Galway United Strategic Plan Praised

Galway United have been credited by Genesis with having ‘the most professional and realistic’ strategic plan of the 22 teams in the Eircom League.
The club were told that they had set an example for other league clubs to follow when Genesis, the sports management consultants, announced radical proposals in Dublin on Monday to overhaul the league.
The most revolutionary aspect of the proposal is the creation of a ten-team elite division, with two regionalised divisions operating below it.
Galway United, who expect to be one of the ten teams in the elite division, not least as Government funding will be dependant on a geographical spread of clubs, were told their strategic plan was the way forward for all clubs.
“It is a ringing endorsement of what everyone in this club has been working towards,” said John Fallon, chairman of the Board of Directors.
“Over the past few years, and since a new Board of Directors took charge at the start of this year, the long-term plan has been the main priority.
“Some clubs have splurged money they don’t have in the hope of achieving immediate success and Genesis have made it clear the league is heading for bankruptcy because of this.
“We have worked hard at laying down strong foundations and building for the future. It requires patience and a lot of effort from a huge number of people throughout the club.
“Genesis have told us this is the way forward and we expect this to be recognised when the ten teams to contest the elite division are being decided upon.
“It would not make sense for the FAI to take on board the proposals offered by Genesis and then omit the side which they have highlighted as the shining example of doing things right,” said Fallon.
Nial O’Reilly, chairman of the Galway United Executive, said that the work carried out by the club in recent years off the pitch would bear a strong dividend.
“There is a lot in the report by Genesis which we have already dealt with in Galway United. We are in a very strong position to move with this,” he said.
Galway United were represented at the unveiling of the Genesis report by John Fallon, Nial O’Reilly, club secretary Bernie O’Connell and commercial manager Nick Leeson.