Need this for my assignment.
Whats the word for one person going on a long speech, like a rant?
It's not a monologue.
I think it might be used in theatre for when a character steps forward and gives a speech of his own.
City definetly have the best bands playing at half-time.
O'Bama - "Eerah yeah, I'd say we can alright!"
G.O'Mahoney Trapattoni'll sort ém out!!
Got it. Soliloquy or sermon I'm going to use.
Words make assignments.
Word of the day - bellicose.
Was going to start a thread on the following.
Has anyone done anything interesting and readable in college?
I've always been a poor student but starting my first (possibly only) dissertation atm and I'm mad for working at it. Can't get enough of it.
Might throw a link up here in a few months when i'm finished.
City definetly have the best bands playing at half-time.
O'Bama - "Eerah yeah, I'd say we can alright!"
G.O'Mahoney Trapattoni'll sort ém out!!
Oratory...Public speaking marked by the use of overblown rhetoric.
Did you ever notice that in every painting of Adam & Eve, they have belly buttons. Think about that...take as long as you want.
I did my dissertation on Enid Blyton - The Famous Five as Cultural Product! Good for a laugh anyway![]()
A soliloquy is not necessarily a rant. Its usually an aside to let the audience in on something a central character is plotting or to give them an insight into the character's thoughts.
The ONLY user with a type of logic named after them!
All of this has happened before. All of it will happen again.
Sorry dfx, though i'm sure your job prospects are much greater than mine.
Might like a look at that Soc if you still have it. Did you put a survey up on for that?
Passing Interest, would definately be interested in reading that if you could throw it up somewhere or pm me.
Just the Famous Five?
Preferred the Secret Seven myself and then the Three Investigators.
City definetly have the best bands playing at half-time.
O'Bama - "Eerah yeah, I'd say we can alright!"
G.O'Mahoney Trapattoni'll sort ém out!!
thats how billy used it anyway....A soliloquy is not necessarily a rant. Its usually an aside to let the audience in on something a central character is plotting or to give them an insight into the character's thoughts.
I'm a bloke,I'm an ocker
And I really love your knockers,I'm a labourer by day,
I **** up all me pay,Watching footy on TV,
Just feed me more VB,Just pour my beer,And get my smokes, And go away
Really lads I was expecting everyone to laugh at me. I can't seem to find a full version of it but I'll give ye a quick summary.
I look at how Famous Five conforms to all the norms of childrens literature and the adventure story. Look at other adventure stories that follow similar patterns. Argue that Famous Five reflects a certain set of cultural values that were prominent at the time Blyton was writing.
Basically say that arguments to amend, rewrite and ban the stories are just denying history basically. That the books can still be read by children, without turning them into gypsy hating racist freaks, especially if the racist undertones of the books are explained to them.
Never really get into that much depth becuase it's only 10,000 words, I'd probably do a lot different if I was to start it over.
I look at books like Five Children and IT, The Riddle of the Sands and The Jungle Book as comparisons.
If I find a copy of it I'll send it to anyone that's interested.
Myself, my older bro, and my cousins used to play the Famous Five all the time. I was always Anne coz I was the youngest and the more feminine of us 2 girls. The downside to that was that I always had to go last on anything we were doing including the time we were climbing over a half barn door at my granny's. There was a fertiliser bag thrown over the door and as the other 3 climbed to other side, it loosed from where it was resting so when I climbed over it slipped taking me face first onto concrete! God I was a mess for months!
Some would say you can still tell that I had that accident! (combined with my pony standing on my face they have good grounds!)
I recently completed a minor dissertation on the Causes of the Great Jewish Revolt 66 A.D. Comes in handy when people are talking nonsense about Jews of the 1st Century AD/BC on messageboards.![]()
I loved researching it and hated writing it. Didn't even get to put down half the stuff I wanted and knew as I flew too close to even my extended deadline.![]()