I just read the following posted on the Dublin Gaa Website

Central Council backs up Congress vote on 'opening' Croke Park

Applications from the IRFU and the FAI for use of Croke Park for International games while Lansdowne Road is closed for redevelopment were considered.

It was noted that the Lansdowne Road Development Company has confirmed that an application for planning permission will be lodged with the City Council early in January 2006 and that the company’s planning consultants have confirmed that Lansdowne Road will be closed for all of 2007.

It was also noted that the two sporting bodies are required to confirm venues for 2007 in early 2006 with their respective International bodies.

On the basis that Congress decided last April that “Central Council shall have the power to authorise the use of Croke Park for games other than those controlled by the Association during a temporary period when Lansdowne Road Football Ground is closed for the proposed development”, the principle that senior competitive Rugby and Soccer Internationals could take place in Croke Park in 2007 was agreed.

This decision is subject negotiations on arrangements and terms achieving agreement between the GAA and the two sporting bodies.

Seán Kelly, president of the GAA, stated that he was pleased that Central Council had taken a positive decision on the IRFU and FAI’s applications consistent with the spirit of the decision taken by Congress last April.

He said that it was now a matter for the sporting bodies to apply themselves to reaching a mutually acceptable accommodation on arrangements and terms.

Good news i think