated in doing player interviews, match reports, previews and match reaction. If you are a budding journalist, and are looking for a creative outlet, or you just fancy a bit of recreational writing coupled with access to the club manager and players, then get in touch.

www.corkcityfc.ie have set the benchmark for websites in the Eircom league. We believe with a little bit of know-how, commitment and imagination, that www.sligorovers.com can raise the bar to reach those standards in a relatively short period of time.

So get e-mailing to webmaster@sligorovers.com and help the website gain promotion to the Premier Division!
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