Check on the current one if the email address is correct. Then check the junk/spam folder.
I have a new computer, but can't log in to the site from it. When I click on "forgot password" I don't receive a link to reset it. Any help? Thanks.
Check on the current one if the email address is correct. Then check the junk/spam folder.
Thank you, finally got it working after weeks of trying.
I wasn't sure where to put my question so here will have to do!
I'm going to be changing jobs in a couple of months so I'll lose access to my email address. Is there any way of temporarily changing my login details to my Gmail account?
I lost access to a previous account here, I was previously called Bucket.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
You should be able to change your email address to Gmail, I think it's only registrations that are barred. Try it and see.
I was able to change my email. This is my third different profile, if I only knew years ago how to change my email address it would have saved so much bother!
Thanks dahamsta, appreciate your help.