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Thread: Attendances 2022

  1. #1061
    International Prospect outspoken's Avatar
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    If the FAI were any good at marketing it would be a sell out regardless who's in it. Agree, very short sighted raising the ticket prices.

  2. #1062
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    Estimated 600 at TC for Munster Cup Final last night!

    Cork City (2nd XI) 0 v Cobh Ramblers 1

  3. #1063
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    Quote Originally Posted by nr637 View Post
    Estimated 600 at TC for Munster Cup Final last night!

    Cork City (2nd XI) 0 v Cobh Ramblers 1
    Was that the Ramblers' first team ? Nice to see them get something in their centenary year.

  4. #1064
    Seasoned Pro EalingGreen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EatYerGreens View Post
    Please show where I have ever needed to be told that the Council owned the Brandywell ? I've known since the minute Derry enterded the LOII in 1985 that the council own their ground. So back your claim up here or withdraw it.
    You stated that Stormont can't simply give this football money to a Council. Which is technically correct, exept that they can/do give it to a club owner, which in this case is the Council. So that when I pointed that out, you all of a sudden when quiet in that regard.

    Quote Originally Posted by EatYerGreens View Post
    You have provided zero evidence for your claim that Stormont allocated £10m for the Brandywell.
    As I have said consistently, this money for the Brandywell was part of a stitch-up by the FM and DFM which was known, if not formally notified.

    As for evidence, did you even read the link I provided, where Caral Ní Chuilín specifically outlined in 2016 that out of the total Sub-regional stadium fund of £36m, up to £10m would go The Oval and a further £17m (approx) would go towards Strand 3 i.e. the smaller stadia?
    Do the artithmetic, where did the missing £9/10m go?

    (Oh and btw, beneficiaries are expected to contribute up to 20% in matched funding of any scheme, which explains why the Council has/had to put money into The Brandywell).

    Quote Originally Posted by EatYerGreens View Post
    I have previously posted articles which showed that the total cost of refurbishing the Brandywell was £10m - of which the council has already spent £7m in Phase 1
    I am not denying that the Council has spen/is spending that sort of money on the Brandywell.

    What I am saying is that they are doing so in the expectation that they will get an allocation from the Sub-regional stadium funding, if/when the people in Stormont ever get their heads out of their backsides.

    Or did you miss the many links I supplied where local Councillors and one Martin McGuinness called for the funding to be released?

    Quote Originally Posted by EatYerGreens View Post
    What the hell are they going to do with £10m at that stadium now...

    ...So having done [all] that with only £7m - please tell us all what Derry council need £10m from Stormont for?
    My case is this. That with £10m (unofficially) earmarked for the Brandwell as far back as 2011, the Council got tired of waiting over repeated delays and went ahead and started the work - God knows, DCFC/the stadium sorely needed it.

    But having now spent the bulk of the money which needed spending, do you think they're now going to say to Stormont:
    "Fair enough, we've done the job and the stadium doesn't need it any more, so we'll just forget that you were going to fund it originally"?

    Quote Originally Posted by EatYerGreens View Post
    This is all very well, but sheds ZERO light on your claims re the Brandywell. You're just throwing sand in the air in an effort to confuse people. I've never denied that there was a cosy wee unofficial deal done between Robinson and McGuinness over the Brandywell and the Oval. It was well reported in the media. The point of difference is for how much, as the media only ever claimed £10m for The Oval - not the Brandywell
    Well that's progress, since you were unwilling to accept it originally.

    Quote Originally Posted by EatYerGreens View Post
    I've provided evidence that the TOTAL Brandywell project cost was £10m, with the council covering £7 of that and the rest being sought from Stomront. You've provided zero evidence to back up your cliams, which don't even survive simple common sense let alone evidence. Yet still you persist. PLEASE PROVIDE EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT YOUR CLAIM THAT £10M IS BEING SOUGHT BY DERRY FROM STORMONT. If you can;t then stop repeating it.
    Assuming Stormont earmarked an amount of funding for The Brandywell in what you now agree was a "cosy wee unofficial deal", it seems you're not now arguing over the principle, only the amount. Thats further progress, I suppose.

