Drumcondra Red, if you stick your nose into the running of Foot.ie one more time, you won't have anything to complain about, understand?

Spudd banned for a week for ignoring the sig edit request posted twice before his last logon. Thank Drumcondra Red for drawing attention to it Spudd.

If either of you don't like the way I run Foot.ie, vote with your feet and find another forum to post on. It'll be no loss to Foot.ie.
Apparently I stick my nose into the running of foot too often by asking dahamsta to privately resolve issues or requests, followed by the news that if I do this again I will be banned, possibly permanently, without being given the opportunity to respond, well I'll do it here, and hope it is viewed before its deleted by the powers that be...

As Dahamsta also pointed out I will be no great loss to foot so I thought why not publicly bring this up.

For those of you that know me through this website and indeed personally, will know that I'm not starting this thread to be a pain in the arse, rather to bring to light the fact that we can say what we like, on this forum, as long as the people in charge agree with the statement.

I have never had a problem with this forum and enjoy using it, but alas my friends this may well be fairwell... Please feel free to leave your views as I'm sure this won't be open for too long.

A face, I appriciated the PM, the way things should be done!