Using my Back To The Future car* I have travelled 24 hours into the future and can tell you the results of the meeting taking place tonight in the garda club:

1. Meeting will start with Ralph MC Mahon giving us the "martyr" speech, on behalf of all those involved with running the club on a "voluntary" basis.

2. Why they are giving themsleves 30,000 euros worth of shares will change again. Heads will drop when they are asked about it, someone will stammer and change the subject.

3. There will be no minutes taken.

4. Newly reappointed #cough# Chairperson Michael O'Sullivan says some(every)thing inaudibly, while giving completely opposite responses tothe restof the "committee".

5. JP is taken personally aback by everything said. EG: "The Weather's nice today." Response: "Are you saying we're up to something?!?!"

6. Meeting will finish, with a date for a follow-up meeting in "a fortnight's time." No-one is told the it is a fortnight from May 2006.

7. Nothing will have been achieved.

So there you are, stay at home, so remember this is all a dream......

* Special thanks to Marty Mc Fly.