He is one of few LoI names that trendcend time and earned respect well beyond club rivalries, often mentioned among the 'best ever' post match type chats. He was at the end of his career when I really took notice of the wider league and became familiar wih other clubs' players and when he died his young age didnt register in a major way with me, now that Im not far off that age myself it certainly hits home! Barry Kehoe would have a similar profile for me albeit he had his trials at Manchester United before illness intervened - it was his medical that first flagged his illness. His testimonial was my first time seeing 'Ireland' live - Joey Malone and Martin Murray in Ireland shirts, Brian McClair and Peter Reid in Dundalk colours (and Liam Coyle), dream stuff, Dave Barry bizzare stuff. Anyway both men sadly died within weeks of each other in 2002 and I remember that as both had write ups as part of the fanfare of the 2002 FAI Cup final in April and both were gone early in the first summer season. Why I tend to connect the 2.