    Anyhow, re the total amount, and assuming the Council were never going to ask for less than they might get, then £10m for the project is very feasible, as follows:
    1. Recipients need to self-fund up to 20% themselves;
    2. On the "Themmuns" principle which governs all these things, i.e. if Glentoran/East Belfast were going to get £10m, then DCFC/Derry were never gping to accept any less;
    3. DCFCs crowds more than justified a major sum to be spent on the stadium;
    4. Caral Ní Chuilín's statement to Stormont (above).

    Unless you think Martin McGuinness/Derry & Strabane Council would see Peter Robinson/Glentoran getting £10m for The Oval, but blithely accept only getting £3m for The Brandywell themselves?

    Aye, right.

    Quote Originally Posted by EatYerGreens View Post
    I know for an absolute fact that the Brandywell could not be increased to 8,000 by the expenditure of another £3m, or by utilising the current footprint of the stadium and its existing stands. I know this because it's blatantly obvious common sense to anyone with eyes. Just like Tallaght can't be increased to 20,000 by building the North Stand. LOOK AT GOOGLE EARTH - THERE ISN'T THE FCUKING ROOM AT THE BRANDYWELL!! The only way you would get Brandywell to 8,000 would be to flatten it and start again. But this has never been on the cards. Again - please stop claiming that night is day here. Repeating a false claim doesn't magically make it true. It's just Trumpist nonesense.
    Ive already addressed that.

    Namely, if you look at the original Sub-regional stadium strategy I supplied, it referred to (Strand Two) medium-sized stadia of 6-8k capacity. So that if the Brandywell can't physically accommodate the upper limit, it could still see 6k seats squeezed in.

    In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if that 6-8k range was deliberately chosen because the Brandywell footprint is that much smaller than The Oval's.

    (I say 6k "seats", since the introduction of Safe Standing in GB means that there might be further wriggle room following from that, eg the Glens now reported to be looking for 8k seats + 2k standing)

    Quote Originally Posted by EatYerGreens View Post
    MODERATORS - Can you do something to stop someone continually just trolling on stuff like this? Surely if claims are going to be continually restated and someone goaded over them then they need to be backed up with evidence? Apologies - but this is maddening and frustrating. And it's something that Ealing Green does on a regular basis (again - reference his infamous lecture to everyone about the state of LSL clubs, which was completely made up nonsesense that he refused to accept was so and then just disappeared when the heat was piling on). Surely if stuff gets challenged repeatedly then the onus is on the poster to provide evidence or just stop repeating falsehoods ?
    So we've had the accusations of lying and wumming; the CAPITALS and the swearing; plus the refusal to acknowledge evidential links etc and now you're appealing to the Mods to have me banned!

    And all because I have the temerity to disagree with you over something.

    Such ranting is all clear evidence that you're losing it, and not just the argument, but your grip!

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  6. #1065
    Seasoned Pro ger121's Avatar
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    Ealing Green, is there any chance of an aul attendance figure thrown in with one of those very very long posts? Can even be an Irish League one if you like. Anything, I’m not fussy. Just to lead by example. I heard from someone reliable that there was an estimated 600 at Turners X for the Munster Cup Final, which was lovely to hear. Cheers!

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  8. #1066
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    Quote Originally Posted by ger121 View Post
    Ealing Green, is there any chance of an aul attendance figure thrown in with one of those very very long posts? Can even be an Irish League one if you like. Anything, I’m not fussy. Just to lead by example. I heard from someone reliable that there was an estimated 600 at Turners X for the Munster Cup Final, which was lovely to hear. Cheers!
    He's like Freddie Kruger FFS ! Just when you think he's gone, back up he pops to haunt everyone with bluff and nonesense again

  9. #1067
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    Honestly - you are a deeply frustrating person to try to have a sensible debate with, as it's all bluff, obfuscation, smokescreens and tangents

    Quote Originally Posted by EalingGreen View Post
    You stated that Stormont can't simply give this football money to a Council.
    Where did I state that ?

