Supporters unite to make voice heard

A public meeting of Derry City FC supporters has called on the Club to reconsider its decision to switch home games at Brandywell from a Saturday night to a Thursday night.

The meeting, which was attended by around 50 concerned supporters, heard speakers express their dismay at the club’s decision to play on Thursday nights, and their disappointment at not being consulted on the move.

Concerns were raised at the clash with televised UEFA Cup football, as well as the inconvenience for school children; for supporters who lived and worked outside of the city; and for supporters of the away team - if plans for Thursday night football were to proceed.

The overwhelming consensus was that the switch to Thursday nights would be a negative move, which may actually result in a decreased number of supporters attending home games.

The meeting also called on the Club to explain publicly the reasons behind the change to Thursday night football.

The meeting voted overwhelmingly against Thursday night football, with the majority preferring instead to stick with Saturday night games. It was decided to send a delegation of supporters to meet with the Board of Directors, to voice supporters’ opposition to the switch. It is hoped that this meeting will take place within the next two weeks.
