CCOSC Meeting On Tuesday

The December meeting, our final CCOSC monthly meeting of 2007 will take place on Tuesday 11th of December at 8 pm in the Telecom Club, McCurtain Street. We are delighted to announce that we will have the FAI CUP at our meeting, along with some special guests.

We will be having a general roundup of our events for the year, a discussion on the season just finished and we will hear from members of the Administration team of CCFC. It's been a year of enormous changes for CCFC, so come along and tell us what you think about it all.

EVERYONE is welcome and we might even raise a glass for Christmas. We will have some CCOSC Polo Shirts on sale at REDUCED prices, down from €40 to €25, with sizes Large, Medium and Small available. These Polo Shirts will be the last items available with the CCFC logo and would make a fine Christmas present!. New members are always welcome.