Reincarnation? Jaysus. He might be right about the judges overstepping their powers after all.
You can't spell failure without FAI
Out of jail & straight into a staff meeting at the school soon as summer holidays were done. Now that would have been awkward.
You can see why he'd have gotten worked up....teachers were holding a staff meeting in respect of the school's Transition Year class.
You can't spell failure without FAI
This is why I miss post of the month! Proper contender there, John!
Hello, hello? What's going on? What's all this shouting, we'll have no trouble here!
- E Tattsyrup.
Nominate away! Maybe it'll help spur it back
I think I still have the permissions to run it; it's just we don't have the same volume of traffic these days.
You can't spell failure without FAI
Arrested at the school, brought before the court, told the judge he ( the judge ) would answer to God. & other stuff.
Still on a full wage & none of the €700 per day fines from way back have been collected & he also had a posse at the school in support and the school are on the point of having to have bouncers.
I mean, come on state, justice system, govt, whoever, at least get the fines from him, apply some consequence here because jail clearly only motivates Enoch.