U must be bored ref.
Always good for a giggle though.
Bourne your talking some rubbish lately keep it short boy will ya it’s like reading a poem with ya
U must be bored ref.
Always good for a giggle though.
Your nice in person but my got you go on a bit on this
Few of lads that go on a bit from Knocka in Glenryan having pint talk some game apparently can’t go wrong with Ross and Daniels coachford flogged ye wake up ffs
Giggle giggle giggle priceless
Brilliant latte hahaha
No my latte friend.
Charcasim has a time and place, I'm not being charcastic, I'm being straight.
It's what it is.
Those of you who live in little minds and only exist in your own club will hate it.
Basically because uv won a game last week or this week and now ur something ur not, like the Aul itself.
Those who actually read it for what it is will appriciate it an go , he's right, like it or not he's actually right.
The CBL are so stuck for players that they have there secretary named on the bench today , makes you wonder are the AUL right not entering a team
Shipping League making a fair show of themselves today.
Went to an inter league game with 15 players and two of those the team manager and the league secretary and what worse they both played.
if the AUL did this there would be up roar!!!
I'm a big fan of how the CBL is run but as I've said in the past there's about 2 decent teams. You can't with a sane head look at the players in that league and think you would compete with any other league. I understand being short players etc.. but don't embarrass yourselves by putting the secretary and the manager on the card. And for the love of Jesus don't bring them on. There's not one player in that league that wanted to travel there on a Sunday. Put your hand in the pockets and pay them. €50 a boy to go unless you're a Tabb or a John C then here's €100. At least be competitive.
I don’t know will the MSL team give a much better account, their game with the CBL was a close affair and was a very very very very poor game.
Don’t think the AUL would do much damage in that cup tbh, certainly the strongest of the 3 by a good bit of distance but too much drama and favouritism when it was there in terms of panel selection to ever truly put the best team out there
When Minty an Co won it , the entire backroom an Squad was fully committed.
Now , that's not there.
Course it's not there, there no bloody team ffs.
Agreed bourne, too much ego in the league now
What kills it for the cbl is the rule of certain number of players from one team. Outside of that cow team over the years, not a lot to choose from. Even less this year with them gone.
Aul could have a good side but I’d say not enough desire to tog out.
The squad to be fair could have been a lot stronger. Not saying they would be beating anyone but 12.3 is embarrassing. appears that very few practically none from the top teams in the CBL. Yet the gaffer has multiple players in the team and their in the 3rd league.
Cheers salt n pepper
Hopefully there will a few games played this weekend weather permitting. Springfield v UCC could go either way. City Wanderers will be looking to bounce back against Strand too. Donoughmore vs Grattan could potentially be a very good game. A decent young team against a experienced Gratten on form. I'd imagine Grattan will get the job done though. Village than with a tough game against Tramore, who I imagine will be going into that game big favourites.