You need to go here and delete you subscriptions, just check the boxes on the right and go down to the drop down menu and press go and that should do it.
I've been getting the same notification e-mail that a new post has been added to a thread I'm suscribed to more than once (i.e. the same e-mail twice). Just wondering if this is a problem or some setting I need to change, is it happening to anyone else? It used to happen only once in a while, now I reckon it's about 1 in every 3 notification mails or so is being sent twice
You need to go here and delete you subscriptions, just check the boxes on the right and go down to the drop down menu and press go and that should do it.
The SFAI are the governing body for grassroots football in Ireland, not the FAI. Its success or the lack of is all down to them.
The threads are only listed once, which is fine, but I'm getting 2 notification mails with the most recent post, the most recent time it happened was for this post:
Please send both emails as attachments to AT
If you can view the headers, copy and paste those and the body into one text file for each email, and attach those for me. If you can't attach at all, paste them inline, just make sure they're clearly delineated.
Odd. I've deleted your subscriptions, try resubscribing to this one and let me know when you're done, I'll post again to see if you get that one twice.