Volenteers Wanted

Match Day Poster Crew
... We all have PC's and Printers these days and with only 2 home games left in the season your help is important in boosting the teams chances of promoting. Would you download the match day poster and put it up in yopur place of work, school etc. The more up, the more people will know about the game. You can contact me at prphotos@eircom.net for any info.

Match Programme Sellers ... Does anyone have a spare 30-40 minutes before each of the last home games this season to help out with the selling of match programmes? It's straight forward work, I just need 2-3 bodies to do this. Again you can contact me at prphotos@eircom.net or at cobhramblers2@eircom.net

Match Programme Contributors ... Do you have the whit or charm to entice an old doll away from the Comm for 5 minutes of ... er chat!, the football expertise to challenge Dunphy, Giles and co in a soccer debate or the sharpness of tongue to tell the best refrees what you think of them!! THEN YOUR HELP IS NEEDED! I am looking for some articles of sport both humerous and serious(editors decision is final) or your thoughts on the season so far to be printed in the Dundalk and Monaghan programmes, any takers. Email me at prphotos@eircom.net or cobhramblers2@eircom.net before Monday 15th of Oct with article.

Match Day Stewards ... Do you like violence or were you the school bully, or do you have a hatred of people ... then your not the person were looking for. If your still reading do you have 1-2 hours spare on Sat Oct 20th or Sat Nov 3rd to help out with stewarding and a couple of free pints thrown in after the game, then contact me at prphotos@eircom.net or cobhramblers2@eircom.net. Limited numbers first come first serve, must be over 18. It BEATS SHOPPING!!
