Yeah very good value there, less than half the €27 Pats were charging for the 3rd QF round game against Sabah
Yeah very good value there, less than half the €27 Pats were charging for the 3rd QF round game against Sabah
Paaatrick's Agletic
To be fair this is where having a strong Fan representation at Board level helps.
Most of the inititives around practically free kids Season tickets going back a few years and reducing ST prices were driven by the Members Board representatives over the last few years.
UCD's game is on tonight right? Big chance for a wee run with the way the draw has fallen
Yep - 7:30 in the Bowl
1-0 good guys!
Looking the better team so far, but not so much better that it's a forgone conclusion at all
2-0 now, and it should be more tbh.
They've a lad up front who was 15 in June and has already played first-team - wouldn't take much for him to pull on back and make this nervy again.
But great chance for us to have this wrapped up ahead of the second leg in two weeks
3-0 now. Looking good!
Just as well we don't have TNS next!
Goals from last night are up (and indeed the full stream of the match is there too)
When is the next leg for UCD ?
Next Wednesday
Are the Rovers games been televised? Apoel next week is a big one.
All the games are on Premier Sport, wherever you can find that.
I'm sure there'll be a dodgy stream somewhere showing it, they are 10 a penny on the internet
Nice one. Enjoy watching us play in Europe.
I'm not sure you read that properly