Scoreline all that matters, not a cut off village, mogeely done themselves proud with their performance, the mayfield lads done what they needed to but were made work for it
Scoreline all that matters, not a cut off village, mogeely done themselves proud with their performance, the mayfield lads done what they needed to but were made work for it
Or we to assume that football finished till jan I know to lads in Aul don’t miss a trick on this page they read everything so I’ll have to force their hand could ye please let us know where we stand when ye read this please.
There was a post on the AUL Twitter feed last week explaining that was the last weekend of games until the first weekend of January.
On a separate note Shandon only had 9 players on the app at the weekend are they in trouble or is this a mistake?
Freak weekend for them unfortunately.
Couldn’t get a weekend off
If they played with 9 players fair play as I said sat the two norries Knocka and grattan pulled fast ones over not having players.
Knocka wonder player cuf got a year ban im hearing
For what?
I’m hearing the same referee that got the castleview player 10 games last season has gone overboard on report maybe Who can fill us in.
To be fair if some one is potentially getting a year long ban the player in question has committed a serious offence that requires this level of punishment.
They really only have them selves to blame if the length of the ban is true.
what offence did he commit?
Paul lost control off the game that's what happened... and I was at the game he should not be allowed ref a game again ..I was right next to him and cuff having few wards.. i don't understand... a 12 month ban for what ..he was not giving players a chance to talk our extra chance off a foul ..just yellow card after yellow card ...cuff is human like us all and he don't even get a say its ridiculous he's young man that practically 2 seasons out for Notting..could be turn on a young man mental health ...all lads want is game ball keep ya going... now because off a reff that lost control off a game probably never play ball again..and if he deserves it I be first to say but by God this is crazy
Is Cufff the captain? Captain can speak.
Who without telling us the full story what happened??
Something doesnt add up I presume it was the game vs Coachford the app shows a yellow card in the 67th minute he then gets subbed straight afterwards he then gets a second yellow card in the 70th minute whilst no longer on the field of play?
The second yellow card is most likely for back chat or something a bit more serious.
Silly but does happen.
The player gets a game ban two if he is unlucky.
But to get 12 months which is 20 to 30 games something really serious must have happened?
how often do you hear of a 12 month ban?
Something in all of this doesn’t add up.
I remember 4 seasons back the same ref abandoned a game down there between two same teams with 4 mins left a clock a certain coachford keeper gave a clatter in back of head to Knocka players the Knocka player gave him one back and the ref called game 3 officials of Aul at the game everyone seen what happened and ref put in report he never seen what keeper did and match was giving to coachford Knocka hit with big fine player got few game ban and I repeat again 3 aul members at the game seen everything hahaha and coachford didn’t receive fine or and bans you got to love the Aul.
I played in the game and the keeper in question thought he was untouchable and he hit the wrong player that day and he got his comeuppance over it running like a scolded cat, the ref in question has a biased against northside teams for years and you can see from games recently it shows it which is ridiculous fellas training twice a week paying script and going out sat/Sunday to play a match n you see certain refs pull up and you say to yourself is it even pointless logging off because you know your gonna get robbed, it shouldn't be like this but unfortunately it is
12 months is madness. What could he have possibly said to the ref to deserve that. JC got 8 months for a tirade of abuse at a ref on a pitch and then his carry on against the committee online. I mean there's no way what Cuff could have said in the space of 30 seconds could come near that.
No point in appealing, costs a fortune and the appeals committee are friends with the AUL. It's just corruption and nothing else. Clubs should seriously consider a boycott of these corrupt dictators. Is all money with them, I was at a meeting years ago when the €5 yellow cards came in and there was someone made a great point. Most yellows are for mouthing off or dissent and this guy said that the fines money should go to charity and not the AUL. They were able to thrive to the tune of 250k before the introduction of that fine.
Jaysus they boil my blood daily at this point. Cuff won't kick a ball again now.
It's either clubs come together and bring a motion of no confidence as according to the rules. Or, leave as a club. It's dying.
There's no good standads or propper practice. Fixtures and postponements a joke. Coverage outside of Barry is terrible. Appeals shocking. Meetings brutal. Online awful. Pitches standards awful. Communication non existant. No delay in bookng hotels and spending our money for booze trips. Why do we bother?
If we could go to the MSL, we would. Maybe the Shipping League.