I've had my Ipod for almost 3 years now and not a bit of trouble. The battery life isn't as good any more but thats to be expected.
Everyone might have 1 but there's a reason for that.
Whatever you do don't go near Sony.
I'm doing the research at the mo into buying an MP3 player.
The Apple colour job is nice, but I've heard that it's got limitations (battery life, software acceptance, out-lead etc). I also hate the fact that every fecker in the world has one - whatever happened to individuality ??
From the research I've done so far, the Creative M 30GB seems to be the best. Does everything the Ipod does, but with longer battery, broader software, an out-cable, and I think a bigger screen. It also seems better set-up for movies thna the Appple Colour.
Does anyone have a Creative M ? Any thoughts on it, or other MP3's.
Apololgies if this has been discussed recently, but electronics move so fast that any advice beyond the start of this year would be redundant now !
I've had my Ipod for almost 3 years now and not a bit of trouble. The battery life isn't as good any more but thats to be expected.
Everyone might have 1 but there's a reason for that.
Whatever you do don't go near Sony.
well i'd say don't go near i pods, dreadful machines, all show and no substance. mrs power bought 3 in the states last year, one for herself and 2 for friends and all 3 have had problems.
i on the other hand have an i rover H120 for about 2 and half years and its perfect, no software needed to put music on it, has a radio and if anything needs to be changed ( HD or battery ) i can do it myself unlike the $hite pod.
oh creative are good also![]()
Ignore Max Power, he is no more, the future is Ron Burgundy. I'd love to be Ron Burgundy but they won't let me........
I have Creative M Vision. Seems to be a bit chunkier than the Ipod Video but i wanted to stay away from Ipod anyway. Fits into my pockets anyway. The Creative explorer sortware is no good & i've uninstalled it & am not hooked into Realplayer for transfers. Can use part of the disk as a HD for file transfers once you format a section. The touch pad is very sensitive but after about a week you get used to it. Battery life is good for music but video eats up the time. I've heard the screen scratches but dispite not getting a skin for it yet i haven't seen any scratches.Originally Posted by dcfcsteve
I didn't own an mp3 player previously but happy with my choice.
Great price here but probably cheaper in the uk. Thats about 50 euor cheaper than i bought for 2 months ago even including postage.
I would also go for an I-River.They are quality.
Isn't that a carOriginally Posted by max power
...Christ they can do anything with technology these days
Have an iriver h120 myself - love it. Too many features to list here.
They have since discontinued them but there is loads available on ebay.
If you want an far better alternative to the ipod go for the iriver h320 or h340 (20 or 40 gig harddrive). It has an amazing list of features and you'll never regret the purchase.
If your looking for ipod mini / nano size try the 6 gig E10. only about a month old so doubt it's even made it to ireland yet.
"If I wanted you to understand it, I would have explained it better." Johan Cruyff
They'll shaft you every time!Originally Posted by finlma