Originally posted by Dr.Nightdub
So where was the flowing football, the unbeatable tactics, the indomitable home support, the fiery bond between team and fans?

We beat youse with a makeshift team - one suspended, three players off injured, ended up with three playing completely out of position. Dolan, Dolan, what's the score?

I guess the sun just set on that new dawn youse were waffling about recently.
Indomnitable home support? The atmosphere was ok for the first few mins until pats football put most of us to sleep!
Only one team played ball out there and it was City.
As for the bond- compare the team and manager applauding the crowd after to what used to happen under the previous regime and you can work that out yourself.

Makeshift team. Sure. Osam is doubtful and pats never field a full team. got it in one. City played a shocking second half and derek coughlan was auditioing for the muppet show and "youse" were still lucky to win. Hardly a cause for such triumphalism!