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Thread: Notification of Members of Annual General Meeting

  1. #1
    First Team Thunderblaster's Avatar
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    Notification of Members of Annual General Meeting

    Just want to put a feeler out to the clubs around the country; how do you notify your members of your AGM? Is it through official letter? Is it through media? Is it through word of mouth? Is it all of the mentioned or some of all of the mentioned? Would like to know.
    Never play leapfrog with a unicorn!!

  2. #2
    Jan 2006
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thunderblaster View Post
    Just want to put a feeler out to the clubs around the country; how do you notify your members of your AGM? Is it through official letter? Is it through media? Is it through word of mouth? Is it all of the mentioned or some of all of the mentioned? Would like to know.

    It depends on the articles of the club, Our own club can place a public notice in the village and this is all that is required but our league must write to each club and forward details of the nominees for positions etc
    Last edited by A face; 04/02/2007 at 1:03 AM.
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  3. #3
    Capped Player A face's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thunderblaster View Post
    Just want to put a feeler out to the clubs around the country; how do you notify your members of your AGM? Is it through official letter? Is it through media? Is it through word of mouth? Is it all of the mentioned or some of all of the mentioned? Would like to know.
    For an AGM it should be public, even an EGM to be honest. But the club should have a list of all the contact details (moblie, email) and use both.
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  4. #4
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    As its an A.G.M. it should appear in the local paper (if they print it) inform your members by post.via secretary!!

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