    Quote Originally Posted by EalingGreen View Post
    Which is technically correct, exept that they can/do give it to a club owner, which in this case is the Council. So that when I pointed that out, you all of a sudden when quiet in that regard.
    I honestly have no idea what you're on about here, as you're just making stuff up again.

    Quote Originally Posted by EalingGreen View Post
    As I have said consistently, this money for the Brandywell was part of a stitch-up by the FM and DFM which was known, if not formally notified.
    Which I have never once denied. It was widely reported at the time that that was the case. Yet you keep going on as if this is some big revelation or a 'gotcha' statement to beat me with.

    Quote Originally Posted by EalingGreen View Post
    As for evidence, did you even read the link I provided, where Caral Ní Chuilín specifically outlined in 2016 that out of the total Sub-regional stadium fund of £36m, up to £10m would go The Oval and a further £17m (approx) would go towards Strand 3 i.e. the smaller stadia?
    Do the artithmetic, where did the missing £9/10m go?
    So now you're trading entirely in the realms of conjecture And I note that yet again you have avoided answering the obvious question of what £10m would actaully be spent on at the Brandywell. So no more fecking around please - as you repeatedly claim this phantom sum is earmarked and still being sought for the Brandywell, then what specifically is it to do ?

    Quote Originally Posted by EalingGreen View Post
    (Oh and btw, beneficiaries are expected to contribute up to 20% in matched funding of any scheme, which explains why the Council has/had to put money into The Brandywell).
    Except that £7m of a £10m project is 70%, not 20%. Perhaps you're now claiming that £35m is due to be spent on the Brandywlel (of which the £7m spent by the council would be 20%) ?

    Quote Originally Posted by EalingGreen View Post
    I am not denying that the Council has spen/is spending that sort of money on the Brandywell.
    Thank Buddha. You'd look even sillier if you were

    Quote Originally Posted by EalingGreen View Post
    What I am saying is that they are doing so in the expectation that they will get an allocation from the Sub-regional stadium funding, if/when the people in Stormont ever get their heads out of their backsides.
    Which I've always said would happen as well. Again - you don't seem to be following the topic thread that you're actively involved in (and insist on dragging back from the dead every so often). Where we disagree is the sum involved and the size of stadium being delivered by it. I say that they've been looking for £3m from Stormont, and have posted evidence of that. You claim they have been looking for £10m, and can offer nothing except pure conjecture to support that claim. And you can't even tell us what the £10m would actually get spent on.

    Quote Originally Posted by EalingGreen View Post
    Or did you miss the many links I supplied where local Councillors and one Martin McGuinness called for the funding to be released?
    In case you didn't notice, Martin McGuinness is long dead. Both he and Peter Robinson are ancient history in political terms. You may as well mention Lord Edward Carosn and Daniel O'Connell for all the relevance they have. Whatever cushy little unofficial deal they did almost a decade ago (and again - I've never denied there was one) is irrelevant. Because absolutely no-one is going to be held to it. The Stormont Executive genuinely can't even hold themselves to the contents of a formal programme for government within minutes of it being made, nevermind a verbal backroom deal years ago by 2 political ghosts.

    Quote Originally Posted by EalingGreen View Post
    My case is this. That with £10m (unofficially) earmarked for the Brandwell as far back as 2011, the Council got tired of waiting over repeated delays and went ahead and started the work - God knows, DCFC/the stadium sorely needed it.
    But again this is just pure conjecture. There was no big earmarking of Stormont money to the Brandywell, and is yet to be any. Councils are famously cautious organisations when it comes to spending their own cash. If you think one decuided to spend £7m on a verbal backroom deal then you don't understand the public sector. And if you think a cash-strapped council got a bit bored waiting for a big government grant and decided to just spend millions of their own money instead on something that was clearly not critical spend then again - you don't understand how this stuff goes. This is all pure conjecture on your part yet again.

