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Thread: Clinton Morrison's omission?

  1. #1
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    Clinton Morrison's omission?

    The world according to Givens. He picks Andy Reid and Shane Long (one injured the other out of the pic with his club side) and not a whimper on this site? But Don is a straight talking guy!

  2. #2
    Coach eirebhoy's Avatar
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    Basically Givens wrote this on a piece of paper.

    3 Keepers

    2 Left Backs
    2 Right Backs
    3 Central defenders

    2 right midfielders
    2 left midfielders
    3 central midfielders

    4 strikers

    He then picked what he felt was our best, disregarding form and injuries. Basically what we do on every now and then. tbh I'd probably have included A.Reid too. Just so he's in the mind of the new manager, whether in good form or not.

  3. #3
    Reserves Bondvillain's Avatar
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    There were some whimpers, but they were lost in the :
    "Steven Ireland should be playing / Stephen ireland is a geebag / Stephen Ireland has issues / Won't somebody think of the children?" measured debates.

    Firstly, why in the name of jaysus name just a 21 man squad for a friendly?
    Have they hired a smaller bus?
    Are match appearance fees paid by collective weight now?
    Did the FAI Dell photomatic printer run out of ink before #22 could be printed?

    Every squad has withdrawals. Squads for freindlies moreso. In February, most likely even more again.

    So it stands to reason that the squad for a Friendly in Feb, managed by an eejit with nothing to offer but guff could see considerable withdrawals.

    Secondly, the inclusion of only 4 strikers in this squad is simply Givens trying to prove a point.
    The point being " Yeah yeah, banging them in for sport. Sure you're a great man with all your flash bling, and your goalscoring form, arent you? Well, Shag off Clinton, I dont like you. Im playing 90 minutes with at least 2 lads upfront who have NO bling and NO current form. Up yours! Flash git"

    The other point he's attempting to prove is that he dislikes the aforementioned Ireland so much that he's including an unfit , injured Andy Reid in his midfield ahead of him, when there are Hermit monks up a mountain in Tibet who know that Reid has damn all chance of making the first round of WC qualifiying games, never mind playing against Brazil.

    The man's an eejit. He may be a "straight talking guy", but sadly, most of his talking eminates straight from his hoop.
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  4. #4
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    Even if Andy Reid had contracted a bout of severe acute respiratory syndrome and was in serious danger of infecting the rest of the squad - maybe even the Brazilians aswel - i'd still have the tubby little b*stard in ahead of Ireland!!! Givens is a terrible manager and what he said on thursday shoud not of been said so publicly but the truth is i agree with him!! Unless Ireland shows some willingness to come back to the international fold he shouldn't be in the squad.

    As for Big bad Clint! 13 goals in the championship? Fair play to him - but he's been sh*t too many times before for me to go fighting his corner just yet...

  5. #5
    Coach eirebhoy's Avatar
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    Keane-Morrison is arguably still our best partnership, certainly on current form.

  6. #6
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    Givens said he recognised Clinton's form but said he offered nothing in the long term and that Long was a better long term option.

    Funny, I thought the immediate objective was to qualify.

    Very poor decision and one I hope a new manager will put right. By all accounts Clinton is a real personality in a squad lacking personalities.

    "Not a whimper on this site?" Come on Noely, there was quite a bit on it in the Squad for Brazil game thread.

  7. #7
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    Noely, as Stutts said there are plenty of "what the hell" Clinton comments on the Brazil Squad thread. However, I would not bother even trying to second guess Don Givens thought process. Even Frued would have ended up a shivering wreck if he had to try it.

  8. #8
    Reserves Wangball's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stuttgart88 View Post
    Funny, I thought the immediate objective was to qualify.
    Good Point...Givens was tasked to pick the best squad available to him at this moment in time & in excluding Morrison he's failed to do that, its shouldn't be a surprise though given his U21 squads...the only thing he's done consistently in the U21's is manage to alienate or exclude our better prospects (McCann, Garvan, Stokes)

    He's a clown
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  9. #9
    First Team livehead1's Avatar
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    A previous poster has commented that Clinton has had too many bad games. He has been one of our best players over the last 3 years, every time he pulls on that shirt he gives 120% and clearly lacks the spirit the deserts some of his more treasured teammates

  10. #10
    Seasoned Pro Lionel Ritchie's Avatar
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    He's also the closest thing to a "Viduka" (someone who can hold the ball up and give people time to get involved) we have.

    I hadn't heard Givens say that about CM offering nothing for the future. Shocking piece of b0ll0x logic.
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  11. #11
    Coach John83's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lionel Ritchie View Post
    I hadn't heard Givens say that about CM offering nothing for the future. Shocking piece of b0ll0x logic.

    Seriously, 21 players for a friendly? Distinctly odd.
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  12. #12
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    if clinton morrison was a nice white boy and born in ireland and scoring this amount of goals he would definitely be in the squad
    imo he has done well when playing for ireland
    perhaps he has unofficially retired because if not i cannot understand how ireland can discard an experianced striker in such good form.
    most of our other strikers[bar keane] are young and inexperianced

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stuttgart88 View Post
    Givens said he recognised Clinton's form but said he offered nothing in the long term and that Long was a better long term option.

