Fair play to the women . Imagine having all them kids and then trying to find the time to go on Foot.ie or even matches for that matter.(impossible).
The Duggar children and their father Jim Bob Duggar, top center, gather as their mother Michelle holds the 16th addition to the family.
Discovery Health Channel via AP
Johannah Faith Duggar was born at 6:30 a.m. Tuesday and weighed 7 pounds, 6.5 ounces.
The baby's father, Jim Bob Duggar, a former state representative, said Wednesday that mother and child were doing well.
He said Johannah's birth was especially exciting because it was the first time in eight years the family has had a girl.
Jim Bob Duggar, 40, said he and Michelle, 39, want more children.
"We both just love children and we consider each a blessing from the Lord. I have asked Michelle if she wants more and she said yes, if the Lord wants to give us some she will accept them," he said.
The Discovery Health Channel filmed Johannah's birth and plans to air a show about the family of 18 next May.
The Learning Channel is doing another show about the family's construction project, a 7,000-square foot house that should be finished before Christmas. The home, which the family has been building for two years, will have nine bathrooms, dormitory-style bedrooms for the girls and boys, a commercial kitchen, four washing machines and four dryers.
Jim Bob Duggar, who sells real estate, previously lost his bid for the U.S. Senate. He said he expects to run for the state Senate next year but isn't ready to make a formal announcement.
Michelle Duggar had her first child at age 21, four years after the couple married.
Their children include two sets of twins, and each child has a name beginning with the letter "J": Joshua, 17; John David, 15; Janna, 15; Jill, 14; Jessa, 12; Jinger, 11; Joseph, 10; Josiah, 9; Joy-Anna, 8; Jeremiah, 6; Jedidiah, 6; Jason, 5; James, 4; Justin, 2; and Jackson Levi, 1.
Life without Rovers, it makes no sense...it's a heartache...nothing but a fools game. S.R.F.C.
Fair play to the women . Imagine having all them kids and then trying to find the time to go on Foot.ie or even matches for that matter.(impossible).
Janna ? Jessa ?? Jedidiah ??? Jinger ?!?!Originally Posted by sligoman
They're not even names, fer feck's sake....!
Jaysus ! Wait - that's a name he hasn't used yet.......![]()
Ya they'd a programme on about them there a while back.
All the kids with all their J-names are taught at home by the mother. They're religious nuts and loaded. Church in the front room. One of the very young daughters said 'I can't wait to have all the kids God blesses me with.'
16 isn't too worldnews-worthy yet though. Ye olde Catholic Irish familys 30 years back often went into double figures. A few traveller familys would have as many i'd imagine. I know a friend of my grandmothers with 17.
City definetly have the best bands playing at half-time.
O'Bama - "Eerah yeah, I'd say we can alright!"
G.O'Mahoney Trapattoni'll sort ém out!!
Keep pushing them out......the world needs more Holy Freak Yankes to come over to ireland and knock on our doors to tell us about the wonders of Jesus as our dinners are getting cold.
They obviously don't believe in contraception. I'd say they love the Catholic Church and the Catholic Church loves them.![]()
"Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe." Dillo
i thought they were halleluia people by the sounds of them and their names!![]()
That's all we need, eejits reproducing!![]()
That's just too many, but not so long ago 13-14 was the norm. Some of my neighbours at home have 11-12 in their family(children). Think ideal number is 4.
Originally Posted by Risteard
This is scary... A girl hardly old enough to speak already planning a big family? That cannot be healthy or good.
A church in the living room?? These people should see a shrink. I have nothing against religion or religious people, but I do think it is wrong to force your children into a religion, religion is very personal and the kids should make the choice themselves. The kids of this family look quite brainwashed.
Also, 16 kids ? Cannot be healthy for that woman's body I figure...
Originally Posted by kerr's tribe
4 is too many I think. Economically seen I mean, I have no problem with bigger families but the economical situation included a giant unemployment all across Europe so the chance that the kids will find themselves in trouble is quite big... I'd say that people who want children should go for 1 or maximum 2 economically seen
I want no children at all, one of the reasons why I have problems finding a girlfriend... All nice girls I came across yet wanted a family![]()
Whats the big deal? My aunt had 13 kids and one of my best friends was the 8th if a family of 14.
"Jacques Santini...will be greeted in every dugout of the country by "one-nil, one-nil" - Clive Tyldsley, 89th minute of France-England June 13, 2004.
"Ooooohhhh Nooooooo" Bobby Robson 91st minute.
The poor kids sleep in dorms... Poor kids, they don't even have an own where they can be alone with themselves for a moment...
why dont they just use condoms... 2-3 kids in a family is plenty. If you lived in a large country then less would do
Because they're religion freaks......Originally Posted by thejollyrodger
Or else they're too lazy to go to the store and get someOriginally Posted by The Stars
Life without Rovers, it makes no sense...it's a heartache...nothing but a fools game. S.R.F.C.
Being christian over-fanatics, they probably practise coitus interruptus, and we all know how reliable that is...
I have nothing against the Pope or the previous Pope, but the stands the Vatican takes on contraception are out of this world IMO. Think of how many victims (AIDS) the Church made that way.
Even my method of contraception would be more reliable, but I won't go further as Poor Student and KT say I mentionned it too often already![]()