    Quote Originally Posted by EalingGreen View Post
    But having now spent the bulk of the money which needed spending, do you think they're now going to say to Stormont:
    "Fair enough, we've done the job and the stadium doesn't need it any more, so we'll just forget that you were going to fund it originally"?
    No. They'l just continue to ask for the £3m (plus inflation now) needed for Phase 2 of the Brandywlel work, as has always been their plan.

    Quote Originally Posted by EalingGreen View Post
    Assuming Stormont earmarked an amount of funding for The Brandywell in what you now agree was a "cosy wee unofficial deal", it seems you're not now arguing over the principle, only the amount. Thats further progress, I suppose.
    Christ on a bike - if you could ACTUALLY KEEP UP with the discussion you'd know that I have always said there was a cushy verbal deal between McGuinnes and Robinson, and the only point of difference was the sum required to finish the Brandywell (plus your recent nonesense claim about an 8,000 capacity). Please don't mention this bullsh!!t claim again unless you can prove where I said it. This is why debating with you is so maddening - you literally just make stuff up to drag yourself out of corners of your own making.

    Quote Originally Posted by EalingGreen View Post
    Anyhow, re the total amount, and assuming the Council were never going to ask for less than they might get, then £10m for the project is very feasible, as follows:
    1. Recipients need to self-fund up to 20% themselves;
    2. On the "Themmuns" principle which governs all these things, i.e. if Glentoran/East Belfast were going to get £10m, then DCFC/Derry were never gping to accept any less;
    3. DCFCs crowds more than justified a major sum to be spent on the stadium;
    4. Caral Ní Chuilín's statement to Stormont (above).
    So to summarise yet again - all you have is conjecture to support your claim the council is seeking £10m form Stormont, whereas I've provided media stories to confirm that it's £3m. AND STILL YOU CAN'T EXPLAIN WHAT £10M IS SUPPOSED TO BE DOING AT THE BRANDYWELL !!

    Quote Originally Posted by EalingGreen View Post
    Namely, if you look at the original Sub-regional stadium strategy I supplied, it referred to (Strand Two) medium-sized stadia of 6-8k capacity. So that if the Brandywell can't physically accommodate the upper limit, it could still see 6k seats squeezed in.

    In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if that 6-8k range was deliberately chosen because the Brandywell footprint is that much smaller than The Oval's.

    (I say 6k "seats", since the introduction of Safe Standing in GB means that there might be further wriggle room following from that, eg the Glens now reported to be looking for 8k seats + 2k standing)
    Yet again, nothing but conjecture on your part. You keep adding 2 and 2 together and getting all giddy when it comes to 10,000.

    Quote Originally Posted by EalingGreen View Post
    So we've had the accusations of lying and wumming; the CAPITALS and the swearing; plus the refusal to acknowledge evidential links etc and now you're appealing to the Mods to have me banned!

    And all because I have the temerity to disagree with you over something.

    Such ranting is all clear evidence that you're losing it, and not just the argument, but your grip!
    Nope. It's all because you :

    1) Blatantly make false claims about what I've said, and then fail to show where I've allegedly said those things when challenged to do so.
    2) Try to challenge independently confirmed facts with your own personal conjecture, as if those things are in any way equatable.
    3) Continually insert irrelvant segways and bluster to try to cloud the issue in what is otherwise a very simple point of difference and debate ie. that Derry Council has only ever sought £3m from Stormont, and that there has never been a plan to make Branydwell 8,000 seater. All the extra nonesense and stuff you keep chucking into this 'debate' doesn't deflect from those 2 very simple points which are at the core if it all.
    4) On top of all this, you have a habit of very arrogantly telling people on here about things that they obviously have a better handle on than yourself, and which they can evidence. I yet again refer you to your farcical debate on the Leinster Senior League where multiple people had to post to tell you that you hadn't a clue what you were saying - yet STILL you soldiered on to tell them all that you were right and they were wrong. Sadly this is your modus operandi when challenged for posting nonesense = doubling down and fighting to the death, rather than having the sense and humility to acknowledge a mistake. Never mind me swearing - your behaviour is the sort of maddening antics that would make a Trappist Monk scream out obscenities for feck sake

    Now for the love of god, please just accept these 2 basic points so we can all move on and this thread can stop being regularly dragged into a cul-de-sac for you to give it a kicking :

    1) Derry City/Council have been seeking just £3m from Stormont for Phase 2 of the Brandywell, and not £10m.
    2) That there was never any plan for the Brandywell to be redeveloped into an 8,000 all-seater stadium.

