Should a more important question be what consequences will the FAI face for this f"ck up entirely of their own making?
Had it been Bohs fault they'd be dumped out the cup and probably fined. Surely the FAI should be looking at how this happened and who is responsible.
The responsibility is on Bohs to make sure players are eligible not the FAI.
If the FAI ****ed up by telling Bohs he could play so be it but the consequences for them will be zero as the responsibilty is with the club.
Bohs asking the FAI for clearence and been given it is meaningless it id the international FIFA laws that count.
Will be interesting to see how the FAI try to get out of this
You're right. Bohs should have consulted a few mediums, gotten a tarot card reading and read some tea leaves. Speaking to the organizing body of the competition was a really weird way to verify a players eligibility and there's no way that organizing body's decision should have been trusted.
It would still be interesting to know how it was flagged up considering the Bohs were told the player was clear to play. Is there a researcher that digs in to these things on the off chance or were Rovers tipped off about the possibility of an issue? As Ive alluded too it wouldnt be the fist time that an FAI official tried to look for a loophole trying to overturn a result. Its messy, mistakes happen and maybe clubs and assocation should just move switly on with the FAI bucking themselves up. Rules may tie hands but awarding a 3-0 win to Rovers would be harsh so fair play would be a replay imo considering Bohs did what was needed of them, checked if there was an issue and the competition organisers said no.
The Fifa rules are very clear and its the responsibility of the club to ensure player eligibllity by reading said international rules.
np mediums needed just a competant secretary.
asking the FAI is abdicating responsibility and if the fai get it wrong then its on bohs.
still think the fai will try to push it through but the word seems to be they know theyve ****ed up
The FIFA rules are indeed very clear but they don't clarify whether the governing body receiving the player's registration choose to apply the suspension in cup or league competition.
First competitive game where nonequivelent cup. Pretty clear to me.
Like i said though expect the Fai to try to weasel out somehow.
They are hardly going to change their culture of lie and deny overnight
Last edited by sbgawa; 03/08/2024 at 9:14 PM.
The sanction was issued by the organising body of that competition, the league, rather than the national federation (FA Cup, FAI Cup). Ireland doesn't have an equivalent (it has a regonal cup competition, but not a League organised cup competition).
In short:
There isn't one!
Exactly we don't have an equivalent cup so next competitive fixture imo
Anyway whatever about if u or I are right the appeal decision will be out soon enough I guess.
If sources in the FAI are telling dan mcdonnell that they may have screwed up its obviously not either simple or cut and dried. Odds are still the FAI will as usual bend the rules to avoid admitting they've screwed up. Look at all the red card appeals this year ......
It's a cultural thing with them, don't come out and be honest about mistakes pile on with more.
Last edited by sbgawa; 04/08/2024 at 1:31 AM.
If the onus is on the club, looks like an automatic 3-0 loss. Harsh considering the player served the suspension in the next game. The FAI incompetence laid bare. Will they ever learn?
Not sure it's a done deal yet tbh. Even if they are wrong it's still questionable of they will front up. Be glad to hear the outcome it's getting boring at this stage. Can't understand why such a long delay. The kangaroo courts for appealing sending off is done within a few days
Its likely they are trying to get the 2 clubs to agree to something that saves face. If both clubs stick to their guns, rightly so, the delay is probably due to head scratching in Abbotstown. They are probably looking to UEFA/FIFA and for any precedence in other wold leagues to justify their fudge.
Like i said lets see what the outcome is.
Bohs should be safe based on FAI precedent for cover ups if one is needed
Fake news the counter snipers would have taken out the tramps on that Knoll. Lets make loi great again.