Original thread
A minor annoyance to report. I have noticed (and also mentioned in a recent post by MeathDrog) that when I go to edit a post when on mobile, the post deletes when you go to save changes. You have no way to recover the post text and have to start from scratch. I recently remembered to switch to web view while on mobile before editing a post and it worked fine that way so it is just when you are editing from the mobile skin on mobile.
Original thread
Strangely, this hasn't happened me in a couple of years; I wonder is it just a browser issue?
Edit - actually, maybe it's because I use full site on mobile as Stu had said...
Sorry for the duplication! Doesnt look like it got resolved anyway?
Sorry, vB never replied to me and they likely never will. I'd love to switch to another platform here, ideally an open source one like Vanilla or Discourse, but any time I've approached it the reaction has been lukewarm, and the concern is that if I update people won't like the replacement, and will bugger off. If the AdSense revenues were anything like they used to be I'd probably just go for it, but it's just small change at this point. I dunno, perhaps I should just go for it and be damned.
Give examples of Vanilla or Discourse format ones maybe ?
Some forums really do stink badly compared to here in user interface terms. Y cough B I G & others
These are Vanilla:
These are Discourse:
It would more likely be Discourse these days, Vanilla has a more linear style I was never keen on, and they appear to be run by a company now that looks very, very.... keen. That's rarely good for an open-source project.
FWIW I do use another forum that runs on Invision - https://invisioncommunity.com/ - and it's quite nice.
Boards made a balls of Vanilla, so maybe something to watch out for.
Here is a fairly simple format I'd have thought (which is one of its strengths), so I guess if you can keep as close to that and it suits you, then you can't go too far wrong. There'll always be people giving out about a new format (I'll probably be up front and centre ) - but didn't foot used to be green?
Not a big fan of Invision. I'll have a go at installing Discourse and importing Foot.ie, see how it goes.
Discourse giving a clearer example there. Would do grand I'd say.
Might be worth a temporary sticky signpost thread in the main two / three sections in the lead up fortnight.
I finally got around to installing Discourse. The install was relatively simple, but I had to put it on a dedicated VPS to avoid messing with anything else, and I've been putting off setting that up. I need to work out how much disk space I need to get the content from here imported for a proper trial, but it's here if anyone wants to try it in the meantime.
https://kesslereffect.bandcamp.com/album/kepler - New music. It's not that bad.
Existing login seems not to work.
My first impression without logging in is pretty good. It looks fairly clean and mobile friendly without being ugly on desktop. I tried both.
You can't spell failure without FAI