    Please just say yes or no to the above, and let's all get on with our lives. Regards etc.
    Last edited by EatYerGreens; 21/09/2022 at 12:16 AM.

  10. #1068
    Seasoned Pro Nah Nah Nah Nah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EatYerGreens View Post
    He's like Freddie Kruger FFS ! Just when you think he's gone, back up he pops to haunt everyone with bluff and nonesense again
    There’s a pair of ye in it! Any chance ye can take it to PMs?

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  12. #1069
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  14. #1070
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    Quote Originally Posted by EatYerGreens View Post
    He's like Freddie Kruger FFS ! Just when you think he's gone, back up he pops to haunt everyone with bluff and nonesense again
    Something funny about you posting this, and then proceeding with another massive reply to him in the very next post.

    This is the attendance thread ffs. - New music. It's not that bad.

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  16. #1071
    Reserves Finlay Harp's Avatar
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    More words in some of these posts than people at games!

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  18. #1072
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel-harps1954 View Post
    Something funny about you posting this, and then proceeding with another massive reply to him in the very next post.

    This is the attendance thread ffs.
    If someone is going to act the gosh!te with me, I'm not going to be cowed into backing off.

    I'm not the one who keeps dragging this nonesense up constantly after it goes silent for a bit.

    I've asked the moderators to intervene previously, and have heard nothing back in response. So if I'm left to defend myself and point out false allegations and pure nonesense, then so be it unfortunately. Hopefully EG will have the sense to not yet again repeat a load of false allegations about what I allegedly said etc. Because he will be put in his place again if he does.

  19. #1073
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    You could just ignore it? - New music. It's not that bad.

  20. #1074
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    Quote Originally Posted by EatYerGreens View Post
    If someone is going to act the gosh!te with me, I'm not going to be cowed into backing off.
    This is an online football forum, they are well known to be populated by gobsh!tes or where generally normal people can act the gobsh!te, frankly I’ll admit to being an example of this myself (not sure if I am the former or the latter), it is not a boxing gym ffs.

  21. #1075
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    Galway v Cork 3132

  22. #1076
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    Any figure for Tolka tonight for Shelbourne v Shamrock's derby game.

  23. #1077
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    Quote Originally Posted by wonder88 View Post
    Any figure for Tolka tonight for Shelbourne v Shamrock's derby game.
    Looking at various shots of the game on twitter, I will estimate well over 2000, main stand looked 3/4 full, opposite Riverside stand had several hundred and the Ballybough end had about 500 away fans.

    Open to correction by anyone who was in Tolka yesterday!

  24. #1078
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    Quote Originally Posted by nr637 View Post
    Looking at various shots of the game on twitter, I will estimate well over 2000, main stand looked 3/4 full, opposite Riverside stand had several hundred and the Ballybough end had about 500 away fans.

    Open to correction by anyone who was in Tolka yesterday!
    Wasn’t in Tolka and didn’t watch the stream but the away end holds 850 and was announced by rovers as being sold out
    Paaatrick's Agletic

  25. #1079
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    Quote Originally Posted by nr637 View Post
    Open to correction by anyone who was in Tolka yesterday!
    I was sitting in the Riverside and the main stand was only half full. Lots of empty seats, especially towards the ends. According to Shels recent Save Tolka PDF it has a capacity of 1500 so I'd assume it had about 750 in it last night. Riverside had about 8-900 maybe. Throw in 850 rovers fans and another 50 approx standing around the railings and that would bring my estimate to approx 2500.

  26. #1080
    Capped Player nigel-harps1954's Avatar
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    Has the Duff element wore off for Shels and the crowds down again? It looked a fairly sparsely attended game on the stream anyway besides the full away end. - New music. It's not that bad.

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