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Thread: ROI vs Yugoslavia, 1955.

  1. #1
    Seasoned Pro EalingGreen's Avatar
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    ROI vs Yugoslavia, 1955.

    Just chanced upon this article on the above match (also gives background to the aborted game in 1952):

    Absolutely fascinating, informed and informative stuff.
    Last edited by EalingGreen; 04/07/2024 at 5:44 PM.

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  3. #2
    Capped Player OwlsFan's Avatar
    Feb 2005
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    Interesting article. Hadn't heard about it but I notice we lost 1-4, probably among our 10 worst home defeats I'd say at a guess. The final sentence says it all:

    "A neglected aspect of Irish culture revealed itself that day. The support for soccer among working-class Dublin was such that even in the face of such opposition ((Archbishop McQuaid and some politicians)) the Yugoslavs got to play in Dalymount – and that is enough significance for any one game".
    Forget about the performance or entertainment. It's only the result that matters.

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