    Funny, I thought the immediate objective was to qualify.

    Very poor decision and one I hope a new manager will put right. By all accounts Clinton is a real personality in a squad lacking personalities.

    "Not a whimper on this site?" Come on Noely, there was quite a bit on it in the Squad for Brazil game thread.
    Apologies Stuttgart. Did not read all of the other posts. Brian Kerr deserves credit when he was manager for getting the best performances out of Morrison.

  14. #14
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    3 Hail Marys Noely and promise to be good.

    This is what Givens said (from The Examiner*).

    Morrison is the London side’s top scorer with 13 strikes, all of them coming in the Championship.

    Not enough for Givens, apparently. “Clinton has been in good form but I went with four forwards and I picked those four. It’s a choice and I don’t know what to say other than that – it’s a personal choice.

    “I went with the potential of the younger players as opposed to Clinton. Football is all about opinions and I thought the other two boys are better long-term options.”

    * Why is it that the Examiner was the only paper to quote this part of Givens' announcement? In my opinion this was far more interesting than the blatantly obvious and frankly boring saga of Stephen Ireland. The Examiner consistently picks the best bits of these announcements, The Irish Times comments on the national side as if it's something of minor interest.

  15. #15
    Coach tetsujin1979's Avatar
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    Good comparison of the strikers in the squad, and out of the squad here:
    All goals, yellow and red cards tweeted in real time on mastodon, BlueSky and facebook

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stuttgart88 View Post
    3 Hail Marys Noely and promise to be good.

    This is what Givens said (from The Examiner*).

    Morrison is the London side’s top scorer with 13 strikes, all of them coming in the Championship.

    Not enough for Givens, apparently. “Clinton has been in good form but I went with four forwards and I picked those four. It’s a choice and I don’t know what to say other than that – it’s a personal choice.

    “I went with the potential of the younger players as opposed to Clinton. Football is all about opinions and I thought the other two boys are better long-term options.”

    * Why is it that the Examiner was the only paper to quote this part of Givens' announcement? In my opinion this was far more interesting than the blatantly obvious and frankly boring saga of Stephen Ireland. The Examiner consistently picks the best bits of these announcements, The Irish Times comments on the national side as if it's something of minor interest.
    The potential comment is classic Stan. Why not go the whole hog Don and drop Carsley again! A confident Morrison will be crucial to our chances of qualifying in the next campaign. Scoring against sides like the Swiss and Israel away in tight games when the pressure is really on proves his worth to our side. I can see him nicking goals in some of our tough away games.

  17. #17
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    Our top 3 strikers are unquestionably Robbie, Doyle and Morrison. Picking only 2 is nonsense. Clinton is very good at bringing Robbie into the game. Clinton and Doyle should be given pitch time together.

    In fairness to Long he's done well in friendlies and Murphy does have something different but there's still no reason not to choose 5 forwards in a 22 or 23 man squad rather than 4 in a 21 man squad.

    Odd, but there you go.

    Clinton did have a really bad spell for us in 2003 - mid-2004 but did much better throughout the '06 campaign.

  18. #18
    First Team Soper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stuttgart88 View Post
    * Why is it that the Examiner was the only paper to quote this part of Givens' announcement? In my opinion this was far more interesting than the blatantly obvious and frankly boring saga of Stephen Ireland. The Examiner consistently picks the best bits of these announcements, The Irish Times comments on the national side as if it's something of minor interest.
    It was in the Independent too...the only Irish paper I can get.

  19. #19
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    If I were Givens I wouldn't have called up Morrison either, he's a caretaker manager in for one game, he is basically using the same players than Stan used. The new man can choose his own players.

    I hope the new manager picks Morrison, he is in good form and proven at international level. Murphy isn't good enough IMO.

  20. #20
    Coach tetsujin1979's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ciaran View Post
    - The continued ommission of Paddy Kenny by Stan and Givens.
    Kenny said he didn't want to play for Ireland until he got some personal stuff sorted out, has there been any change in this?
    Quote Originally Posted by Ciaran View Post
    - Alan Lee being there or there abouts the best player in the championship year after year and being ignored for lesser championship talent.
    Bit extreme there, Lee is a decent player, but nowhere near the best Championship player. Of course, this is no excuse for leaving him out

    Quote Originally Posted by Qwerty View Post
    If I were Givens I wouldn't have called up Morrison either, he's a caretaker manager in for one game, he is basically using the same players than Stan used. The new man can choose his own players.

    I hope the new manager picks Morrison, he is in good form and proven at international level. Murphy isn't good enough IMO.
    So you think Murphy isn't good enough, but you still wouldn't have picked Morrison?
    All goals, yellow and red cards tweeted in real time on mastodon, BlueSky and facebook

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