Foxes Bar, Forster Street are the new sponsors of the GUST Lotto.

GUST would like to thank Foxes for their generous sponsorhip, and also to thank our previous sponsors, Power Soccer School.

This weeks Lotto draw will be held in the Westside Tavern on Sunday night,
8th April, for a jackpot of E9,150. Lotto tickets will be on sale at Friday nights
game against Longford Town.

Every match programme at the Longford game will contain a subscription form for the GUST Lotto. For just E80, you are included in every Lotto draw for a year, and also in a monthly draw for a series of spot prizes.

GUST Lotto has 73 subscribers at the moment, we hope to increase this figure up to 100 as soon as possible. Subscription forms are also available on-line at